there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

As a white male I don't see my race as any more or less important than any other race. It's weird to think other.
In my opinion it’s not very logical to be proud of being white or any color for that matter. We didn’t have a choice in the matter. We are all equal in God’s eyes and design.
Black pride came about as a result of whites treating us as less than them. And as we see here there are whites with that same attitude. And they are the main ones crying about not being able to go around shouting white power. No, we didn't have a choice, but whites have made choices for others because of how they look continuously for the last 400 years. And that needs to stop.
Oh, you poor repressed little victim. Do you need some counselling or a safe place to lick your wounds? What a fucking baby.
It's not so much a matter of being "proud" to be white as it a rejection of the notion (from the left) that white people should somehow be ashamed of being white.
I`m white and I`m left and I don`t know where people come up with stupid shit like "being ashamed of being white". That`s dumb enough to be coming out of the president`s mouth.
No, you just have to apologize for being white.
This whole idea of racial pride is childish and really disgusting. It’s the same with national pride. I am white and I am Swedish. So what? What do the successes and deeds of great white men of the world have to do with me? And what do the inventions of Swedes have to do with me? My country (run mostly by white people) is way and above the U.S. when it comes to Democracy and quality of life. Is that supposed to make me a better or more worthy person than some black man or an American? Stupid! Childish!
:bigboy: ... and get out of the sandbox.

I do admire the strides that you Swedes have made as a society. Your society is leading the way into the future. The U.S. is a backwards nation striving to go forward against those in our society who think that backwards is the way we should go. No progress, just party like it's 1875.

You Swedes provide a window on a winning future. I hope that the U.S. catches up with you.
i hope not Sweden is being over run by violent Islamist's !Sweden's "no-go zones"
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You white people are beyond pathetic and ridiculous....nobody and I mean nobody gives a rats fuck about you and this need to be proud of your race. You can march, rally, do what ever the fuck is necessary to show yourselves how proud you are to be white...and truth be told, you do have reason to be proud. You've had the red carpet treatment since the beginning of time and have been unstoppable in your pursuit to pat yourselves on the back and be proud......BUT YOU WHAT YOU TEND TO DO WITH THIS PROUDNESS, IS PLACE YOUR FOOT on the necks of others. Your proud Klan rallies, often end with violence and people hurt, your need to be isolated from everyone, often ends in discriminating against other, your need to have financial superiority, excludes others from making a living, your need to own this country, excludes be proud, show your ass, but damit, get your foot off our necks and have at it.
i did it again !!!:abgg2q.jpg::udaman::dance::dance::dance::dance:
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

I am proud that I am not like you.
you are a proud homosexual.:gay::gay:
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
There are white democrats. So you are lying.
Are white Democrats racist or not?
i am proud that my race invented the airplane and auto mobile .
why don't you be proud of something you did?

Or have you not done anything to be proud of?
i beat the shit out of an antifa punk that tried to suck my dick !
The besmirching of whites heading into 2020....go...go...go! Get the protests and marches out there with all the attendant rage....go! Bring the big signage too....go....go! We want antifa in every American city....every weekend s0ns!:113::113:. And reparations in the DUM platform please, go!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Whites have besmirched themselves.
that is a racist statement .
This whole idea of racial pride is childish and really disgusting. It’s the same with national pride. I am white and I am Swedish. So what? What do the successes and deeds of great white men of the world have to do with me? And what do the inventions of Swedes have to do with me? My country (run mostly by white people) is way and above the U.S. when it comes to Democracy and quality of life. Is that supposed to make me a better or more worthy person than some black man or an American? Stupid! Childish!
:bigboy: ... and get out of the sandbox.

I do admire the strides that you Swedes have made as a society. Your society is leading the way into the future. The U.S. is a backwards nation striving to go forward against those in our society who think that backwards is the way we should go. No progress, just party like it's 1875.

You Swedes provide a window on a winning future. I hope that the U.S. catches up with you.
I hope not Sweden is being over run by violent Islamist's !Sweden's "no-go zones"
I can point out that the shyt going on in Sweden is from non-Swedes but I guess it doesn't matter. The fact that the government is "allowing" it to happen doesn't reflect on us very well.
Are white Democrats racist or not?

I don't see white democrats saying what most of what you white republicans do.
I am not a Republican, so does that make me a non racist?

So I may or may not be depending on if I agree with you?
No. You are a racist based on your own comments.
and so are you !
This whole idea of racial pride is childish and really disgusting. It’s the same with national pride. I am white and I am Swedish. So what? What do the successes and deeds of great white men of the world have to do with me? And what do the inventions of Swedes have to do with me? My country (run mostly by white people) is way and above the U.S. when it comes to Democracy and quality of life. Is that supposed to make me a better or more worthy person than some black man or an American? Stupid! Childish!
:bigboy: ... and get out of the sandbox.

I do admire the strides that you Swedes have made as a society. Your society is leading the way into the future. The U.S. is a backwards nation striving to go forward against those in our society who think that backwards is the way we should go. No progress, just party like it's 1875.

You Swedes provide a window on a winning future. I hope that the U.S. catches up with you.
I hope not Sweden is being over run by violent Islamist's !Sweden's "no-go zones"
I can point out that the shyt going on in Sweden is from non-Swedes but I guess it doesn't matter. The fact that the government is "allowing" it to happen doesn't reflect on us very well.
its still Sweden.
This whole idea of racial pride is childish and really disgusting. It’s the same with national pride. I am white and I am Swedish. So what? What do the successes and deeds of great white men of the world have to do with me? And what do the inventions of Swedes have to do with me? My country (run mostly by white people) is way and above the U.S. when it comes to Democracy and quality of life. Is that supposed to make me a better or more worthy person than some black man or an American? Stupid! Childish!
:bigboy: ... and get out of the sandbox.

I do admire the strides that you Swedes have made as a society. Your society is leading the way into the future. The U.S. is a backwards nation striving to go forward against those in our society who think that backwards is the way we should go. No progress, just party like it's 1875.

You Swedes provide a window on a winning future. I hope that the U.S. catches up with you.
I hope not Sweden is being over run by violent Islamist's !Sweden's "no-go zones"
I can point out that the shyt going on in Sweden is from non-Swedes but I guess it doesn't matter. The fact that the government is "allowing" it to happen doesn't reflect on us very well.
its still Sweden.
Those of us who are Swedish do not agree.
Haven't you heard? According to the liberal dumb ass Democrats you are racist JUST for being white. And if you mention anything about anything that just proves it.
There are white democrats. So you are lying.
Are white Democrats racist or not?
i am proud that my race invented the airplane and auto mobile .
why don't you be proud of something you did?

Or have you not done anything to be proud of?
i beat the shit out of an antifa punk that tried to suck my dick !
Another internet tough guy
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
These "pride" movements simply mean that people who have been given second-class status because of an unchangeable characteristic that they have had since birth aren't going to take being kicked around any more. There is no reason for "white pride" because we, as a group, haven't been kicked around based on being caucasian. Nobody has ever said anything to me because I have extremely fair skin, blue eyes, and sustain painful burns (my skin peels, which is gross) when I'm out in the sun for a period of time.

The only group that I am in that has sustained repeated abuse due to an immutable characteristic is that consisting of women. Females have been abused for millennia across the globe, by men of all skin tones, for the horrible crime of being female. I understand from a male Swedish friend (born, raised, and graduated from Uppsala) that Swedes have also made great strides in eliminating the social stigma attached to being female.

I will take part in a "pride" movement for women, but not for being of the caucasian race.
I had a drunk Indian punch me in the mouth because "I suppressed his brothers"-apparently blacks and latins as soon as he met me. That was in politically incorrect 1968. Being white can be dangerous too. My tooth is still bent.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
There’s nothing wrong about being a racist either. At least not to another racist.

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