These "Make Trump Feel Great Again" Rallies Help What , Except Himself..?

Lighten up lefties. You sound like a bunch of losers who haven't won an important election in six years. Who is in charge of the democrat party these days? Debbie Schultz might be facing indictment and Hillary is in deep doo doo but lefties throw out trite angry meaningless B.S. about the President to make themselves feel better as if it means anything. At least it keeps them from smashing windows and torching cars and shooting up baseball teams. In a year or two the democrat party might become irrelevant at this rate.

You seriously need to come up with something new... Butt-hurt and Snowflake


Obama started campaigning thirty days after his inauguration in 09. Were you outraged at that as well?

You whooooo, Wrong!

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally
Obama formally opened his re-election bid Saturday with two rallies in which he highlighted accomplishments over his three and a half years in the White House

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally - CNNPolitics

Our country was crashing down the hill when he took office, he didn't have time to run out and campaign for his re-election.

I don't think Bush did either until one year before.


He had his first rally in feb of 09. IDC if his official reelection rally was years later. That was not my point.
But go ahead and try to apply that consistently :thup:
After a few weeks of Mirror Mirror on the Wall isn't working anymore, Trump does a stupid complain hour

about everything that bugs him and get's Cheer-On..about himself.

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Since the rallies don't have any other purpose than to make Trump feel good, they are doing exactly what they are designed to do.

On the contrary. Every time he holds a televised rally, his support gets stronger. Every time he tweets something outrageous, his supporters like him more. I voted wholeheartedly for him and like him more than 6 months ago.

You Democrats still think you're dealing with a regular politician here. You're not. And you have no way to stop him because the usual rules of engagement became null and void in 2016.

Okay, genius.

How do you know his support gets stronger after rallies? How are you measuring that?

Did you see a decrease in the number of people attending, or their enthusiasm?

Had Hillary given a rally, she would have been lucky to bring in 500 people.

So you have absolutely zero evidence to support your retarded claim.

How is believing fake polls showing displeasure with Trump not retarded? The same polls and the same media said he'd never win, so obviously they are liars. Americans put up with the liar-in-chief Obama for 8 years and we are fed up with them. I personally don't know a single person who having voted for Trump, is having second thoughts.

You people still don't get it and possibly never will: He isn't playing by your rules or allowing you to set the narrative. That's why you lost, and that's why you'll lose again in 2020.

If you can't accept the evidence shown by the attendance and enthusiasm at his rally last night, then you'll continue to be clueless the rest of your life. Enjoy your comfortable obliviousness.
Obama started campaigning thirty days after his inauguration in 09. Were you outraged at that as well?

You whooooo, Wrong!

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally
Obama formally opened his re-election bid Saturday with two rallies in which he highlighted accomplishments over his three and a half years in the White House

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally - CNNPolitics

Our country was crashing down the hill when he took office, he didn't have time to run out and campaign for his re-election.

I don't think Bush did either until one year before.

He had his first rally in feb of 09. IDC if his official reelection rally was years later. That was not my point.
But go ahead and try to apply that consistently :thup:

Was trump elected to be like
Obama started campaigning thirty days after his inauguration in 09. Were you outraged at that as well?

It is tiring to keep seeing nothing get done while he golfs and campaigns.
But, unless someone is willing to forge a compromise with 60% of the middle in congress, nothing will change. Trump promised that early in the primary, but obviously has not appetite for it now. Was it all a charade, or is there something with Russia that leaves him vulnerable so he simply holds a rally that accomplishes nothing beyond letting every one know he holds 80% of gop voters? I really don't know. McCain campaigned on it in 2004, and that was the last time I was actually enthused about voting. Biden might have been able to do it, but when you're 70 and your kid just died of cancer .......

I don't see a Kennedy or Reagan out there. but then nobody knew JFK or Reagan had it in them. We'll see.
yesterday -21

today ...

The latest figures include 24% who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing and 47% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -23. (see trends).

less than 25% lick his butt .. the day AFTER his BIG rally ...

and thats from right leaning Rasmussen.
Obama started campaigning thirty days after his inauguration in 09. Were you outraged at that as well?

You whooooo, Wrong!

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally
Obama formally opened his re-election bid Saturday with two rallies in which he highlighted accomplishments over his three and a half years in the White House

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally - CNNPolitics

Our country was crashing down the hill when he took office, he didn't have time to run out and campaign for his re-election.

I don't think Bush did either until one year before.

He had his first rally in feb of 09. IDC if his official reelection rally was years later. That was not my point.
But go ahead and try to apply that consistently :thup:

Was trump elected to be like
Hey, like Obama or not, he passed HC which is what the dems wanted since 1936.
Trump is all about being a celebrity, not a president. The big difference is, a celebrity only cares about his fans; if he can draw big crowds of his fans to an event, that makes the celebrity happy.

A president is supposed to governing the country. Trump only grudgingly attempts that because it's unpleasant for him to venture outside his fan bubble.

This is exactly what is going on, Well Said.. He is a Reality TV star who fought for good ratings.

Obama started campaigning thirty days after his inauguration in 09. Were you outraged at that as well?

You whooooo, Wrong!

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally
Obama formally opened his re-election bid Saturday with two rallies in which he highlighted accomplishments over his three and a half years in the White House

Obama outlines case for re-election at first official campaign rally - CNNPolitics

Our country was crashing down the hill when he took office, he didn't have time to run out and campaign for his re-election.

I don't think Bush did either until one year before.

He had his first rally in feb of 09. IDC if his official reelection rally was years later. That was not my point.
But go ahead and try to apply that consistently :thup:

Was trump elected to be like
Nope. I think its stupid to have these. I also think its stupid and hypocritical to act like this is something new.
Trump is all about being a celebrity, not a president. The big difference is, a celebrity only cares about his fans; if he can draw big crowds of his fans to an event, that makes the celebrity happy.

A president is supposed to governing the country. Trump only grudgingly attempts that because it's unpleasant for him to venture outside his fan bubble.

This is exactly what is going on, Well Said.. He is a Reality TV star who fought for good ratings.

So according to you, Trump is a Successful Reality Star, and Hillary Clinton is a Failed Politician.
She can't even beat a Reality Star?
Didn't you Libs notice that no one is showing up to Trump's rallies just as you predicted?
And the ratings for the rallies are kicking ass.
Feeling stupid yet?


This twitter by the GOP is not telling their people the truth, I am sure that you caught wind of this fake news too.

Trump is all about being a celebrity, not a president. The big difference is, a celebrity only cares about his fans; if he can draw big crowds of his fans to an event, that makes the celebrity happy.

A president is supposed to governing the country. Trump only grudgingly attempts that because it's unpleasant for him to venture outside his fan bubble.

This is exactly what is going on, Well Said.. He is a Reality TV star who fought for good ratings.

So according to you, Trump is a Successful Reality Star, and Hillary Clinton is a Failed Politician.
She can't even beat a Reality Star?
By your inference you dont think this is true? Trump is a reality star. Clinton is a failed politician. Trump should also thank Obama because if it wasnt for him acting like a reality TV star Trump would never have had a chance to get the nomination. The country was already used to thin skinned drama queens.
Didn't you Libs notice that no one is showing up to Trump's rallies just as you predicted?
And the ratings for the rallies are kicking ass.
Feeling stupid yet?


This twitter by the GOP is not telling their people the truth, I am sure that you caught wind of this fake news too.

And yet still the democrats lost. And continue to lose. What does that tell you of your regressive ideology ,snowflake?
Obama started campaigning thirty days after his inauguration in 09. Were you outraged at that as well?
Link to him having a designated campaign rally for his 2012 election, please! If you have posted it somewhere in this thread already, could I have the post number, please?

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