There was much handwringing today at the Comey hearings


Eventually you guys are going to realize that you don't speak for "the American people".

Most Americans don't give a shit about this.

That's interesting that you say that. A friend of mine, who is an attorney of accomplishment, winning two cases before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in a long civil rights career, said the exact same damn thing! And I said "You gotta' be kidding?" So why are you and my friend so sure about this? Why do you think most Americans don't care?

Because there is quite a large amount of literature and studies that prove that most Americans don't care about politics.

Well, according to this site: Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections an average of 130,000,000 people voted in 2008 and 2012. In a population of 304,000,000 that's not peanuts, especially considering the under 18 segment. It's like Bill Maher says, forget polls. What counts is who shows up to stand in line and vote.

The Associated Press reports:

Seventy percent of Americans say they feel frustrated about this year’s presidential election, including roughly equal proportions of Democrats and Republicans, according to a recent national poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half feel helpless and a similar percent are angry.

Nine in 10 Americans lack confidence in the country’s political system, and among a normally polarized electorate, there are few partisan differences in the public’s lack of faith in the political parties, the nominating process, and the branches of government.

Americans do not see either the Republicans or the Democrats as particularly receptive to new ideas or the views of the rank-and-file membership. However, the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination is more likely to be viewed

Huge Majority of Americans Are Frustrated, Angry, Helpless—You Name It—Due to 2016 Elections

You should really try drilling down to the source. There are more people on this message board than in that survey:

"The nationwide poll of 1,060 adults used the AmeriSpeak® Omnibus, a monthly multi-client survey using NORC at the University of Chicago's probability based panel. Interviews were conducted between May 12 and 15, 2016, online and using landlines and cellphones."""" - See more at: The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Now Mona is an expert in poll sampling.

I'm citing the source. Try it some time instead of pontificating.
Well, the voters will also have the opportunity to kick the GOP (and their endless investigations) to the dustbin of history too. With Donnie Dangerously (the well documented liar, and flip-flopper extraordinaire) as their Champion, I say there is a about a 75% chance of that happening.
It's interesting that neither Barry Hussein nor Hillary is taking a victory lap after the FBI's decision not to seek indictment. Obviously they would rather sweep the whole issue under the rug than brag or even argue about it.

You really don't get it. They are smarter than that and know what shiny objects are worth flashing and which ones need to be left alone.

The Associated Press reports:

Seventy percent of Americans say they feel frustrated about this year’s presidential election, including roughly equal proportions of Democrats and Republicans, according to a recent national poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half feel helpless and a similar percent are angry.

Nine in 10 Americans lack confidence in the country’s political system, and among a normally polarized electorate, there are few partisan differences in the public’s lack of faith in the political parties, the nominating process, and the branches of government.

Americans do not see either the Republicans or the Democrats as particularly receptive to new ideas or the views of the rank-and-file membership. However, the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination is more likely to be viewed

Huge Majority of Americans Are Frustrated, Angry, Helpless—You Name It—Due to 2016 Elections

You should really try drilling down to the source. There are more people on this message board than in that survey:

"The nationwide poll of 1,060 adults used the AmeriSpeak® Omnibus, a monthly multi-client survey using NORC at the University of Chicago's probability based panel. Interviews were conducted between May 12 and 15, 2016, online and using landlines and cellphones."""" - See more at: The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Now Mona is an expert in poll sampling.

I'm citing the source. Try it some time instead of pontificating.
And where did the source say the sample was too small....which was your inference.

Eventually you guys are going to realize that you don't speak for "the American people".

Most Americans don't give a shit about this.
Where did I speak for the American people, Gertrude? I merely outlined the option they have to hold Incompecunt responsible.

Right here:

Much of it involved worry that Hillary would not be held accountable for her "unintended mistakes". And that the American people were angry and frustrated. I didn't hear anyone say that the obvious remedy...and the obvious stress reliever will come in November, when the voters will be able to terminate the Clinton era and send her and Bill back to Hope...forever.

No need for link...the smell is in the air.
That was the questioners I agree with.

Need help getting that egg off your face? Try writing instead of typing.

The Associated Press reports:

Seventy percent of Americans say they feel frustrated about this year’s presidential election, including roughly equal proportions of Democrats and Republicans, according to a recent national poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half feel helpless and a similar percent are angry.

Nine in 10 Americans lack confidence in the country’s political system, and among a normally polarized electorate, there are few partisan differences in the public’s lack of faith in the political parties, the nominating process, and the branches of government.

Americans do not see either the Republicans or the Democrats as particularly receptive to new ideas or the views of the rank-and-file membership. However, the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination is more likely to be viewed

Huge Majority of Americans Are Frustrated, Angry, Helpless—You Name It—Due to 2016 Elections

You should really try drilling down to the source. There are more people on this message board than in that survey:

"The nationwide poll of 1,060 adults used the AmeriSpeak® Omnibus, a monthly multi-client survey using NORC at the University of Chicago's probability based panel. Interviews were conducted between May 12 and 15, 2016, online and using landlines and cellphones."""" - See more at: The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Now Mona is an expert in poll sampling.

I'm citing the source. Try it some time instead of pontificating.
And where did the source say the sample was too small....which was your inference.

Try dividing 1060 by 322,000,000 and let us know what percentage you come up with. Oh, I did it for Your Dunceness: 0.00000329192547% of Americans were polled.
It's interesting that neither Barry Hussein nor Hillary is taking a victory lap after the FBI's decision not to seek indictment. Obviously they would rather sweep the whole issue under the rug than brag or even argue about it.

You really don't get it. They are smarter than that and know what shiny objects are worth flashing and which ones need to be left alone.
Objects don't shine much when there's shit all over them.

The Associated Press reports:

Seventy percent of Americans say they feel frustrated about this year’s presidential election, including roughly equal proportions of Democrats and Republicans, according to a recent national poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half feel helpless and a similar percent are angry.

Nine in 10 Americans lack confidence in the country’s political system, and among a normally polarized electorate, there are few partisan differences in the public’s lack of faith in the political parties, the nominating process, and the branches of government.

Americans do not see either the Republicans or the Democrats as particularly receptive to new ideas or the views of the rank-and-file membership. However, the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination is more likely to be viewed

Huge Majority of Americans Are Frustrated, Angry, Helpless—You Name It—Due to 2016 Elections

You should really try drilling down to the source. There are more people on this message board than in that survey:

"The nationwide poll of 1,060 adults used the AmeriSpeak® Omnibus, a monthly multi-client survey using NORC at the University of Chicago's probability based panel. Interviews were conducted between May 12 and 15, 2016, online and using landlines and cellphones."""" - See more at: The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Now Mona is an expert in poll sampling.

I'm citing the source. Try it some time instead of pontificating.
And where did the source say the sample was too small....which was your inference.

Try dividing 1060 by 322,000,000 and let us know what percentage you come up with. Oh, I did it for Your Dunceness: 0.00000329192547% of Americans were polled.

Eventually you guys are going to realize that you don't speak for "the American people".

Most Americans don't give a shit about this.

I agree, and here's why I don't think they give a shit (aside from the fact they feel powerless):

NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
We'll give these silly crybabies a card.

You should really try drilling down to the source. There are more people on this message board than in that survey:

"The nationwide poll of 1,060 adults used the AmeriSpeak® Omnibus, a monthly multi-client survey using NORC at the University of Chicago's probability based panel. Interviews were conducted between May 12 and 15, 2016, online and using landlines and cellphones."""" - See more at: The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Now Mona is an expert in poll sampling.

I'm citing the source. Try it some time instead of pontificating.
And where did the source say the sample was too small....which was your inference.

Try dividing 1060 by 322,000,000 and let us know what percentage you come up with. Oh, I did it for Your Dunceness: 0.00000329192547% of Americans were polled.

You should busy yourself with who conducted the survey and who paid for it. I can find just as many websites that neutralize your non-authority link.
Now Mona is an expert in poll sampling.

I'm citing the source. Try it some time instead of pontificating.
And where did the source say the sample was too small....which was your inference.

Try dividing 1060 by 322,000,000 and let us know what percentage you come up with. Oh, I did it for Your Dunceness: 0.00000329192547% of Americans were polled.

You should busy yourself with who conducted the survey and who paid for it.
True of every you have no specific point. Now go change your diaper.
The hearings today were about one thing and one thing only...

Collecting sound bites to use for ads against Clinton running up to the election.

I don't like her any more than anyone else, but that's my honest analysis of todays circus. Nothing they said or did in that hearing was going to change anything.
The hearings today were about one thing and one thing only...

Collecting sound bites to use for ads against Clinton running up to the election.

I don't like her any more than anyone else, but that's my honest analysis of todays circus. Nothing they said or did in that hearing was going to change anything.
Another Libtard who takes solace in the stupidity of the American voter.
Much of it involved worry that Hillary would not be held accountable for her "unintended mistakes". And that the American people were angry and frustrated. I didn't hear anyone say that the obvious remedy...and the obvious stress reliever will come in November, when the voters will be able to terminate the Clinton era and send her and Bill back to Hope...forever.

No need for link...the smell is in the air.

Hillary camp furious as a pic was released at today's hearing of Hilly's big girl underpants......

hillary panties.jpg
The hearings today were about one thing and one thing only...

Collecting sound bites to use for ads against Clinton running up to the election.

I don't like her any more than anyone else, but that's my honest analysis of todays circus. Nothing they said or did in that hearing was going to change anything.
yep, and I'm all for it.....that bitch has it coming.
The hearings today were about one thing and one thing only...

Collecting sound bites to use for ads against Clinton running up to the election.

I don't like her any more than anyone else, but that's my honest analysis of todays circus. Nothing they said or did in that hearing was going to change anything.
Another Libtard who takes solace in the stupidity of the American voter.

Libtard? Not even close. But that's okay, I've been called worse by better people than you.

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