These are the allegations in the Joe Biden impeachment inquiry

The "nO eViDEnCe!" crowd can ignore this.

Abuse of power, obstruction and corruption.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the House is launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, citing at least six separate allegations that led to the decision.

First, he cited the House Oversight Committee’s findings that Biden “did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings.”

Second, McCarthy also cited bank records that show “nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies.”

Third, McCarthy also said the Treasury Department has “more than 150 transactions involving the Biden family and other business associates that were flagged as suspicious activity by U.S. banks.”

Fourth, McCarthy cited an FBI informant who alleged that the president and his son both received bribes of $5 million each.

Fifth, McCarthy cited Biden using “his official office to coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners about Hunter’s role in Burisma Ukrainian energy company,” referring to recent revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop that then-Vice President Biden used private or alias accounts to send government information to Hunter.

Finally, McCarthy said — likely in reference to the Justice Department’s handling of its investigation of Hunter Biden, “Despite the serious allegations, it appears that the president’s family has been offered special treatment by Biden’s own administration — treatment that [they] not otherwise would have received if they were not related to the President.”

Actually, it's not 'evidence' of a high crime or a misdemeanor. And few elected officials in the GOP have come forward claiming anything like that :auiqs.jpg:

"McCarthy has shown he will do anything to hold on to his gavel" including launch an impeachment inquiry "based on repackaged, inaccurate conspiracies about Hunter Biden and his legitimate business activities." - Hunter Biden's lawyer, Abbe Lowell (she's more credible than the Speaker and any of his hardline, rightwing handlers)

Impeachment "very different than an impeachment, an actual impeachment would require the evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor that has not been alleged." GOP US Senator Romney

"An inquiry is an inquiry, it's not an impeachment" US Senator Chuck Grassley,

"I don't think that it's going to result in a removal on the Senate side. But if there's meaningful information that they think the American people need to know about, I'm OK with it." - US Senator Thom Tillis

and in other wingnut news:

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has publicly threatened to bring a motion to vacate against McCarthy. The motion would force a vote on whether McCarthy should continue on as speaker. McCarthy brushed off the threat while speaking to reporters on Monday evening, saying Gaetz "should go ahead and do it… Matt's, Matt."

Gaetz only doubled down on the warning during a floor speech Tuesday shortly after McCarthy's announcement regarding impeachment.

"Moments ago, McCarthy endorsed an impeachment inquiry. This is a baby step following weeks of pressure from House conservatives to do more," Gaetz said.

Speaker McCarthy announced ordering House Republicans move ahead with an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden
Kind of shows his desparation to keep the nuts happy.

Getting his razor thin majority to go along with it would be a bit much.

Did you guys learn nothing from the Clinton impeachment hearings?
There most likely will be just enough shills to stop it.
The "nO eViDEnCe!" crowd can ignore this.

Abuse of power, obstruction and corruption.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the House is launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, citing at least six separate allegations that led to the decision.

First, he cited the House Oversight Committee’s findings that Biden “did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings.”

Second, McCarthy also cited bank records that show “nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies.”

Third, McCarthy also said the Treasury Department has “more than 150 transactions involving the Biden family and other business associates that were flagged as suspicious activity by U.S. banks.”

Fourth, McCarthy cited an FBI informant who alleged that the president and his son both received bribes of $5 million each.

Fifth, McCarthy cited Biden using “his official office to coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners about Hunter’s role in Burisma Ukrainian energy company,” referring to recent revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop that then-Vice President Biden used private or alias accounts to send government information to Hunter.

Finally, McCarthy said — likely in reference to the Justice Department’s handling of its investigation of Hunter Biden, “Despite the serious allegations, it appears that the president’s family has been offered special treatment by Biden’s own administration — treatment that [they] not otherwise would have received if they were not related to the President.”

Wow not looking good for Joey •the big guy” xiden
President Harris

Barring an unexpected event like Biden choking on a bag of rotten dicks and dying, Kamala Harris like Hillary Clinton, will ever ever be President of these United States.

Biden can be impeached by the House but not removed by the Senate. President Trump wears his impeachment like badges of honor, because everyone knows they were based of phony charges. Biden and you Democrats on the other hand, would be devastated by his impeachment.
This doesn't even mention the Afghan pullout and the Southern Border.

Both of those would be grounds for impeachment individually by themselves.
The Supreme Court has already ruled on the border situation and the president.
Joe you just don't get it.....It's all about the inquiry process, not impeachment......Let's see how you leftists like lawfare.

Again, likely to backfire in your face if all you have is a fake laptop no one believed three years ago.
The "nO eViDEnCe!" crowd can ignore this. Abuse of power, obstruction and corruption.

Biden is guilty as sin. Joe is a traitor guilty of treason and after conviction, should have all of his assets liquidated then sent to Gitmo for the rest of his life. Traitors don't belong on US soil.

And to think he was once America's Most Popular President. :71:


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