They saw it coming.

Spot on, the republicans are out of control, with their abortion bans and vote suppression, just for starters. Lets not leave out State government.

Well, the Founders didn't leave anything out ...
The last three words in the 10th Amendment are ... "or the People".

Take some responsibility for yourself, they were willing to allow you the opportunity to avoid political bullshit ... :thup:

So they started earlier than I thought.

BTW, can you show me something fascist that Democrats have done?

{An important aspect of fascism (and socialism as well) is that the State is the ultimate power in the universe. Everything becomes subservient to it. Individual rights become irrelevant, limits on power are destroyed. This happened in Germany under the Nazis, and it is happening in the United States under the Democratic Party. Let’s take a look at some of the recent examples that we have covered at The Federalist Papers Project that confirm their fascist transformation.}

You apparently don't know what either socialism or democracy is.
It's not just about the inability to compromise, it's the descent into complete whack-jobbery.

Your need to call anything whack-jobbery, is simply your desire to excuse your ignorance or incompetence.

You can stand by the road with a sign that reads, "will work for food" for all I care.
Your inability to achieve your desires in your community or at the State level, is what feeds your addiction to the Federal Government.

Get the fuck out of here you damn junkie.

Lol, you don't know me, Son. Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.
That's right, they were warned, but nobody paid attention.

From 2012

"Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem."

Published in 2012, that Washington Post piece demonstrates more than the foresight of its political scientist authors, Tom Mann of the center-left Brookings Institution and Norm Ornstein of the center-right American Enterprise Institute. It shows the disease within the Republican Party had spread long before Trump metastasized it.

Their conclusions -- that the GOP had become "ideologically extreme, scornful of compromise, unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science, dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition" -- did not gain wide acceptance then. Many journalists joined leading Republicans in dismissing them.

"Ultra, ultra liberals" whose views "carry no weight with me," sneered Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell.
"I thought they overstated things," Republican Charlie Dent, then serving his fourth term in the House from Pennsylvania, recalls now.
"People like me were thinking, 'Yeah, there are some kooky people around, but c'mon,'" says William Kristol, who was then editing the conservative Weekly Standard magazine. With John Boehner as House speaker and Mitt Romney winning the GOP presidential nomination, Kristol saw the Republican mainstream still in command.
Facing reality
All have since gotten slugged by reality. What ailed the party in 2012 has worsened.
Kristol's magazine, having diverged from Trump-era orthodoxy, no longer exists. Of his earlier sources of reassurance: Boehner fled Congress to author a book decrying his colleagues' dysfunction; Romney has become a pariah as the only Republican senator who twice voted to convict Trump on impeachment charges.

Read the rest here:

Seig Heil indeed, Chang.
Leave your Nazism at home, please.
Leave your Nazism at home.
Lol, is that all ya got?
Lol, you don't know me, Son. Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.

I don't know you personally, but I know what you post and what it means.
If you don't like how that reflects on you, I don't care if you find it insulting.

I don't have to insult you ... You insult yourself ... :thup:

Basically true. The Pre-Trump GOP was faux "conservatism" taking Chamber of Commerce money, since 70% of the US economy was sales/marketing, and supported moving US factories to China and their cheap labor. The US was okay with a "service economy" and no manufacturing sector. Color the 2012 GOP as "globalists".

Then Trump came along with his "America First Populist" policies and beat the globalists of both parties. The rest is history. Stay tuned to see how 2022 and 2024 turn out.
Whoa! Dude drank All the koolaide.
Another Crepy post with no content.

Xiden aka "Putin's Bitch" loses voters every time they go to the gas pumps. Call that "KoolAde" Xiden's hidden tax on his voters.
Allow me to translate for those that are metaphorically challenged, or maybe just plain dumb.

My comment "drank all the koolaide" was meant to convey the fact that you've fallen for the party line. The line intended to distract you from uncomfortable facts (like the fading relevancy of your party) with bile directed at chosen boogymen, like immigrants, gay people, or "globalists".
1. If I've fallen for the GOP "party line", WTF is it? What fallacy? Be specific.
2. What uncomfortable "alternate facts"? (fading relevancy isn't one as democrats will learn in 2022 and 2024)
3. GOP bile is directed primarily at criminals, including Putin's "Russia First" Bitch.
I think my point was pretty clear.
That's right, they were warned, but nobody paid attention.

From 2012

"Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem."

Published in 2012, that Washington Post piece demonstrates more than the foresight of its political scientist authors, Tom Mann of the center-left Brookings Institution and Norm Ornstein of the center-right American Enterprise Institute. It shows the disease within the Republican Party had spread long before Trump metastasized it.

Their conclusions -- that the GOP had become "ideologically extreme, scornful of compromise, unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science, dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition" -- did not gain wide acceptance then. Many journalists joined leading Republicans in dismissing them.

"Ultra, ultra liberals" whose views "carry no weight with me," sneered Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell.
"I thought they overstated things," Republican Charlie Dent, then serving his fourth term in the House from Pennsylvania, recalls now.
"People like me were thinking, 'Yeah, there are some kooky people around, but c'mon,'" says William Kristol, who was then editing the conservative Weekly Standard magazine. With John Boehner as House speaker and Mitt Romney winning the GOP presidential nomination, Kristol saw the Republican mainstream still in command.
Facing reality
All have since gotten slugged by reality. What ailed the party in 2012 has worsened.
Kristol's magazine, having diverged from Trump-era orthodoxy, no longer exists. Of his earlier sources of reassurance: Boehner fled Congress to author a book decrying his colleagues' dysfunction; Romney has become a pariah as the only Republican senator who twice voted to convict Trump on impeachment charges.

Read the rest here:

So...can you give me an example of an extreme position that Republicans hold?

That people who are capable of working shouldn't be getting taxpayer money? To a leftist...that likely seems extreme.

That a nation that doesn't enforce it's borders isn't really a nation at all? To a leftist...that likely seems extreme.

That any person with a dick shouldn't be in the ladies room? To a leftist...that likely seems extreme.

That America should be about protecting Americans first. To a leftist...that likely seems extreme.

That freedom is more important than your feelings? To a leftist...that likely seems extreme.

Did I miss any big ones?
Basically true. The Pre-Trump GOP was faux "conservatism" taking Chamber of Commerce money, since 70% of the US economy was sales/marketing, and supported moving US factories to China and their cheap labor. The US was okay with a "service economy" and no manufacturing sector. Color the 2012 GOP as "globalists".

Then Trump came along with his "America First Populist" policies and beat the globalists of both parties. The rest is history. Stay tuned to see how 2022 and 2024 turn out.
Whoa! Dude drank All the koolaide.
Another Crepy post with no content.

Xiden aka "Putin's Bitch" loses voters every time they go to the gas pumps. Call that "KoolAde" Xiden's hidden tax on his voters.
Allow me to translate for those that are metaphorically challenged, or maybe just plain dumb.

My comment "drank all the koolaide" was meant to convey the fact that you've fallen for the party line. The line intended to distract you from uncomfortable facts (like the fading relevancy of your party) with bile directed at chosen boogymen, like immigrants, gay people, or "globalists".
1. If I've fallen for the GOP "party line", WTF is it? What fallacy? Be specific.
2. What uncomfortable "alternate facts"? (fading relevancy isn't one as democrats will learn in 2022 and 2024)
3. GOP bile is directed primarily at criminals, including Putin's "Russia First" Bitch.
I think my point was pretty clear.
My point is very clear too, we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
Lol, you don't know me, Son. Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.

I don't know you personally, but I know what you post and what it means.
If you don't like how that reflects on you, I don't care if you find it insulting.

I don't have to insult you ... You insult yourself ... :thup:

Another miss.

You just keep swinging though, doesn't bother me a bit.
Basically true. The Pre-Trump GOP was faux "conservatism" taking Chamber of Commerce money, since 70% of the US economy was sales/marketing, and supported moving US factories to China and their cheap labor. The US was okay with a "service economy" and no manufacturing sector. Color the 2012 GOP as "globalists".

Then Trump came along with his "America First Populist" policies and beat the globalists of both parties. The rest is history. Stay tuned to see how 2022 and 2024 turn out.
Whoa! Dude drank All the koolaide.
Another Crepy post with no content.

Xiden aka "Putin's Bitch" loses voters every time they go to the gas pumps. Call that "KoolAde" Xiden's hidden tax on his voters.
Allow me to translate for those that are metaphorically challenged, or maybe just plain dumb.

My comment "drank all the koolaide" was meant to convey the fact that you've fallen for the party line. The line intended to distract you from uncomfortable facts (like the fading relevancy of your party) with bile directed at chosen boogymen, like immigrants, gay people, or "globalists".
1. If I've fallen for the GOP "party line", WTF is it? What fallacy? Be specific.
2. What uncomfortable "alternate facts"? (fading relevancy isn't one as democrats will learn in 2022 and 2024)
3. GOP bile is directed primarily at criminals, including Putin's "Russia First" Bitch.
I think my point was pretty clear.
My point is very clear too, we'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party voters prefer.
Yes, we will. Provided you guys can get along without foreign interference.
Another miss.

You just keep swinging though, doesn't bother me a bit.

There's no need to act like I would care one way or another if it bothered you.
Feel free to keep telling me it doesn't bother you, for as long as it does.

‘Their conclusions -- that the GOP had become "ideologically extreme, scornful of compromise, unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science, dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition" -- did not gain wide acceptance then.’ ibid

Now we know those conclusions were spot on.
Once more, in English this time?

I said the people at the Kool-Aid stand told you that you were smart, and you believed them.
You can try to prove them wrong, but it's not going to work out in your favor either way.


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