There Is A Very Simple Reason For The 2nd Amendment

AUTHOR: Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)
QUOTATION: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Only an idiot uses quotes out of context like you do. I could post dueling quotes of Jefferson with you, but why bother? You're a certified imbecile

post them

I enjoy a good laugh too

ahh, you realize it would be painful for you to dig up opposing quotes.

ahh, you realize it would be painful for you to dig up opposing quotes.

Why always with the trolling?

I could ask you the same thing.

YOU made a claim, didn't back it up.

I call you on it, and I'M the one trolling?

BTW, you might want to change that funny/agree you gave me on worse person.

You 'agreed' that Hillary was a worse person than Trump.

(Not very bright of you, was it?)
ahh, you realize it would be painful for you to dig up opposing quotes.

Why always with the trolling?

I could ask you the same thing.

YOU made a claim, didn't back it up.

I call you on it, and I'M the one trolling?

BTW, you might want to change that funny/agree you gave me on worse person.

You 'agreed' that Hillary was a worse person than Trump.

(Not very bright of you, was it?)

as well ass

pity, is lost

on you?
claiming "sarcasm"?


Last defense of a loser.

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