There is more at stake than the Trump Presidency... A LOT MORE!

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is where things are, Republicans kneel to and pray to their only god their political party. They are not Christians and they are not Americans any longer. They pretend to be but their party is put above all else.
you should fucking talk.....i cant believe you posted that after the shit you posted the other day about how you do the same for your precious little party.....geezus Isaac do you think no one pays attention around here?...

That you need to stalk me is your problem. That you see, read, and hear only that which you want to is also your affair. Believe in a talking snake if it makes you feel good.
im stalking you?.....boy you think you are important dont you?....hey dumbass we were a few minutes apart in our opening threads....whats the matter isaac?....cant handle someone calling your ass out?..
Do you feel firing Comey stops the investigation? Why?

I'll take a stab at that response......

NO, the investigation will NOT stop.........However, those FBI investigators will have to report to a possible "stooge" director appointed by the Trump (maybe jarred?)

So, what will happen, the leaks from the FBI to the media will be non-stop; always remember WHO was "deep throat."

Let me know when those leaks happen.
So, 7 months later and we still don't know how Vlad gave trump 30 states and Hillary the popular vote

And Dems think they're going to stop him in the midterm
Russia is spending a lot of money to pay trolls, a lot. They are using military tactics fighting a cyberwar, and among others the GRU is involved.

I continue to be shocked that the RWs side against their own country but some of them are just plain stupid.

Either way, this is a hell of a more important than party politics.

Sent from my iPad using

Since when is telling the truth make one "against their own country"? My loyalty lies with my friends, family and those that are truth seekers. Why would I have "loyalty" to a corporate banner you know as the flag that is owned by international bankers that took this de-facto "gubermint" into receivership when it was bankrupted in 1933? We are not under Common Law, we are under admiralty law or as the law system will say "statutory law" but it's the same thing. The gold fringe around the flag when you go into a court room means you have entered a admiralty court. The judge is nothing but an administrator working on behalf of the banks. You are a corporate entity via your all caps name that they patented and since this corporate entity can only enter into contracts with other corporate entities under the U.C.C? They had to get your mom to create one with the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper when she signed off on it. You think I should be "loyal" to a foreign owned corporation that practices piracy, larceny and copyright infringement by stealing your corporate fiction? Adolphus Huxley was right, a soft tyranny would allow the powers that be to learn to enjoy their slavery. You are definitely one of those "low IQ" types.
Article written by James Fallows, a Fabian socialist that was a Rhodes Scholar and has numerous ties to the Council On Foriegn Relations? Yeah, his point of view doesn't mean shit to me.
Yeah, Rhodes Scholars with information from the Council on Foreign Relations don't know shit from shineola. We all know that.
Article written by James Fallows, a Fabian socialist that was a Rhodes Scholar and has numerous ties to the Council On Foriegn Relations? Yeah, his point of view doesn't mean shit to me.
Yeah, Rhodes Scholars with information from the Council on Foreign Relations don't know shit from shineola. We all know that.

Do you know anything about Cecil Rhodes? How he got his seed money to take over the diamond mine operation from the Rothschilds and what the Rhodes Scholarship is all about? Did you know that he was also a sadistic pedophile? The Rhodes Scholarship is given to candidates that might be a usable cog in the goal for this one world, totalitarian, feudalistic communist system that they wish to impose on the sheeple. The CFR is simply an offshoot of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (also referred to as "Chatham House") that is ran by the city/state of London that is the world's banking center. Their goal is to destroy sovereign nations by any means necessary be it war or debt to their banks. You have a lot to learn, "ma'am"..........
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.

The FBI.INC is a joke that protects the elites while persecuting and prosecuting those that stand against this corrupt corporate entity cleverly disguised as a legitimate governmental body. Why would they have files on people that speak out against the corruption while committing no crime? Why would they participate in COINTELPRO back in the 60's and 70's targeting people and groups that wanted to express their God given right to bring forth their grievances? I know ALL about how the FBI intimidated sexual abuse victims that had the temerity to speak out against their predators that held positions of power believing that the "Just-us" system would right the wrongs when the Franklin Scandal came out in the late 80's. How the FBI blew off is nothing but a bunch of goons that specialize in covering up the crimes of their masters. I read first hand had the FBI treated Noreen Gosh when her son was kidnapped in broad daylight and nary lifted a finger even when they had the partial license plate # of the man that took him. What they did at the Oregon Refuge when they flat out murdered Lavoy Finnicum...what they did at Waco, what they did at the Murrah building in OKC in 1995, the first WTC bombing in 1993. They have NO credibility whatsoever....none, nada....zilch.

You believe in justice for us "serfs" that are nothing but debt slaves and you look to "gubermint" to provide that for you? Seriously???? I bet you still believe in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy as well.
i also heard that at some event that Trump got 2 scoops of ice cream with his chocolate pie while reporters or other attendees only got one scoop of ice cream . Did you hear about that ?? Actually , i'm starting to think that the President is mostly messing with media , dems and you lefties Jim !!
That isn't the worst of it. There is a major question about the sprinkles coverup and whether those sprinkles are racist. An investigation needs to be probed.
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
----------------------------------------- Trumps firing of 'comey' was acceptable and perfectly legal . Also , the FBI is not independent as in the end Trump is its boss Esmeralda !!
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
----------------------------------------- Trumps firing of 'comey' was acceptable and perfectly legal . Also , the FBI is not independent as in the end Trump is its boss Esmeralda !!

Trump has now admitted, after repeated lies on why he fired him, that Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation. That is, according the several legal authorities, obstruction of justice. Comrade Trump is not finished. He will attack anyone who challenges his total authority or anyone who does not give him undying "allegiance."

Only 15% of the voting population feels an independent investigation is not needed. Trump is going to do everything in his power to keep the truth from coming out.
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
----------------------------------------- Trumps firing of 'comey' was acceptable and perfectly legal . Also , the FBI is not independent as in the end Trump is its boss Esmeralda !!

Trump has now admitted, after repeated lies on why he fired him, that Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation. That is, according the several legal authorities, obstruction of justice. Comrade Trump is not finished. He will attack anyone who challenges his total authority or anyone who does not give him undying "allegiance."

Only 15% of the voting population feels an independent investigation is not needed. Trump is going to do everything in his power to keep the truth from coming out.

Did this happen in your snowflake dreams, or did CNN tell you it was so?

The Russia thing is a complete fabrication, a conspiracy theory to the likes of faked moon landing. Absolutely no one takes it seriously, and that includes most of the DNC propagandists with IQ over 100 (although, that may not be very many individuals).
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
----------------------------------------- Trumps firing of 'comey' was acceptable and perfectly legal . Also , the FBI is not independent as in the end Trump is its boss Esmeralda !!

Trump has now admitted, after repeated lies on why he fired him, that Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation. That is, according the several legal authorities, obstruction of justice. Comrade Trump is not finished. He will attack anyone who challenges his total authority or anyone who does not give him undying "allegiance."

Only 15% of the voting population feels an independent investigation is not needed. Trump is going to do everything in his power to keep the truth from coming out.

Did this happen in your snowflake dreams, or did CNN tell you it was so?

The Russia thing is a complete fabrication, a conspiracy theory to the likes of faked moon landing. Absolutely no one takes it seriously, and that includes most of the DNC propagandists with IQ over 100 (although, that may not be very many individuals).
The Russia thing cuckoo cuckoo
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
The Senate investigation seems to be going okay. The FBI investigation is still going along, according to all. So I don't think it's the end of the world if an Independent Investigator isn't appointed. It would be nice, at this point, although it will draw this thing out even further. Otherwise, I don't think we will EVER stop hearing about it from the Democrats. Just like we apparently are never going to stop hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails from the Republicans. Remember that the beginning of Watergate was an ACTUAL break-in, where in this Russo-Trump thing all we have is campaign staff knowing and talking to Russians, and some of it is REALLY weak, like Sessions meeting with the ambassador along with an aide. Sneaky, much?

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
----------------------------------------- Trumps firing of 'comey' was acceptable and perfectly legal . Also , the FBI is not independent as in the end Trump is its boss Esmeralda !!

Trump has now admitted, after repeated lies on why he fired him, that Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation. That is, according the several legal authorities, obstruction of justice. Comrade Trump is not finished. He will attack anyone who challenges his total authority or anyone who does not give him undying "allegiance."

Only 15% of the voting population feels an independent investigation is not needed. Trump is going to do everything in his power to keep the truth from coming out.
Just post one thing. One fking thing Russia was anywhere near the trump campaign or interfered in our election. Jeopardy music
This is what using too much foil does to you. A sad case... don't become the next victim.

Comparing completely legal and advised firing to a proven scandal... pure lunacy!

If it was done to impede the FBI's Russia investigation then it was not legal. It rises to obstruction of justice which is a crime as well as a impeachable offense.

why would an independent investigator be needed? who would that be exactly? you don't trust the FBI?

Trump's firing of Comey was a direct assault on the independence of the FBI. The investigation may be hopelessly compromised. We need someone who cannot be compromised.
----------------------------------------- Trumps firing of 'comey' was acceptable and perfectly legal . Also , the FBI is not independent as in the end Trump is its boss Esmeralda !!

Trump has now admitted, after repeated lies on why he fired him, that Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation. That is, according the several legal authorities, obstruction of justice. Comrade Trump is not finished. He will attack anyone who challenges his total authority or anyone who does not give him undying "allegiance."

Only 15% of the voting population feels an independent investigation is not needed. Trump is going to do everything in his power to keep the truth from coming out.

Did this happen in your snowflake dreams, or did CNN tell you it was so?

The Russia thing is a complete fabrication, a conspiracy theory to the likes of faked moon landing. Absolutely no one takes it seriously, and that includes most of the DNC propagandists with IQ over 100 (although, that may not be very many individuals).
The Russia thing cuckoo cuckoo[/QUOTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- russia , putin , putin , russia .
Throw enough vile HATRED at anybody and you're going to get reactions in kind. You turds keep messing with the President, distracting him from his agenda, don't be surprised if he starts really kicking your asses...he has power you wouldn't believe.

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