There's an ugly cynicism lurking behind the Black Lives Matter movement


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
There's an ugly cynicism lurking behind the Black Lives Matter movement

20 Jun 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
In America, woe betide anyone who dares to say that "all lives" rather than just "black lives" matter. There is an ash heap behind Black Lives Matter headquarters on which lie the rotting carcasses of those foolish enough to say that "all lives matter."
A viral video, however, shows that the contention that, for Democrats, the mantra that "black lives matter" is a slogan without substance. The video (scroll down to view) shows white health care workers massed in front of an unnamed medical center. Many of them hold signs supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. This is a woke white crowd that's signaling its virtue.
In the video, an unseen man with a stentorian bass voice — a man who is almost certainly black himself — asks the healthcare workers, "Do all black lives matter or just some black lives?"
The health care workers, like the well trained useful idiots they are, enthusiastically repeat back to him, "All black lives matter."
He has another question for them. "The black lives killed by black men matter, right?"
There's a moment of stunned silence, and then some scattered voices say, "Yes."
The unseen questioner reiterates, "Yes?"
The assembled white workers, more sure of themselves now, answer, "Yes."
As the health care workers grapple with the question of black-on-black crime, which accounts for 93% of all black homicide victims, one woman positions herself at the front of the group. She kneels, carefully holding a sign that, while difficult to read, seems to say something about "white" people supporting black lives. Then, the unseen man springs the 15.5-million baby question:
"The black babies killed in the abortion clinics matter, right?"
The response is dead silence.
The man intones, "Thought so."
The kneeling woman looks back at her colleagues for support, and then awkwardly stands up and sidles her way back to them.
But the interlocutor is not done.
"The black officers killed by that bastard in Minnesota, that matters too, right?
The assembled workers have their rhythm back. "Yeah." "Yes." They're no longer a tight chorus, but they know their answer. So the man rocks them off balance again.
"But the black babies that are killed in the abortion clinics don't matter, do they, medical people?"
How can young black people feel that their lives have value if women in the community dispose of their pregnancies as casually as old shoes? And do all those virtue-signaling white leftists who are single-issue voters — with abortion being the issue — genuinely believe that black lives matter, or is that just a cynical ploy to ensure an endless supply of compliant Democrat voters?
At day's end, even as Democrats are parroting that "black lives matter," the reality is that they're making it clear that, while blacks may matter at the polls, otherwise, they mostly don't matter at all.

Facts show that our very poorest cities are deep Blue run by Democrats proves that Democratic policies lead to poverty. Fortunately, sociologists and economists have studied some of our older cities long enough to figure out what's going on. We now know why Democratic policies lead to poverty.
In cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Buffalo, Flint and Detroit, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 8 to 1 or more. Is it any wonder that they've become single-party cesspools with no hope for change?
Freedom can never be a gift from one human to another. It is God's gift to man, but each man must fight for their own freedom. Republicans may have freed the slaves, the slaves did not cherish it and sold themselves back to the Democrats for a welfare check and free stuff. Black America has the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome ever seen. They embrace those who brutalize them by voting Democrat.
The recent results of Black men resisting arrest and dying has called for unfunding, reducing or dissolving of our local police forces.
As a result we now see that Law enforcement rank and file officers have backed off, sometimes by calling sick ins, and refusing to patrol high crime areas that have resulted in higher murder rates in our Blue Democrat disaster cities which unfortunately are setting new records. Democrats seem to want bloodshed so they can keep talking about confiscating guns.
Politicians especially Progressiv Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists aren't really interested in the answers or solving these problems, they just want to control the narrative which the uniparty establishment has already agreed to, eugenics!!!
Until blacks OWN 'Black Lives Matter' by taking responsibility for and doing something about the massive black-on-black crime / murder rate, ridiculous number of single parent fatherless households, & huge number of abortions no one should pay much attention to their tantrum over the million-to-one white-cop-abuse/murder-of-a-black-person.

Evidently Black Lives only matter when taken by anyone WHITE.

There's an ugly cynicism lurking behind the Black Lives Matter movement

20 Jun 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
In America, woe betide anyone who dares to say that "all lives" rather than just "black lives" matter. There is an ash heap behind Black Lives Matter headquarters on which lie the rotting carcasses of those foolish enough to say that "all lives matter."
A viral video, however, shows that the contention that, for Democrats, the mantra that "black lives matter" is a slogan without substance. The video (scroll down to view) shows white health care workers massed in front of an unnamed medical center. Many of them hold signs supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. This is a woke white crowd that's signaling its virtue.
In the video, an unseen man with a stentorian bass voice — a man who is almost certainly black himself — asks the healthcare workers, "Do all black lives matter or just some black lives?"
The health care workers, like the well trained useful idiots they are, enthusiastically repeat back to him, "All black lives matter."
He has another question for them. "The black lives killed by black men matter, right?"
There's a moment of stunned silence, and then some scattered voices say, "Yes."
The unseen questioner reiterates, "Yes?"
The assembled white workers, more sure of themselves now, answer, "Yes."
As the health care workers grapple with the question of black-on-black crime, which accounts for 93% of all black homicide victims, one woman positions herself at the front of the group. She kneels, carefully holding a sign that, while difficult to read, seems to say something about "white" people supporting black lives. Then, the unseen man springs the 15.5-million baby question:
"The black babies killed in the abortion clinics matter, right?"
The response is dead silence.
The man intones, "Thought so."
The kneeling woman looks back at her colleagues for support, and then awkwardly stands up and sidles her way back to them.
But the interlocutor is not done.
"The black officers killed by that bastard in Minnesota, that matters too, right?
The assembled workers have their rhythm back. "Yeah." "Yes." They're no longer a tight chorus, but they know their answer. So the man rocks them off balance again.
"But the black babies that are killed in the abortion clinics don't matter, do they, medical people?"
How can young black people feel that their lives have value if women in the community dispose of their pregnancies as casually as old shoes? And do all those virtue-signaling white leftists who are single-issue voters — with abortion being the issue — genuinely believe that black lives matter, or is that just a cynical ploy to ensure an endless supply of compliant Democrat voters?
At day's end, even as Democrats are parroting that "black lives matter," the reality is that they're making it clear that, while blacks may matter at the polls, otherwise, they mostly don't matter at all.

Facts show that our very poorest cities are deep Blue run by Democrats proves that Democratic policies lead to poverty. Fortunately, sociologists and economists have studied some of our older cities long enough to figure out what's going on. We now know why Democratic policies lead to poverty.
In cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Buffalo, Flint and Detroit, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 8 to 1 or more. Is it any wonder that they've become single-party cesspools with no hope for change?
Freedom can never be a gift from one human to another. It is God's gift to man, but each man must fight for their own freedom. Republicans may have freed the slaves, the slaves did not cherish it and sold themselves back to the Democrats for a welfare check and free stuff. Black America has the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome ever seen. They embrace those who brutalize them by voting Democrat.
The recent results of Black men resisting arrest and dying has called for unfunding, reducing or dissolving of our local police forces.
As a result we now see that Law enforcement rank and file officers have backed off, sometimes by calling sick ins, and refusing to patrol high crime areas that have resulted in higher murder rates in our Blue Democrat disaster cities which unfortunately are setting new records. Democrats seem to want bloodshed so they can keep talking about confiscating guns.
Politicians especially Progressiv Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists aren't really interested in the answers or solving these problems, they just want to control the narrative which the uniparty establishment has already agreed to, eugenics!!!
If a person wants to be successful in America all that they need to do is three easy things.
1) Stay out of trouble.
2) At least finish HS
3) Work
.....plain and simple, BLM/blacks hate whites/cops/America and want it changed for them
..there is not a problem of police brutality or racism--THE problem is blacks committing crimes at high rate and graduating at lower rates
..they'll burn/loot/riot for any reason--especially because they HATE the rich WHITE man Mr Trump--which they have been indoctrinated and taught to hate--here it is:
Rich white men fit the mold
There's an ugly cynicism lurking behind the Black Lives Matter movement

20 Jun 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
In America, woe betide anyone who dares to say that "all lives" rather than just "black lives" matter. There is an ash heap behind Black Lives Matter headquarters on which lie the rotting carcasses of those foolish enough to say that "all lives matter."
A viral video, however, shows that the contention that, for Democrats, the mantra that "black lives matter" is a slogan without substance. The video (scroll down to view) shows white health care workers massed in front of an unnamed medical center. Many of them hold signs supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. This is a woke white crowd that's signaling its virtue.
In the video, an unseen man with a stentorian bass voice — a man who is almost certainly black himself — asks the healthcare workers, "Do all black lives matter or just some black lives?"
The health care workers, like the well trained useful idiots they are, enthusiastically repeat back to him, "All black lives matter."
He has another question for them. "The black lives killed by black men matter, right?"
There's a moment of stunned silence, and then some scattered voices say, "Yes."
The unseen questioner reiterates, "Yes?"
The assembled white workers, more sure of themselves now, answer, "Yes."
As the health care workers grapple with the question of black-on-black crime, which accounts for 93% of all black homicide victims, one woman positions herself at the front of the group. She kneels, carefully holding a sign that, while difficult to read, seems to say something about "white" people supporting black lives. Then, the unseen man springs the 15.5-million baby question:
"The black babies killed in the abortion clinics matter, right?"
The response is dead silence.
The man intones, "Thought so."
The kneeling woman looks back at her colleagues for support, and then awkwardly stands up and sidles her way back to them.
But the interlocutor is not done.
"The black officers killed by that bastard in Minnesota, that matters too, right?
The assembled workers have their rhythm back. "Yeah." "Yes." They're no longer a tight chorus, but they know their answer. So the man rocks them off balance again.
"But the black babies that are killed in the abortion clinics don't matter, do they, medical people?"
How can young black people feel that their lives have value if women in the community dispose of their pregnancies as casually as old shoes? And do all those virtue-signaling white leftists who are single-issue voters — with abortion being the issue — genuinely believe that black lives matter, or is that just a cynical ploy to ensure an endless supply of compliant Democrat voters?
At day's end, even as Democrats are parroting that "black lives matter," the reality is that they're making it clear that, while blacks may matter at the polls, otherwise, they mostly don't matter at all.

Facts show that our very poorest cities are deep Blue run by Democrats proves that Democratic policies lead to poverty. Fortunately, sociologists and economists have studied some of our older cities long enough to figure out what's going on. We now know why Democratic policies lead to poverty.
In cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Buffalo, Flint and Detroit, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 8 to 1 or more. Is it any wonder that they've become single-party cesspools with no hope for change?
Freedom can never be a gift from one human to another. It is God's gift to man, but each man must fight for their own freedom. Republicans may have freed the slaves, the slaves did not cherish it and sold themselves back to the Democrats for a welfare check and free stuff. Black America has the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome ever seen. They embrace those who brutalize them by voting Democrat.
The recent results of Black men resisting arrest and dying has called for unfunding, reducing or dissolving of our local police forces.
As a result we now see that Law enforcement rank and file officers have backed off, sometimes by calling sick ins, and refusing to patrol high crime areas that have resulted in higher murder rates in our Blue Democrat disaster cities which unfortunately are setting new records. Democrats seem to want bloodshed so they can keep talking about confiscating guns.
Politicians especially Progressiv Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists aren't really interested in the answers or solving these problems, they just want to control the narrative which the uniparty establishment has already agreed to, eugenics!!!

The truth never mattered to a mobacracy that I'm aware of.

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