there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

Are you proud that white men invented most sports or are you ashamed that black men are best in all of them?

Whites did not invent:
  • numerals
  • mathematics
  • religion
  • Christianity
  • irrigation
  • novels
  • paper
  • ink
  • dance
  • music
  • gunpowder
  • guns
  • bombs
  • the seismograph
  • the compass
  • CD players
  • MP3 players
  • calculators
  • lithium ion batteries
  • yoga
  • martial arts
  • silk
  • umbrellas
  • tea
  • noodles
  • shampoo
It is a pity that you think inventions are the only thing keeping you from being ashamed of being white. Are you even slightly educated? You don't realize that the colour of your skin has nothing to do with pride or shame?

Yes, the white man, DID "invent" Christianity (though Christ wasn't exactly an inventor - he was white.)
Are you proud that white men invented most sports or are you ashamed that black men are best in all of them?

Whites did not invent:
  • numerals
  • mathematics
  • religion
  • Christianity
  • irrigation
  • novels
  • paper
  • ink
  • dance
  • music
  • gunpowder
  • guns
  • bombs
  • the seismograph
  • the compass
  • CD players
  • MP3 players
  • calculators
  • lithium ion batteries
  • yoga
  • martial arts
  • silk
  • umbrellas
  • tea
  • noodles
  • shampoo
It is a pity that you think inventions are the only thing keeping you from being ashamed of being white. Are you even slightly educated? You don't realize that the colour of your skin has nothing to do with pride or shame?

Yes, the white man, DID "invent" Christianity (though Christ wasn't exactly an inventor - he was white.)
It is questionable if Jesus was "white". He (and just about everyone except the Romans) was a semite and there are many who prefer not to classify them as "white". In any case, more than one on the list were Arab inventions and if you do not think ot them as "white" then you'd have to make the same conclusion about Jesus. In the end, it doesn't matter because "non-Whites" have contributed much to humanity and that is the bottom line of the discussion.
I do believe that white marker boards are definitely superior to black marker boards.

Not that that necessarily proves anything of value, but there it is.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
Whenever, that pride in your race become a belief in the superiority of your race, which seems likely then that is the definition of racism.
America's birth defect on full display.
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all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
Whenever, that pride in your race become a belief in the superiority of your race, which seems likely then that is the definition of racism.
Not racism unless that pride leads one to use that superiority in thinking in a negative way against another. Otherwise it's just pride and kissing ones own hand in a foolish way, and that effects no one but the person doing such a conceited thing. :)
Are you proud that white men invented most sports or are you ashamed that black men are best in all of them?

Whites did not invent:
  • numerals
  • mathematics
  • religion
  • Christianity
  • irrigation
  • novels
  • paper
  • ink
  • dance
  • music
  • gunpowder
  • guns
  • bombs
  • the seismograph
  • the compass
  • CD players
  • MP3 players
  • calculators
  • lithium ion batteries
  • yoga
  • martial arts
  • silk
  • umbrellas
  • tea
  • noodles
  • shampoo
It is a pity that you think inventions are the only thing keeping you from being ashamed of being white. Are you even slightly educated? You don't realize that the colour of your skin has nothing to do with pride or shame?

Yes, the white man, DID "invent" Christianity (though Christ wasn't exactly an inventor - he was white.)
It is questionable if Jesus was "white". He (and just about everyone except the Romans) was a semite and there are many who prefer not to classify them as "white". In any case, more than one on the list were Arab inventions and if you do not think ot them as "white" then you'd have to make the same conclusion about Jesus. In the end, it doesn't matter because "non-Whites" have contributed much to humanity and that is the bottom line of the discussion.

We look at people today and recent history and come to the conclusions we do about race. It is common for races to be misidentified.

On thing that stood out for me is that most people begin with this hypothesis that Jesus was a Jew which simply is not true. So, the prevailing view was Jesus was a dark skinned Mediterranean Jew. Blacks of course are claiming he was black... then again, I've seen recent plays and the founders of America are black in the plays. Give it a generation. I stumbled across this which gave a physical description, so it coincides with the fact that Jesus was not a Jew and the people of the Bible (biblical Israel) looked like Jesus, racially:

The Anglo

I don't know if you checked out the title of this thread, but it is about nothing wrong with being proud to be white. If the black man made even the slightest advances in mankind, we've been reminded of it. The situation has become one that the perception of a white man is a savage with no IQ, yet with minimal numbers, no capacity to invent, and being the stupidest race on the face of God's green earth, they managed to subdue to more intelligent and numerically superior blacks, subjugate them, and become the world's superpower.
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We look at people today and recent history and come to the conclusions we do about race. It is common for races to be misidentified.
On thing that stood out for me is that most people begin with this hypothesis that Jesus was a Jew which simply is not true. So, the prevailing view was Jesus was a dark skinned Mediterranean Jew. Blacks of course are claiming he was black... then again, I've seen recent plays and the founders of America are black in the plays. Give it a generation. I stumbled across this which gave a physical description, so it coincides with the fact that Jesus was not a Jew and the people of the Bible (biblical Israel) looked like Jesus, racially:
The Anglo
I don't know if you checked out the title of this thread, but it is about nothing wrong with being proud to be white. If the black man made even the slightest advances in mankind, we've been reminded of it. The situation has become one that the perception of a white man is a savage with no IQ, yet with minimal numbers, no capacity to invent, and being the stupidest race on the face of God's green earth, they managed to subdue to more intelligent and numerically superior blacks, subjugate them, and become the world's superpower.

Bull shit 3.jpg
We look at people today and recent history and come to the conclusions we do about race. It is common for races to be misidentified.
On thing that stood out for me is that most people begin with this hypothesis that Jesus was a Jew which simply is not true. So, the prevailing view was Jesus was a dark skinned Mediterranean Jew. Blacks of course are claiming he was black... then again, I've seen recent plays and the founders of America are black in the plays. Give it a generation. I stumbled across this which gave a physical description, so it coincides with the fact that Jesus was not a Jew and the people of the Bible (biblical Israel) looked like Jesus, racially:
The Anglo
I don't know if you checked out the title of this thread, but it is about nothing wrong with being proud to be white. If the black man made even the slightest advances in mankind, we've been reminded of it. The situation has become one that the perception of a white man is a savage with no IQ, yet with minimal numbers, no capacity to invent, and being the stupidest race on the face of God's green earth, they managed to subdue to more intelligent and numerically superior blacks, subjugate them, and become the world's superpower.

View attachment 277267

Denying the truth does nothing to disprove it.
We look at people today and recent history and come to the conclusions we do about race. It is common for races to be misidentified.
On thing that stood out for me is that most people begin with this hypothesis that Jesus was a Jew which simply is not true. So, the prevailing view was Jesus was a dark skinned Mediterranean Jew. Blacks of course are claiming he was black... then again, I've seen recent plays and the founders of America are black in the plays. Give it a generation. I stumbled across this which gave a physical description, so it coincides with the fact that Jesus was not a Jew and the people of the Bible (biblical Israel) looked like Jesus, racially:
The Anglo
I don't know if you checked out the title of this thread, but it is about nothing wrong with being proud to be white. If the black man made even the slightest advances in mankind, we've been reminded of it. The situation has become one that the perception of a white man is a savage with no IQ, yet with minimal numbers, no capacity to invent, and being the stupidest race on the face of God's green earth, they managed to subdue to more intelligent and numerically superior blacks, subjugate them, and become the world's superpower.

View attachment 277267

Denying the truth does nothing to disprove it.
Let me get this straight. You read all of that tripe in your link ... and you believe it?
We look at people today and recent history and come to the conclusions we do about race. It is common for races to be misidentified.
On thing that stood out for me is that most people begin with this hypothesis that Jesus was a Jew which simply is not true. So, the prevailing view was Jesus was a dark skinned Mediterranean Jew. Blacks of course are claiming he was black... then again, I've seen recent plays and the founders of America are black in the plays. Give it a generation. I stumbled across this which gave a physical description, so it coincides with the fact that Jesus was not a Jew and the people of the Bible (biblical Israel) looked like Jesus, racially:
The Anglo
I don't know if you checked out the title of this thread, but it is about nothing wrong with being proud to be white. If the black man made even the slightest advances in mankind, we've been reminded of it. The situation has become one that the perception of a white man is a savage with no IQ, yet with minimal numbers, no capacity to invent, and being the stupidest race on the face of God's green earth, they managed to subdue to more intelligent and numerically superior blacks, subjugate them, and become the world's superpower.

View attachment 277267

Denying the truth does nothing to disprove it.
Let me get this straight. You read all of that tripe in your link ... and you believe it?

I read the article in the link and found it to be consistent with what I know from history.

The fact that Jesus is not a "Jew" is a point that can be biblically proven many times over. A good example is the 8th chapter of John. Let's check out a few verses starting in verse 33:

33 They (Jews) answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? 34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. 37 I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. 39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. 41 Ye do the deeds of your father.

Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. 42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.'

The Jews already outed themselves because they claimed to be of Abraham's seed but "had never been in bondage to any man" and that said they were not Israelites. Israelites had been in bondage for over 400 years... the whole book of Exodus is about this time of bondage, yet these Jews trace their history all the way back to Abraham and were never in bondage to any man.

In verse 37 Jesus acknowledges that these people are of Abraham's seed, but he goes on to explain why he and they are two different people. Jesus tells them that their are two different "fathers" involved here. Although these people are of Abraham's seed, they have a different history than Jesus. Jesus continues the discourse, telling these people that they are "of their father the Devil."

If you return to the Old Testament, you find that Judah intermarried with a Canaanite woman (Gen. 38 : 2.) Such intermarriages were forbidden. The offspring of Judah via the Canaanite were never biblical Israelites. It was these people who are what we today call "Jews."

It's a very complicated story, but if you want to challenge the truth, then you should read this. Many have tried to disprove the facts therein. So far, nobody has succeeded:

The Two Seeds Of Genesis 3 15 By Charles Lee Mange : Kingdom Identity Books : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

We look at people today and recent history and come to the conclusions we do about race. It is common for races to be misidentified.
On thing that stood out for me is that most people begin with this hypothesis that Jesus was a Jew which simply is not true. ..................
The Anglo
View attachment 277267
Denying the truth does nothing to disprove it.
Let me get this straight. You read all of that tripe in your link ... and you believe it?
I read the article in the link and found it to be consistent with what I know from history.
I am happy for you.
Jesus was Jewish. He was a Rabbi, wore a Jewish prayer shawl, and taught in the Temple. He was not a black man nor was the woman that birthed Him.
His genealogy is in the Bible for a reason.

White shaming works on stupids like Beto and Warren, who want your vote, but the rest of us continue to be fine with our whiteness. We love our flag which makes us patriots, we love are nation, so we are nationalists. We reserve misguided supremacy for particular groups like the KKK.

Trying to shame us is a joke. It is an impotent attempt to degrade 70% of this country, and is completely ineffective.
We get our white butts up in the morning, we remain white at work, and are white when we get back home.
We never even ponder our whiteness...
Jesus was Jewish. He was a Rabbi, wore a Jewish prayer shawl, and taught in the Temple. He was not a black man nor was the woman that birthed Him.
His genealogy is in the Bible for a reason.

White shaming works on stupids like Beto and Warren, who want your vote, but the rest of us continue to be fine with our whiteness. We love our flag which makes us patriots, we love are nation, so we are nationalists. We reserve misguided supremacy for particular groups like the KKK.

Trying to shame us is a joke. It is an impotent attempt to degrade 70% of this country, and is completely ineffective.
We get our white butts up in the morning, we remain white at work, and are white when we get back home.
We never even ponder our whiteness...

No, Jesus was not Jewish. Nice try, but no cigar.

Jesus was Not A Jew

Trying to counter by claiming this has something to do with white supremacy or the KKK is dishonest and despicable. Then again, what do you expect from a people Jesus himself referred to as a "generation of vipers?"


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