There is no controversy over Babbett

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Cant shoot to kill an unarmed person posing no imminent kethal threat no matter how man times you “warn” them .
These are pro police, not frightened amateurs who don’t know the ropes
If a policeman is holding a gun and you keep coming at him, you will likely get shot.

Now if she had turned away and retreated, and then got shot, it would be questionable.

She wasn't coming at him, he was off to the side. She was trying to get through an opening, and was not a direct threat to him.
I honestly do not understand why you all are having so much difficulty understanding this simple concept. The mob encountered a locked door that lead to the House Chambers. If was locked in order to keep people out but instead of staying out they decided to breach the locked door by breaking out the window and attempting to go through the window.

Ashli was shot to keep her and anyone else from getting to the other side of that locked door, plain and simple.

I don't have a problem at all with what you're saying. She was an extremist, and like the rest deserved punishment. I do however question whether she deserved to be shot.

However, the only reason I responded to this thread in the first place, is you have a poster here claiming the officer warned her before he shot her. I have found no evidence of that, and when I pointed this out to him he will not admit he has no evidence to back his claim, and instead has now lied about what he earlier said.
The officer was not required to warn her. Had she not been trying to breach a LOCKED door, which was locked specifically to keep the mob out, she never would have gotten shot.
Your definition literally says you are wrong. Homocide IS a crime, sometimes, and sometimes it isnt.

That's what he said, retard.

"Homicide is when one human being causes the death of another. Not all homicide is murder, as some killings are manslaughter, and some are lawful, such as when justified by an affirmative defense, like insanity or self-defense."

However, he did say "Homicide is not a crime".
Obviously some of the time it IS indeed a crime.

The context was clear. Maybe you shouldn’t have cut part of the quote which then went on to say that murder and manslaughter are. Someone cannot be charged with homicide. Homicide can be manslaughter or murder, which someone can be charged with. Are you two so stupid that you didn’t understand this statement?

Because I think we all know what a homicide is. I think you two idiots are looking for the dumbest semantics argument you can come up with because you have nothing else. And it’s not even a good semantics argument.
Holy shit, you are STILL going? Bro, admit your mistake and salvage some integrity. This is downright embarrassing.
I agree it’s embarrassing for you to try to play retarded word games. Is that the best argument you can come up with? Semantics arguments where we all agree on the definition of homicide. What a pathetic loser you are.

Semantics? He literally said homicide wasnt murder, then he posted the legal definition which contradicted him. You boys sure are dumb. Nothing gets through those thick skulls. It doesnt matter how many times its explained to you, but its endlessly amusing to watch! :laugh:
Homicide isn't the same thing as murder, which is the wrongful killing of another human being. Homicide is a "cause" of death, along with other causes of death such as "natural cause", "accidental death", "suicide", etc.

Murder and manslaughter are legal charges that can be brought against the perpetrator of the homicide.

All homicide means is that the death was caused by another human being without saying anything about whether that killing was lawful or not. When people on death row are killed by the state, their cause of death is "homicide" because someone intentionally killed them.
I want to see the coward that shot the woman
She was a thug participating in an insurrection. She decided to wage war on the government and became a casuality. She was the coward because she did this because she thought the mob protected her.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
So you think they have locked doors just for decoration?
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.
Murder is the unlawful taking of a human life. Ashli was shot by a law enforcement officer whose job it was to protect our House representatives. She was shot because she presented a threat to his goal of keeping those representatives safe and because she was stupid enough to think that she had the right to circumvent a locked door by breaking out the window glass and attempting to enter through the window.

The officer stopped the threat with one shot. That's good protection as well as shooting.
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Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
The crazy bitch got shot. What dummy thinks she is a martyr?
"martyr" ? depends on the "ethos" In my perception----there are and have
been only a few martyrs----maybe Thomas Paine. She was a victim of MURDER---
far more than the """martyr""" criminal fat floyd. -----I am a cop supporter----
and believe the poor jerk made a MISTAKE
He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance.
Its hilarious watching blacks praise a cop for shooting an unarmed person.
Its more hilarious watching white people whine about a crazy bitch getting shot for trying to breach the capitol.
We know condoning murder is the thing to do for the State. Good Commie.
She wasn't murdered. She was shot after receiving a warning to back off. Crazy Drumpf supporting bitch got exactly what she deserved.
Did the warning include they would shoot? No, it did not, murder. There was NO REASON to shoot her. It was solely for intimidation purposes.
If she was stupid enough not to realize she was going to get shot if she didnt back off then she deserved to die. She got the Darwin award.
She was not warned, asshole. Murder. Release his name.
She vandalized a building and was trying to breach the speakers chambers with a violent mob. There were guards at the door telling them to stop.


2021 Darwin Award Winner

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Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.

That same mob was trying to crush officers trying to stop them. That shot saved those officers.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.
They vast vast majority were not fighting. Were there FBI agents in those videos? Do you think the FBI would point them out?
Put more simply, you are OK with murdering a person who poses no visible threat, carrying no visible weapon, aiming to kill them not simply maim and stop them or scare them away for simple misdemeanor trespassing?

Why didn't they simply fire at the ceiling? Or at a kneecap? Ever occur to you that a few gunshots into the ceiling might have been enough to stop or scare away most or all of these people without taking anyone's life?
Nobody murdered (the unlawfully killing of another human being) Ashli. She could have avoided being shot by simply not attempting to breach a locked door by breaking out the glass and going through the window.

As far as all of the rest of that "could have" stuff you listed, no, that's not how people who carry a weapon in the protection of others are trained, particularly not when facing a mob.

The best indicator that the officer made the right move is that no one else attempted to go through that window. Threat successfully neutralized.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

She was an unarmed American veteran Patriot protesting the blatant thievery of an election by the Democrat filth. She was murdered by a government thug.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
You seem to miss there was just no reason to shoot her, period. You are condoning murder.
When should they shoot someone? When they are already overrun and the situation is out of control, and the mob has their hands on the remaining congressman? Just curious.
It was nowhere near out of control. There were a lot of armed police there. Why wasn't anyone else shot. Some people did much worse.

Murder for intimidation purposes and sending a message Trump supporters are not equal under the law. Open season.

It was nowhere NEAR out of control? Did you not see all the video footage and damage? How they overran police and beat them? That this particular part of the mob had smashed open the windows in an effort to get through?

Get real? They were so "in control" they were frantically calling for help.

As to why they didn't shoot more, it's because we are not China. Police are shoot people in riots or demonstrations as a last resort. Surely you have noticed this over the past year. This occassion was no different.
I'm of the opinion that this first and only shot pretty much took the fight out of the rest of the mob.

That same mob was trying to crush officers trying to stop them. That shot saved those officers.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:and George Floyd died sober.
Only an idiot tries making this comparison.
As for splitting hairs, my opinion it's not, because if you watch the video the cop that shot her was off to the side so it's likely she didn't see him, and if he didn't shout at her then it's likely she didn't get any warning that she would be shot.

That's ridiculous. People said "Gun! Gun! Gun!" when they saw the armed officer. What did she think was going to happen trying to breach a barricaded part of our Capitol with a violent mob behind her, directly in front of armed security pointing a gun right at them? Was she deaf and retarded maybe?

She's an idiot if she didn't figure out the danger of what she was doing. Darwin award candidate right there.

I'm not saying your wrong, but please show me that video.
Why? We've all seen the video. But here you go.

I heard someone yelling about a gun, but not a warning from the cop.

That's what I said. People shouted that there was a gun when they saw the armed officer pointing a gun.

Was Ashli Babbitt deaf and retarded? How would she not know that she was putting herself in danger by breaking into the barricaded section directly in front of an armed police officer pointing a gun at them?

That's pretty stupid of her. That's why I think she deserves the Darwin award.

Probably so.
However there was a lot of yelling and all sorts of noise, and this still doesn't show where the officer himself warned her before he shot her.
Aclepias made that claim, and then has tried to claim he didn't.

If I recall correctly, Aclepias stated that she was warned which she was, verbally, by multiple individuals, multiple times, you can hear that much in the video of the incident.

A law enforcement officer pointing his/her firearm at you is also a warning even if it's not a verbal warning. And most normal people take it as such and don't have to be told twice to cease whatever it is that they're doing.

No one is required to give a verbal warning before using deadly force however if you're a civilian it doesn't hurt if witnesses can tell the responding police officers that they heard you warn the shooting "victim" at least one or more times to stop what they were doing and/or that you would shoot them. But that's primarily for CCW holders.

Go back and read post #6.

Here's his own words:

"He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance."

He's talking about the cop who shot her. I've repeatedly asked him to supply proof that the cop himself warned her. He has failed to back up his claims.

The cop was off to her side on the inside, I doubt she ever saw him with all the other people clogging up the hallway and of course the doors obscuring much of the view to the other side where the cop was.

IMO the cop didn't need to gun her down, she had no weapon, and although she was indeed engaging in a crime, I sincerely doubt she was going to actually injure anyone, but that's just my opinion.

IMO the cop reacted unnecessarily with deadly force and should be charged with negligent homicide.

What controversy? Babbett was a domestic terrorist bent on Trump inspired insurrection and the violent overthrow of the United States. She got just what she deserved for attempting, with her cohorts, to break into the inner sanctum of the Capital.

She deserved on mercy, and got none. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

She was an unarmed American veteran Patriot protesting the blatant thievery of an election by the Democrat filth. She was murdered by a government thug.

No loon, Astrostar is not confused. But you have psychosis. Nothing you say here is reality.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
As for splitting hairs, my opinion it's not, because if you watch the video the cop that shot her was off to the side so it's likely she didn't see him, and if he didn't shout at her then it's likely she didn't get any warning that she would be shot.

That's ridiculous. People said "Gun! Gun! Gun!" when they saw the armed officer. What did she think was going to happen trying to breach a barricaded part of our Capitol with a violent mob behind her, directly in front of armed security pointing a gun right at them? Was she deaf and retarded maybe?

She's an idiot if she didn't figure out the danger of what she was doing. Darwin award candidate right there.

I'm not saying your wrong, but please show me that video.
Why? We've all seen the video. But here you go.

I heard someone yelling about a gun, but not a warning from the cop.

That's what I said. People shouted that there was a gun when they saw the armed officer pointing a gun.

Was Ashli Babbitt deaf and retarded? How would she not know that she was putting herself in danger by breaking into the barricaded section directly in front of an armed police officer pointing a gun at them?

That's pretty stupid of her. That's why I think she deserves the Darwin award.

Probably so.
However there was a lot of yelling and all sorts of noise, and this still doesn't show where the officer himself warned her before he shot her.
Aclepias made that claim, and then has tried to claim he didn't.

If I recall correctly, Aclepias stated that she was warned which she was, verbally, by multiple individuals, multiple times, you can hear that much in the video of the incident.

A law enforcement officer pointing his/her firearm at you is also a warning even if it's not a verbal warning. And most normal people take it as such and don't have to be told twice to cease whatever it is that they're doing.

No one is required to give a verbal warning before using deadly force however if you're a civilian it doesn't hurt if witnesses can tell the responding police officers that they heard you warn the shooting "victim" at least one or more times to stop what they were doing and/or that you would shoot them. But that's primarily for CCW holders.

Go back and read post #6.

Here's his own words:

"He didn't make a mistake. He told the crazy bitch to back off and she continued. So he popped her ass. Good riddance."

He's talking about the cop who shot her. I've repeatedly asked him to supply proof that the cop himself warned her. He has failed to back up his claims.

The cop was off to her side on the inside, I doubt she ever saw him with all the other people clogging up the hallway and of course the doors obscuring much of the view to the other side where the cop was.

IMO the cop didn't need to gun her down, she had no weapon, and although she was indeed engaging in a crime, I sincerely doubt she was going to actually injure anyone, but that's just my opinion.

IMO the cop reacted unnecessarily with deadly force and should be charged with negligent homicide.

Your opinion is flawed. There was a mob trying to bust down the door and Babbitt decided to try going through a window that same mob busted. The officers life was in jeopardy.
Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
If she was unarmed and police were inside of those chambers what was she going to do to get past them if she was actually unarmed?
Lantern and all the other retards are actually entitled to their opinion no matter how bass ackwards it is. I wonder whats going to happen when reality and their fantasy violently collide?
We aren’t the retard who claimed homicide isn’t murder, then posted a link proving you lied.
Homicide isn't murder. Homicide is the killing of a human being by another.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being .

When the state executes someone on death row, their cause of death is homicide, but they are never considered to have been murdered.
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Bottom line, an unarmed woman being moved along by the crowd should not have been shot. I can only coclude it was murder for intimidation. Cold blooded and planned.
A woman, who's "armed" status was unknown to the police, was part of a mob who had bashed open a window and were forcing their way into a chamber where people were being protected.

You seem to miss that part.
No warnings, she was unarmed, and the police IN THE ROOM saw no threat. You seem to keep missing that important part. Kind of like how you fail to do your job.
How did the police in that moment know she was unarmed?
excellent precedent----anytime a cop shoots someone he can say ----"I did not know if he/she
was armed or not"
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