There is a lot of talking that the shots given as a vaccine harm humans, so listen up

If the mandate's had not been implenmented many more would have died and the spread would have been more drastic before the vaccine.

The US was not alone in their strayegy. Every nation in the world used the strategy.

"Every nation" did not use this strategy and, even if that were true, "everyone's doing it" is no basis for literally anything.
"Every nation" did not use this strategy and, even if that were true, "everyone's doing it" is no basis for literally anything.
Every nation had a similar strategy who listened to their medical professionals and scientists. It was not following it because everyone else did, it was because the medical professionals and scientists agreed, except some out liers, agreed what science told us.

Individuals, with limited understanding, disagreed with the scientists of the world.
MAGA followers listened to podcasters, with 6th grade education living in single wides in Alabama, rather than the medical professionals and scientists.
but people laugh at COVID. call it the fake virus. They laugh at the Vaccine. Call COVID the Flu. People can't admit they were wrong, want to just be stubborn and ignore the evidence.
had C19 twice, second time was mild

the snake oil would have done nothing to prevent it

and THAT is being evidenced six ways to sunday

Every nation had a similar strategy who listened to their medical professionals and scientists. It was not following it because everyone else did, it was because the medical professionals and scientists agreed, except some out liers, agreed what science told us.

Individuals, with limited understanding, disagreed with the scientists of the world.
MAGA followers listened to podcasters, with 6th grade education living in single wides in Alabama, rather than the medical professionals and scientists.

Watering down and tossing in some qualifying language when repeating a lie does not make it true the 2nd time.
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Your individual rights cannot over ride others rights to safety.
You cannot interfere with others rights to life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Vaccinated people can become infected with COVID-19 and spread it to others. However, a 2023 study found that vaccinated people were significantly less likely to transmit the virus,” said Brian Laird, PharmD, a manager in Pharmacy Operations at OSF HealthCare.Jul 5, 2023

Those that were vaccinated would not logically need to fear the unvaccinated. You folks make no sense. Unless you don’t fully believe in the vaccine.
Watering down and tossing in some qualifying language when repeating a lie does not make it true the 2nd time.
You are a liar. A double liar. You lie to other people and you lie to yourself.
The worst lies are the lies that you tell yourself.
Those that were vaccinated would not logically need to fear the unvaccinated. You folks make no sense. Unless you don’t fully believe in the vaccine.
WRONG!!! Being vaccinated reduces your chance of catching Covid, it does not eliminate the chance to get COVID, and if you catch COVID the symptoms are less.
The more cases of COVID increases the danger for everyone. Those not vaccinated have an increased risk and cases, Plus if they get COVID they are more likely to be hospitalized. One of the biggest problems with COVID is when the cases fill the hospital and people with other problems cannot be served by hospitals.
WRONG!!! Being vaccinated reduces your chance of catching Covid, it does not eliminate the chance to get COVID, and if you catch COVID the symptoms are less.
The more cases of COVID increases the danger for everyone. Those not vaccinated have an increased risk and cases, Plus if they get COVID they are more likely to be hospitalized. One of the biggest problems with COVID is when the cases fill the hospital and people with other problems cannot be served by hospitals.
You can’t make this shit up!
You can’t make this shit up!
I have provided documentation in my original post. The vast majority of medical professionals and scientists agree with this assessment.
You can find out liers, who the science community laughs at, that people like you look to. Along with posts from a guy with a 6th grade education, living in a single wide, in Alabama.
I have provided documentation in my original post. The vast majority of medical professionals and scientists agree with this assessment.
You can find out liers, who the science community laughs at, that people like you look to. Along with posts from a guy with a 6th grade education, living in a single wide, in Alabama.

You’re a cheap whore for big pharma.
The Covid shots are far from a magic bullet. They are NOT vaccines, they can cause a variety of problems and many if not most of those "vaccinated" get Covid sometimes 2 or 3 times. No thank you.
No guarantees in life except death.
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.
It is doubtful that he is both an MD and a DO. Those are two different types of medical schools, with slightly different approaches to the practice. I had a DO, and he did nothing for me that previous MD's had done. If I liked him better, what would it matter? Obama lied when he said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
You cannot guarantee that you will not spread your illness, and certainly not by getting the vaccine. If you're still believing that particularl lie, it is time to catch up to this year.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast.
Or fake knowledge as if it were manure on a garden?
If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.
Please, I implore you: "have never seen her videos."
Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

No, I felt that my time was wasted. "Physics girl" is in that video about two second in a still shot. This is a pitch to pay for her Pateon account. No, thanks.

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