These Are The Salad Days

By this time next year, we are going to be looking back at the eight years of the Obama Administration as the golden age of American politics.

I'm sure many of you have carbonated beverages shooting out of your nostrils at this moment, but think about it.

This campaign season has been the most vitriolic, offensive, dumpster diving, mud slinging, fabricated, and evil election year since 1824.

Yes, 1824. That's when the personal attacks got so ugly, it killed the wife of one of the candidates. We haven't yet sunk that low, but there is still time. And we have two candidates who are not above setting a new benchmark.

We are in Crazy Land now, boys and girls. You thought it was bad in 2012? Look at us now!

The hatred and ugliness is of such scale that there is simply no going back. Whichever candidate wins this election is NEVER going to be accepted by the opposition. Never. Ever. NO EFFING WAY.

Before the perspiration from the hand of the new President has evaporated off the swearing-in Bible, the political hacks of the opposing party are going to be Facebook feeding a list of reasons to impeach the new President for immediate widescale parroting.

The Representatives and Senators of the opposing party will be given Death-to-the-Traitor bullet points to echo on the talking head circuit, and they will filibuster or poison pill every piece of legislation offered up by the President or his/her congressional minions.

The hack propaganda mills will be taking out superloans to expand their bullshit manufacturing facilities. If the new President breaks a shoelace while tying his/her shoe, it will be a national scandal of epic proportions. If the new President nods his or her head in the direction of any head of state during the next eight years, it will be taken as the kowtowing of an appeasing, spineless supplicant.

A sneeze will be a death rattle. A wink will be a sexual assault. A brushing aside of a stray hair will be a secret signal to the Jewish cabal. Anonymous inside sources will claim the President is about to send out a gun confiscation force in the guise of census takers. The bullshit manufacturers will claim still other anonymous inside sources who "know about these things" have provided information the President is about to be arrested for being a crack dealer in the 70s.

So enjoy today while you can. These are the good old days you will soon be missing.

IZZATRITE Guano, you fucking hack?
All you're saying is that the depravity continues to get worse. That's not some new revelation.
And yet it is clearly not grasped by several of the posters who have replied in this thread.

The very same kind of people who will make my prediction come to fruition. :lol:
By this time next year, we are going to be looking back at the eight years of the Obama Administration as the golden age of American politics.

I'm sure many of you have carbonated beverages shooting out of your nostrils at this moment, but think about it.

This campaign season has been the most vitriolic, offensive, dumpster diving, mud slinging, fabricated, and evil election year since 1824.

Yes, 1824. That's when the personal attacks got so ugly, it killed the wife of one of the candidates. We haven't yet sunk that low, but there is still time. And we have two candidates who are not above setting a new benchmark.

We are in Crazy Land now, boys and girls. You thought it was bad in 2012? Look at us now!

The hatred and ugliness is of such scale that there is simply no going back. Whichever candidate wins this election is NEVER going to be accepted by the opposition. Never. Ever. NO EFFING WAY.

Before the perspiration from the hand of the new President has evaporated off the swearing-in Bible, the political hacks of the opposing party are going to be Facebook feeding a list of reasons to impeach the new President for immediate widescale parroting.

The Representatives and Senators of the opposing party will be given Death-to-the-Traitor bullet points to echo on the talking head circuit, and they will filibuster or poison pill every piece of legislation offered up by the President or his/her congressional minions.

The hack propaganda mills will be taking out superloans to expand their bullshit manufacturing facilities. If the new President breaks a shoelace while tying his/her shoe, it will be a national scandal of epic proportions. If the new President nods his or her head in the direction of any head of state during the next eight years, it will be taken as the kowtowing of an appeasing, spineless supplicant.

A sneeze will be a death rattle. A wink will be a sexual assault. A brushing aside of a stray hair will be a secret signal to the Jewish cabal. Anonymous inside sources will claim the President is about to send out a gun confiscation force in the guise of census takers. The bullshit manufacturers will claim still other anonymous inside sources who "know about these things" have provided information the President is about to be arrested for being a crack dealer in the 70s.

So enjoy today while you can. These are the good old days you will soon be missing.
I so wish we could hit multiple buttons sometimes in reply to a post. That was great.
Editorial correction: I said the 1824 election was the worst. I meant 1828. That's the one which killed Andrew Jackson's wife.

A couple other things:

If a child is killed by an alligator in Florida, it will be the President's fault. If the town dog catcher in Alba, Missouri rapes his next door neighbor, it will be because the President coddles criminals. If the President fails to attend the funeral of a general no one ever heard of, it will indicate the utter scorn the President has for the military.
Imagine if a president plays golf
Trump owns seven golf courses.

I hear he cheats

Does Donald Trump cheat at golf? A Washington Post investigation.
Doesn't everyone? Is it REALLY cheating to nudge the ball with your toe just a little ???? Nah
Why do we need an opposition when Progressives already know how to run everything so much better all the way down to your everyday life?
Women and the LGBT community already ask that of Conservatives who champion individual rights and less intrusive government. Go figure.
Women want a solid economic future. They want freedom, liberty, and property rights. Most don't want a government-dependent welfare state. All the women I have talked with in my profession despise Hillary and her ideals.
As far as the lgbt - who gives a flying fuck what they want.

Is that why Trump only polls 35 percent among women?
Just as men (yourself included), there exists a large segment of lazy, braindead women.
Women, however, are polling higher for Trump as the election nears.
This has been a very depressing election. I agree with the OP, other than I see some false equivalency going on. There is a difference between how Trump has run his mouth and his campaign that isn't pretty. We haven't seen that in our lifetimes, we haven't seen that level of behavior from the Clinton campaign. She's no angel, but she's not the devil either.
Obama is handing his unfortunate successor the biggest Financial IED in all human history...salad days

The Starkey's are so in love with the state it's affected their judgement
Obama is handing his unfortunate successor the biggest Financial IED in all human history...salad days

The Starkey's are so in love with the state it's affected their judgement

You say that like 1932 and 2008 never happened.
Why do we need an opposition when Progressives already know how to run everything so much better all the way down to your everyday life?
Women and the LGBT community already ask that of Conservatives who champion individual rights and less intrusive government. Go figure.
Women want a solid economic future. They want freedom, liberty, and property rights. Most don't want a government-dependent welfare state. All the women I have talked with in my profession despise Hillary and her ideals.
As far as the lgbt - who gives a flying fuck what they want.
Women want reproductive freedom. Why the need to interfere with a personal life by government?

And the LGBT community wants all the rights extended to every other citizen. You should care about them because you rights can be similarly eroded.
Why do we need an opposition when Progressives already know how to run everything so much better all the way down to your everyday life?
Women and the LGBT community already ask that of Conservatives who champion individual rights and less intrusive government. Go figure.
Women want a solid economic future. They want freedom, liberty, and property rights. Most don't want a government-dependent welfare state. All the women I have talked with in my profession despise Hillary and her ideals.
As far as the lgbt - who gives a flying fuck what they want.

Is that why Trump only polls 35 percent among women?
Just as men (yourself included), there exists a large segment of lazy, braindead women.
Women, however, are polling higher for Trump as the election nears.
Those of us opposing Trump do so because he is a clown. A huckster buffoon without empathy, morality and qualities basic to decent humanity, let alone the presidency of this great nation. He is more attune to the professional wrestling set, the low brow, the uneducated. He has no appeal to me and millions like me.
Why do we need an opposition when Progressives already know how to run everything so much better all the way down to your everyday life?
Women and the LGBT community already ask that of Conservatives who champion individual rights and less intrusive government. Go figure.
Women want a solid economic future. They want freedom, liberty, and property rights. Most don't want a government-dependent welfare state. All the women I have talked with in my profession despise Hillary and her ideals.
As far as the lgbt - who gives a flying fuck what they want.
Women want reproductive freedom. Why the need to interfere with a personal life by government?

And the LGBT community wants all the rights extended to every other citizen. You should care about them because you rights can be similarly eroded.
I'm not sure what you mean by "reproductive freedom". My wife is still laughing at that one.
And you talk as if lgbt is some kind of race. It's a behavioral malfunction at best. Rights for sexual perverts is irrelevant.
Why do we need an opposition when Progressives already know how to run everything so much better all the way down to your everyday life?
Women and the LGBT community already ask that of Conservatives who champion individual rights and less intrusive government. Go figure.
Women want a solid economic future. They want freedom, liberty, and property rights. Most don't want a government-dependent welfare state. All the women I have talked with in my profession despise Hillary and her ideals.
As far as the lgbt - who gives a flying fuck what they want.
Women want reproductive freedom. Why the need to interfere with a personal life by government?

And the LGBT community wants all the rights extended to every other citizen. You should care about them because you rights can be similarly eroded.

Citizens’ rights and protected liberties must be consistently acknowledged and safeguarded, otherwise they’re rendered devoid of meaning and value for everyone.
Obama is handing his unfortunate successor the biggest Financial IED in all human history...salad days

The Starkey's are so in love with the state it's affected their judgement

You say that like 1932 and 2008 never happened.

2008 will be the good Ole days in comparison to what Obama, the EU, China and Japan have cobbled together these last 8 years
Obama is handing his unfortunate successor the biggest Financial IED in all human history...salad days

The Starkey's are so in love with the state it's affected their judgement

You say that like 1932 and 2008 never happened.

2008 will be the good Ole days in comparison to what Obama, the EU, China and Japan have cobbled together these last 8 years

My first question would be...Japan? This is 2016, right?

Anyway, no. We are way better off in the twilight of Obama's presidency than we were under Bush. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you probably voted for Bush. If you say no, chances are you lied.

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