There will be two different groups of newly empowered


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
“”those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Out of 7 billion people, there are many waiting on the Lord sprinkled out all over the world. Christians deem this wonderful and look forward to it coming to pass. But it will be quite the unexpected shock to those “having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”

There will two different groups of empowered.

First, the initially empowered will include many old people who have been waiting on the Lord for years.
Many of us will be bible literate and very acquainted with organized christianish religion. We will immediately commence being used by Jesus to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, and bring back the dead.

Second will be those the initially empowered recruit into the service of Jesus.
This second group will include many more young people and people not familiar with the Bible nor with organized christianish religion.

Since I live in rural Thailand (for past 16 years) many I'm used to recruit will be young men from Buddhist culture.
People not contaminated with Trinitarian doctrinal bs, including Trinitarian doctrinal bs regarding sex.

Though it may pain the prudes to accept it, many young women will be attracted to and seek to bond with young men who will be used by Jesus to do such as go into a hospital and in Jesus name heal everyone in the hospital on the spot.
No man will be in charge of the work and "life style" of the empowered. Jesus Spirit will be in charge of how the empowered relate to each other, male and female.

As for 70 year old me, my hope, prayer and expectation is that after a few days of empowerment a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off.
What are you saying? That it is belief in a Triune God that makes people prudes? Prudes don't have access to "Jesus Spirit"? You want your head cut off? Seriously. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
What are you saying? That it is belief in a Triune God that makes people prudes? Prudes don't have access to "Jesus Spirit"? You want your head cut off? Seriously. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!

Trinitarianism is sick. Just plain sick. Roman Catholicism being prime exhibit.
Sick teaching regarding "Virgin Mary" (which denigrates every married couple)
and sick teaching regarding "celibate clergy" (which created a fraternity of perverts ...... plus denigrates every married couple) )

As for my hope that "a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off"..............

Jesus was confirmed by rising from the dead. I want confirmation. Are we to follow-emulate Jesus? .... or not ?
What are you saying? That it is belief in a Triune God that makes people prudes? Prudes don't have access to "Jesus Spirit"? You want your head cut off? Seriously. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!

Trinitarianism is sick. Just plain sick. Roman Catholicism being prime exhibit.
Sick teaching regarding "Virgin Mary" (which denigrates every married couple)
and sick teaching regarding "celibate clergy" (which created a fraternity of perverts ...... plus denigrates every married couple) )

As for my hope that "a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off"..............

Jesus was confirmed by rising from the dead. I want confirmation. Are we to follow-emulate Jesus? .... or not ?
Sick. That's your argument?!

Confirmation? What EXACTLY would you require to confirm faith in Jesus Christ?

You are saying it's sick that the Father through the Holy Spirit beget Jesus through Mary, that God became man and lived among men and died to save us? This mean priests are perverts because they choose celibacy in service to the Church and couples choosing to raise families are denigrated because of them? That's what you're saying?

Did you think this through?

Meanwhile, you still haven't explained the cut off my head business. And what is your "hit squad"?
Last edited:
All this arguing will be moot upon completion of the current Ragnarok cycle
What are you saying? That it is belief in a Triune God that makes people prudes? Prudes don't have access to "Jesus Spirit"? You want your head cut off? Seriously. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
Trinitarianism is sick. Just plain sick. Roman Catholicism being prime exhibit.Sick teaching regarding "Virgin Mary" (which denigrates every married couple)
and sick teaching regarding "celibate clergy" (which created a fraternity of perverts ...... plus denigrates every married couple) )
As for my hope that "a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off"..............
Jesus was confirmed by rising from the dead. I want confirmation. Are we to follow-emulate Jesus? .... or not ?
Sick. That's your argument? !
Confirmation? What EXACTLY would you require to confirm faith in Jesus Christ?
You are saying it's sick that the Father through the Holy Spirit beget Jesus through Mary, that God became man and lived among men and died to save us? This mean priests are perverts because they choose celibacy in service to the Church and couples choosing to raise families are denigrated because of them? That's what you're saying?
Did you think this through? Meanwhile, you still haven't explained the cut off my head business. And what is your "hit squad"?

Compost, at this point in time, our basic beliefs regarding Jesus, Church and Trinitarianism are so opposed that
I fear there is no way I can convince you I'm rational, no matter how slowly I type. But I can't resist replying to you.

You appear to have faith that Roman Catholicism honorable and true. Whereas I am confident the Vatican is the Great Whore of the Revelation.
You appear to have faith the RC clergy is genuinely "alter Christus." Whereas I am confident they (and to some degree all "clergy") are frauds.
You appear to have faith that "Trinity" doctrine is true. Whereas I am confident "Trinity" doctrine is a great lie.

My vision of the future hinges on Isaiah 40:31 coming to pass.
Somehow I doubt that you think the coming to pass of Isaiah 40:31 is significant. If you think it is coming to pass at all.

I've been delivering messages for over 40 years that are highly critical of Satan's kingdom. You know nothing about that.
(However, you could begin learning about that by opening my website and reading, if you wanted to).
So naturally the idea of a "hit squad" coming to my home to murder me seems absurd to you.
Learn or scorn .... up to you. Have a nice day, JP
What are you saying? That it is belief in a Triune God that makes people prudes? Prudes don't have access to "Jesus Spirit"? You want your head cut off? Seriously. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
Trinitarianism is sick. Just plain sick. Roman Catholicism being prime exhibit.Sick teaching regarding "Virgin Mary" (which denigrates every married couple)
and sick teaching regarding "celibate clergy" (which created a fraternity of perverts ...... plus denigrates every married couple) )
As for my hope that "a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off"..............
Jesus was confirmed by rising from the dead. I want confirmation. Are we to follow-emulate Jesus? .... or not ?
Sick. That's your argument? !
Confirmation? What EXACTLY would you require to confirm faith in Jesus Christ?
You are saying it's sick that the Father through the Holy Spirit beget Jesus through Mary, that God became man and lived among men and died to save us? This mean priests are perverts because they choose celibacy in service to the Church and couples choosing to raise families are denigrated because of them? That's what you're saying?
Did you think this through? Meanwhile, you still haven't explained the cut off my head business. And what is your "hit squad"?

Compost, at this point in time, our basic beliefs regarding Jesus, Church and Trinitarianism are so opposed that
I fear there is no way I can convince you I'm rational, no matter how slowly I type. But I can't resist replying to you.

You appear to have faith that Roman Catholicism honorable and true. Whereas I am confident the Vatican is the Great Whore of the Revelation.
You appear to have faith the RC clergy is genuinely "alter Christus." Whereas I am confident they (and to some degree all "clergy") are frauds.
You appear to have faith that "Trinity" doctrine is true. Whereas I am confident "Trinity" doctrine is a great lie.

My vision of the future hinges on Isaiah 40:31 coming to pass.
Somehow I doubt that you think the coming to pass of Isaiah 40:31 is significant. If you think it is coming to pass at all.

I've been delivering messages for over 40 years that are highly critical of Satan's kingdom. You know nothing about that.
(However, you could begin learning about that by opening my website and reading, if you wanted to).
So naturally the idea of a "hit squad" coming to my home to murder me seems absurd to you.
Learn or scorn .... up to you. Have a nice day, JP

You got that right!
What are you saying? That it is belief in a Triune God that makes people prudes? Prudes don't have access to "Jesus Spirit"? You want your head cut off? Seriously. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
Trinitarianism is sick. Just plain sick. Roman Catholicism being prime exhibit.Sick teaching regarding "Virgin Mary" (which denigrates every married couple)
and sick teaching regarding "celibate clergy" (which created a fraternity of perverts ...... plus denigrates every married couple) )
As for my hope that "a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off"..............
Jesus was confirmed by rising from the dead. I want confirmation. Are we to follow-emulate Jesus? .... or not ?
Sick. That's your argument? !
Confirmation? What EXACTLY would you require to confirm faith in Jesus Christ?
You are saying it's sick that the Father through the Holy Spirit beget Jesus through Mary, that God became man and lived among men and died to save us? This mean priests are perverts because they choose celibacy in service to the Church and couples choosing to raise families are denigrated because of them? That's what you're saying?
Did you think this through? Meanwhile, you still haven't explained the cut off my head business. And what is your "hit squad"?

Compost, at this point in time, our basic beliefs regarding Jesus, Church and Trinitarianism are so opposed that
I fear there is no way I can convince you I'm rational, no matter how slowly I type. But I can't resist replying to you.

You appear to have faith that Roman Catholicism honorable and true. Whereas I am confident the Vatican is the Great Whore of the Revelation.
You appear to have faith the RC clergy is genuinely "alter Christus." Whereas I am confident they (and to some degree all "clergy") are frauds.
You appear to have faith that "Trinity" doctrine is true. Whereas I am confident "Trinity" doctrine is a great lie.

My vision of the future hinges on Isaiah 40:31 coming to pass.
Somehow I doubt that you think the coming to pass of Isaiah 40:31 is significant. If you think it is coming to pass at all.

I've been delivering messages for over 40 years that are highly critical of Satan's kingdom. You know nothing about that.
(However, you could begin learning about that by opening my website and reading, if you wanted to).
So naturally the idea of a "hit squad" coming to my home to murder me seems absurd to you.
Learn or scorn .... up to you. Have a nice day, JP
Thank you for your response. I certainly agree that there is little point in continuing this discussion. You hinge your future on one passage from Isaiah, I choose to live out my faith much more deeply.
“”those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Out of 7 billion people, there are many waiting on the Lord sprinkled out all over the world. Christians deem this wonderful and look forward to it coming to pass. But it will be quite the unexpected shock to those “having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”

There will two different groups of empowered.

First, the initially empowered will include many old people who have been waiting on the Lord for years.
Many of us will be bible literate and very acquainted with organized christianish religion. We will immediately commence being used by Jesus to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, and bring back the dead.

Second will be those the initially empowered recruit into the service of Jesus.
This second group will include many more young people and people not familiar with the Bible nor with organized christianish religion.

Since I live in rural Thailand (for past 16 years) many I'm used to recruit will be young men from Buddhist culture.
People not contaminated with Trinitarian doctrinal bs, including Trinitarian doctrinal bs regarding sex.

Though it may pain the prudes to accept it, many young women will be attracted to and seek to bond with young men who will be used by Jesus to do such as go into a hospital and in Jesus name heal everyone in the hospital on the spot.
No man will be in charge of the work and "life style" of the empowered. Jesus Spirit will be in charge of how the empowered relate to each other, male and female.

As for 70 year old me, my hope, prayer and expectation is that after a few days of empowerment a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off.
PROBLEM IS Isaiah actually says in proper meaning BIND IN not wait on and Jesus is a man created Idol fashioned from previous mythologies and compiled figures, which is why Isaiah also warns & says:
Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
"G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).
In Isaiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more.
Isaiah44;13 The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isaiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD(JESUS)
“”those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Out of 7 billion people, there are many waiting on the Lord sprinkled out all over the world. Christians deem this wonderful and look forward to it coming to pass. But it will be quite the unexpected shock to those “having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”
There will two different groups of empowered.
, the initially empowered will include many old people who have been waiting on the Lord for years.
Many of us will be bible literate and very acquainted with organized christianish religion. We will immediately commence being used by Jesus to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, and bring back the dead.
Second will be those the initially empowered recruit into the service of Jesus.
This second group will include many more young people and people not familiar with the Bible nor with organized christianish religion.
Since I live in rural Thailand (for past 16 years) many I'm used to recruit will be young men from Buddhist culture.
People not contaminated with Trinitarian doctrinal bs, including Trinitarian doctrinal bs regarding sex.
Though it may pain the prudes to accept it, many young women will be attracted to and seek to bond with young men who will be used by Jesus to do such as go into a hospital and in Jesus name heal everyone in the hospital on the spot.
No man will be in charge of the work and "life style" of the empowered. Jesus Spirit will be in charge of how the empowered relate to each other, male and female.
As for 70 year old me, my hope, prayer and expectation is that after a few days of empowerment a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off.
PROBLEM IS Isaiah actually says in proper meaning BIND IN not wait on .........................

Opinion noted. Mine is that Isaiah actually says WAIT ON, not bind in. Have a nice day, JP
“”those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Out of 7 billion people, there are many waiting on the Lord sprinkled out all over the world. Christians deem this wonderful and look forward to it coming to pass. But it will be quite the unexpected shock to those “having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”
There will two different groups of empowered.
, the initially empowered will include many old people who have been waiting on the Lord for years.
Many of us will be bible literate and very acquainted with organized christianish religion. We will immediately commence being used by Jesus to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, and bring back the dead.
Second will be those the initially empowered recruit into the service of Jesus.
This second group will include many more young people and people not familiar with the Bible nor with organized christianish religion.
Since I live in rural Thailand (for past 16 years) many I'm used to recruit will be young men from Buddhist culture.
People not contaminated with Trinitarian doctrinal bs, including Trinitarian doctrinal bs regarding sex.
Though it may pain the prudes to accept it, many young women will be attracted to and seek to bond with young men who will be used by Jesus to do such as go into a hospital and in Jesus name heal everyone in the hospital on the spot.
No man will be in charge of the work and "life style" of the empowered. Jesus Spirit will be in charge of how the empowered relate to each other, male and female.
As for 70 year old me, my hope, prayer and expectation is that after a few days of empowerment a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off.
PROBLEM IS Isaiah actually says in proper meaning BIND IN not wait on .........................

Opinion noted. Mine is that Isaiah actually says WAIT ON, not bind in. Have a nice day, JP
That is because you forget to read the OT by reading the Tanakh not the NT version of
the OT. That's like reading the narrative of what Rossane Barr said in her tweet by reading Al Sharpton or CNN's new narrative instead of the original tweet along with contextcommentary of it's meaning.

The Tanakh reads : verse 31:
But those who "put their hope in" the Lord shall renew [their] vigor, they shall raise wings as eagles; they shall run and not weary, they shall walk and not tire.
The proper meaning is binding in-as in trust/faith(aka put their hope in) by trusting that lead and path/ reflecting & manifesting that Essence we call God that the Master/King/high priest aka Lord possesses.
“”those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Out of 7 billion people, there are many waiting on the Lord sprinkled out all over the world. Christians deem this wonderful and look forward to it coming to pass. But it will be quite the unexpected shock to those “having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”
There will two different groups of empowered.
, the initially empowered will include many old people who have been waiting on the Lord for years.
Many of us will be bible literate and very acquainted with organized christianish religion. We will immediately commence being used by Jesus to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, and bring back the dead.
Second will be those the initially empowered recruit into the service of Jesus.
This second group will include many more young people and people not familiar with the Bible nor with organized christianish religion.
Since I live in rural Thailand (for past 16 years) many I'm used to recruit will be young men from Buddhist culture.
People not contaminated with Trinitarian doctrinal bs, including Trinitarian doctrinal bs regarding sex.
Though it may pain the prudes to accept it, many young women will be attracted to and seek to bond with young men who will be used by Jesus to do such as go into a hospital and in Jesus name heal everyone in the hospital on the spot.
No man will be in charge of the work and "life style" of the empowered. Jesus Spirit will be in charge of how the empowered relate to each other, male and female.
As for 70 year old me, my hope, prayer and expectation is that after a few days of empowerment a hit squad will come through my gate, put bullets in my chest and cut my head off.
PROBLEM IS Isaiah actually says in proper meaning BIND IN not wait on .........................

Opinion noted. Mine is that Isaiah actually says WAIT ON, not bind in. Have a nice day, JP
That is because you forget to read the OT by reading the Tanakh not the NT version of
the OT. That's like reading the narrative of what Rossane Barr said in her tweet by reading Al Sharpton or CNN's new narrative instead of the original tweet along with contextcommentary of it's meaning.
The Tanakh reads : verse 31:
But those who "put their hope in" the Lord shall renew [their] vigor, they shall raise wings as eagles; they shall run and not weary, they shall walk and not tire.
The proper meaning is binding in-as in trust/faith(aka put their hope in) by trusting that lead and path/ reflecting & manifesting that Essence we call God that the Master/King/high priest aka Lord possesses.

I have no problem with the Tanakh version: "those who put their hope in the Lord shall renew [their] vigor"
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Originally posted by TribulationSigns View Post

Lunatic rants. Pray for JP to get out of spiritual insanity.

JP replies:

21 From that time on, Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised on the third day. 22 Then Peter took Him and began rebuking Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord! This shall not happen to You.” 23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things that are of God, but those that are of men.” Matt 16:21-23

Am I wrong to believe Jesus will do as I have asked Him and bring me back from the dead .... (after Globalist sent hit squad shoots & beheads me)

Jesus knowing I will bear witness that Jesus brought me back from the dead. ?

Am I wrong/crazy to believe John 14:12-14 ? Am I wrong/crazy to believe Jesus will empower whoever is waiting on Him? see Isaiah 40:31

Jesus was in full accord with God's plan for Jesus to be crucified/killed. And Peter thought the plan was nuts.

Are we to follow/emulate Jesus or not ?

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