There is a lot of talking that the shots given as a vaccine harm humans, so listen up

WRONG!!! Being vaccinated reduces your chance of catching Covid, it does not eliminate the chance to get COVID, and if you catch COVID the symptoms are less.
The more cases of COVID increases the danger for everyone. Those not vaccinated have an increased risk and cases, Plus if they get COVID they are more likely to be hospitalized. One of the biggest problems with COVID is when the cases fill the hospital and people with other problems cannot be served by hospitals.

Wrong. The vaccinated are now getting MORE cases of Covid--particularly the boosted.
rates of deaths and hospitalizations remained the lowest among the boosted.
those boosted are the older and the immune compromised.
Those without vaccines of any kind are catching COVID at a much higher than those who are vaccinated

Cite a study re: "Those without vaccines are catching Covid at a much higher rate...."

What you got?
Cite a study re: "Those without vaccines are catching Covid at a much higher rate...."

What you got?

"For the week of April 23, it said the rate of COVID-19 infections among boosted Americans was 119 cases per 100,000 people. That was more than double the rate of infections in those who were vaccinated but unboosted, but a fraction of the levels among unvaccinated Americans."
The reason for the boosted having a higher rate than the vaccinated but not boosted is the booster is available and encouraged to older people and people who are immune challenged. They will always have a much higher incidence than those who have strong immunity.

"For the week of April 23, it said the rate of COVID-19 infections among boosted Americans was 119 cases per 100,000 people. That was more than double the rate of infections in those who were vaccinated but unboosted, but a fraction of the levels among unvaccinated Americans."
The reason for the boosted having a higher rate than the vaccinated but not boosted is the booster is available and encouraged to older people and people who are immune challenged. They will always have a much higher incidence than those who have strong immunity.

Cherry picking one week, while the CDC and other players are grasping like crazy at any good data they can find.

Desperate and pathetic
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.

I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast. If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.

Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

WHAT WE DO KNOW is life insurance companies refuse to insure the vaxxed. We do know excess deaths worldwide are skyrocketing worldwide since the jab.
Frankly the story they are not vaccines turns out to be wrong. I asked my doctor that very question and he said they are vaccines.

Physics Girl is married to a man who seems not ill. So we do not know if she got shots or not.

How will your conscience bear it should you come down with CV along with its mutations and your family gets seriously ill?
lol lol lol lol lol!~
He asked: Why the refusal to contemplate a link? I ventured that it’s not just the health authorities, but the mainstream media that’s failing in its duty to investigate this unlikely coincidence too. Yet this is not for want of senior doctors or scientists, whether from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance or HART, sounding the alarm and demanding urgent inquiries. One letter after another – most of which we have published on these pages – has been ignored. The latest, regarding one of the most likely causes of death, post-vaccine myocarditis, is here. It is clear from published data that the risk from vaccines is higher than infection in the younger males, while one major study has shown there was no increase in myocarditis during the first year of the pandemic prior to the vaccine rollout.

It’s to be hoped that after the publication of an exhaustive study of excess German mortality in 2020 to 2022 this denial can no longer be sustained. ‘Excess mortality in Germany 2020-2022’ by Christof Kuhbandner (a psychologist at Regensburg) and Matthias Reitzner (a statistician at Osnabrück) finds that excess deaths in Germany are tightly correlated with the period of mass vaccination. Furthermore it identifies the highest excess mortality of 2021 was down to an increase in deaths in the younger age groups; those least likely to benefit from (to have need of) the vaccines but most likely to have healthy immune systems attacked by it, the authors postulate. For clarity, here is a direct quote from the discussion part of this incredibly painstaking and self-checking statistical analysis (my emphasis):

‘The analysis of the yearly excess mortality showed a marked difference between the pandemic years 2020 and 2021. Whereas in the year 2020 the observed number of deaths was extremely close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was far above the expected number in the order of twice the empirical standard deviation. An age-dependent analysis showed that the strong excess mortality observed in 2021 was almost entirely due to an above-average increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79, reaching more than nine per cent in the age group 40-49. A detailed analysis of the monthly excess mortality showed that the high excess mortality observed in the age groups between 15 and 79 started to accumulate only from April 2021 onwards.

‘An analysis of the number of stillbirths revealed a similar mortality pattern than observed for the age group between 15 and 79 years. Whereas in 2020 the number of stillbirths per 1,000 births was similar than in the year before, an increase of about 11 per cent was observed in the second quarter of the year 2021 compared with the previous years.

‘Taken together, these findings raise the question, what happened in 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality in April in the age groups below 80 years and to a sudden and sustained increase in the number of stillbirths, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the COVID pandemic so far.’

Given the published evidence of vaccine injures and deaths (2240 Yellow Card fatalities reported in this country alone which may be less than 10% of actual figures according to MHRA) there can be no scientific justification for discounting the vaccines as a one of the contributors to excess deaths and for refusing even to consider the possibility. Not to do so is not just staggeringly unscientific – it is negligent. All not to embarrass those who blindly unquestioningly followed the government instruction that it was ‘safe and effective’?

A peer-reviewed study published just three days ago on the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials used by the Food and Drug Administration for authorization co- authored by Peter Doshi, a senior editor at The BMJ, and others entitled ‘Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Randomized Trials in Adults.’ Vaccine, August 31, underlines the urgency. It is the most categorical evidence to date of the increased risk of serious adverse events among the vaccinated from the trial sample. This re-analysis of the data indicates that the vaccines may be elevating risk of serious adverse events by 1 in every 800 vaccinated, very far from the 1-2 per million reported for vaccines in general. Mark Steyn and I talk about excess deaths and Covid vaccine - The Conservative Woman

Excess Deaths in the UK​

On August 29 2022 prominent YouTuber Dr John Cambell published a talk entitled ‘Excess Deaths, the data’. Have a scroll through the comments on the video too.

Dr Campbell presented data to show:

  • Excess deaths in Scotland are now 11% above average and have been above average for the last 26 weeks. The Scottish Parliament has launched an official enquiry into its excess deaths.
  • In England and Wales 1000 excess deaths per week occurred in 14 of the last 15 weeks. These are non-COVID-19 excess deaths.
  • The UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) reported that people who would have died in 2022 due to old age have already died due to COVID-19 in the previous 2 years. So, there should be fewer deaths than expected. But there aren’t.
  • Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Oxford University said that excess deaths began to increase noticeably from around the end of April. They have stayed high compared with the past seven years. The signals in the data suggest something is not quite right. Sustained rises in deaths should trigger an investigation.
I do not, but people who work for Pfizer and Moderna know far more, on the subject, than you or me.
Do not rely on a poster, who has a 6th grade education, telling you about modern science. Do your own research. Don't be scared to learn something new. Your world will not fall apart.
I've been doing my own research for virtually my entire life. Drawing upon life's experiences, such as time in the US Army and more, I've known for decades that vaccines take years to develop. Some of that Army experience trained me in public health, and I learned that any disease with a >99% survival rate is not a disease to worry about.

Doing my own research I learned that government figures almost always lie. Doing my own research, I learned that Pfizer pleaded guilty twice to federal charges of medical fraud, so it was easy to see the company has been operating a continuing criminal enterprise at least since 2004.
No. YOU listen up. Those shots killed my husband. You can brag all you want about feeling fine. So did he..until he died not long after and he was in pretty good health. Tell me that again in 10 years when you begin to sicken and before you die because that is about how long it will take for that bio weapon to kick in. :fu:

by the way...I am 100% NON VAXXED and I feel fine as well, except for the normal wear and tear of age. Oh, and no, I don't give one shit about SUPPOSEDLY exposing others with my unvaxxedness.
With all due respect on your loss, how do you know that the vaccine was responsible?

For example, I had a liver so eaten up by cirrhosis that I had a transplant. Guess what? I don't drink! That is the first thing people think when I mention the problem. Ah! too much booze, huh? Nope!

A large number of people will blame the shots because they can find nothing else will explain it. Unfortunately, God uses unusual methods to call you home.
Is the Pfizer vaccine not allowed in the US?

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent is no longer authorized for use in the United States.

That is NOT the original vaccine. That was the second round version. It was targeted against the original strain and the next two variants. It was replaced by a new version for further variants.

"As of September 12, 2023, the 2023–2024 updated Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were recommended by CDC for use in the United States."

Much like everyone else, you did not read the fine print.

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