there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
After years of enslaving blacks, democrats are now telling blacks democrats are their friends.
Some blacks are buying it. lol
Are you proud that white men invented most sports or are you ashamed that black men are best in all of them?

Whites did not invent:
  • numerals
  • mathematics
  • religion
  • Christianity
  • irrigation
  • novels
  • paper
  • ink
  • dance
  • music
  • gunpowder
  • guns
  • bombs
  • the seismograph
  • the compass
  • CD players
  • MP3 players
  • calculators
  • lithium ion batteries
  • yoga
  • martial arts
  • silk
  • umbrellas
  • tea
  • noodles
  • shampoo
It is a pity that you think inventions are the only thing keeping you from being ashamed of being white. Are you even slightly educated? You don't realize that the colour of your skin has nothing to do with pride or shame?
All we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ..

Are people really exposing so much skin that they're ashamed of it? People are stark naked on the internet and they need to put their clothes back on.
I'm thankful that what people invented sunburn medication.

Okay, I don't know that to be true, I'm just guessing!
i am proud that the white man built the 1st steam engine and steam powered ship .

Well I guess if you have nothing to be personally proud of, being proud of your races accomplishments might fill in....sort of.

all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
Sorry man, the Nazis and nationalist and Suprematists high jacked your ideas. You’re gonna be associated with them if you keep pushing these ideas. Stick to pride in your heritage and country and you’ll be just fine

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