They are eating their own...

Misery to the liberal is like hot springs to those Japanese Snow monkeys. They seek it. They must have it, and when they find it, EVERYONE must wallow in it.
Liberals are eating their own, the gross "anything goes" comics will be eaten by the forces of political correctness. Glorious!!!
The inevitable result of Identity Politics is to shred everyone around you.
They are eating their own...
They risk serious food poisoning.
I love that Trump has forced liberals out into the daylight for all to see their mental illness.
It is a doctrine which is completely incompatible with prosperity. It rejects science, reason, and facts in favor of emotion. It contradicts itself.
The video lecture went on: “If you’re a woman who only likes women, go ahead, identify as a lesbian. But some women have penises. And if the fact that some lesbians might be attracted to those women offends you, it’s because you don’t think trans women are real women.”

My friend objected to being judged transphobic and cissexist merely on the grounds that he dates biological women only. And when lesbians are accused of bigotry because they prefer women who don’t have male equipment, you have to wonder how long the “L” and the “T” can be held together in LGBT advocacy.
Each contradiction creates turmoil and pits progressive against progressive. Suddenly, if you’re a true lesbian progressive, you must accept penis in you from a transsexual male posing as a woman or you are “transphobic”. I literally cannot wait until Seawytch is either forced to take a heaping helping of the penis she abhors or face having her life ruined by the Gaystapo she helped create. Talk about “winning”! There is nothing better than the watching the left suffer from the insanity they created to make other people suffer.

Q&A: Why the Transgender Movement Can't Sustain Itself
I literally cannot wait until Seawytch is either forced to take a heaping helping of the penis she abhors or face having her life ruined by the Gaystapo she helped create.

What are you obsessing about tonight and why drag me into it?

Did you just advocate me to be raped?

Why do you think I abhor male genitals? I don't hate men or their penises...I'm simply not attracted to them. They're okay in porn, but I do prefer it to be gay male porn...all the participants seem to actually be enjoying themselves.

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