there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

Point is I am a white male hit by an Indian-sounds like you just got felt up. The topic was about whites, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. I was-once.

I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?
I am a white male hit by an Indian-does that sound like complaining ? That's not the only time I have been punched-no biggee. The "hysterical" comment got you, didn't it? Look, leave it in the words of The Fortunes, 'You got your troubles, I got mine.
I got kicked around for being female. Not for being caucasian. Your reply gives me reason for thinking that you think that female human beings are second-class persons to be used. The people (more than one) who did this to me violated my body and my personal dignity.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?
I am a white male hit by an Indian-does that sound like complaining ? That's not the only time I have been punched-no biggee. The "hysterical" comment got you, didn't it? Look, leave it in the words of The Fortunes, 'You got your troubles, I got mine.

But you turn this into a racial thing. You got punched, allegedly for being caucasian, a punch that may have been delivered because of a personal dispute. Do Native Americans just go around punching Caucasians? I once spent Christmas at a pueblo, welcomed, blessed, fed good food up to my eyeballs. After a meal at a private home, we were told to find the house with the star on top. Went there. Welcomed, told to touch the couple who were hosting to get their blessing. Went to the creche to pray, with bowls of cornmeal provided to sprinkle on the Baby Jesus, then led to a table where there was an incredible spread of food. When I told hubby that we should leave to give others who were a place at the table, a man eating next to us, with face paint that identified him as a member of a particular drumming society, told us to stay until we wished to leave. Whereas, I got assaulted, which definitely was related to my gender.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?
I am a white male hit by an Indian-does that sound like complaining ? That's not the only time I have been punched-no biggee. The "hysterical" comment got you, didn't it? Look, leave it in the words of The Fortunes, 'You got your troubles, I got mine.

But you turn this into a racial thing. You got punched, allegedly for being caucasian, a punch that may have been delivered because of a personal dispute. Do Native Americans just go around punching Caucasians? I once spent Christmas at a pueblo, welcomed, blessed, fed good food up to my eyeballs. After a meal at a private home, we were told to find the house with the star on top. Went there. Welcomed, told to touch the couple who were hosting to get their blessing. Went to the creche to pray, with bowls of cornmeal provided to sprinkle on the Baby Jesus, then led to a table where there was an incredible spread of food. When I told hubby that we should leave to give others who were a place at the table, a man eating next to us, with face paint that identified him as a member of a particular drumming society, told us to stay until we wished to leave. Whereas, I got assaulted, which definitely was related to my gender.
Not racial-the guy said he was Indian, we never met before or since, He said "you oppress my brothers", assuming he meant because I was white and in a minority neighborhood. Do native americans just punch for no reason-I guess if they are drunk or have an ax to grind. Glad your experience was better than mine, but believe me, at the time a punch was no big deal.
To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?
I am a white male hit by an Indian-does that sound like complaining ? That's not the only time I have been punched-no biggee. The "hysterical" comment got you, didn't it? Look, leave it in the words of The Fortunes, 'You got your troubles, I got mine.

But you turn this into a racial thing. You got punched, allegedly for being caucasian, a punch that may have been delivered because of a personal dispute. Do Native Americans just go around punching Caucasians? I once spent Christmas at a pueblo, welcomed, blessed, fed good food up to my eyeballs. After a meal at a private home, we were told to find the house with the star on top. Went there. Welcomed, told to touch the couple who were hosting to get their blessing. Went to the creche to pray, with bowls of cornmeal provided to sprinkle on the Baby Jesus, then led to a table where there was an incredible spread of food. When I told hubby that we should leave to give others who were a place at the table, a man eating next to us, with face paint that identified him as a member of a particular drumming society, told us to stay until we wished to leave. Whereas, I got assaulted, which definitely was related to my gender.
Not racial-the guy said he was Indian, we never met before or since, He said "you oppress my brothers", assuming he meant because I was white and in a minority neighborhood. Do native americans just punch for no reason-I guess if they are drunk or have an ax to grind. Glad your experience was better than mine, but believe me, at the time a punch was no big deal.

Being assaulted on the basis of my gender was not a good experience. Being bitten on the butt through your jeans and panties, as happened to me, is not a good experience. Being called a "tight-assed, bell-bottomed Catholic bitch" because I wasn't going to have sex with the speaker (good little Catholic white boys at my university) was not a fun experience, either, and this in Washington, D.C. otherwise known as "Chocolate City." If you had just one incident, good for you. Your one experience is not enough to back up your whining about being a poor little white boy.

Please stop playing around with the fonts. It's really annoying.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?
I am a white male hit by an Indian-does that sound like complaining ? That's not the only time I have been punched-no biggee. The "hysterical" comment got you, didn't it? Look, leave it in the words of The Fortunes, 'You got your troubles, I got mine.

But you turn this into a racial thing. You got punched, allegedly for being caucasian, a punch that may have been delivered because of a personal dispute. Do Native Americans just go around punching Caucasians? I once spent Christmas at a pueblo, welcomed, blessed, fed good food up to my eyeballs. After a meal at a private home, we were told to find the house with the star on top. Went there. Welcomed, told to touch the couple who were hosting to get their blessing. Went to the creche to pray, with bowls of cornmeal provided to sprinkle on the Baby Jesus, then led to a table where there was an incredible spread of food. When I told hubby that we should leave to give others who were a place at the table, a man eating next to us, with face paint that identified him as a member of a particular drumming society, told us to stay until we wished to leave. Whereas, I got assaulted, which definitely was related to my gender.
Not racial-the guy said he was Indian, we never met before or since, He said "you oppress my brothers", assuming he meant because I was white and in a minority neighborhood. Do native americans just punch for no reason-I guess if they are drunk or have an ax to grind. Glad your experience was better than mine, but believe me, at the time a punch was no big deal.

Being assaulted on the basis of my gender was not a good experience. Being bitten on the butt through your jeans and panties, as happened to me, is not a good experience. Being called a "tight-assed, bell-bottomed Catholic bitch" because I wasn't going to have sex with the speaker (good little Catholic white boys at my university) was not a fun experience, either, and this in Washington, D.C. otherwise known as "Chocolate City." If you had just one incident, good for you. Your one experience is not enough to back up your whining about being a poor little white boy.

Please stop playing around with the fonts. It's really annoying.
Never whined or complained-READ what is written-not what you think. I SEE WHY THEY BIT YOU. Jesus. If you are 66 as you age says, then I understand your mind set, but don't assume I'm like the boys you hung with. Catholic boys can be the worst offenders I have noticed, but did you ever report anything? As far as fonts go, they are my fonts and I won't change-if they bother you, don't read my posts.
The topic was whites-not males or females. My reply shows my age. Before Helen Reddy started singing, I gave women jobs only men did before. If more than one boy in one place did this, you should have reported it.

To whom, jackass? Since you are into "group identity think", crying because you are white and male, I'm a caucasian who was never attacked for being white, but was attacked for being a member of another group, females. Your comment that I "just got felt up" shows that you, while complaining of being demeaned, have no problem with demeaning others.
See, now you are acting just like a hysterical female-you deserved that with the jackass comment. I was never complaining-just sharing an experience-if you can't control the way you feel about what happened to you, don't post.

You had your "experience." I did, too. Why are you whining about all that was done to you because you are a white and very hysterical male?
I am a white male hit by an Indian-does that sound like complaining ? That's not the only time I have been punched-no biggee. The "hysterical" comment got you, didn't it? Look, leave it in the words of The Fortunes, 'You got your troubles, I got mine.

But you turn this into a racial thing. You got punched, allegedly for being caucasian, a punch that may have been delivered because of a personal dispute. Do Native Americans just go around punching Caucasians? I once spent Christmas at a pueblo, welcomed, blessed, fed good food up to my eyeballs. After a meal at a private home, we were told to find the house with the star on top. Went there. Welcomed, told to touch the couple who were hosting to get their blessing. Went to the creche to pray, with bowls of cornmeal provided to sprinkle on the Baby Jesus, then led to a table where there was an incredible spread of food. When I told hubby that we should leave to give others who were a place at the table, a man eating next to us, with face paint that identified him as a member of a particular drumming society, told us to stay until we wished to leave. Whereas, I got assaulted, which definitely was related to my gender.
Of all non white groups Native Americans are probably the friendliest to white people today and that says a lot about the ridiculous hostility and psychopathy of other groups that don’t even have a Trail of Tears to hate white people over.
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
There are white democrats. So you are lying.
Are white Democrats racist or not?
i am proud that my race invented the airplane and auto mobile .
why don't you be proud of something you did?

Or have you not done anything to be proud of?
i beat the shit out of an antifa punk that tried to suck my dick !
Another internet tough guy
that beat the shit out of another left wing faggot !:5_1_12024::abgg2q.jpg:
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This whole idea of racial pride is childish and really disgusting. It’s the same with national pride. I am white and I am Swedish. So what? What do the successes and deeds of great white men of the world have to do with me? And what do the inventions of Swedes have to do with me? My country (run mostly by white people) is way and above the U.S. when it comes to Democracy and quality of life. Is that supposed to make me a better or more worthy person than some black man or an American? Stupid! Childish!
:bigboy: ... and get out of the sandbox.

I do admire the strides that you Swedes have made as a society. Your society is leading the way into the future. The U.S. is a backwards nation striving to go forward against those in our society who think that backwards is the way we should go. No progress, just party like it's 1875.

You Swedes provide a window on a winning future. I hope that the U.S. catches up with you.
I hope not Sweden is being over run by violent Islamist's !Sweden's "no-go zones"
I can point out that the shyt going on in Sweden is from non-Swedes but I guess it doesn't matter. The fact that the government is "allowing" it to happen doesn't reflect on us very well.
its still Sweden.
Those of us who are Swedish do not agree.
well then just who is committing the violence in Sweden ?
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
Being white his like being born a racist.

Remember that.
In my opinion it’s not very logical to be proud of being white or any color for that matter. We didn’t have a choice in the matter. We are all equal in God’s eyes and design.
Black pride came about as a result of whites treating us as less than them. And as we see here there are whites with that same attitude. And they are the main ones crying about not being able to go around shouting white power. No, we didn't have a choice, but whites have made choices for others because of how they look continuously for the last 400 years. And that needs to stop.

We as a society should be proud of the advancement in the content of our character than of our skin color over these centuries in my opinion. There have been sins and horrors in our nation's past and in humanity's past as a whole which has impacted nearly every race, culture, religion, and ethnic group in some form or fashion throughout human history. No race or culture or religion or ethnic group has gone unscathed, untargeted, unabused, or treated equally at different times in history. We can either focus on those moments and continue focusing on skin color or we can take pride and take focus on the 99% of the things in life that we all have in common. It's all an individual choice. God doesn't judge us based on our skin color, and if we are to follow His word and his teachings we shouldn't either in my opinion.

The content of the character of a majority in this society must be questioned. Now don't use that sentence from King when you respond to me again because you don't understand what he meant. This is not about what humans did during the Pleistocene epoch. It is about what goes on today. God does not judge based on color but humans do. And humans did not always do this during human history. This is about ending that practice and had whites not continuously spent the last 400 years telling everybody else they were inferior, we would not be here.

Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota ! go to trade school and get a skill !
Black pride came about as a result of whites treating us as less than them. And as we see here there are whites with that same attitude. And they are the main ones crying about not being able to go around shouting white power. No, we didn't have a choice, but whites have made choices for others because of how they look continuously for the last 400 years. And that needs to stop.

We as a society should be proud of the advancement in the content of our character than of our skin color over these centuries in my opinion. There have been sins and horrors in our nation's past and in humanity's past as a whole which has impacted nearly every race, culture, religion, and ethnic group in some form or fashion throughout human history. No race or culture or religion or ethnic group has gone unscathed, untargeted, unabused, or treated equally at different times in history. We can either focus on those moments and continue focusing on skin color or we can take pride and take focus on the 99% of the things in life that we all have in common. It's all an individual choice. God doesn't judge us based on our skin color, and if we are to follow His word and his teachings we shouldn't either in my opinion.

The content of the character of a majority in this society must be questioned. Now don't use that sentence from King when you respond to me again because you don't understand what he meant. This is not about what humans did during the Pleistocene epoch. It is about what goes on today. God does not judge based on color but humans do. And humans did not always do this during human history. This is about ending that practice and had whites not continuously spent the last 400 years telling everybody else they were inferior, we would not be here.

Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota !
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
i need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??
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We as a society should be proud of the advancement in the content of our character than of our skin color over these centuries in my opinion. There have been sins and horrors in our nation's past and in humanity's past as a whole which has impacted nearly every race, culture, religion, and ethnic group in some form or fashion throughout human history. No race or culture or religion or ethnic group has gone unscathed, untargeted, unabused, or treated equally at different times in history. We can either focus on those moments and continue focusing on skin color or we can take pride and take focus on the 99% of the things in life that we all have in common. It's all an individual choice. God doesn't judge us based on our skin color, and if we are to follow His word and his teachings we shouldn't either in my opinion.

The content of the character of a majority in this society must be questioned. Now don't use that sentence from King when you respond to me again because you don't understand what he meant. This is not about what humans did during the Pleistocene epoch. It is about what goes on today. God does not judge based on color but humans do. And humans did not always do this during human history. This is about ending that practice and had whites not continuously spent the last 400 years telling everybody else they were inferior, we would not be here.

Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota !
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
a need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??

Have you ever considered the commonality of those on the far right? They echo the same bullshit, never answer simple questions (such as, define what you mean by the left?) and spent all of their time hate and fear mongering as your thread testifies.
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The content of the character of a majority in this society must be questioned. Now don't use that sentence from King when you respond to me again because you don't understand what he meant. This is not about what humans did during the Pleistocene epoch. It is about what goes on today. God does not judge based on color but humans do. And humans did not always do this during human history. This is about ending that practice and had whites not continuously spent the last 400 years telling everybody else they were inferior, we would not be here.

Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota !
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
a need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??

Have you ever considered the commonality of those on the far right? They echo the same bullshit, never answer simple questions (such as, define what you mean by the left?) and spent all of their time hate and fear mongering as your thread testifies.
[ FLY SNATCHER ] A leftist is usually a gender confused anti American socialist[communist] racially guilt ridden or a race baiting guilt serving effeminate idiot that hates personal responsibility and blames everyone else for his hers or more accurately its own failures on someone else ! like you and IM2
Individual people participated in immoral and racist practices based on flawed ideology throughout history not just thousands of years ago but throughout consistent history different people of all types have been subject to hatred and feelings of second class citizenship. My skin color does not make decisions for me or decide my values though. My character, my conscience, my faith, my ethics, my upbringing help make those decisions. As does yours.

Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota !
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
a need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??

Have you ever considered the commonality of those on the far right? They echo the same bullshit, never answer simple questions (such as, define what you mean by the left?) and spent all of their time hate and fear mongering as your thread testifies.

[ FLY SNATCHER ] A leftist is usually a gender confused anti American socialist[communist] racially guilt ridden or a race baiting guilt serving effeminate idiot that hates personal responsibility and blames everyone else for his hers or more accurately its own failures on someone else ! like you and IM2

As stated above, you echo the same bullshit as others on the far right.
  • Thanks
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all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

Why be proud of your color (nothing wrong with it I agree), unless someone is attacking your color specifically (in which is an ignorant thing to do but people do it), so is this why you created this thread because you feel that your color is under attack ?????? Yes I see your reason in your post above.

So you are merely adding white folk attributes or contribution's to society as a way of saying that you are proud of being white when these contributions were being added, as opposed to another doing the same in various proportions of, and doing so as another color ??

Now it is that you are doing this thread in a jest to your attackers that your color had everything to do with why White's were able to achieve those things in which you list, and why others were not able to achieve such things as based upon their color ??

Hmmm, I don't know about this one, in fact it's just wrong headed to think in these ways regardless of who you are or what color you are I think.

The reason:

I think that any human being within the right educational environment, and the right family setting raised up in, can surely exploit the tools given them in such an environment regardless of one's color in life. It's been proven over and over, but somehow we just fall back into the traps of thinking it's all about color over and over again.

Now if we get into the culture and cultural belief systems or settings created by humans, then we can see alot of things that may separate us as human beings, and this being based upon those lines and systems created in which people feel shouldn't be crossed. These lines are not pertaining to color, but more about cultural rules, ethics, guidelines, and traditions that aren't challenged by anyone's color, but are challenged by those who just don't agree to the rules and etc that are then set.

Color lines are crossed all the time in our cultural settings, because beliefs in human beings aren't based strictly on color, but rather they are based upon action's and character.

Anyone using blanket analogies to determine actions based upon color is really displaying an ignorant thing. Now I know you are doing this because you feel as if your color is under attack by those who are ignorant about such things, but don't fall into the same traps as they have fallen into in life when attacking your color.

Content of character people, content of character.
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Bullshit. The US government at every level made laws, businesses made policies, all were backed by the courts and enforced by authorities. Skin color has you making this sad argument. Had you endured what people of color have, you would understand how meritless your argument is.
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota !
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
a need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??

Have you ever considered the commonality of those on the far right? They echo the same bullshit, never answer simple questions (such as, define what you mean by the left?) and spent all of their time hate and fear mongering as your thread testifies.

[ FLY SNATCHER ] A leftist is usually a gender confused anti American socialist[communist] racially guilt ridden or a race baiting guilt serving effeminate idiot that hates personal responsibility and blames everyone else for his hers or more accurately its own failures on someone else ! like you and IM2

As stated above, you echo the same bullshit as others on the far right.
its easy when its true !
you are not going to get reparations !! i repeat you are not going to get reparations !! the leftist leaders in control are lying to you !apparently your useless degrees in liberal arts or sociology or whatever bullshit you studied did not increase your intelligence quota !
All we hear from the right are lies, hate, fear and memes*.

* A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person.
a need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??

Have you ever considered the commonality of those on the far right? They echo the same bullshit, never answer simple questions (such as, define what you mean by the left?) and spent all of their time hate and fear mongering as your thread testifies.

[ FLY SNATCHER ] A leftist is usually a gender confused anti American socialist[communist] racially guilt ridden or a race baiting guilt serving effeminate idiot that hates personal responsibility and blames everyone else for his hers or more accurately its own failures on someone else ! like you and IM2

As stated above, you echo the same bullshit as others on the far right.

its easy when its true !

You're not even a good liar. Of course, you emulate the chosen one.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

Why be proud of your color (nothing wrong with it I agree), unless someone is attacking your color specifically (in which is an ignorant thing to do but people do it), so is this why you created this thread because you feel that your color is under attack ?????? Yes I see your reason in your post above.

So you are merely adding white folk attributes or contribution's to society as a way of saying that you are proud of being white when these contributions were being added, as opposed to another doing the same in various proportions of, and doing so as another color ??

Now it is that you are doing this thread in a jest to your attackers that your color had everything to do with why White's were able to achieve those things in which you list, and why others were not able to achieve such things as based upon their color ??

Hmmm, I don't know about this one, in fact it's just wrong headed to think in these ways regardless of who you are or what color you are I think.

The reason:

I think that any human being within the right educational environment, and the right family setting raised up in, can surely exploit the tools given them in such an environment regardless of one's color in life. It's been proven over and over, but somehow we just fall back into the traps of thinking it's all about color over and over again.

Now if we get into the culture and cultural belief systems or settings created by humans, then we can see alot of things that may separate us as human beings, and this being based upon those lines and systems created in which people feel shouldn't be crossed. These lines are not pertaining to color, but more about cultural rules, ethics, guidelines, and traditions that aren't challenged by anyone's color, but are challenged by those who just don't agree to the rules and etc that are then set.

Color lines are crossed all the time in our cultural settings, because beliefs in human beings aren't based strictly on color, but rather they are based upon action's and character.

Anyone using blanket analogies to determine actions based upon color is really displaying an ignorant thing. Now I know you are doing this because you feel as if your color is under attack by those who are ignorant about such things, but don't fall into the same traps as they have fallen into in life when attacking your color.

Content of character people, content of character.
yep !! you got it ! hit the nail on the head !! if the left likes to insanely blame on someone because of there race because of injustices they had nothing they nothing to do with in the past then why not insanely credit someone because of their race because of accomplishments in the past they had nothing to do with !.....and ooooohhhhhhh how they bit the hook of hypocrisy they always do !
a need to ask you this question ........have you ever temporarily forgotten how to not be stupid ??

Have you ever considered the commonality of those on the far right? They echo the same bullshit, never answer simple questions (such as, define what you mean by the left?) and spent all of their time hate and fear mongering as your thread testifies.

[ FLY SNATCHER ] A leftist is usually a gender confused anti American socialist[communist] racially guilt ridden or a race baiting guilt serving effeminate idiot that hates personal responsibility and blames everyone else for his hers or more accurately its own failures on someone else ! like you and IM2

As stated above, you echo the same bullshit as others on the far right.

its easy when its true !

You're not even a good liar. Of course, you emulate the chosen one.
soooo you believe that there are only 2 genders? and you believe that America is a great nation and that you are proud to be an American ! and that capitalism is the best economic system and is much better than socialism ? and that the people living black and brown communities are responsible for the drugs and crime and not white people ? wow !! i misjudged you !! i bet you are overcome with a sense of pride and joy when you see the American flag and hear the National anthem !

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