There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.
PLEASE! Stop confusing liberals with facts. It's important they continue to believe that the vaccines will give them PMS (in males!), make their noses grow and their peckers shrink.

Only by fostering their belief that they should not get vaccinated can we hope to control their overpopulation!
I was planning to ask the Pharmacist Broads at CVS about it, when I go for the flu shot in October. I think by then, the safety questions will be all hammered out and the chicks will have the 411 to give me on the corona vaccine.
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.
I understand that depending upon "uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation" is not a wise thing to do. HOWEVER, we have all seen many highly-educated somebodies who post from their opulent mansions and lie about anything with fraudulent documentation.

For example:
* Monika Lewinsky said that she was bonking Hillary's husband ... the president said no.

* Hans Blix said there were no WMD's in Irak .... the CIA & U.S. president said yes.

* Ayatollah Khomeini said the CIA staged a political coup that destroyed Iran's Democratic government ... the president said no.

* Vietnam Veterans said they were exposed to Agent Orange ... the president said no.

* Black American veterans said the V.A. was injecting them with syphilis ... the president said no.

The "uneducated nobodies posting from their ratholes without documentation" were right and those with documentation were liars and forgers.
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.
I understand that depending upon "uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation" is not a wise thing to do. HOWEVER, we have all seen many highly-educated somebodies who post from their opulent mansions and lie about anything with fraudulent documentation.

For example:
* Monika Lewinsky said that she was bonking Hillary's husband ... the president said no.

* Hans Blix said there were no WMD's in Irak .... the CIA & U.S. president said yes.

* Ayatollah Khomeini said the CIA staged a political coup that destroyed Iran's Democratic government ... the president said no.

* Vietnam Veterans said they were exposed to Agent Orange ... the president said no.

* Black American veterans said the V.A. was injecting them with syphilis ... the president said no.

The "uneducated nobodies posting from their ratholes without documentation" were right and those with documentation were liars and forgers.
This message board does not have President's posting anything. But do your research on anything from anybody. The sad situation is people want to believe the President of the USA. None have lied more than Donald Trump. But when people believe crazy, nonsensical conspiracies from people they know nothing about is crazy.
I think people believe in conspiracies because they cannot handle the real world. They live in a fantasy world, that a conspiracy provides, to escape the real world.
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.

That is impossible. You realize that just last year, it would take 5 years.... five full years... to verify that a medication had no long term side effects.

Now you are telling me that a vaccine that barely existed a few months ago, you can claim with absolute certainty that is safe?

So which one is the lie? Was it a lie that the government was forcing companies to spend years verifying their medications were safe, and that it was completely unnecessary?

Because that is one of the primary factors that caused medications to be so expensive.

So you are telling me, that for the last 50 years or so, that the government was jacking up with price of medications for no reason whatsoever? And you want government in charge of health care?

Or.... is the lie that you know for a fact these vaccines are safe now? Because obviously they did not spend 5 years verifying they had no negative effects, and so we really don't know?

Which is it? One of those claims by the left, must be false. They are mutually exclusive claims, so which is it?

Let me ask you this..... if Trump in 2019, had pushed to repeal the medication policies that force companies to spend 5 years or more testing a medication to verify there are no side effects..... would left-wingers and socialists in this country, have supported such a move? Would you? If not, then what is this post?
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.
I understand that depending upon "uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation" is not a wise thing to do. HOWEVER, we have all seen many highly-educated somebodies who post from their opulent mansions and lie about anything with fraudulent documentation.

For example:
* Monika Lewinsky said that she was bonking Hillary's husband ... the president said no.

* Hans Blix said there were no WMD's in Irak .... the CIA & U.S. president said yes.

* Ayatollah Khomeini said the CIA staged a political coup that destroyed Iran's Democratic government ... the president said no.

* Vietnam Veterans said they were exposed to Agent Orange ... the president said no.

* Black American veterans said the V.A. was injecting them with syphilis ... the president said no.

The "uneducated nobodies posting from their ratholes without documentation" were right and those with documentation were liars and forgers.
This message board does not have President's posting anything. But do your research on anything from anybody. The sad situation is people want to believe the President of the USA. None have lied more than Donald Trump. But when people believe crazy, nonsensical conspiracies from people they know nothing about is crazy.
I think people believe in conspiracies because they cannot handle the real world. They live in a fantasy world, that a conspiracy provides, to escape the real world.

None have lied more than Donald Trump

You just lied. And yes, there are many who have lied more than Donald Trump, starting with every Democrat alive.
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.

That is impossible. You realize that just last year, it would take 5 years.... five full years... to verify that a medication had no long term side effects.

Now you are telling me that a vaccine that barely existed a few months ago, you can claim with absolute certainty that is safe?

So which one is the lie? Was it a lie that the government was forcing companies to spend years verifying their medications were safe, and that it was completely unnecessary?

Because that is one of the primary factors that caused medications to be so expensive.

So you are telling me, that for the last 50 years or so, that the government was jacking up with price of medications for no reason whatsoever? And you want government in charge of health care?

Or.... is the lie that you know for a fact these vaccines are safe now? Because obviously they did not spend 5 years verifying they had no negative effects, and so we really don't know?

Which is it? One of those claims by the left, must be false. They are mutually exclusive claims, so which is it?

Let me ask you this..... if Trump in 2019, had pushed to repeal the medication policies that force companies to spend 5 years or more testing a medication to verify there are no side effects..... would left-wingers and socialists in this country, have supported such a move? Would you? If not, then what is this post?
You are providing hot air. Your own uneducated observations. People should do their own research and use many sources. Nothing in this world is 100%. But my research has shown it is not even close. It is more dangerous to not have the vaccine.
The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing. Politicians have not fully embraced the science for a long time. None were as bad as Trump. Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.

That is impossible. You realize that just last year, it would take 5 years.... five full years... to verify that a medication had no long term side effects.

Now you are telling me that a vaccine that barely existed a few months ago, you can claim with absolute certainty that is safe?

So which one is the lie? Was it a lie that the government was forcing companies to spend years verifying their medications were safe, and that it was completely unnecessary?

Because that is one of the primary factors that caused medications to be so expensive.

So you are telling me, that for the last 50 years or so, that the government was jacking up with price of medications for no reason whatsoever? And you want government in charge of health care?

Or.... is the lie that you know for a fact these vaccines are safe now? Because obviously they did not spend 5 years verifying they had no negative effects, and so we really don't know?

Which is it? One of those claims by the left, must be false. They are mutually exclusive claims, so which is it?

Let me ask you this..... if Trump in 2019, had pushed to repeal the medication policies that force companies to spend 5 years or more testing a medication to verify there are no side effects..... would left-wingers and socialists in this country, have supported such a move? Would you? If not, then what is this post?
You are providing hot air. Your own uneducated observations. People should do their own research and use many sources. Nothing in this world is 100%. But my research has shown it is not even close. It is more dangerous to not have the vaccine.
The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing. Politicians have not fully embraced the science for a long time. None were as bad as Trump. Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.

What part of this is hot air? Name one thing that isn't true?

Even the FDA's own website, says it takes years. You can read it yourself.

I wager I have read more reports, more Harvard studies, listen to more interviews with people in the pharmaceutical industry, more economic research on drug and vaccine development, than you have.

And by a very very very wide margin. I've been debating health care for over 20 years, and have read hundreds of papers on the subject during that time.

It takes 10-years, to get through the FDA approval process, and bring a vaccine or drug to market.

By all means show me any counter example you'd like, or provide counter evidence to that, from any source you want, and I'll read it in full detail.

Prior to 2020, name one drug that went from research to market in under a year, through the FDA process. By all means present your evidence.

The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing.

Garbage. That is a ridiculous statement. Because there are thousands of illnesses that we know about already, and have been worked on for decades, that it still takes 10 years to get a medication approved for use on.

If that was true, we should have at least a minimum of a dozen or so drugs in the prior decades, that came to market in under a year.

Again, prior to 2020, name one drug that went from research to market in under a year, through the FDA process.

Do you even understand how the clinical trial process works? Let me give you a quick run down.

The clinical trial process, is that once you have what you believe is a ready to use product, you then start the clinical trials. The FDA requires a four phase clinical trial process.
Phase 1, is a dozen people.
Phase 2, is 30 to 40 people.
Phase 3, is a hundred or more.
Phase 4, is the largest phase which grants approval.

Each phase, can not be started, until the previous phase is completed, and turned into the FDA.

Each phase, requires a minimum of about a year, to two years, to verify there are no long-term side effects.

So lets review.... we're not talking about the research time, or the pre-clinical time, where they are testing it in a lab. We're only talking about the FDA's clinical trial process.

According to that process, excluding all the research and lab time, and development.... it would take a minimum of 3 years. That's assume each trial only lasted a year, and most take longer.

Are you saying those clinical trials were not required? Then why are they required on every other drug?
And if they are required, then how do you know the vaccine is safe, given they can't possibly have gone through the process?

No, something is wrong. Either the FDA process is ridiculous and unnecessary, and drives up the cost of medications and drugs, and thus the vaccine is safe.

Or, those FDA processes are absolutely required, and you don't know if the vaccine is safe or not.

Again, if Trump has repealed the FDA regulations, so that a drug or vaccine could get to market in a year, how would you have responded?

Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.

I've noticed how fools resort to mocking the fastest, because they are fools who have nothing else to add to a discussion.

Please continue.
This message board does not have President's posting anything.
Yes, I understand, but the point is that "documentation" can (and is) often falsified by those with an agenda beyond that of the issue at hand.
But do your research on anything from anybody. The sad situation is people want to believe the President of the USA.
Do you blame them? They hang their hat on anyone who they believe has proper documentation and because they cannot imagine the real world of corruption.
None have lied more than Donald Trump.
That is pure nonsense.
But when people believe crazy, nonsensical conspiracies from people they know nothing about is crazy.
You just contradicted your above statement big time. Conspiracists = crazy, nonsensical people they know nothing about = Trump. Huh? What are you saying?
I think people believe in conspiracies because they cannot handle the real world. They live in a fantasy world, that a conspiracy provides, to escape the real world.
People don't generally spread theories of their own making. "Experts", people with experience speak out and seem logical so it is mentioned on social media. Are they right? Are they wrong?
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.

That is impossible. You realize that just last year, it would take 5 years.... five full years... to verify that a medication had no long term side effects.

Now you are telling me that a vaccine that barely existed a few months ago, you can claim with absolute certainty that is safe?

So which one is the lie? Was it a lie that the government was forcing companies to spend years verifying their medications were safe, and that it was completely unnecessary?

Because that is one of the primary factors that caused medications to be so expensive.

So you are telling me, that for the last 50 years or so, that the government was jacking up with price of medications for no reason whatsoever? And you want government in charge of health care?

Or.... is the lie that you know for a fact these vaccines are safe now? Because obviously they did not spend 5 years verifying they had no negative effects, and so we really don't know?

Which is it? One of those claims by the left, must be false. They are mutually exclusive claims, so which is it?

Let me ask you this..... if Trump in 2019, had pushed to repeal the medication policies that force companies to spend 5 years or more testing a medication to verify there are no side effects..... would left-wingers and socialists in this country, have supported such a move? Would you? If not, then what is this post?
You are providing hot air. Your own uneducated observations. People should do their own research and use many sources. Nothing in this world is 100%. But my research has shown it is not even close. It is more dangerous to not have the vaccine.
The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing. Politicians have not fully embraced the science for a long time. None were as bad as Trump. Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.

What part of this is hot air? Name one thing that isn't true?

Even the FDA's own website, says it takes years. You can read it yourself.

I wager I have read more reports, more Harvard studies, listen to more interviews with people in the pharmaceutical industry, more economic research on drug and vaccine development, than you have.

And by a very very very wide margin. I've been debating health care for over 20 years, and have read hundreds of papers on the subject during that time.

It takes 10-years, to get through the FDA approval process, and bring a vaccine or drug to market.

By all means show me any counter example you'd like, or provide counter evidence to that, from any source you want, and I'll read it in full detail.

Prior to 2020, name one drug that went from research to market in under a year, through the FDA process. By all means present your evidence.

The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing.

Garbage. That is a ridiculous statement. Because there are thousands of illnesses that we know about already, and have been worked on for decades, that it still takes 10 years to get a medication approved for use on.

If that was true, we should have at least a minimum of a dozen or so drugs in the prior decades, that came to market in under a year.

Again, prior to 2020, name one drug that went from research to market in under a year, through the FDA process.

Do you even understand how the clinical trial process works? Let me give you a quick run down.

The clinical trial process, is that once you have what you believe is a ready to use product, you then start the clinical trials. The FDA requires a four phase clinical trial process.
Phase 1, is a dozen people.
Phase 2, is 30 to 40 people.
Phase 3, is a hundred or more.
Phase 4, is the largest phase which grants approval.

Each phase, can not be started, until the previous phase is completed, and turned into the FDA.

Each phase, requires a minimum of about a year, to two years, to verify there are no long-term side effects.

So lets review.... we're not talking about the research time, or the pre-clinical time, where they are testing it in a lab. We're only talking about the FDA's clinical trial process.

According to that process, excluding all the research and lab time, and development.... it would take a minimum of 3 years. That's assume each trial only lasted a year, and most take longer.

Are you saying those clinical trials were not required? Then why are they required on every other drug?
And if they are required, then how do you know the vaccine is safe, given they can't possibly have gone through the process?

No, something is wrong. Either the FDA process is ridiculous and unnecessary, and drives up the cost of medications and drugs, and thus the vaccine is safe.

Or, those FDA processes are absolutely required, and you don't know if the vaccine is safe or not.

Again, if Trump has repealed the FDA regulations, so that a drug or vaccine could get to market in a year, how would you have responded?

Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.

I've noticed how fools resort to mocking the fastest, because they are fools who have nothing else to add to a discussion.

Please continue.
Then why is every medical doctor and scientist taking the vaccine? You are paranoid. You are afraid. You do not look at the majority of the info, you look at only info that reinforces your fear. Go ahead and do not take the vaccine. But do not come on here and act like you know more than the top doctors and scientists in the world who recommend the vaccine. Caution is prudent but fear drives you to an illogical conclusion.
This message board does not have President's posting anything.
Yes, I understand, but the point is that "documentation" can (and is) often falsified by those with an agenda beyond that of the issue at hand.
But do your research on anything from anybody. The sad situation is people want to believe the President of the USA.
Do you blame them? They hang their hat on anyone who they believe has proper documentation and because they cannot imagine the real world of corruption.
None have lied more than Donald Trump.
That is pure nonsense.
But when people believe crazy, nonsensical conspiracies from people they know nothing about is crazy.
You just contradicted your above statement big time. Conspiracists = crazy, nonsensical people they know nothing about = Trump. Huh? What are you saying?
I think people believe in conspiracies because they cannot handle the real world. They live in a fantasy world, that a conspiracy provides, to escape the real world.
People don't generally spread theories of their own making. "Experts", people with experience speak out and seem logical so it is mentioned on social media. Are they right? Are they wrong?
You have the mindset of someone who is ripe to believe a conspiracy theory, No one should rely on one source to make a conclusion on an important issue. They must study who the source is and their credentials along with checking multiple sources.
Then why is every medical doctor and scientist taking the vaccine? ...
This is a lie. Pure and simple.
You have the mindset of someone who is ripe to believe a conspiracy theory,
No, you are the one who's made your decision by believing some sources but ignoring the others. Worse, it that you are spreading your conviction to anyone you come in contact with.
No one should rely on one source to make a conclusion on an important issue.
Yet it is you who is refusing to listen to any source that motivates their view to the contrary of the one you believe. There are several credible and knowlegable sources that disagree with you.
They must study who the source is and their credentials along with checking multiple sources.
Yes, but you are not doing that.
There is overwhelming documentation the COVID vaccine is safe. Do your own research. Talk to your doctor. Talk to several doctors. Do no listen to an uneducated nobodies who posts from their rat holes, lies about anything without documentation.

That is impossible. You realize that just last year, it would take 5 years.... five full years... to verify that a medication had no long term side effects.

Now you are telling me that a vaccine that barely existed a few months ago, you can claim with absolute certainty that is safe?

So which one is the lie? Was it a lie that the government was forcing companies to spend years verifying their medications were safe, and that it was completely unnecessary?

Because that is one of the primary factors that caused medications to be so expensive.

So you are telling me, that for the last 50 years or so, that the government was jacking up with price of medications for no reason whatsoever? And you want government in charge of health care?

Or.... is the lie that you know for a fact these vaccines are safe now? Because obviously they did not spend 5 years verifying they had no negative effects, and so we really don't know?

Which is it? One of those claims by the left, must be false. They are mutually exclusive claims, so which is it?

Let me ask you this..... if Trump in 2019, had pushed to repeal the medication policies that force companies to spend 5 years or more testing a medication to verify there are no side effects..... would left-wingers and socialists in this country, have supported such a move? Would you? If not, then what is this post?
You are providing hot air. Your own uneducated observations. People should do their own research and use many sources. Nothing in this world is 100%. But my research has shown it is not even close. It is more dangerous to not have the vaccine.
The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing. Politicians have not fully embraced the science for a long time. None were as bad as Trump. Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.

What part of this is hot air? Name one thing that isn't true?

Even the FDA's own website, says it takes years. You can read it yourself.

I wager I have read more reports, more Harvard studies, listen to more interviews with people in the pharmaceutical industry, more economic research on drug and vaccine development, than you have.

And by a very very very wide margin. I've been debating health care for over 20 years, and have read hundreds of papers on the subject during that time.

It takes 10-years, to get through the FDA approval process, and bring a vaccine or drug to market.

By all means show me any counter example you'd like, or provide counter evidence to that, from any source you want, and I'll read it in full detail.

Prior to 2020, name one drug that went from research to market in under a year, through the FDA process. By all means present your evidence.

The science that was used for the new vaccines has been worked on for years, The science community has been trying to ready themselves for a pandemic like we are facing.

Garbage. That is a ridiculous statement. Because there are thousands of illnesses that we know about already, and have been worked on for decades, that it still takes 10 years to get a medication approved for use on.

If that was true, we should have at least a minimum of a dozen or so drugs in the prior decades, that came to market in under a year.

Again, prior to 2020, name one drug that went from research to market in under a year, through the FDA process.

Do you even understand how the clinical trial process works? Let me give you a quick run down.

The clinical trial process, is that once you have what you believe is a ready to use product, you then start the clinical trials. The FDA requires a four phase clinical trial process.
Phase 1, is a dozen people.
Phase 2, is 30 to 40 people.
Phase 3, is a hundred or more.
Phase 4, is the largest phase which grants approval.

Each phase, can not be started, until the previous phase is completed, and turned into the FDA.

Each phase, requires a minimum of about a year, to two years, to verify there are no long-term side effects.

So lets review.... we're not talking about the research time, or the pre-clinical time, where they are testing it in a lab. We're only talking about the FDA's clinical trial process.

According to that process, excluding all the research and lab time, and development.... it would take a minimum of 3 years. That's assume each trial only lasted a year, and most take longer.

Are you saying those clinical trials were not required? Then why are they required on every other drug?
And if they are required, then how do you know the vaccine is safe, given they can't possibly have gone through the process?

No, something is wrong. Either the FDA process is ridiculous and unnecessary, and drives up the cost of medications and drugs, and thus the vaccine is safe.

Or, those FDA processes are absolutely required, and you don't know if the vaccine is safe or not.

Again, if Trump has repealed the FDA regulations, so that a drug or vaccine could get to market in a year, how would you have responded?

Educate yourself. You appear to very uneducated on the subject.

I've noticed how fools resort to mocking the fastest, because they are fools who have nothing else to add to a discussion.

Please continue.
Then why is every medical doctor and scientist taking the vaccine? You are paranoid. You are afraid. You do not look at the majority of the info, you look at only info that reinforces your fear. Go ahead and do not take the vaccine. But do not come on here and act like you know more than the top doctors and scientists in the world who recommend the vaccine. Caution is prudent but fear drives you to an illogical conclusion.

Then why is every medical doctor and scientist taking the vaccine?

We are discussing the topic of whether or not a vaccine is scientifically proven safe.

We not discussion whether or not people are taking the vaccine, and believe that it is safe.

Doctors at one point were putting leaches on people, and themselves. The fact they were doing that, does not mean that leaches were sucking out bad blood.

HOWEVER.... your response indicates to me, that didn't even read my post, or you are incapable of understanding the statements of my post.

My post made no claim as to whether or not the vaccine is, or is not safe. I have no idea if the vaccine is safe or not, and it may very well be.

MY POINT.... if you are capable of understanding such a simple point.... is that for the past 50 years, the FDA has made it a requirement of 10 years of clinical trials and so on, in order for a drug or a vaccine to be approved.

Ten years minimum, some longer, to get a drug from research to market.

And this is one of the reasons why drugs cost so much money. Again, there is endless documentation on this, for anyone capable of reading, and willing to put in the effort to not be ignorant.

Yet this vaccine was out in under a year.

That begs the question, for those of use are not arrogant ignorant fools.... if we can get a vaccine safely to market, without the 10 years required by the FDA, then why do we have that 10 year long process the FDA would otherwise require?

Either A: The vaccine is safe, and the 10 years to make a drug is just a waste, that costs the American public billions of dollars in higher drug prices.

Or B: Those 10 years of clinical trials are required, and you don't know if this vaccine is safe or not.

It's one or the other, unless you are dumb internet poster with an opinion, who can't be bothered to think through the topic, and would rather say something as unscientific as "Dur! Doctors use it!".

You are paranoid. You are afraid. You do not look at the majority of the info, you look at only info that reinforces your fear. Go ahead and do not take the vaccine. But do not come on here and act like you know more than the top doctors and scientists in the world who recommend the vaccine. Caution is prudent but fear drives you to an illogical conclusion.

No. You are ignorant fool, who can't listen to what other people say, because you have your head shoved so far up your own butt, that you can't be bothered to carry on a rational discussion, and you make this forum more childish and annoying for those of us who are adults.

Do everyone a favor.... and SHUT UP. Children should be seen and not heard. If you can't discuss something like an adult, do adults a favor and keep your mouth closed. :) Trust me, everyone will silently appreciate you no longer posting immature crap.

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