They get a free show


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
So we all called this, the left said, this wouldn't happen. Kids are now getting a free show, increasing the sexulaIization of students and administrators do not care. This is what leads to Loudon VA where a kid raped girls and the admin covered it up and had the parent of the rape victim arrested......All of these people are evil and deserver a woodchipper.

So we all called this, the left said, this wouldn't happen. Kids are now getting a free show, increasing the sexulaIization of students and administrators do not care. This is what leads to Loudon VA where a kid raped girls and the admin covered it up and had the parent of the rape victim arrested......All of these people are evil and deserver a woodchipper.

Which bathroom does George Santos use?
Only until your masters gives you the next thing to be outraged about.
What will it be?
The border?
Gas prices?
Egg prices?
Mr. Potatohead?
The Little Mermaid?

M&Ms not being sexy enough was last weeks outrage.
Why does the rabid right ignore most all sexual abuse in Public Schools and only focus on one or two cases that fit their propaganda criteria?

Why do you beat your wife?
So we all called this, the left said, this wouldn't happen. Kids are now getting a free show, increasing the sexulaIization of students and administrators do not care. This is what leads to Loudon VA where a kid raped girls and the admin covered it up and had the parent of the rape victim arrested......All of these people are evil and deserver a woodchipper.

So you're saying the problem isn't Trans people but so called "straight" people?

Like we didn't already know that.
Equivalent to the stupid question you were asking. :dunno: Or maybe that went over your head.
I understood the deflection perfectly. You had no answer as to why that old horse keeps getting brought out to get beaten.
Mens, he's a fairy, but I'd rather him have to deal with men then him being able to over power a female.
What does that have to do anything?

Do you think if we didn't have these stupid gender bathroom issues that a sex offender wouldn't simoly dress as a female and enter the woman's bathroom anyway?
I understood the deflection perfectly. You had no answer as to why that old horse keeps getting brought out to get beaten.

Cause your question is bogus, the same as me asking you why you beat your wife. I know it's difficult for you to understand, maybe have a 2 year old explain it to you.
And you continue to protest ....... too much. I pointed out that there is a much larger issue with sexual abuse in PS than just the ones that end up as propaganda fodder like the Loudon case. And a piece shit like you asks what you did to try and intimidate. So take you suggestive pedophilic question and shove it.
How is the Loudon case propaganda? How callous are you? Because it shows we were right about it and now you have to eat crow, you're fine with girls being raped by boys? Where is the women's rights people that whine about rape on campus (many of them completely full of shit and get peoples lives ruined), but no they didn't show up to this's all political with people like you, how disgusting.
How is the Loudon case propaganda? How callous are you? Because it shows we were right about it and now you have to eat crow, you're fine with girls being raped by boys? Where is the women's rights people that whine about rape on campus (many of them completely full of shit and get peoples lives ruined), but no they didn't show up to this's all political with people like you, how disgusting.

Public Schools officials care more about their own interests than the best interests of the victims insofar as allegations of all sexual assaults were concerned not just those involving so called trans students. School district’s focus on self-interest and self-preservation have produced a lack of openness, transparency, and accountability in public school and most of the attacks do not involve trans students. But those don't feed the rabid outrage machine.

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