There is no controversy over Babbett

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Floyd violently resisted arrest. Why shouldnt he die?
Violently resisted arrest is an overstatement. But the real reason he didn’t need to die because he posed zero threat to anyone as he was laying face down on the ground with his hands behind his back.
Was Babbit climbing through a window a real threat? We already know what happened when the people finally got inside.... nothing. She simply climbed through a window, lets be clear about that.
She didn't make it through the window.
Yep, she died for "an attempt to climb through a window".
Why whitewash it?
Floyd violently resisted arrest. Why shouldnt he die?
Violently resisted arrest is an overstatement. But the real reason he didn’t need to die because he posed zero threat to anyone as he was laying face down on the ground with his hands behind his back.
Was Babbit climbing through a window a real threat? We already know what happened when the people finally got inside.... nothing. She simply climbed through a window, lets be clear about that.
She didn't make it through the window.
Yep, she died for "an attempt to climb through a window".
Why whitewash it?
Im not white washing anything. Im ok with her being shot for trying to climb through a window. I just expect to see the same consideration for the next cop who shoots some violent dirt bag. If she can be shot for climbing through a window, cops can certainly execute people who attack them.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

She was an unarmed American veteran Patriot protesting the blatant thievery of an election by the Democrat filth. She was murdered by a government thug.

No loon, Astrostar is not confused. But you have psychosis. Nothing you say here is reality.
STFU racist. So George Floyd got what he deserved. And so did every other black criminal. Your standards.
The crazy bitch got shot. What dummy thinks she is a martyr?
"martyr" ? depends on the "ethos" In my perception----there are and have
been only a few martyrs----maybe Thomas Paine. She was a victim of MURDER---
far more than the """martyr""" criminal fat floyd. -----I am a cop supporter----
and believe the poor jerk made a MISTAKE
He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance.
Its hilarious watching blacks praise a cop for shooting an unarmed person.
Its more hilarious watching white people whine about a crazy bitch getting shot for trying to breach the capitol.
We know condoning murder is the thing to do for the State. Good Commie.
She wasn't murdered. She was shot after receiving a warning to back off. Crazy Drumpf supporting bitch got exactly what she deserved.
Did the warning include they would shoot? No, it did not, murder. There was NO REASON to shoot her. It was solely for intimidation purposes.
If she was stupid enough not to realize she was going to get shot if she didnt back off then she deserved to die. She got the Darwin award.
She was not warned, asshole. Murder. Release his name.
She vandalized a building and was trying to breach the speakers chambers with a violent mob. There were guards at the door telling them to stop.

View attachment 503772
2021 Darwin Award Winner

View attachment 503773
That lady is Soooo very lethal looking
Put up one of your turds gone unde by comparison
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
Are they blind like you? Obvious to any educated person that Babbitt was unarmed. Had she been armed, the police IN THE ROOM would have detained her.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
excellent precedent----anytime a cop shoots someone he can say ----"I did not know if he/she
was armed or not"
Preventive Medicine
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
If she was unarmed and police were inside of those chambers what was she going to do to get past them if she was actually unarmed?
What if, what if....
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder. Homicide is the killing of a human being by another.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being .

When the state executes someone on death row, their cause of death is homicide, but they are never considered to have been murdered.
And Babbitt was murdered so shut up.
Floyd violently resisted arrest. Why shouldnt he die?
Violently resisted arrest is an overstatement. But the real reason he didn’t need to die because he posed zero threat to anyone as he was laying face down on the ground with his hands behind his back.
Was Babbit climbing through a window a real threat? We already know what happened when the people finally got inside.... nothing. She simply climbed through a window, lets be clear about that.
She didn't make it through the window.
Yep, she died for "an attempt to climb through a window".
It’s a scary thing to see. No wonder murderer wet himself and panicked.

Except. He was sent.
Babbitt did none of the damage to the door, she simply stepped through as she expected a hundred others to as well.
Bingo! Want to know why this unarmed woman was a “threat”? The hundred others behind her. Police all over the Capitol were overwhelmed and outnumbered. That’s the threat.
Hey stupid, the unarmed woman is not a mob. Next false comparison......
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
This was a murder. Like you, this “cop” has proven incapable of doing his job properly. Now trying to get him off on a technicality. Just pathetic.
Babbitt did none of the damage to the door, she simply stepped through as she expected a hundred others to as well.
Bingo! Want to know why this unarmed woman was a “threat”? The hundred others behind her. Police all over the Capitol were overwhelmed and outnumbered. That’s the threat.
I is old-----and lived in some of the really hot RIOT areas of the USA since the 60s. The cops
were always overwhelmed -----and somehow did not shoot indiscriminately at unarmed
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
Thats too complicated a concept for him. I know it seems easy to understand but you have to realize who we are dealing with here. All these Drumpf supporters are soft in the head.
Hey Asslips, still waiting on that non-existent “video proof” you first grade dropout.
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
This was a murder. Like you, this “cop” has proven incapable of doing his job properly. Now trying to get him off on a technicality. Just pathetic.
I am generally pro-cop----and would agree that he made a bad decision in the field---sorry,
but that one was not "MURDER" just as the death of fat floyd was not murder
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
Thats too complicated a concept for him. I know it seems easy to understand but you have to realize who we are dealing with here. All these Drumpf supporters are soft in the head.
Hey Asslips, still waiting on that non-existent “video proof” you first grade dropout.
I specifically told you to hold your breath and I would post it, or you could go back in the thread and find where I posted it the first time. Your choice. Choose wisely.
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
Thats too complicated a concept for him. I know it seems easy to understand but you have to realize who we are dealing with here. All these Drumpf supporters are soft in the head.
Hey Asslips, still waiting on that non-existent “video proof” you first grade dropout.
I specifically told you to hold your breath and I would post it, or you could go back in the thread and find where I posted it the first time. Your choice. Choose wisely.
Since you never posted it, go screw yourself. You’re being told to post proof or fuck off. Funny you think a punk bitch like you is going to tell anybody what to do. Produce the evidence now bitch.
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
Thats too complicated a concept for him. I know it seems easy to understand but you have to realize who we are dealing with here. All these Drumpf supporters are soft in the head.
Hey Asslips, still waiting on that non-existent “video proof” you first grade dropout.
I specifically told you to hold your breath and I would post it, or you could go back in the thread and find where I posted it the first time. Your choice. Choose wisely.
Since you never posted it, go screw yourself. You’re being told to post proof or fuck off. Funny you think a punk bitch like you is going to tell anybody what to do. Produce the evidence now bitch.
Yes I posted it. Youre just too stupid to find it. Doesnt matter what you tell me. You want something from me. There isnt anything I want from you except to keep me amused. :lol:
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder.

Homicide is homicide.

All murders are homicides (which by definition is nothing more than causing the death of a person period) - but not all homicides are murder.
This was a murder. Like you, this “cop” has proven incapable of doing his job properly. Now trying to get him off on a technicality. Just pathetic.
No this was not a murder. If it was a murder the cop would be on trail charged with murder. That hasnt and will not happen. Sorry scrub. :lol:
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