They saw it coming.

So they started earlier than I thought.

BTW, can you show me something fascist that Democrats have done?

{An important aspect of fascism (and socialism as well) is that the State is the ultimate power in the universe. Everything becomes subservient to it. Individual rights become irrelevant, limits on power are destroyed. This happened in Germany under the Nazis, and it is happening in the United States under the Democratic Party. Let’s take a look at some of the recent examples that we have covered at The Federalist Papers Project that confirm their fascist transformation.}

You apparently don't know what either socialism or democracy is.

Socialism is central economic planning, which can only be done by government because only government can use force to compel people to act against their own interest. So actually he knows exactly what it means and you have no idea.

Democracy is tyranny of the majority. Democrats love it because you hate minorities. We believe in the individual, you are a collectivist. You support all sorts of evil because you are told what to think and you think what you are told
He's not a smart guy

Uh ... That's not what they told him at the Kool-Aid stand ... Quite the opposite, and he believes it ... :thup:

You bois need some privacy, or are you gonna make out right here in public?

So just to be clear, you're admitting any time you agree with a male leftist you have gay sex with them.

That explains a lot, actually, like how eager you are to agree with male leftists
That's right, they were warned, but nobody paid attention.

From 2012

"Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem."

Published in 2012, that Washington Post piece demonstrates more than the foresight of its political scientist authors, Tom Mann of the center-left Brookings Institution and Norm Ornstein of the center-right American Enterprise Institute. It shows the disease within the Republican Party had spread long before Trump metastasized it.

Their conclusions -- that the GOP had become "ideologically extreme, scornful of compromise, unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science, dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition" -- did not gain wide acceptance then. Many journalists joined leading Republicans in dismissing them.

"Ultra, ultra liberals" whose views "carry no weight with me," sneered Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell.
"I thought they overstated things," Republican Charlie Dent, then serving his fourth term in the House from Pennsylvania, recalls now.
"People like me were thinking, 'Yeah, there are some kooky people around, but c'mon,'" says William Kristol, who was then editing the conservative Weekly Standard magazine. With John Boehner as House speaker and Mitt Romney winning the GOP presidential nomination, Kristol saw the Republican mainstream still in command.
Facing reality
All have since gotten slugged by reality. What ailed the party in 2012 has worsened.
Kristol's magazine, having diverged from Trump-era orthodoxy, no longer exists. Of his earlier sources of reassurance: Boehner fled Congress to author a book decrying his colleagues' dysfunction; Romney has become a pariah as the only Republican senator who twice voted to convict Trump on impeachment charges.

Read the rest here:

Talk radio, and then the internet, had these people full of rage and paranoia and ripe for the picking.

Just three years later, a salesman who saw how easy it would be, came down the escalator with a plan.
It's pretty telling that when he sees anyone agreeing, he expects to see gay sex, that's what he's used to, what he expects to happen

I wouldn't suggest that's the greatest obstacle he needs to worry about clearing in regards to his expectations ...
Even though he is pretty much the definition of low hanging fruit.

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So they started earlier than I thought.

BTW, can you show me something fascist that Democrats have done?

{An important aspect of fascism (and socialism as well) is that the State is the ultimate power in the universe. Everything becomes subservient to it. Individual rights become irrelevant, limits on power are destroyed. This happened in Germany under the Nazis, and it is happening in the United States under the Democratic Party. Let’s take a look at some of the recent examples that we have covered at The Federalist Papers Project that confirm their fascist transformation.}

You apparently don't know what either socialism or democracy is.

Socialism is central economic planning, which can only be done by government because only government can use force to compel people to act against their own interest. So actually he knows exactly what it means and you have no idea.

Democracy is tyranny of the majority. Democrats love it because you hate minorities. We believe in the individual, you are a collectivist. You support all sorts of evil because you are told what to think and you think what you are told
I was correct. You have no idea what either of those words means.
He's not a smart guy

Uh ... That's not what they told him at the Kool-Aid stand ... Quite the opposite, and he believes it ... :thup:

You bois need some privacy, or are you gonna make out right here in public?

So just to be clear, you're admitting any time you agree with a male leftist you have gay sex with them.

That explains a lot, actually, like how eager you are to agree with male leftists
Uhhhh. Whut? Do you see me getting in multiple post jerkoff circles about particular conservitard posters?

No, you don't. Now go back to you're boifreind, I'm sure he's getting lonely without you.
So they started earlier than I thought.

BTW, can you show me something fascist that Democrats have done?

{An important aspect of fascism (and socialism as well) is that the State is the ultimate power in the universe. Everything becomes subservient to it. Individual rights become irrelevant, limits on power are destroyed. This happened in Germany under the Nazis, and it is happening in the United States under the Democratic Party. Let’s take a look at some of the recent examples that we have covered at The Federalist Papers Project that confirm their fascist transformation.}

You apparently don't know what either socialism or democracy is.

Socialism is central economic planning, which can only be done by government because only government can use force to compel people to act against their own interest. So actually he knows exactly what it means and you have no idea.

Democracy is tyranny of the majority. Democrats love it because you hate minorities. We believe in the individual, you are a collectivist. You support all sorts of evil because you are told what to think and you think what you are told

Zero marks on Question #1. Zero marks on Question #2.

Civics - F. Try again.
Ya, next thing you know these GOPers will be rioting and looting
What makes you think that they haven't been?
BLM, democrats, and Antifa have cornered the market on rioting and looting
there were no signs that that antifa was behind violence at these protests. As of earlier this month, federal prosecutors had not been able to link dozens of people arrested in protests in Portland, Ore., to antifa.

In fact, in at least one instance where a police officer was killed during a protest, the suspect was actually aligned with a far-right extremist group. In Oakland, Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo — a member of the “boogaloo,” an online extremist group with violent views — is accused of killing a federal officer. Authorities have said he was using nearby peaceful protests as cover.

Fact check: Giuliani wrong about 'riots' in 'Democrat' cities (

and what about Jan 6th??
of course they are all innocent, the horrible rioting and violence was just a made for tv movie...and a shitty one at that....besides democrats cant take any jail time...its the male on male sex thing I believe
Uhhhh. Whut? Do you see me getting in multiple post jerkoff circles about particular conservitard posters?

No, you don't. Now go back to you're boifreind, I'm sure he's getting lonely without you.

When did you first start having these erotic fantasies?
Show us on the doll where your neighbor touched you.

It's okay, you're safe here.

It's not just about the inability to compromise, it's the descent into complete whack-jobbery.

Your need to call anything whack-jobbery, is simply your desire to excuse your ignorance or incompetence.

You can stand by the road with a sign that reads, "will work for food" for all I care.
Your inability to achieve your desires in your community or at the State level, is what feeds your addiction to the Federal Government.

Get the fuck out of here you damn junkie.

Lol, you don't know me, Son. Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.
Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.

Ya, next thing you know these GOPers will be rioting and looting
They already did. A full blown insurrection.
you have no clue what an insurrection is...all you do is spew the LIES that scum demonRATS tell....and then you repeat, because you got sucked in....
why aren't you whining about the INSURRECTION on the southern border? is it because beijing xiden said it was ok to bombard AMERICA, contagious chinese flu illegals storming AMERICA, and then the scum demonRATS carting them all over the country. we see your mentality,(none) and your hatred for AMERICA
you are 1 deranged shit stain demonRAT
You completely lost it twice in the same thread.

Maybe you should take a break.
your deflection is noted, shit stain
Uhhhh. Whut? Do you see me getting in multiple post jerkoff circles about particular conservitard posters?

No, you don't. Now go back to you're boifreind, I'm sure he's getting lonely without you.

When did you first start having these erotic fantasies?
Show us on the doll where your neighbor touched you.

It's okay, you're safe here.

Pooh, nice try.

Still a failure though. Sorry.
It's not just about the inability to compromise, it's the descent into complete whack-jobbery.

Your need to call anything whack-jobbery, is simply your desire to excuse your ignorance or incompetence.

You can stand by the road with a sign that reads, "will work for food" for all I care.
Your inability to achieve your desires in your community or at the State level, is what feeds your addiction to the Federal Government.

Get the fuck out of here you damn junkie.

Lol, you don't know me, Son. Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.
Your insults are weak and worthless, just like you.

Ya, next thing you know these GOPers will be rioting and looting
They already did. A full blown insurrection.
you have no clue what an insurrection is...all you do is spew the LIES that scum demonRATS tell....and then you repeat, because you got sucked in....
why aren't you whining about the INSURRECTION on the southern border? is it because beijing xiden said it was ok to bombard AMERICA, contagious chinese flu illegals storming AMERICA, and then the scum demonRATS carting them all over the country. we see your mentality,(none) and your hatred for AMERICA
you are 1 deranged shit stain demonRAT
You completely lost it twice in the same thread.

Maybe you should take a break.
your deflection is noted, shit stain
I deflected his insults, not the topic, numb-nuts. There's a difference.
He's not a smart guy

Uh ... That's not what they told him at the Kool-Aid stand ... Quite the opposite, and he believes it ... :thup:

You bois need some privacy, or are you gonna make out right here in public?

So just to be clear, you're admitting any time you agree with a male leftist you have gay sex with them.

That explains a lot, actually, like how eager you are to agree with male leftists
Uhhhh. Whut? Do you see me getting in multiple post jerkoff circles about particular conservitard posters?

No, you don't. Now go back to you're boifreind, I'm sure he's getting lonely without you.
'Do you see me getting in multiple post jerkoff circles':
yes as a matter of hurry back to your dog

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