There is more at stake than the Trump Presidency... A LOT MORE!

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
when the press becomes competent journalists reporting on reality.......let us the meantime take some chill pills for your snowflake panic attacks....

Oh don't worry. Trump will invite Russian media right into the Oval Office while he yucks it up with his Russian BFFs.

Why is it okay with the trumpkins that those photos could have recorded that meeting?

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there was an official WH photographer there besides Lavrov's photographer.......why does the lamestream media run around like chickens with their heads cut


in your face leftie press....!
One thing I don't like about this is that so few resources are used in this.

I read somewhere that there were less staffers than were used for investigating Benghazi or something like that.

And it's just the FBI, and the military investigating Flynn. It should be a whole bunch of military intelligence agencies, as the Russians have several agencies, including military, waging cyberwar not only against US democracy but also democracy in most of Europe.
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.
when the press becomes competent journalists reporting on reality.......let us the meantime take some chill pills for your snowflake panic attacks....

In the meantime, Putin's boys will do. Maybe one of them is having an affair with the Orange Clown?
Russia is spending a lot of money to pay trolls, a lot. They are using military tactics fighting a cyberwar, and among others the GRU is involved.

Which makes me wonder why a lot of the RW nutcases on this board aren't receiving checks for Putee. I mean, they could be helping the Orange Clown and getting paid for it!
One thing I don't like about this is that so few resources are used in this.

I read somewhere that there were less staffers than were used for investigating Benghazi or something like that.

And it's just the FBI, and the military investigating Flynn. It should be a whole bunch of military intelligence agencies, as the Russians have several agencies, including military, waging cyberwar not only against US democracy but also democracy in most of Europe.

And that is something that Flynn and the Orange Clown are counting on. That is why they don't want an Independent Investigation. It might take longer, but it will look under all the rocks that one of these criminals may be hiding something.
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

I can't wait for Uncle Vlad to sweep you fuckers off the map in 2018. Let's see you cry about, "But but but Russia!" after that
One thing I don't like about this is that so few resources are used in this.

I read somewhere that there were less staffers than were used for investigating Benghazi or something like that.

And it's just the FBI, and the military investigating Flynn. It should be a whole bunch of military intelligence agencies, as the Russians have several agencies, including military, waging cyberwar not only against US democracy but also democracy in most of Europe.

And that is something that Flynn and the Orange Clown are counting on. That is why they don't want an Independent Investigation. It might take longer, but it will look under all the rocks that one of these criminals may be hiding something.
On the other hand, I think they should have used some safeguards and conducted serious investigations by several agencies into this way before Trump became President. You cannot save democracy by giving such a person power. Granted he's an idiot, but he's already destroyed a lot: besides the EPA, also a bunch of programs to help minorities, to help women in other countries and so on. All these have a very negative impact, and, as was stated earlier, Russia's goal was originally to help Trump in order to cause chaos.
A friend of mine was ready to vote for Hillary when suddenly she changed her mind and voted Trump. Clearly, this is evidence of Putin's mind control ray at work in 2016, amiright?
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves

Uhm I don't know, how about don't be a lying corrupt bitch for starter's?

One thing I don't like about this is that so few resources are used in this.

I read somewhere that there were less staffers than were used for investigating Benghazi or something like that.

And it's just the FBI, and the military investigating Flynn. It should be a whole bunch of military intelligence agencies, as the Russians have several agencies, including military, waging cyberwar not only against US democracy but also democracy in most of Europe.

Oh the horror releasing information that the press should be doing?

Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

We can't keep spending time and money on the leftists every time they dream up a conspiracy story. The children got voted out and now adults need to clean up some mess left behind. The Democrat party is the conspiracy party and we just don't have time for it. We have better things to do.

The problem with the left is they spend so much time creating conspiracy stories that they fail to look in the mirror and ask "What did we do wrong?" Maybe if you leftists did that instead of trying to figure out how to blame everybody else for your losses, you would have never run Hil-Liar in the first place.

Excuse makers are failures. Find me one book written by a successful excuse maker. If you Democrats wish to be failures, fine with us. We'll just have to learn to live with that. But step one to not being a failure is to accept that the next three years and eight months, Donald Trump will be your President no matter what stunts you try. Leave chasing ghosts to Ghost Busters.

Do you feel firing Comey stops the investigation? Why?

I'll take a stab at that response......

NO, the investigation will NOT stop.........However, those FBI investigators will have to report to a possible "stooge" director appointed by the Trump (maybe jarred?)

So, what will happen, the leaks from the FBI to the media will be non-stop; always remember WHO was "deep throat."
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is where things are, Republicans kneel to and pray to their only god their political party. They are not Christians and they are not Americans any longer. They pretend to be but their party is put above all else.
A friend of mine was ready to vote for Hillary when suddenly she changed her mind and voted Trump. Clearly, this is evidence of Putin's mind control ray at work in 2016, amiright?
you think thats it Frank?.....i was in the process of writing in Rufus T. Firefly when all of a sudden when i got to his last name it read Putinfly....what the fuck?.....
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is where things are, Republicans kneel to and pray to their only god their political party. They are not Christians and they are not Americans any longer. They pretend to be but their party is put above all else.
you should fucking talk.....i cant believe you posted that after the shit you posted the other day about how you do the same for your precious little party.....geezus Isaac do you think no one pays attention around here?...
Why is collusion so bad? Me and my family colluded to throw my sis a surprise party! And guess what? She loved it!

So what's the big deal?


36% of Americans BEFORE the Comey firing
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate

Today’s party lineup in the Senate is of course 52-48, in favor of the Republicans. Thus a total of three Republican senators have it within their power to change history, by insisting on an honest, independent investigation of what the Russians have been up do and how the mechanics of American democracy can best defend themselves. (To spell it out, three Republicans could join the 48 Democrats and Independents already calling for investigations, and constitute a Senate majority to empower a genuinely independent inquiry.) So far they have fallen in line with their party’s leader, Mitch McConnell, who will be known in history for favoring party above all else.

To think, the GOP is blocking a Independent Investigation into a foreign adversary attacking our electoral system, while an autocrat is systematically tearing the Justice Department down to avoid being outed as a Russian collaborator?

A Special Prosecutor was created to investigate a "third rate" break end in 1972. McConnell is blocking an Independent Investigation into the greatest attack on our Democratic system ever. The Republican Party will be remembered as the party that stood in way of the truth being revealed about the Russian cyber attack. They could very well be held as collaborators with the Russians.

When the US Press is kept from the WH, while the RT and Russian Press are given special privileges, we know we are in trouble. Much more is at stake than the "very incompetent" Presidency of the Orange Clown.

This is where things are, Republicans kneel to and pray to their only god their political party. They are not Christians and they are not Americans any longer. They pretend to be but their party is put above all else.
you should fucking talk.....i cant believe you posted that after the shit you posted the other day about how you do the same for your precious little party.....geezus Isaac do you think no one pays attention around here?...

That you need to stalk me is your problem. That you see, read, and hear only that which you want to is also your affair. Believe in a talking snake if it makes you feel good.

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