There is no legitimate reason for gun-sellers to be peddling militarized accessories

I see most of the gun nutters and preppers didn't have the balls to read it.

Or they can't read.
The OP is located in Chigaco and wants to tell gun stores what they may or may not sell based on "legitimate reason".

Well, there is no ligitimate reason for a chicago moran to dictate what is legitimate to others.

Fuck you very much.


I see most of the gun nutters and preppers didn't have the balls to read it.

Or they can't read.

I note your use of "most" which I take as you admitting that some pro-gun rights people did read it and have replied in a reasoned rebuttal.

So, are you just a troll or just too intellectually dishonest to engage in reasoned dialogue?

In case you missed my post above:


Not a compelling commentary at all.

The "peddling militarized accessories" springs from thin air and the Post's editors fail to explain from where they think the authority to enact such restrictions springs . . . One would expect some development of their proposal especially given the editor's recognition that the 2nd Amendment does bind government action . . .

The Constitution is the law of the land.

Respect it.

Mkay . . .

In the end, if I were to modify the editor's words to reflect the reality of the right to arms and the 2nd Amendment in 2013, I would say:

There is no legitimate power to be claimed that would allow government to restrict the sale of militarized accessories, like high-capacity ammunition magazines, speed loaders and such.

It is not the citizen's responsibility to explain to you what the right is and how it frustrates your statist, authoritarian desires . . . It is your responsibility to make the argument that your proposal is a legitimate exercise of government power under the Constitution.

SCOTUS has held that the right to arms is a fundamental right; as such, laws challenged on grounds that it violates the right are presumed to be unconstitutional.

The burden is on you.

I see most of the gun nutters and preppers didn't have the balls to read it.

Or they can't read.

Why do you need balls to read a reactionary liberal opinion piece written by a metrosexual who wants to tell others what they should, or should not do?
I see most of the gun nutters and preppers didn't have the balls to read it.

Or they can't read.

Yes, yes, when your inability to utilize logic and reason leaves you unable to respond with specificity, go for the ad hominem attack. Works every time...:doubt:
Still waiting for the gunnies to defend this.

Guess they gave up.

Still waiting for the gunnies to defend this.

Guess they gave up.


You keep telling yourself that...

[ame=]Whatever gets you through the night - Elton John Lennon - YouTube[/ame]
Still waiting for the gunnies to defend this.

Guess they gave up.


Still waiting for you to cite the Article, Section and clause of the Constitution that allows government to restrict these items from the general public.

I'll say it s l o w . . .

F U N D A M E N T A L___R I G H T

It isn't my responsibility to defend the ownership of those items; it is up to you to make the legal argument that a legitimate power exists to impact ownership.

Sorry . . .
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Defend what?

There is no reason to defend legitimate exercise of rights in this country.
The second amendment states "... shall not be infringed..." banning any gun is an infringement, taxing ammo out of the price range for the poorest of gun owners is an infringement, banning accessories is an infringement.
Allowing those things to happen is a crime - treason against the US constitution. The same crime Lincoln committed when he declared war without congressional approval. The same crime that FDR committed when he spent tax money of projects that were going to fill the pockets of rich men to aid the employment figures. The same law that every president since FDR committed when they signed the "presidential powers act" and the order that defines the USA as in a "state of emergency".

If you read the constitution you will find that the president doesn't have the power to create a budget for the USA. That power is reserved to congress. The president doesn't have the power to propose or make a law. That power is reserved to the congress.

Even congresss doesn't have the power to grant any entity the power of search and seizure that the TSA has or the power to listen in on EVERY phone conversation, e-mail, and forum comment that enters into or goes outside of the USA. Yet, the government agencies have been given those powers and people just accept it.

This is the reason the framers put the second amendment in place - even they knew that governments cannot be trusted. The people have to have a means to "control" an "out-of-control" government.
Gun silencers should be illegal, but the NRA is pushing them.

Why? Because louder noises are a good thing? Hearing loss is something we should strive for?

Funny, where firearms are allowed in Europe, sound suppressors are often required.

But hey, if we make a law against suppressors (there's no such thing as a silencer dumb ass), criminals won't be able to use them in the commission of their crimes. Brilliant!

You're a fucking loon.
Gun silencers should be illegal, but the NRA is pushing them.

Why? Because louder noises are a good thing? Hearing loss is something we should strive for?

Funny, where firearms are allowed in Europe, sound suppressors are often required.

But hey, if we make a law against suppressors (there's no such thing as a silencer dumb ass), criminals won't be able to use them in the commission of their crimes. Brilliant!

You're a fucking loon.
the criminal thought: Gee, before I rob this house with My illegal gun, I better make sure I don't have an illegal suppressor or I may go to jail!........

Gun silencers should be illegal, but the NRA is pushing them.

Why? Because louder noises are a good thing? Hearing loss is something we should strive for?

Funny, where firearms are allowed in Europe, sound suppressors are often required.

But hey, if we make a law against suppressors (there's no such thing as a silencer dumb ass), criminals won't be able to use them in the commission of their crimes. Brilliant!

You're a fucking loon.

Actually, there is something called a Silencer. (Silencer was a brand of suppressor.)
Gun silencers should be illegal, but the NRA is pushing them.

Why? Because louder noises are a good thing? Hearing loss is something we should strive for?

Funny, where firearms are allowed in Europe, sound suppressors are often required.

But hey, if we make a law against suppressors (there's no such thing as a silencer dumb ass), criminals won't be able to use them in the commission of their crimes. Brilliant!

You're a fucking loon.

Actually, there is something called a Silencer. (Silencer was a brand of suppressor.)

I stand corrected!
Gun silencers should be illegal, but the NRA is pushing them.

NRA Mental Illnesses:

Delusions of Rambo

Delusions of 007

Delusions of Walking Dead

I believe the silencers are for those afflicted with Delusions of 007 as they await their mission instructions.
What about knives? They are used in the military.

Should knives be banned, especially the assault knives!
The NRA only "pushes" safety. That is why their training is used for most police departments, our military forces and hunter training across the nation.
Suppressors, mufflers and "silencers" keep those who shoot from suffering hearing loss. In my state suppressors are illegal to possess or use so I have always used muffs and plugs to keep from losing my hearing but there are some types of competition where wearing muffs is all but impossible and the high-tech plugs that are used cost more than most can afford.
Suppressors require a person to undergo further background checks, pay a special tax before they can purchase one. It is the same process one goes through to purchase a fully automatic weapon (machine gun)

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