They Found Carolyn Bryant Donham, Now They Just Need to ARREST Her.

Apparently not. His "justice" only runs one way.
What do you think justice means?

She's been running from the, kinda/sorta, since the cops pretty much knows where she hid away to, for decades now, keeping a low profile.

Turns out she's been slumming it in some podunk backwater country-town in Nowhere USA.

Just like they arrested, and ultimately jailed, Dr. Bill Cosby for alleged wrongs he did decades ago, they need to arrest her and bring her up on charges for her involvement in the brutal murder of little Emmett Till.

I don't care that she's allegedly suffering from cancer and living our her last days in the slums, the law is the law. Justice must be served.

You fellow "Law & Order" types agree w/me, right? Right!?!?!?

What crimes did she allegedly commit?
She's been running from the, kinda/sorta, since the cops pretty much knows where she hid away to, for decades now, keeping a low profile.

Turns out she's been slumming it in some podunk backwater country-town in Nowhere USA.

Just like they arrested, and ultimately jailed, Dr. Bill Cosby for alleged wrongs he did decades ago, they need to arrest her and bring her up on charges for her involvement in the brutal murder of little Emmett Till.

I don't care that she's allegedly suffering from cancer and living our her last days in the slums, the law is the law. Justice must be served.

You fellow "Law & Order" types agree w/me, right? Right!?!?!?

Shouldn't also justice be served with Hunter Biden? We know for a fact he committed a felony by lying on an ATF Form. Not to mention all the corruption he has been doing as the Bag Man for Biden Family Crime Syndicate.
Shouldn't also justice be served with Hunter Biden? We know for a fact he committed a felony by lying on an ATF Form. Not to mention all the corruption he has been doing as the Bag Man for Biden Family Crime Syndicate.
Has he been charged w/anything?

Provide a link proving what you alleged in your post above.
Has he been charged w/anything?

Provide a link proving what you alleged in your post above.
The ATF fraud is proven, He hasn't been arrested for it because the Justice Department is corrupted with Democrat leadership.

How did Joe Biden accumulate over $70 million in wealth on the salary of a Senator and VP? That is pretty close to the 10% for The Big Guy that Hunter got for his Chicom "investment", isn't it?

Stop with your denial. It just makes you look like an idiot.
Is this some obscene payback for a (democrat party supported) KKK lynching in 1955? there is no statute of limitations involving a a murder but what are you going to charge a 88 year old (white) woman dying of cancer who told her then husband she was whistled at?
I have to laugh at you, marc. I'm willing to bet that 95% of Americans wouldn't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You know why? People don't eat sleep and breath you do. So all I can say is, bite me.
Surprising to see many of you are not up on this story.
The Emmett Till story is known far and wide. As for this woman, she's too old and frail to even bother at this point, probably doesn't even know what day of the week it is.

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