There really isn't a forum for this - what's really going on!


Mar 19, 2014
It's not really a conspiracy theory, in fact all conspiracy theories are subsumed by this, this is the thing that brainwashes all of the people to be who they are and organizes society the way it is. There's not a conspiracy theory because nobody in their right mind would be as insane as they are... their cognitions are blackmailed, and they are brainwashed!

The truth is actually very simple. WE are most closely related to the Chimps.. about 99% dna, who war a lot and have homicide, and we are 90% related to the bonobos who don't have these things. Like the chimps, 1-10 percent of the males, who happen to be the biggest bullies get the most female sexual choice and variety, which has been happening for millions of years, which is why you'll see men blasting their stereos and modifying their tailpipes and screaming at people on the street to startle them, but women don't. Men do not give conspicuous consumption aggression sexual choice for women.

There was this species called the Irish Elk, and the plight of the Irish Elk was that the women selected for such large antlers in that species, that eventually it evolved to the point where when the males became mature, they couldn't life their heads off the ground, and it went extinct. This is called run-away sexual selection, it happens in many species and is happening in ours.

The difference, is that we are a sentient species and have suicide, which is the end of the continuum of the suffering scale. Most female suicides are a result of failed attempts because men tend to rescue depression with sexual intimacy. Women rescue bullying, trying to turn the bully into the perfect man, which never works. More men commit suicide each year than all of the deaths from war and homicide combined, in fact, more men commit suicide in the general population each year than they did in concentration camps, gulags and prisons, and the military suicides only surpassed the general population when females were allowed as combatants.

Basically, the way any species works, is that when you give the bullies the most sex, the non-bullies abstract all of the suffering that their sexual rejection causes, which is all of the suffering of the species, which is too much for one being to hold and so they suicide. Even in the instances where women do commit suicide, there is a big difference between men and women, because men give female non-bullies the most sexual choice, is that women will be happy in different environments, while men seek to destroy their souls forever and ever. The magnitude of suffering that comes from being sexually rejected for doing the right thing is the most severe suffering possible.

Good men never approach women because of the sexual di-morphism problem, approaching women re-enforces rape suicide, homicide and social stratification and keeping technological secrets out of the public. You must understand the roots. You're all grasping at straws.

What is occurring here is something called the female sexual denial system, which covers all 3.7 billion women, and the female sexual denial system blackmails, literally runs neuro-biological changes in the other 3.3 billion men so they can maintain their sexual choice and not be ostrasized. The female sexual blackmail system affects behavior, cognition and affect, which turns males into the mindless mirrored robots that women are. As far as species are concerned, this is a very unremarkable one.

This species will go extinct, not from war, but from environmental degradation, which is a form of conspicuous consumption aggression that has the highest sexual choice, it is run-away sexual selection, and it is as sure as I'm typing this.

Now you know a fraction of the tip of the iceberg about life.
It's a pretty complicated post you've written here. I found it interesting that you said, Good men never approach women because of the sexual di-morphism problem, approaching women re-enforces rape suicide, homicide......

I disagree with this. Most women are not attracted to bullies. Most women would not take your approaching them as a sign of rape or murder. I think you are a good man who is trying to find answers but when it comes to human nature you've divided women and men into two categories that do not mention any of the real matters of sex to begin with! Like Love! Marriage! Children! Family! The male holds an incredibly important role! That is God mandated! Being rejected period can be a very severe suffering. Doing the right thing will bring you rejection. So what?! What does it matter what people think of you? Are you going to compromise your own conscience in lieu of someone elses inability to handle what you have to say? Seriously?? No. You are just as important as anyone else is and your feelings matter. I found your post to be very interesting, Ecmandu. You're quite intelligent and I'm glad you took the time to share your thoughts because it shows you are quite a courageous individual! Welcome to USMB. Nice to meet you, Ecmandu. - Jeri
It's a pretty complicated post you've written here. I found it interesting that you said, Good men never approach women because of the sexual di-morphism problem, approaching women re-enforces rape suicide, homicide......

I disagree with this. Most women are not attracted to bullies. Most women would not take your approaching them as a sign of rape or murder. I think you are a good man who is trying to find answers but when it comes to human nature you've divided women and men into two categories that do not mention any of the real matters of sex to begin with! Like Love! Marriage! Children! Family! The male holds an incredibly important role! That is God mandated! Being rejected period can be a very severe suffering. Doing the right thing will bring you rejection. So what?! What does it matter what people think of you? Are you going to compromise your own conscience in lieu of someone elses inability to handle what you have to say? Seriously?? No. You are just as important as anyone else is and your feelings matter. I found your post to be very interesting, Ecmandu. You're quite intelligent and I'm glad you took the time to share your thoughts because it shows you are quite a courageous individual! Welcome to USMB. Nice to meet you, Ecmandu. - Jeri

The di-morphism problem causes women to always show at a minimum microscopic signs of discomfort when approached by men because men are bigger and more threatening than women, which is why "nice guys" never approach them, they aren't trying to turn a "no" into a "yes", when men get sex for approaching women, they re-enforce the subliminal messages, "no means yes" and "women want sexually what they complain about" Nice guys don't do this, and, they also don't get sex for not doing this, for preventing rape and war... of course other metrics women look for is sexual jealousy, a woman tends to be more offended is a guy is not sexually jealous than if he has sex with another woman besides her, she won't feel "loved"... what's actually happening from an evolutionary standpoint is that the woman doesn't detect WAR in the man, particularly conspicuous consumption conflict, tribalism and bigotry.
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Where did you get this idea? This type of thinking is the world, Ecmandu. It isn't Gods idea of a relationship between a man and woman. I would not find jealousy to be an attractive trait in anyone. I doubt other women would either. On the matter of unfaithfulness, it isn't a matter of being unloved. It's a matter of immaturity and selfishness. Children act on their impulses. Adults do not. The other side of it is some adults never grow up. You will meet the right person one day. Hang in there. - Jeri
Hmm... I wanted to add some stuff.

Men have historically looked for the sign that a woman is NOT sexually jealous, which is part of the reason women are less violent than men are.

Men are much more polyaorous than women are as well, and basically what occurs in this very unremarkable, really idiotic and worthless species, is that women give the bullies most of the sex from their pool during the male sexual peak (which is why there is that suicide spike from 15-24), after they have given the assholes most of their sex and they got all the sex they wanted from 1-10% of the male population, now they want to settle down with the nicer men who hardly got any sex, and decide to be monoamorous. Because men tend to stay polyamnorous for life, women have a life-long opportunity to be able to have sexual encounters with anyone they may have their eyes set upon, while men, because of the later female polyamory, don't.

The problem with any species is that the VERY worst thing you can do is sexually reject a non-bully. The reason for this, is that sexual choice determines affect, behavior and cognition. To put it simply, Ted Bundy, or Hitler and his Regime, or Stalin and his regime, etc... because they are who they are, they're not FORCING women to give bullies the most sex... however, if it wasn't for female sexual choice, there have been no such thing as Ted Bundy, Hitler or Stalin... one is causal, the other is not. Males either blindly go with the female denial system or they suicide.

This is just species 101.

Other basic species 101 topics include making suicide as easy as possible and working to get those rates to zero, which not only makes life better for every species on that planet but for beings across the entire cosmos.

As far as basic training, this species is blind, moronic and idiotic, and the thing they are most blinded by in this very unremarkable species, is the female sexual denial system.
Where did you get this idea? This type of thinking is the world, Ecmandu. It isn't Gods idea of a relationship between a man and woman. I would not find jealousy to be an attractive trait in anyone. I doubt other women would either. On the matter of unfaithfulness, it isn't a matter of being unloved. It's a matter of immaturity and selfishness. Children act on their impulses. Adults do not. The other side of it is some adults never grow up. You will meet the right person one day. Hang in there. - Jeri

Faithfullness, God? What? Male polyamory DEACREASES the female suicide rates, female monoamory INCREASES the male suicide rates. The most polyamorous primate is the bonobo which has no war or violence (and whom we are less related to than the chimp). Oh, my, you have the female denial system bad.
Basically, the way any species works, is that when you give the bullies the most

thats right and that is precisely what predatory old aristocracy formed governments are based upon. US,UK, France, etc etc etc Not law but who has the biggest guns and is willing to use them. They were and always be that way, the constitutions are set up to protect and we the tax payer pay good money for them to continue to be our over lords.
Basically, the way any species works, is that when you give the bullies the most

thats right and that is precisely what predatory old aristocracy formed governments are based upon. US,UK, France, etc etc etc Not law but who has the biggest guns and is willing to use them. They were and always be that way, the constitutions are set up to protect and we the tax payer pay good money for them to continue to be our over lords.

Well... I'm a bit more practical than that. The issue is a "sweet spot", the problem with pacifism is that it always results in death of the pacifist because plants and animals are living things, and even if they starve to death, they're still killing millions of bacteria every second. We live in a world where we need to kill to survive. The problem, is that when you have sentient species, the metric that species that abstract this far use to measure the "good" or "bad" is the suicide rates when suicide is easy to do, this is like a species weathervane for sentient species all over the cosmos.

We're WAY out of balance. If you made suicide easy, the rates would jump from about a million a year to over 20 million a year... high suicide rates make sentient species unsustainable, when the methods are easy. The problem with this species, is that even if you get the female suicide rates to near zero levels, if not actual zero, the male suicide rates will still be extremely high because of the biological sexual stratification (which has a much greater effect than and also causes social stratification)... sexual neglect for good behavior and sexual flooding for bad behavior is the number one cause of suicide in sentient species and depression in non-sentient species. If one is to scale crimes, this is actually the worst one.

The principle is very easy to demonstrate, and like all religions that try to make sense of this world, this is also behavioristic in nature... I have a completely behavioristic view of nature. Take a large group of any species and bunch them together... add one color dye to the less aggressive ones and a different color to the most aggressive ones... whenever someone tries to mate with a less aggressive one, split them apart, and when they try to mate with a more aggressive one, leave them alone. You will find that every species will act the same as our species, which is that the less aggressive ones will start to act out more so nobody splits them up when someone tries to mate with them. You can reverse the process to make the most aggressive ones less aggressive, you can also isolate the increases and decreases by gender too. Very basic behaviorism. There's more to it, but that's a bit.

The point however, is that this species has been giving male bullies the most sex for a very long time, which causes isolated power structures to horde their wealth, plans and ideologies to maintain that edge so that women will have sex with them. They don't realize that's why they have the power they have, or even why they believe what they believe, they have been brainwashed by millions of years of run-away sexual selection in our species. Truly unremarkable minds actually. The problem is, guys have been trying to tell the species this since it first started, but they are shut up and immediately shunned and they commit suicide... so what we're left with are the less intelligent who created the religions of the world and the philosophers who don't trigger the female denial system.

It literally effects, places into a trance, drives men in fear for speaking up and not wanting to ruffle any feathers, cowards really... the sheer magnitude and iron hand that blankets the earth in the form of the female sexual blackmail system.

Like I said, if we'd been closer to bonobos, we would have a much better species. The number one determiner of behavior is sexual choice in any species, sexual politics and consciousness is the determining factor to which way a species will go.
The female sexual blackmail system affects behavior, cognition and affect, which turns males into the mindless mirrored robots that women are. As far as species are concerned, this is a very unremarkable one.

Well you don't think men are not really interested in women pass the point of climax, you would be correct..
The female sexual blackmail system affects behavior, cognition and affect, which turns males into the mindless mirrored robots that women are. As far as species are concerned, this is a very unremarkable one.

Well you don't think men are not really interested in women pass the point of climax, you would be correct..

Men who are nice tend to end up in an endless web of "you are my soulmate, you are such a good friend, the best listener I've ever met etc..." and then they end up the surrogate gay best friend for life... It's the people who tend to be good listeners and observers of behavior that women shun sexually... that's one of the reasons nice men never approach women, because they know it causes war and stuff, they are keen observers of life systems.

You can't actually punish women for not having sex with good men because then you no longer deserve the sex (ironically women have a term for this that men don't have which is called pity sex, there is no such thing as pity sex for a man to have sex with a kind woman), and once the men figure out that the women just keep getting away with it, they leave.

The problem with female sexuality is that it forces out the smartest people through suicide, combine that with the massive re-enforcement of less observant and more aggressive men and well... you can figure out this species pretty quick.
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I wanted to add something else as a point of clarification to what I said earlier.

Some people argue that testosterone increases impulsivity and that this is why men commit more suicide and homicide than women do. This is not true. For one, there are people that have genetic abnormalities that cause their testosterone rates to be over three times that levels of a male at their sexual peaks even well into their 100's and these people tend to be extremely passive people. The other problem with this argument is that the male suicide attempt rates would be higher than the female suicide attempt rates.

Actually, the female suicide attempt rates are three times higher than the male ones, even though the suicide completion rates are 4-5 times higher than the female ones.

The reason the female attempt rates are higher than the male ones is because men tend to rescue depression with sexual intimacy, which is exactly what the bonobos do, they resolve community disputes with sexuality (unlike the chimps and unlike humans), which causes women to attempt suicides to get rescued, in fact, most female suicide completions are accidental failed attempts (because they need to make it look good). If the sexual choice theory were false and the testosterone rgument were true, men would not only have more completions they'd also have way more attempts than women.

Women, however, do not rescue depression with sexual intimacy, so there is no incentive for a male to attempt suicide. Women rescue bullying with sexual intimacy, trying to turn the bully into the perfect man. This is why men seek help for suicide much less than women do (there is no sexual incentive for it) and why men tend to share their feelings less than women do (there is no sexual incentive for it).

Once you understand the LAW of sexual choice, it is very easy to understand any species in the cosmos. The LAW of sexual choice states that whatever receives the most sexual choice will intensify in behavior, affect and cognition for the larger population of the species exposed to it. Because women give conspicuous consumption aggression the most sexual choice, more men are conspicuously consumptive in their aggression.

An example is Ted Bundy. While he was in court being tried for 40 rapes and murders, he was cross examining a woman on the stand in his trial and proposed marriage to her on the stand. She accepted. And because of Florida law, any acceptance of marriage in front of a judge made it legal. So he was married now, and he received conjugal visits which resulted in a child. His reward for raping and murdering 40 women was marriage and a child. It's actually very common for women to write love letters to murderers in prison, and it is extremely uncommon for men to write them to women in prison, actually, I've never heard of a case. This is because men sexually shun conspicuous consumption aggression, which is why women do it less.

Actually, easier than asking women out on a date (which is unethical for a man to do), the easiest way to get sex with a woman in this species, that requires the least skill, is to start murdering people and then get caught... statistically, it works better than etc... This is true, even though there are billions of women who wouldn't touch that man with a ten-foot pull. But because of run-away sexual selection, it is still the easiest way that requires the least skill to assure that you'll receive sex from a woman. When women do this, it is the HARDEST way to get sex with a man. I'm not recommending to kill people to get sex with women, I am however, sharing a basic truth about this species.

The psychopaths bask in female sexual heaven and the good men go through hell on earth before they suicide. It's been that way since the species started and will be that way until the species dies.
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I wanted to add a few more things that I left out when describing this earlier.

I said that good men never approach women, but I didn't articulate further because I thought it was implied... good men never flirt with women or show signs of attraction, up to and including telling others that they may be attracted to a woman. This is basic "nice guy code" to prevent rape, war homicide, suicide and social stratification.

Also I spoke briefly about conspicuous consumption aggression and run-away sexual selection. Anyone who denies that run-away sexual selection is occurring in this species is totally blackmailed by the female sexual consent mechanism, run-away sexual selection is why homicide and suicide are so much higher in the male population than the female population, and amongst other things I listed, it's the reason why males are involved in such extreme and high risk sports and behaviors relative to women. This is because women give conspicuous consumption aggression the most sexual choice.

It would be a conspiracy theory is people knew about this and were trying to hide it, but the problem with people who know it and deny it is that they are in denial or sexually blackmailed, it's not technically a matter of conspiracy as much as it is a matter of having sentience many orders of infinity less than some males that emerge in the population.

Like I said earlier, men have been trying to tell people all of this since the species first started communicating, and the get shunned, ridiculed, and/or sexually ostracized. They can even be killed for it. The reason they can be killed for it is because attacking the female denial system is the scariest thing you can do in this species, because the actual answer to what's occurring is that on the scale of "evil", the best woman is worse than the worst man.. the difference between the best man and the best woman, is so many orders of infinity of sentience that it's very hard to put into words. This is why women commonly will argue that there is no such thing as good or bad, because on some level in the back of their subconscious, they know men are bigger assholes than they are because they give the assholes the most sex, and that women are less assholish because men shun asshole women. They KNOW they cause all of the preventable evil on earth, so their subconscious has them spew apologetics such as "We're all one, and we're all saved, and there is no such thing as good or bad, everything is love etc, etc.."

The men who are most respectful not only of women but the species as a whole and all sentient life in the universe are severely sexually shunned by women, and since sexual choice is the number one determiner of behavior in any species, their sexual rejection, abstracts into their emotional bodies as "evil wins", and they abstract into their emotional bodies, infinite suffering because women positively re-enforce all of the evil in sentient life, and abstracting all of this suffering into their emotional bodies, they suicide.

Once people truly understand this, they understand things that sound absurd to someone who refuses to see, but can be proven in a lab, that the sweet woman next door, is many orders of infinity more evil than Hitler's regime, this is too much cognitive dissonance for most people to comprehend, so they deny it. But the way any species works, is that sexual choice determines behavior.

Once you understand that Hitler's regime cannot possible FORCE women to give the bullies most of their sex, but that the sexual choice of women caused Hitler's regime, then you know causation. The men who don't get sucked into the female sexual blackmail system, who wake up from the trance of thinking "someday I'll get laid for preventing war, rape, suicide, homicide, social stratification and under-utilization of technology that translates wealth (instead of hording it)", when they wake up from that carrot, when they realize, none of it is true, that's when they suicide.

From the female perspective "Wow, I'm a nice person and I can have all the sex I want, life has meaning.. etc..." What determines female cognition is male sexual choice, which gives women non-bullies the most sexual choice.
Correction: The difference in dna between bonobos and chimps is not particularly discernable.. I read a paper that said there was a 9% difference about 10 years ago. So this is NOT TRUE. Bonobos and Chimps are basically considered equally closely related to humans. You can however show that sexuality determines behavior by doing studies that control for sexual choice.

I want to clarify, that these studies are not about reproductive genetics, simply sexual choice. All you have to do is control who gets to have sex with who, and depending on who is blocked from having sex and who is given sex, you will see more members of the population act like the people who get sex. This is strictly behavioristic and not reproductive genetics.
another thread by some one who should definitely cut back on grande lattes
another thread by some one who should definitely cut back on grande lattes

??? I'm not trolling, but clearly you are.

I have set forth the idea that there is run-away sexual selection occurring in this species, run-away sexual selection is defined by ornate or conspicuous consumption aggression. The males blasting their stereos and modifying their tail pipes and engaging in extreme sports etc... relative to the level that women do this are clearly examples of ornate aggression and males do this WAY more than women do.

The question is WHY. The answer is sexual choice. We're not talking about survival here, protecting ones family or getting food, we're talking about ORNATE or CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION aggression, otherwise known as "peacocking". (one of the famous examples of run-away sexual selection in the animal kingdom).

Clearly, you are trolling, and defending the female denial system by trolling on a topic that is not only eminently obvious, but of which the impact is of the highest possible importance.

*sigh* The humans...
another thread by some one who should definitely cut back on grande lattes

??? I'm not trolling, but clearly you are.

I have set forth the idea that there is run-away sexual selection occurring in this species, run-away sexual selection is defined by ornate or conspicuous consumption aggression. The males blasting their stereos and modifying their tail pipes and engaging in extreme sports etc... relative to the level that women do this are clearly examples of ornate aggression and males do this WAY more than women do.

The question is WHY. The answer is sexual choice. We're not talking about survival here, protecting ones family or getting food, we're talking about ORNATE or CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION aggression, otherwise known as "peacocking". (one of the famous examples of run-away sexual selection in the animal kingdom).

Clearly, you are trolling, and defending the female denial system by trolling on a topic that is not only eminently obvious, but of which the impact is of the highest possible importance.

*sigh* The humans...
I'm commenting on an irrational and darkly humorous behavior of another human..
this is a what's the point thread.
I wanted to add one more point of clarification. People often ask "who rules the world" and people often point to the rich or the intelligencia or the heads of state, or secret societies. None of this is true. If someone asked me who ruled the world, I'd point to the first woman i saw and say "They do" "They don't know that they do, but they do" All of this power shit that people complain about comes from female sexuality, they are drones of the female sexual consent structure.

Women are literally psychopath filters, they screen for psychopathy on multiple spectrums and if they don't detect it in a man (ornate aggression with no remorse) they will refuse to have sex with them, seriously, the entire gender.

Women have zero conscience, no remorse and no regret, they are not sensitive and they are not intuitive - they don't possess these properties in this species. You can't honestly give the bullies or less meritous males the sexual flooding and come back and say that you're an intuitive, sensitive being. The REASON women are less violent is because males are MORE INTUITIVE than women, by many exponential orders of consciousness.

While you cannot approach a woman without re-enforcing the subliminal message that "no means yes", "women want sexually what they complain about" and "good things happen when you violate consent", you can offer sexual merit arguments. The thing about sexuality, is that whatever you place the sexual pressure on, will flourish. So, if you require men and women to argue before their friends, families and communities their sexual merit, you develop a society of ethical geniuses. Unfortunately with women, sexual merit arguments, unlike men, actually turn women off.

I also wanted to edit something earlier, but I'll add the correction here. I said earlier in the thread that increased female polyamory at later ages increases male suicide rates, I meant to say monoamory for this specific phrase.

Basically, the way this species SHOULD be, if you REALLY want to prevent war and environmental degradation and suicide and homicide and social stratification and the like... is NEVER MARRY, EVERYONE IS POLYAMOROUS, EVERYONE ARGUES THEIR SEXUAL MERIT TO GET SEX, CHILDREN ARE RAISED BY THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY.

That's it, very simple. Be like the bonobos more or less.

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