These sanctuary city cry babies are actually willing to lose Federal Funding in order to protect ..

Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.

What's the deeper issue? The only issue is you and your ilk supporting illegal invaders for cheap labor at the expense of the American worker you fucking scumbag gfys.
The supreme court had ruled the big federal govt could not force States to do their will by withholding federal money, unless the law itself that allotted the money stated in the law the federal govt could do it.

so, unless there is in the Law, ''you can withhold these federal dollars going to a state if the State keeps their Sanctuary Cities'', then the Federal Govt can not withhold federal dollars going to them under the laws in place.

Cite the case liar.
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.

What's the deeper issue? The only issue is you and your ilk supporting illegal invaders for cheap labor at the expense of the American worker you fucking scumbag gfys.

First of all, FU. That off my chest, you're one very dumb asshole. Now I feel better.

I support human rights, I do not benefit from "cheap labor", any work I have done on my properties is done by those legally working in the United States. I make sure the contractor hires only those able to work in the US and that they are covered by Workers Comp. Ins.; I have that written into the contract.

There are many who do exploit labor, by hiring those who do not have proof that they can legally work in the US; those are the ones that should be punished. Now, as to my main point, so well expressed in the second sentence in the first paragraph i have no need to restate it.
View attachment 110710
These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
President Trump’s executive order to freeze funding for “sanctuary cities” that refuse to enforce federal immigration law has been met with expected resistance from big-city liberal politicians nationwide. The order, which also instructs the Department of Homeland Security to release a weekly police blotter on crimes committed by illegal aliens, was issued “to better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions.”

- See more at: These sanctuary city crybabies are actually willing to lose federal funding in order to ‘protect’ illegals
And that they are, it makes you wonder can they not think past the present moment, do they not know how to figure out corporate math and the cost of these illegals.
Can they not figure out Ca. is not in the best of financial status at the moment. Maybe they will once the open the flood gates and see the state go under and it will rapidly.
You mean "principles" over "money"? No wonder the RW is confused.
I voted for the republican party. Trump needs to read THIS. We don't need a wall, or Mexico to pay for it. We don't want sanctuary cities either. Never did, either. Listen to me Trump. Be fair and enforce all the immigration laws, and penalize all that violate or exploit them. That simple.It isn't hateful or racist, just FAIR.
The general government has no police power within the several States.


We have a Commerce Clause; where is our capitalist and revenue generating, market friendly visa program?
As already posted on this thread, the feds can not withhold money from a city for failure to enforce federal law. In fact, as AZ found out a couple of years ago, the states were prohibited from enforcing federal law. Sure, trump will try to do it, just like when he threatened to cut off the University of Berkeley. He can't do that, either.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.

What's the deeper issue? The only issue is you and your ilk supporting illegal invaders for cheap labor at the expense of the American worker you fucking scumbag gfys.

First of all, FU. That off my chest, you're one very dumb asshole. Now I feel better.

I support human rights, I do not benefit from "cheap labor", any work I have done on my properties is done by those legally working in the United States. I make sure the contractor hires only those able to work in the US and that they are covered by Workers Comp. Ins.; I have that written into the contract.

There are many who do exploit labor, by hiring those who do not have proof that they can legally work in the US; those are the ones that should be punished. Now, as to my main point, so well expressed in the second sentence in the first paragraph i have no need to restate it.

There is no human right to immigrate to the United States you stupid fucking piece of shit. You have already stated you support sanctuary cities the bottom line is you support fucking over American workers for cheap labor you can't have your cake and eat it too you fucking scum bag.
As already posted on this thread, the feds can not withhold money from a city for failure to enforce federal law. In fact, as AZ found out a couple of years ago, the states were prohibited from enforcing federal law. Sure, trump will try to do it, just like when he threatened to cut off the University of Berkeley. He can't do that, either.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.
As already posted on this thread, the feds can not withhold money from a city for failure to enforce federal law. In fact, as AZ found out a couple of years ago, the states were prohibited from enforcing federal law. Sure, trump will try to do it, just like when he threatened to cut off the University of Berkeley. He can't do that, either.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.

Interesting, because I am with the Sheriff's office of my county, and I swore no oath to uphold federal law. Go back to reading your Breitbart, Chaos. Your post is pure pulp fiction.
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.

What's the deeper issue? The only issue is you and your ilk supporting illegal invaders for cheap labor at the expense of the American worker you fucking scumbag gfys.

First of all, FU. That off my chest, you're one very dumb asshole. Now I feel better.

I support human rights, I do not benefit from "cheap labor", any work I have done on my properties is done by those legally working in the United States. I make sure the contractor hires only those able to work in the US and that they are covered by Workers Comp. Ins.; I have that written into the contract.

There are many who do exploit labor, by hiring those who do not have proof that they can legally work in the US; those are the ones that should be punished. Now, as to my main point, so well expressed in the second sentence in the first paragraph i have no need to restate it.

There is no human right to immigrate to the United States you stupid fucking piece of shit. You have already stated you support sanctuary cities the bottom line is you support fucking over American workers for cheap labor you can't have your cake and eat it too you fucking scum bag.
does the national socialist right wing, not believe in natural rights?
As already posted on this thread, the feds can not withhold money from a city for failure to enforce federal law. In fact, as AZ found out a couple of years ago, the states were prohibited from enforcing federal law. Sure, trump will try to do it, just like when he threatened to cut off the University of Berkeley. He can't do that, either.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.
Nobody takes the national socialist right wing seriously about the law, or economics.
As already posted on this thread, the feds can not withhold money from a city for failure to enforce federal law. In fact, as AZ found out a couple of years ago, the states were prohibited from enforcing federal law. Sure, trump will try to do it, just like when he threatened to cut off the University of Berkeley. He can't do that, either.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.
Nobody takes the national socialist right wing seriously about the law, or economics.
Yes yes because opposition to illegal immigration makes one a Nazi right? You are truly a fucking retard.
Wonder how long these Govt. people will remain in office when the taxpayers get taxed up the ass to compensate for lost Fed funds.

I sure don't want my local taxes raised so some illegal can live in my city. No way. No how.
As already posted on this thread, the feds can not withhold money from a city for failure to enforce federal law. In fact, as AZ found out a couple of years ago, the states were prohibited from enforcing federal law. Sure, trump will try to do it, just like when he threatened to cut off the University of Berkeley. He can't do that, either.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.
Nobody takes the national socialist right wing seriously about the law, or economics.
Yes yes because opposition to illegal immigration makes one a Nazi right? You are truly a fucking retard.
no, dear; it is the way national socialists go about it.
The federal government can withhold funds for any reason to wants. No one or entity can harbor criminals.

"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.
Nobody takes the national socialist right wing seriously about the law, or economics.
Yes yes because opposition to illegal immigration makes one a Nazi right? You are truly a fucking retard.
no, dear; it is the way national socialists go about it.

Yes yes because actually enforcing existing immigration law makes one a Nazi, you fucking moron.
"Harbor criminals?" You are throwing that term around pretty loosely. A city pol;iceman has NO responsibility to detain someone who broke a federal law. If he does so, it is merely a professional courtesy. If he does not, he has not "harboring a criminal". That phrase would be a description of intentionally assisting a criminal to evade justice.

All illegal aliens are engaged in breaking the law they are all criminals and sanctuary cities are intentionality assisting those criminals and evade justice, and all state and local police swear and oath to uphold both state, local, AND Federal Law you ignorant fuck.
Nobody takes the national socialist right wing seriously about the law, or economics.
Yes yes because opposition to illegal immigration makes one a Nazi right? You are truly a fucking retard.
no, dear; it is the way national socialists go about it.

Yes yes because actually enforcing existing immigration law makes one a Nazi, you fucking moron.
only national socialist right wing fantasy. we have a supreme law of the land.

10USC311 is also, federal law. when is the cognitively dissonant right wing, going to "let legal" to the law?
Simple minds like that of the poster of the OP are easily led and incapable of sagacious cognition, that of course is one reason why s/he worships trump. Of course some cities are governed by a leadership which has principles, compassion and a deeper understanding of issues, and that is why people like mind wars voted for those who lead by hate, fear and the callous disregard for other human beings.

What's the deeper issue? The only issue is you and your ilk supporting illegal invaders for cheap labor at the expense of the American worker you fucking scumbag gfys.

First of all, FU. That off my chest, you're one very dumb asshole. Now I feel better.

I support human rights, I do not benefit from "cheap labor", any work I have done on my properties is done by those legally working in the United States. I make sure the contractor hires only those able to work in the US and that they are covered by Workers Comp. Ins.; I have that written into the contract.

There are many who do exploit labor, by hiring those who do not have proof that they can legally work in the US; those are the ones that should be punished. Now, as to my main point, so well expressed in the second sentence in the first paragraph i have no need to restate it.

There is no human right to immigrate to the United States you stupid fucking piece of shit. You have already stated you support sanctuary cities the bottom line is you support fucking over American workers for cheap labor you can't have your cake and eat it too you fucking scum bag.

There is a moral obligation, something a callous conservative/trumpeter cannot understand. That mental block is characteristic of a sociopath, i.e. an individual with a Personality Disorder. That fact that you call me a "stupid fucking piece of shit" is telling, and what it tells the reader is you are an uneducated, unsocialized and craven troll. And those seem to be you best attributes.

There are laws and policies which protect and allow aliens, citizens of other nations in danger, an immediate safe harbor. Thus, we can add ignorant to your resume.
Wonder how long these Govt. people will remain in office when the taxpayers get taxed up the ass to compensate for lost Fed funds.

I sure don't want my local taxes raised so some illegal can live in my city. No way. No how.

Unless trump begins to further erode human rights and the Bill of Rights, you will have time - which may be short - to move. I suggest a rural area in a very red state where you can live as a man/woman unto only yourself. Be careful in your choice and make sure you have no baggage, carry a cross and wear a flag pin and never question authority.
There are laws and policies which protect and allow aliens, citizens of other nations in danger, an immediate safe harbor. Thus, we can add ignorant to your resume.
So you are admitting they are coming from dangerous places? Thanks!

Now we just need a better way to vet them, which is what the 90 days freeze is for.

Where is YOUR moral obligation to your neighbors? How are you going to feel when one of these immigrants kills a room full of children? Will you be willing to accept responsibility? Or will you blame Trump for not vetting them more thoroughly?
10USC311 is also, federal law. when is the cognitively dissonant right wing, going to "let legal" to the law?

Hi Daniel,

Just getting up to speed in this thread, what would you like to see the Militia do exactly?

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