There is NO RISK in privatizing SS and investing in stock market!!!

Who says you have to give your retirement to a banker?

If you want you can buy nothing but US Treasury bonds and guarantee yourself the same level of poverty you would have had under the current system.

The problem with you sheep is that you truly believe you are utterly incapable of taking care of yourselves

Why do you Klowns ALWAYS demand we bend over for the 1%ers?


"First, how about giving ONE policy conservatives in the US have EVER supported that worked as promised? But yes, let's turn over our retirement fund to the Banksters who created a world wide credit bubble (ponzi scheme) to reward themselves *shaking head*"

The gold standard.

Humpty dumpty . And?
Who says you have to give your retirement to a banker?

If you want you can buy nothing but US Treasury bonds and guarantee yourself the same level of poverty you would have had under the current system.

The problem with you sheep is that you truly believe you are utterly incapable of taking care of yourselves

Why do you Klowns ALWAYS demand we bend over for the 1%ers?


"First, how about giving ONE policy conservatives in the US have EVER supported that worked as promised? But yes, let's turn over our retirement fund to the Banksters who created a world wide credit bubble (ponzi scheme) to reward themselves *shaking head*"

The gold standard.

Humpty dumpty . And?

Is that response supposed to mean something?
Even if that were true, it means the so-called "lock box" is only good until the next administration. Some "lock box."

True, Every time the GOP gets into power they spend, spend, spend and get revenues!

Even if that were true, it doesn't disprove the point.

Your belief that Democrats don't spend spend spend would be hilarious if it wasn't so appalling.
A business isn't allowed to alter the terms of any contracts it signs. When the German or U.S. government alters the terms of the deals they make, they are effectively reneging on their commitments. It's the equivalent of declaring bankruptcy, but you say these deals have existed for 75 year and 125 years.

No they haven't.

"A business isn't allowed to alter the terms of any contracts it signs."

lol, Sure

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) protects the retirement incomes of more than 40 million American workers in more than 26,000 private-sector defined benefit pension plans.

Who We Are

Wantt to try GE, GM, US Steel, etc?

Even if that were true, it means the so-called "lock box" is only good until the next administration. Some "lock box."

True, Every time the GOP gets into power they spend, spend, spend and get revenues!

Even if that were true, it doesn't disprove the point.

Your belief that Democrats don't spend spend spend would be hilarious if it wasn't so appalling.

Oh you mean AND pay for it? Unlike ANYTHING the GOP has brought US for 30+ years?
Who says you have to give your retirement to a banker?

If you want you can buy nothing but US Treasury bonds and guarantee yourself the same level of poverty you would have had under the current system.

The problem with you sheep is that you truly believe you are utterly incapable of taking care of yourselves

Why do you Klowns ALWAYS demand we bend over for the 1%ers?


"First, how about giving ONE policy conservatives in the US have EVER supported that worked as promised? But yes, let's turn over our retirement fund to the Banksters who created a world wide credit bubble (ponzi scheme) to reward themselves *shaking head*"

The gold standard.

Humpty dumpty . And?

Is that response supposed to mean something?

Your response? What POLICY is gold standard? Who implemented it? Why?


""First, how about giving ONE policy conservatives in the US have EVER supported that worked as promised?"
Take the 12.4% of lifetime income they currently pay to the government and put in into a cheap, diversified index type fund. As they get closer to retirement age, rotate the holdings into a more bond heavy fund.

Yes, wall street has shown over and over they'll look out for US right? lol

My 401K contributions have been less than my SS taxes, but the amount I'll get from my 401K is several times higher than what I'll get from SS, even assuming my benefits aren't reduced.
Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income with a system that feeds money to people who touted Housing Securities as conservative investments - which is why they were sold to so many pension funds and decimated a number of retirees. As for Treasuries: what could go wrong lending money to the US Government?

The main goal of the privatization movement is to dismantle Social Security. This is coming from someone who believes that it is impossible to retire without a diversified portfolio, one that is carefully managed over one's entire working life.

Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income

Guaranteed income?
I thought we were talking about Social Security, the program that could be reduced at any time by Congress and the President?
Social Security, the program that is going to reduce benefits by about 25%, in about 17 years, when the "Trust Fund" is scheduled to run out.
Take the 12.4% of lifetime income they currently pay to the government and put in into a cheap, diversified index type fund. As they get closer to retirement age, rotate the holdings into a more bond heavy fund.

Yes, wall street has shown over and over they'll look out for US right? lol

My 401K contributions have been less than my SS taxes, but the amount I'll get from my 401K is several times higher than what I'll get from SS, even assuming my benefits aren't reduced.

Cool, good for you, UNTIL the Wall Street East crashes, AGAIN, and wipes out the suckers. Sorry, if you don't see WS Banksters as just running a HUGE ponzi scheme on US, I'd guess 40-60% of the market is over valued on ROI. 'Believe in' myths and fairy tales, when the fraudsters do what they have REPEATEDLY done!
Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income with a system that feeds money to people who touted Housing Securities as conservative investments - which is why they were sold to so many pension funds and decimated a number of retirees. As for Treasuries: what could go wrong lending money to the US Government?

The main goal of the privatization movement is to dismantle Social Security. This is coming from someone who believes that it is impossible to retire without a diversified portfolio, one that is carefully managed over one's entire working life.

Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income

Guaranteed income?
I thought we were talking about Social Security, the program that could be reduced at any time by Congress and the President?
Social Security, the program that is going to reduce benefits by about 25%, in about 17 years, when the "Trust Fund" is scheduled to run out.

Sure, it will not be fixed it like it has DOZENS of times, and could easily do by just removing the taxing cap
'Believe in' myths and fairy tales, when the fraudsters do what they have REPEATEDLY done!

You're right, can't trust those politicians.
Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income with a system that feeds money to people who touted Housing Securities as conservative investments - which is why they were sold to so many pension funds and decimated a number of retirees. As for Treasuries: what could go wrong lending money to the US Government?

The main goal of the privatization movement is to dismantle Social Security. This is coming from someone who believes that it is impossible to retire without a diversified portfolio, one that is carefully managed over one's entire working life.

Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income

Guaranteed income?
I thought we were talking about Social Security, the program that could be reduced at any time by Congress and the President?
Social Security, the program that is going to reduce benefits by about 25%, in about 17 years, when the "Trust Fund" is scheduled to run out.

Sure, it will not be fixed it like it has DOZENS of times, and could easily do by just removing the taxing cap

That would be great, raise taxes even more for the poor returns of the Social Security system.
What could go wrong?
A business isn't allowed to alter the terms of any contracts it signs. When the German or U.S. government alters the terms of the deals they make, they are effectively reneging on their commitments. It's the equivalent of declaring bankruptcy, but you say these deals have existed for 75 year and 125 years.

No they haven't.

"A business isn't allowed to alter the terms of any contracts it signs."

lol, Sure

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) protects the retirement incomes of more than 40 million American workers in more than 26,000 private-sector defined benefit pension plans.

Who We Are

Wantt to try GE, GM, US Steel, etc?


It's a government agency, you fucking nimrod.
Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income with a system that feeds money to people who touted Housing Securities as conservative investments - which is why they were sold to so many pension funds and decimated a number of retirees. As for Treasuries: what could go wrong lending money to the US Government?

The main goal of the privatization movement is to dismantle Social Security. This is coming from someone who believes that it is impossible to retire without a diversified portfolio, one that is carefully managed over one's entire working life.

Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income

Guaranteed income?
I thought we were talking about Social Security, the program that could be reduced at any time by Congress and the President?
Social Security, the program that is going to reduce benefits by about 25%, in about 17 years, when the "Trust Fund" is scheduled to run out.

Sure, it will not be fixed it like it has DOZENS of times, and could easily do by just removing the taxing cap

That would be great, raise taxes even more for the poor returns of the Social Security system.
What could go wrong?

The claim that "it can be fixed" is just an admission that it's bankrupt.
Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income with a system that feeds money to people who touted Housing Securities as conservative investments - which is why they were sold to so many pension funds and decimated a number of retirees. As for Treasuries: what could go wrong lending money to the US Government?

The main goal of the privatization movement is to dismantle Social Security. This is coming from someone who believes that it is impossible to retire without a diversified portfolio, one that is carefully managed over one's entire working life.

Privatizers want to replace guaranteed income

Guaranteed income?
I thought we were talking about Social Security, the program that could be reduced at any time by Congress and the President?
Social Security, the program that is going to reduce benefits by about 25%, in about 17 years, when the "Trust Fund" is scheduled to run out.

Sure, it will not be fixed it like it has DOZENS of times, and could easily do by just removing the taxing cap

That would be great, raise taxes even more for the poor returns of the Social Security system.
What could go wrong?

The claim that "it can be fixed" is just an admission that it's bankrupt.

Sure, because when the US created the national highway system they just did it once. Same as the VA system, HUD, DOE, DOD, etc

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