there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.
In my opinion it’s not very logical to be proud of being white or any color for that matter. We didn’t have a choice in the matter. We are all equal in God’s eyes and design.
Black pride came about as a result of whites treating us as less than them. And as we see here there are whites with that same attitude. And they are the main ones crying about not being able to go around shouting white power. No, we didn't have a choice, but whites have made choices for others because of how they look continuously for the last 400 years. And that needs to stop.

We as a society should be proud of the advancement in the content of our character than of our skin color over these centuries in my opinion. There have been sins and horrors in our nation's past and in humanity's past as a whole which has impacted nearly every race, culture, religion, and ethnic group in some form or fashion throughout human history. No race or culture or religion or ethnic group has gone unscathed, untargeted, unabused, or treated equally at different times in history. We can either focus on those moments and continue focusing on skin color or we can take pride and take focus on the 99% of the things in life that we all have in common. It's all an individual choice. God doesn't judge us based on our skin color, and if we are to follow His word and his teachings we shouldn't either in my opinion.

The content of the character of a majority in this society must be questioned. Now don't use that sentence from King when you respond to me again because you don't understand what he meant. This is not about what humans did during the Pleistocene epoch. It is about what goes on today. God does not judge based on color but humans do. And humans did not always do this during human history. This is about ending that practice and had whites not continuously spent the last 400 years telling everybody else they were inferior, we would not be here.

Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.

Why would a Native American punch a white man in the mouth 51 years ago during the civil rights movement?
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.

Why would a Native American punch a white man in the mouth 51 years ago during the civil rights movement?
We would have to ask him, but my guess is few whites ventured into his neighborhood and he lashed out while he could.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity. I did not give these people any sort of permission.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
There are white democrats. So you are lying.
You really are dumb as a cat turd.

In my opinion it’s not very logical to be proud of being white or any color for that matter. We didn’t have a choice in the matter. We are all equal in God’s eyes and design.
Black pride came about as a result of whites treating us as less than them. And as we see here there are whites with that same attitude. And they are the main ones crying about not being able to go around shouting white power. No, we didn't have a choice, but whites have made choices for others because of how they look continuously for the last 400 years. And that needs to stop.

We as a society should be proud of the advancement in the content of our character than of our skin color over these centuries in my opinion. There have been sins and horrors in our nation's past and in humanity's past as a whole which has impacted nearly every race, culture, religion, and ethnic group in some form or fashion throughout human history. No race or culture or religion or ethnic group has gone unscathed, untargeted, unabused, or treated equally at different times in history. We can either focus on those moments and continue focusing on skin color or we can take pride and take focus on the 99% of the things in life that we all have in common. It's all an individual choice. God doesn't judge us based on our skin color, and if we are to follow His word and his teachings we shouldn't either in my opinion.

The content of the character of a majority in this society must be questioned. Now don't use that sentence from King when you respond to me again because you don't understand what he meant. This is not about what humans did during the Pleistocene epoch. It is about what goes on today. God does not judge based on color but humans do. And humans did not always do this during human history. This is about ending that practice and had whites not continuously spent the last 400 years telling everybody else they were inferior, we would not be here.

Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.

Keep in mind that the same US government since then has also overturned races inspired laws, businesses have revised many bad policies, and judges have been replaced over time. The influence of racism that once had a grip on the country has been marginalized significantly and yes there are still remnants of the past that can be found, but as a whole this country has made huge strides to right the wrongs of the past in my opinion.

The problem that I see, in my opinion of course, is that so many people want racism and the focus on skin color to come to an end in this country and for everybody to be looked upon as equal, but yet many of those same people focus all their attention on the skin color of others and their own skin color. You mentioned that my skin color has me making a sad argument, it isn't. My skin color does not make arguments for me. It's just a pigment. Yes, there were many white people that did horrible things, but their skin color did not do that, an ideology did, a bad heart did, but not their skin color. When I mentioned King's comments about character it rings true and is a goal that we should all aspire to regardless of skin color.

If we are to move beyond racism and racial identity as a weapon or as a crutch then we have to start focusing more on the content of our character and not the color of our skin. You have a lot of pride and hurt and I can understand that and sympathize with that, but we won't move past our sins of the past if all we do as a country is dwell on something we can't control or change, that being skin color. We are equals, we are Gods creation, and we are not enemies. My skin color does not make me better than you nor you better than me. Belief that skin color makes someone better or worse than others is a barrier to equality and an ideology, and that is not confined to whites only. We as a country have to move past that together or else race will always be an issue between people who can't see beyond skin color.
Last edited:
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Except that came from black ghetto culture....
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.
Third Party.jpg
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.
View attachment 276658
Demeaning is in the eye of the beholder, Bart.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
Peyote is a dangerous substance.

So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.
View attachment 276658
Demeaning is in the eye of the beholder, Bart.
We'll have no more of it, thanks.
So you had this experience. I did, too, About the same time. Pinned against a wall with a white guy trying to find my tonsils and my crotch. Then I got to college, and had boys at my catholic-run university referring to us females as "c*nts" and "poontang." These were white-on-white things.
Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?

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