There’s only one candidate for president in 2024 who is currently calling for deescalation and world peace, and his name is Donald J. Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
No more wars, no more death. this is a time for world peace, for world harmony, for world love, and yes WORLD SEX!

And Russia is the one acting violently. America would be greatly reduced in power and influence if we back down to Russia at this time.

Russia isn't going to stop attacking.
We have seen how Trump fights to stay in an office he lost in the election.
He will be the 2024 Republican nominee. He will destroy every one of his challengers..including Nikki Haley (no shot) and Ron DeSantis (no larger appeal beyond the SE).

And then, in the general election, he will lose spectacularly...Biden, Harris, Newsom..doesn't matter. He loses. Republicans give back the House to Democrats with a 25+ seat majority.
The one, saving grace. The one shining beacon for Republicans...they take the Senate by a 2 or 3 seat majority based on the 2024 map....but then proceed to give it right back in 2026. :auiqs.jpg:

One party we come. :)

There’s only 1 candidate for president in 2024 who is currently calling for deescalation and world peace, & his name is Donald J. Trump​

Donald Trump, true leader of men, who speaks softly but carries a big stick.

You are correct. Given half a chance Trump would abandon Ukraine and ignore their subsequent punitive enslavement.

You must mean just as Joe and Obumma ignored Tibetan's punitive enslavement when the chinese invaded Tibet, took over the country, exiled the Dali Lama while taking prisoner the Panchen Lama?
And there is NOTHING you can do about it.

And there's nothing you can do about it!

And there is NOTHING you can do about it!
Who wants to do anything about it, Freaky? I WANT Trump to be the nominee.

Wow, if this post was supposed to be some kind of're losing it. :auiqs.jpg:
You must mean just as Joe and Obumma ignored Tibetan's punitive enslavement when the chinese invaded Tibet, took over the country, exiled the Dali Lama while taking prisoner the Panchen Lama?
Nope. I mean Trump would abandon Ukraine. Do you doubt this?
Nope. I mean Trump would abandon Ukraine. Do you doubt this?

How do you abandon what you never should have been involved with in the first place? Is every battle on the planet going to be OURS? Do you know the definition of a *SUCKER*? Got any idea where half the weapons, money and loot have gone over there? And how do you "abandon" something that you've given a year to and over 100 billion dollars? How long are we supposed to stay with this, like ten years giving 100 billion a year?
How do you abandon what you never should have been involved with in the first place? Is every battle on the planet going to be OURS? Do you know the definition of a *SUCKER*? Got any idea where half the weapons, money and loot have gone over there? And how do you "abandon" something that you've given a year to and over 100 billion dollars? How long are we supposed to stay with this, like ten years giving 100 billion a year?
So it seems we are in agreement that Trump would abandon our efforts on behalf of the people of Ukraine. The only difference is that you want it.
GOOD, Jack, Good. Just like in 2016 when CNN and MSNBC hosts were all BEGGING Trump to run!!! :auiqs.jpg:

And look what it got you! :lmao:
Well, finally. Something we can actually discuss. I do remember 2015 and 2016. I remember that the networks you bemoan and trash as ultra left wing gave your savior Trump UNLIMITED 24x7 exposure while he was running for President. To the point of almost nauseuousness. And yes, along with the no rules/no holds barred social media (that you praised and love in these years) and Internet exposure, we did get Trump backing into the White House (just barely though). But he turned out to be a complete disaster. Almost destroyed the country and shredded the Constitution after he lost. Now he wants to run again. I say...good. I want him to run. He will clear the field of all his Republican challengers and then lose spectacularly in the general election.
Well, finally. Something we can actually discuss.
You mean I finally hit on something you think you can actually get the upper hand in so are willing to debate?

I do remember 2015 and 2016. I remember that the networks you bemoan and trash as ultra left wing gave your savior Trump UNLIMITED 24x7 exposure while he was running for President.
Their leanings had nothing to do with anything, don't start right out with the absurd notion that they were being generous and accommodating! Any air time they gave Trump was only because they thought he was a novelty and a spectacle, expecting Trump to make a complete fool of himself, lose badly, meanwhile, provide them with lots of fodder for ridicule to boost their ratings. Trump did THEM the favor. As soon as Trump was gone and they didn't have him anymore, all their ratings CRASHED. Trump was the best thing that ever happened to them because they ran with TDS 24/7. Toob 1: Jacky 0

Trump backing into the White House (just barely though). But he turned out to be a complete disaster.
The economy was no disaster, low crime and secure borders was no disaster, improved trade, beating the bad guys and world peace was no disaster. The only disaster while Trump was in office was the made-up one constantly manufactured by the left and fed to keep him on the front page of their tabloids in order to keep milking his popularity and controversiality for money and ratings. Toob 2: Jacky 0

Almost destroyed the country and shredded the Constitution after he lost.
Please. Nothing almost destroyed the country or shredded the Constitution except the year the democrats spent getting election laws changed in all the swing states so that they could run endless elections with votes coming in for weeks with no chain of custody until they could "find" enough ballots to declare themselves the winner, culminating in an election so transparently fraudulent and so suppressed in the media that Americans felt they finally had no choice but to make their voices heard right at the Capitol, which the democrats used to create a spectacle hoping to again try to hang Trump with!

And every election, first the democrats lose on election day, then the more they keep counting and finding more ballots, the faster the election does a surprise 180 putting THEM in office! And the proof of it was that despite Covid no longer being the big issue in 2022 that it was in 2020 when they dreamed up the new election voting system which they used to justify so radical a change to elections, THEY STILL DID IT. You watch in 2024 when all the republicans start voting by mail too and counting ballots 3 weeks late with no signatures and putting up totally unsecured, unsupervised drop boxes everywhere how fast the left is suddenly against it! Toob 3: Jacky 0

Now he wants to run again. I say...good. I want him to run. He will clear the field of all his Republican challengers and then lose spectacularly in the general election.
If Biden manages to stay in office another two years, only because we don't have the senate, things will be so bad by then that people will be ready to vote for a dead cat rather than put Biden back in office again until he is 86. 68% of dems are already begging him not to run again. And unlike the GOP who have a dozen good people they could run, what has the Dems have after Joe Biden? Kammy? Warren? Grusome Newsom who has wrecked California so bad that people are fleeing the state?
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You mean I finally hit on something you think you can actually get the upper hand in so are willing to debate?

Their leanings had nothing to do with anything, don't start right out with the absurd notion that they were being generous and accommodating! Any air time they gave Trump was only because they thought he was a novelty and a spectacle, expecting Trump to make a complete fool of himself, lose badly, meanwhile, provide them with lots of fodder for ridicule to boost their ratings. Trump did THEM the favor. As soon as Trump was gone and they didn't have him anymore, all their ratings CRASHED. Trump was the best thing that ever happened to them because they ran with TDS 24/7. Toob 1: Jacky 0

The economy was no disaster, low crime and secure borders was no disaster, improved trade, beating the bad guys and world peace was no disaster. The only disaster while Trump was in office was the made-up one constantly manufactured by the left and fed to keep him on the front page of their tabloids in order to keep milking his popularity and controversiality for money and ratings. Toob 2: Jacky 0

Please. Nothing almost destroyed the country or shredded the Constitution except the year the democrats spent getting election laws changed in all the swing states so that they could run endless elections with votes coming in for weeks with no chain of custody until they could "find" enough ballots to declare themselves the winner, culminating in an election so transparently fraudulent and so suppressed in the media that Americans felt they finally had no choice but to make their voices heard right at the Capitol, which the democrats used to create a spectacle hoping to again try to hang Trump with!

And every election, first the democrats lose on election day, then the more they keep counting and finding more ballots, the faster the election does a surprise 180 putting THEM in office! And the proof of it was that despite Covid no longer being the big issue in 2022 that it was in 2020 when they dreamed up the new election voting system which they used to justify so radical a change to elections, THEY STILL DID IT. You watch in 2024 when all the republicans start voting by mail too and counting ballots 3 weeks late with no signatures and putting up totally unsecured, unsupervised drop boxes everywhere how fast the left is suddenly against it! Toob 3: Jacky 0

If Biden manages to stay in office another two years, only because we don't have the senate, things will be so bad by then they people will be ready to vote for a dead cat rather than put Biden back in office again until he is 86. 67% of dems are already begging him not to run again. And unlike the GOP who have a dozen good people they could run, what has the Dems have after Joe Biden? Kammy? Warren? Grusome Newsom who has wrecked California so bad that people are fleeing the state?
Trump got the benefit of getting an economy chugging along and growing from his predecessor, Barack Obama. All he had to do was not screw it up...which he did the moment the virus made it to our shores. The economy wasn't a disaster.. Trump was. He made all of his own terrible issues. They were ALL self-inflicted. Like it or not, CNN and MSNBC gave Trump almost unlimited exposure while he was running for President. He would have never been elected without them. Even after he was elected, he could have made his press coverage infinitely better by pivoting and growing into the job of being President..of everyone. But he just didn't have it in him. But hey, bad press is still better than no press at all..right? :)

By my account here, all of your "shots" have hit the back of the rim and clanked out. You have had almost 2.5 years to prove your accusations of widespread voter fraud and have failed to do so. And I'm aware that even you don't believe your hype. It's just in the alr-right's interest to keep the lie alive. Sane people know what was behind January 6th. Fortunately, it and other whack-a-doodle ideas were soundly rejected last November. What should have been a landslide for Republicans turned into a wet fart.

Republicans should vote by mail. In fact, mail in voting should be the law of the land. It should start two months early for military and overseas citizens. And a month early for the rest of us. All mail in votes should be opened, counted, and signature and ID matched by Election Day. Cut off for mail in voting is 24 hours prior to the opening of the first polls on Election Day. That way, everything can be counted. You'd have your winners by 6AM the following morning.

BTW, Newsom right now takes Trump, Haley, Pompeo, and DeSantis. :)
Trump got the benefit of getting an economy chugging along and growing from his predecessor, Barack Obama.
Barry Obumma, inventor of the longest, biggest recession since the Great Depression! :auiqs.jpg:

Like it or not, CNN and MSNBC gave Trump almost unlimited exposure while he was running for President.
Only for the ratings and ad revenue. After all, compared to other politicians, Trump was a rock star.

By my account here, all of your "shots" have hit the back of the rim and clanked out.
Whatever it takes to cushion your snowflake ego, Jack.

You have had almost 2.5 years to prove your accusations of widespread voter fraud and have failed to do so.
That has all been proven 500 ways come Sunday Jack. It's not even a topic of debate anymore. I can't help it you are too stupid or afraid to follow the facts.

Fortunately, it and other whack-a-doodle ideas were soundly rejected last November.
Nothing was rejected Jack. Even the Dem's wins last Fall, many key victories were won by barely a percentage point, and some of the races you won, you did only because McConnell pulled millions in funding out of several of the races, afraid of his losing power to MAGA. The rest you won was all done again with a black cloud of fraud hanging over your head.

What should have been a landslide for Republicans
In other words, an ADMISSION that the democrats suck and are performing terribly.

In fact, mail in voting should be the law of the land. It should start two months early for military and overseas citizens.
Maybe we should start counting ballots now for the 2024 election? Mail in ballots are only for those who want to vote and have NO OTHER WAY of doing so in person. Putting a physical body with each vote is the only, best way of minimizing cheating.

You'd have your winners by 6AM the following morning.
For 250 years, we knew by late Election Day night.

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