These videos may be more revealing as to who T. Carlson really is than the Dominion discovery material


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

The second one, when he talks about how imperative it is for a functioning democracy that the citizens of it have access to truthful info they can collectively rely so very true..........and because it is it highlights the danger to democracy Faux poses.
Carlson is really a shape shifting lizard man from outer space.
Journalists who actually obtain receipts and challenge power, must be stamped out and eviscerated.

That's how you know you're on the right side of history.
I don't watch Fox News, and don't know a lot about Tucker Carlson, although I've seen some bits of his broadcasts occasionally.

Is the argument that he really says one thing in public, but privately says the opposite?

For example, does he say in public that the election was stolen, but in private says it was not?

I watched the whole video presented in the OP and didn't think the attempts to psychoanalyze him amounted to much. But at the end, the argument that he says one thing publically and the opposite privately, should be definitive, without the attempts to explain why. But it wasn't clear to me what those things were. Maybe it's obvious to people who watch him regularly, but I don't.

I'm talking about outright lies here. Obviously, any 'public person' will shape what he/she says for his audience. This is clearly true of politicians, and of TV journalists. In fact, everyone does it. If we didn't, we'd live in a LIAR, LIAR world.

It's the outright lies I'm asking about.

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