There is a lot of talking that the shots given as a vaccine harm humans, so listen up

rates of deaths and hospitalizations remained the lowest among the boosted.
those boosted are the older and the immune compromised.
Those without vaccines of any kind are catching COVID at a much higher than those who are vaccinated
Pure Propaganda Elmer. If you don't work for Pfizer, perhaps you hold stock with the criminal organization.
That is NOT the original vaccine. That was the second round version. It was targeted against the original strain and the next two variants. It was replaced by a new version for further variants.
And you'll find the FDA gaslighting the reason(s) why in their own fine print Admiral

They are blaming big pharma for not notifying them of side effects, while their stock plummets...

Meanwhile , their useless snake oil has been approved in pill form

Fairly far away from 'vaccination' if you ask around...

As of April 18, 2023, the original Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are no longer available for use in the United States. As of May 6, 2023, J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine is no longer available for use in the United States.
And you'll find the FDA gaslighting the reason(s) why in their own fine print Admiral

They are blaming big pharma for not notifying them of side effects, while their stock plummets...

Meanwhile , their useless snake oil has been approved in pill form

Fairly far away from 'vaccination' if you ask around...

As of April 18, 2023, the original Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are no longer available for use in the United States. As of May 6, 2023, J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine is no longer available for use in the United States.
That was not the FDA, thank you. That was the CDC which handles that sort of thing.

I referenced the CDC website which basically says the same damned thing, which clarifies the earlier assumption that there was something wrong with the vaccine and it was no longer available.

On a separate note, why are you such a dumbass sometimes?
I referenced the CDC website which basically says the same damned thing, which clarifies the earlier assumption that there was something wrong with the vaccine and it was no longer available.

On a separate note, why are you such a dumbass sometimes?
Do you really think they'd admit any guilt Admiral?

That their snake oil is slowly being proven more harm than good by multiple sources forced them into (as i said earlier) gaslighting it all

Do you really think they'd admit any guilt Admiral?

That their snake oil is slowly being proven more harm than good by multiple sources forced them into (as i said earlier) gaslighting it all

It did not work as advertised, but it possibly saved millions from COVID. That fact negates anything you and others simply made up about the shots.
It did not work as advertised, but it possibly saved millions from COVID. That fact negates anything you and others simply made up about the shots.
Technology if fickle. Look at the cars from the 1960's. They were stylish, but they had lousy fuel efficiency, they had lousy safety systems, and were unreliable.
Compare to todays cars, with more than double the fuel efficiency, ten times the powertrain reliability. There is no comparing them to their 60's counterparts.

So it's only normal for the next generation vaccine to be better and safer than the previous generation. But that's no reason to say what we had at the time was defective.
ineffective would be more apropos gene

Effective is in the eye of the beholder.
A .22 pistol can stop a bad guy. But a .44 magnum does it faster, and more efficiently.

Like the old saying, the perfect shouldn't be the enemy of the good.
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.

I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast. If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.

Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

Robert, this message is two years late. If they haven't gotten their shots by now they're not going to, so why try. You're not going to convince antivaxxers to stop being afraid when they're busy conjuring up every nightmare scenario you can think of so they won't have to face a needle.
Robert, this message is two years late. If they haven't gotten their shots by now they're not going to, so why try. You're not going to convince antivaxxers to stop being afraid when they're busy conjuring up every nightmare scenario you can think of so they won't have to face a needle.
It may seem I was trying to get others to get shots, but my actual issue is that Physics Girl is very very sick and bedridden and if others wanted to consider her story and they would want to get shots, it seems to me to be worth getting them.

I do however want to acknowledge you had a good reason for thinking I was like cajoling them to get shots. I prefer not to give medical advice since I have no formal medical education nor desire to be engaging in medical advice.

9 months ago, one of Dianna's friends posted this video about her terrible illness with CV19. I guess she has been in bed for more than a year now.
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Here is one of Dianna's videos that I watched, done when she was well and had not yet gotten ill with CV19. This for her is serious. She really can't talk to people for long. She tells visitors she can't talk herself that she is simply too wore out. CV is more than the flu. For most who get it, it is not much to fear. But this lovely woman who makes great videos is out of service now.
So watch her when she was well.

Fauci's snake oil would not have helped Dianna Rob

The fact is, it is ineffective , proven time and time again

Further, just about anything our government imposed on us was an exercise in futility as well

Operation warp speed didn't work....
Vaccines did'nt work.....
Lockdowns didn't work.....
Masks didn't work.....
The FDA didn't work
The CDC didn't work
Big Pharma didn't work


Robert, this message is two years late. If they haven't gotten their shots by now they're not going to, so why try. You're not going to convince antivaxxers to stop being afraid when they're busy conjuring up every nightmare scenario you can think of so they won't have to face a needle.
ANTIVAXXER? what does that mean even? did you know theres a thing called an immune system? 99.98 percent full recovery rate from the cold?
I've been doing my own research for virtually my entire life. Drawing upon life's experiences, such as time in the US Army and more, I've known for decades that vaccines take years to develop. Some of that Army experience trained me in public health, and I learned that any disease with a >99% survival rate is not a disease to worry about.

Doing my own research I learned that government figures almost always lie. Doing my own research, I learned that Pfizer pleaded guilty twice to federal charges of medical fraud, so it was easy to see the company has been operating a continuing criminal enterprise at least since 2004.
The mRNA vaccine has been in development for over 50 years. It was developed as an improvement on a biologic vaccine. Those vaccines can take many years to develop. The mRNA has been developed to be able to react quickly to new viruses.
You are a person who looks at the way it used to be and cannot comprehend new ideas, that are improvements on old science. Science is continually changing and improving. Below are articles discussing the development of mRNA.

Pure Propaganda Elmer. If you don't work for Pfizer, perhaps you hold stock with the criminal organization.
You are an individual who does not trust. Your posts show someone who does not trust any legitimate source.
You think everyone in the government lies. That all the science and analytics are propaganda.
The world is much more trustworthy than you feel. You are creating your own paranoid reality.
Fear everything because it cannot be trusted. That is not my world. I see a world where most can be trusted. I see a world where most tell the truth.

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