These sanctuary city cry babies are actually willing to lose Federal Funding in order to protect ..


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
President Trump’s executive order to freeze funding for “sanctuary cities” that refuse to enforce federal immigration law has been met with expected resistance from big-city liberal politicians nationwide. The order, which also instructs the Department of Homeland Security to release a weekly police blotter on crimes committed by illegal aliens, was issued “to better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions.”

- See more at: These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
And that they are, it makes you wonder can they not think past the present moment, do they not know how to figure out corporate math and the cost of these illegals.
Can they not figure out Ca. is not in the best of financial status at the moment. Maybe they will once the open the flood gates and see the state go under and it will rapidly.
The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.
The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.

Loop holes come in handy, bet they find one too.
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.

or people as stupid as you who haven't come back from planet fantasy.....
Stupidity is amazing nobody fears who warns the stupid, we have to look out for the dumb asses who can't figure out what is going on in the real world.

Because you liberals are being played like you never even knew ..........LMFAo
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.



- See more at: How liberals are getting played – Renegade Republican Ep388
The fact that conservatives fear more than the coming "Black and Brown" apocalypse" is that if Liberal cities stopped funding poor uneducated rock kicker states half the South would starve to death...
The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.

Forcing them to do their will? They are breaking federal law. I also don't see how States can force the Federal government to give them money.
I still think the Feds should just arrest the law breakers. Once repleaced with normal human beings that obey the law, no loss of funds.
I would like to see the Donald appoint new judges to fill the vacancies that liberal judges who block his orders create after Trump assigns those sonsabitchs to a small town traffic court.
These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
Sounds like you are the one being a crybaby. Of course nobody can outdo Trump as a crybaby.
View attachment 110710
These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
President Trump’s executive order to freeze funding for “sanctuary cities” that refuse to enforce federal immigration law has been met with expected resistance from big-city liberal politicians nationwide. The order, which also instructs the Department of Homeland Security to release a weekly police blotter on crimes committed by illegal aliens, was issued “to better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions.”

- See more at: These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
And that they are, it makes you wonder can they not think past the present moment, do they not know how to figure out corporate math and the cost of these illegals.
Can they not figure out Ca. is not in the best of financial status at the moment. Maybe they will once the open the flood gates and see the state go under and it will rapidly.
The general government has no police power within the several States.


We have a Commerce Clause; where is our capitalist and revenue generating, market friendly visa program?
I hate this shit, I live in a sanctuary city (Denver). My leaders PRESUME to represent us and do such a thing? How dare they? This is still a democracy, or what? IF THIS EVER WAS A DEMOCRACY then why wasn't the voting public ever asked if we wanted to vote on giving amnesty to illegals? Just wondering.We weren't asked, kiddos.They just ...did it, no questions asked.
I voted for the republican party. Trump needs to read THIS. We don't need a wall, or Mexico to pay for it. We don't want sanctuary cities either. Never did, either. Listen to me Trump. Be fair and enforce all the immigration laws, and penalize all that violate or exploit them. That simple.It isn't hateful or racist, just FAIR.
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The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.

Forcing them to do their will? They are breaking federal law. I also don't see how States can force the Federal government to give them money.
I still think the Feds should just arrest the law breakers. Once repleaced with normal human beings that obey the law, no loss of funds.
I need to read up on Sanctuary Cities more than I have, but from what I have read, they follow the law on things like, someone being arrested for a crime and notifying INS that they have an illegal and the agents are suppose to come and get the illegal and Perp from the City that notified them, but within a certain time period in the Law, like 7 days to come and get him.

And if the INS Agents did not come within the legal time period to pick them up, then the Sanctuary cities, follow their own protocol for the Perp, as if they were citizens.... so let's say they were caught shoplifting, and the perps that are citizens for shoplifting would be allowed out on bail until trial, then the illegal perp would be allowed out on bail until trial....if the crime was armed robbery and kidnapping... if the citizen perp would be held without bail etc, then the illegal immigrant would be held to the same measure.

And I heard Sanctuary Cities do NOT ask any of their citizens or any of the people within their cities, about their citizenship....except when getting a driver's license now and any Federal programs that require example, under the federal REAL ID ACT they have to keep illegals driver licenses separate and different from citizens driving....and to qualify for TANF Welfare, you must be a citizen, or a legal immigrant that has lived in the USA legally for 5 years.... so they have to prove those things....

But if you are robbed and reporting it, no one is going to ask the victim if they are here legally or not.... if your house is on fire, no one at the fire department is going to ask if you are here legally or not before they serve them, nor is anyone at school going to ask that question before teaching the student is allowed, so essentially, no one in a government position paid by the Sanctuary City, is going to ask for anyone's PAPERS, PLEASE!

That's ALL that I have read about it.....

So what else do these 'sanctuary' cities do??
The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.

Loop holes come in handy, bet they find one too.
FOR CERTAIN they will TRY to find one!!! :D
I hate this shit, I live in a sanctuary city (Denver). My leaders PRESUME to represent us and do such a thing? How dare they? This is still a democracy, or what? IF THIS EVER WAS A DEMOCRACY then why wasn't the voting public ever asked if we wanted to vote on giving amnesty to illegals? Just wondering.We weren't asked, kiddos.They just ...did it, no questions asked.
Vote them out. If you can't, then I suppose breaking the law is approved by your local government
The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.

Forcing them to do their will? They are breaking federal law. I also don't see how States can force the Federal government to give them money.
I still think the Feds should just arrest the law breakers. Once repleaced with normal human beings that obey the law, no loss of funds.

Nope. There is no law stating that the state, city, or county has to enforce federal law. In fact, It pisses the feds off big time that Colorado won't turn over the licensed marijuana growers in their state to the DEA, too. What is even more interesting is that the feds are demanding that the states, cities and counties incarcerate and feed suspected breakers of federal law, at their own expense. They don't even offer to reimburse the sanctuary cities for their expenses incurred.
I hate this shit, I live in a sanctuary city (Denver). My leaders PRESUME to represent us and do such a thing? How dare they? This is still a democracy, or what? IF THIS EVER WAS A DEMOCRACY then why wasn't the voting public ever asked if we wanted to vote on giving amnesty to illegals? Just wondering.We weren't asked, kiddos.They just ...did it, no questions asked.
Vote them out. If you can't, then I suppose breaking the law is approved by your local government
Somehow, that dosen't work. The political system seems to transcend the voters and gets all metaphysical, and we get Hickenloopers carpet baggers from out of state and can condescend to all the natives and presume they and KNOW all voters and the basic constituency and what we really need, because they are so much in tune with reality? Isn't democracy about US telling THEM what WE want? never mind THAT.
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