These fuel prices are ridiculous

Let sum it up in one word...."DEREGULATION"......."..In the fall of 1985 the FERC formally implemented its deregulation policy and the Department of Energy filed with the FERC to deregulate the remaining categories of natural gas still under price controls. Industrial consumers began to search in earnest for cheaper gas which more producers were willing to sell."
Ronald Reagan, originally an American actor and politician, became the 40th President of the United States serving from 1981 to 1989.
OH, what about the FREE MARKET?
Now that is fucking you is so horrible.
Neither party owns it. Recall that oil sold at one point during the global shutdown in 2020 for negative dollars! US production dropped about 30% by May of 2020. Shutting down wells is easy. Opening them back up is not as easy.

You own it in the policies you pursue as the party to address the issue. The promises and benefits of Green Energy are just that at this stage…. A promise or a vision. While I agree that opening up wells and refineries is not easy, what policies are we pursuing to have an impact on reducing high energy costs, increased dependence on foreign oil, and inflation ….. in the SHORT TERM?
The most ridiculous part is the day by day change, up or down by ten cents or more a gallon.
30 cent increase in just one week for gas and what is Biden doing.....pushing green energy.
Then yesterday our local news said we should expect a nearly 50% increase in our natural gas bills.
To make matters worse our local gas taxes also went up.

All told my fuel costs will increase by well over a thousand dollars if not close to 2k per year under Biden.

Thanks Brandon
Blame capitalism and it's supply and demand.
You own it in the policies you pursue as the party to address the issue. The promises and benefits of Green Energy are just that at this stage…. A promise or a vision. While I agree that opening up wells and refineries is not easy, what policies are we pursuing to have an impact on reducing high energy costs, increased dependence on foreign oil, and inflation ….. in the SHORT TERM?
We all own it, or it owns us. It, being the oil industry.
Neither party owns it. Recall that oil sold at one point during the global shutdown in 2020 for negative dollars! US production dropped about 30% by May of 2020. Shutting down wells is easy. Opening them back up is not as easy.

Progs and globalists shut down the economy. Digital currency and ID with medical information and so much more is coming. People losing jobs as the beast of Tyranny arises again.
Progs and globalists shut down the economy. Digital currency and ID with medical information and so much more is coming. People losing jobs as the beast of Tyranny arises again.
More rubbish. Suddenly you beleive the government numbers on inflation? lol that's hilarious. The CPI Index used by the BLS has been a joke since it was invented. The Feds have lots of reasons for not reporting real inflation, and so do those who bribe Congress.
At least I provide links to support my argument instead of just saying someone is wrong without any supporting information. You can say price is not effected by supply shortages and increased demand all you want, but even common sense would say otherwise. But in my case, I gave you some proof to go along with it ;).
Progs and globalists shut down the economy. Digital currency and ID with medical information and so much more is coming. People losing jobs as the beast of Tyranny arises again.
If you choose not to be vaccinated, you have made a choice.

Man up little boi
So even more than ten years from now. Kinda makes my point even stronger.
Do you not understand anything about heavy equipment set up and leases and contracts? Schedules for these guys are made years in advance. You blow the schedule and forget it until they become available again.
At least I provide links to support my argument instead of just saying someone is wrong without any supporting information. You can say price is not effected by supply shortages and increased demand all you want, but even common sense would say otherwise. But in my case, I gave you some proof to go along with it ;).

No, you didn't, you posted some crap from lobbyists. You probably don't care about the facts anyway; ideologues hate facts.
Neither party owns it. Recall that oil sold at one point during the global shutdown in 2020 for negative dollars! US production dropped about 30% by May of 2020. Shutting down wells is easy. Opening them back up is not as easy.

In Texas the oil industry gives just as much to Democrat candidates as it does to the GOP; some Democrats get even more than the local GOP hacks do. And as Already shown, drill counts are not dropping, and are in fact increasing, almost double what they were a year ago. It has nothing to do with 'supply and demand', it has to do with speculators and profit taking. Drilling wells isn't the only investment on the planet, and those companies chase those others as well, hence the cash hoarding; when drillign brings bigger returns than the other possibilites, the money will go to drilling; if the biggest returns are in SPACs, or paladium, or movies, or whatever, the money will chase those investments.
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No, you didn't, you posted some crap from lobbyists. You probably don't care about the facts anyway; ideologues hate facts.
I guess those darn senior oil markets analysts in the link I provided don’t know what they are taking about, but Dudley Smith on a message board is the person in the know. :rolleyes:
I guess those darn senior oil markets analysts in the link I provided don’t know what they are taking about, but Dudley Smith on a message board is the person in the know. :rolleyes:
Yes. Glad you finally recognize that. 'Industry Analyst' is just another euphemism for ' paid shill' in the oil biz.
In Texas the oil industry gives just as much to Democrat candidates as it does to the GOP; some Democrats get even more than the local GOP hacks do. And as Already shown, drill counts are not dropping, and are in fact increasing, almost double what they were a year ago. It has nothing to do with 'supply and demand', it has to do with speculators and profit taking. Drilling wells isn't the only investment on the planet, and those companies chase those others as well, hence the cash hoarding; when drillign brings bigger returns than the other possibilites, the money will go to drilling; if the biggest returns are in SPACs, or paladium, or movies, or whatever, the money will chase those investments.
When I got here in the late 70's Texas was still Democrat. I think it was just as influenced by oil then as it is now.

Of course last year when oil sold at one point for negative dollars there was a drop in drilling. Now with oil over 80 not only is the rig count up but exploration is ramping up as well. When a production well is shut off, there is no guarantee that it will start flowing again without drilling a new hole. They shutoff 3 million barrels a day worth of producing wells by may of last year. Getting those fields producing that much again is not as easy as turning them off.
How about Keystone making a good connection with Colonial and upgrading that infrastructure?

The Keystone XL was strictly an EXPORT pipeline to benefit the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands to take advantage of the tax status of the Free Trade zone. NONE of that product would benefit American consumers.

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