These subhuman Scum Need to Die

I don't think that's wise.

Too many cultural landmines.

Let me give you a quick example...

I had a layover in downtown Cincinnati on a Saturday night and I wanted to attend church services Sunday morning.

So...I did exactly what I would do here at home...I walked over to couple of guys sitting at the bus stop and asked "Do you guys live around here?".

They both looked at me with angry expressions and asked why I was asking...

... did I mention they were black?

They were black.

So I'm taken aback... why are these guy angry with me?

I say "I'm looking for a church to attend services...and while that looks like a church, it doesn't have a sign or show service times."

After that... their whole demeanor changed... they were more than happy to help...and told me that church was now a halfway house for a drug program and told me where the Baptist Church was located.

After the conversation had ended and I had some time for an after action review, I realized my innocent question from my perspective had been taken as a challenge? an accusation? maybe just an invasion of privacy... I'll never know exactly...but it drew into sharp relief the hidden pitfalls in something as simple as this brief interaction.
Nice story, but sometimes folks are a little leery when a complete stranger walks up and ask, "are you from around here?" When you stated your business then the whole situation was different. Hell if you roll up on 2 white dudes and say, "Hey are you from around here" what do you think the reaction is going to be.
I know it's sexist ...but women shouldn't be on the front lines
Military, police ,or firefighters

Don't care
They shouldn't be

It's not sexist, it's common friggin sense. In any scenario where endurance, speed, or brute strength is required, males handily win. There are distinct biological differences between male and female, and only in the clown world of today is it "sexist" to point this out.
Nice story, but sometimes folks are a little leery when a complete stranger walks up and ask, "are you from around here?" When you stated your business then the whole situation was different. Hell if you roll up on 2 white dudes and say, "Hey are you from around here" what do you think the reaction is going to be.

Yeah, where you live they are; most are criminals of one sort or another and paranoid, so yes, they're 'leery'.

if you roll up on 2 white dudes and say, "Hey are you from around here" what do you think the reaction is going to be.

They will say 'yes' or 'no' and ask what they can help you with, like civilized people do. You wouldn't know any so naturally you have to ask, since you have no clue.
Nice story, but sometimes folks are a little leery when a complete stranger walks up and ask, "are you from around here?" When you stated your business then the whole situation was different. Hell if you roll up on 2 white dudes and say, "Hey are you from around here" what do you think the reaction is going to be.
Did it all the time before Google Maps was ubiquitous. Never got that reaction. That's exactly what I'm saying. You have a cultural perception of this question that is completely alien to my cultural perception.

If this was two white dudes in downtown Cincinnati... you may well be correct...I don't know.
The only problem is ... they aren't subhuman animals ... they are very, very human. Raised among humans.

When Adolph Eichman, architect of The Holocaust, was on trial for his crimes in Israel, the most chilling thing about his was just how normal he looked and seemed.

He wasn't a monster, or a freak. He wasn't six feet tall. He didn't look scary at all. He was a very normal looking and acting person who anyone who saw him would think he worked in an insurance firm.

This kind of evil is part of our collective DNA and we will never be able to deal with it until we wrap our heads around it.
Now they need to be put to death very painfully and slowly.
Yeah, where you live they are; most are criminals of one sort or another and paranoid, so yes, they're 'leery'.

They will say 'yes' or 'no' and ask what they can help you with, like civilized people do. You wouldn't know any so naturally you have to ask, since you have no clue.
Get out the trailer park sometime Dumb Dudley, there is a whole world out there to explore.
Did it all the time before Google Maps was ubiquitous. Never got that reaction. That's exactly what I'm saying. You have a cultural perception of this question that is completely alien to my cultural perception.

If this was two white dudes in downtown Cincinnati... you may well be correct...I don't know.
During my travels I have found that folks down South are way more friendly than folks up North when just meet them on the street. That is black or white.
Black folks have succeeded in spite of racist like you.
Yes. Your constant crying for Whitey to save you is duly noted, as always, SupaBadBreath. Have you been bumped out the quotas for black janitors at the local grade school again? Did they hire an illegal alien instead?
When you straight out murder someone then you should be out to death. Quickly and efficiently.

Any time murders like this aren't put to death our society and species is weakened. We have to systematically remove people like this.

Something's should have an automatic death penalty because those people will never contribute to society, be decent human beings or ever be trustworthy. Child molesters, straight out murders, sex traffickers, etc.
When you straight out murder someone then you should be out to death. Quickly and efficiently.

Any time murders like this aren't put to death our society and species is weakened. We have to systematically remove people like this.

Something's should have an automatic death penalty because those people will never contribute to society, be decent human beings or ever be trustworthy. Child molesters, straight out murders, sex traffickers, etc.
I agree totally. However, what about the person who is sentenced to death for a crime that he/she did not commit? My view is that criminals always, or most always, find trouble for themselves and at times end up on the short end of the stick for something they didn't do. It's a tough call.
The only problem is ... they aren't subhuman animals ... they are very, very human. Raised among humans.

When Adolph Eichman, architect of The Holocaust, was on trial for his crimes in Israel, the most chilling thing about his was just how normal he looked and seemed.

He wasn't a monster, or a freak. He wasn't six feet tall. He didn't look scary at all. He was a very normal looking and acting person who anyone who saw him would think he worked in an insurance firm.

This kind of evil is part of our collective DNA and we will never be able to deal with it until we wrap our heads around it.
I agree that evil can appear banal but I disagree that we can't "deal with it" without understanding why it happens. Just to KNOW it happens and to keep it from being done AGAIN by the perpetrator may be the best we can do and removing evil and sending a clear message to those who would give in to their darkness will help some.
These two should receive a trial and if they are convicted they should be publicly erased from society. To do less is to encourage the next evil. But... I'd also favor shooting anyone who riots using arson or other deadly weapons. If they knew they risked being DRT (dead right there), I think you'd find it concentrates the mind, WONDERFULLY.

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