They don't want him to run,

They are brainwashed cult fucks.

They are so fucking dumb, they probably dont even know how much more they are paying for gas and groceries and everything else.


One great piece of evidence is when these dumb fucks saif Trump mean tweeting Kim Jon Un is going to get us NUKED…YET THOSE SAME DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS ARE NOT CONCERNED ABOUT US BEING IN A HOT WAR WITH RUSSIA,WHO HAS 3000 ICBMs and can destroy the US 10 TIMES OVER,

They are all useful idiots.
It's apparently Projection Day on the Right.
That's a total fucking lie, of course. Progs can't function without lies.

Half of America deserves better than having a criminal president. The other half are criminals themselves.
In your little world, an opinion with which you don't agree is a lie.

A normal adult knows that an opinion is just an opinion.

Maybe you'll grow up one day. Maybe you won't.
We are finding the same playbook in Pakistan another failed state where the criminals in charge have jailed Imran Khan and thirteen thousand of his supporters, because he would win an election, and the US and the Brits don't have a damn thing to say about it, because they are behind it.

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