They Say A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words - What Do YOU See?

This is what I see

I see Shotgun Dick drooling at the thought of pulling Trumps strings. He's never met a bigger liar to do his bidding.


he gets to shoot him in the face when he gets tanked up.

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The picture to me shows that politics is nothing but a dog-and-pony show that some politicians think is real life.
I see Shotgun Dick drooling at the thought of pulling Trumps strings. He's never met a bigger liar to do his bidding.


he gets to shoot him in the face when he gets tanked up.

Unbelievable that old bastard hasn’t croaked yet
"A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English language-idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single picture, this picture conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.

Granted, it's only a 'snapshot' of 1 second in time, but what do YOU see in this picture?

1. 'Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy'?

2. A moment of 'Hillary-Defying' Civility?

3. A 'friendly' word between the TARGET OF THE CONSPIRACY / COUP & the MAN WHO INITIATED IT?

4. Michelle, fingers tightly locked in these close quarters to ensure her and Bill's hands don't dare touch even by accident as she refuses to even look Hillary's way....while giving a look of disgust to the man who thwarted her husband's attempt to block him from becoming President?

5. Bill attempting to suppress a chuckle / laugh / his amusement at his situation, sitting between two ex-1st Lady's who despise each other so much and between the current President and his wife who is still mad as hell after rigging primaries, cheating in debates, violating Election and Campaign Finance Laws, illegally colluding with foreign spies, Russians, and incompetent Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors (who could not carry out a simple coup)...and STILL lost?

6. Bill sitting there, between 2 pissed / bitter women, checking out the female assistant funeral organizer, in front and to his left, bending over to pick up a pen she dropped?

7. Hillary fuming in her still raw, fresh emotional stew of hatred for Trump and immeasurable anger over not being President right now, looking at GHWB's casket thinking how she wishes she would have just had Trump 'offed' like she told Bill they should do after Trump won the GOP nomination and refused to cut her a check again for her Presidential campaign run?

8. Jimmy Carter, oblivious to all the tension and drama so palpable to his right that you could cut it with a knife, happy to still be sitting in one of the chairs instead of being where GHWB is attending this event?

9. _____What Say YOU________?


(Relax's a JOKE - have fun with it.....)

Cheney again paying very close attention to what others are doing and saying (no WH rose bushes to hide in, this time).
Every time anyone used the words honor, integrity, honesty, empathy, and so on, it was a slam against Trump.

Even Bill Clinton shook Melania's hand.

Of course Billy shook Melania's hand, who wouldn't want to take the hand of a goddess? As far as the rest, criminals generally hate good honest people like the Trumps.
Carter, the only one of the bunch capable of behaving in a civilised manner.
"A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English language-idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single picture, this picture conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.

Granted, it's only a 'snapshot' of 1 second in time, but what do YOU see in this picture?

1. 'Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy'?

2. A moment of 'Hillary-Defying' Civility?

3. A 'friendly' word between the TARGET OF THE CONSPIRACY / COUP & the MAN WHO INITIATED IT?

4. Michelle, fingers tightly locked in these close quarters to ensure her and Bill's hands don't dare touch even by accident as she refuses to even look Hillary's way....while giving a look of disgust to the man who thwarted her husband's attempt to block him from becoming President?

5. Bill attempting to suppress a chuckle / laugh / his amusement at his situation, sitting between two ex-1st Lady's who despise each other so much and between the current President and his wife who is still mad as hell after rigging primaries, cheating in debates, violating Election and Campaign Finance Laws, illegally colluding with foreign spies, Russians, and incompetent Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors (who could not carry out a simple coup)...and STILL lost?

6. Bill sitting there, between 2 pissed / bitter women, checking out the female assistant funeral organizer, in front and to his left, bending over to pick up a pen she dropped?

7. Hillary fuming in her still raw, fresh emotional stew of hatred for Trump and immeasurable anger over not being President right now, looking at GHWB's casket thinking how she wishes she would have just had Trump 'offed' like she told Bill they should do after Trump won the GOP nomination and refused to cut her a check again for her Presidential campaign run?

8. Jimmy Carter, oblivious to all the tension and drama so palpable to his right that you could cut it with a knife, happy to still be sitting in one of the chairs instead of being where GHWB is attending this event?

9. _____What Say YOU________?


(Relax's a JOKE - have fun with it.....)


A post by a racist.

Even Bill Clinton shook Melania's hand.

Of course Billy shook Melania's hand, who wouldn't want to take the hand of a goddess? As far as the rest, criminals generally hate good honest people like the Trumps.

A goddess? She is a retired whore and sex worker. As for trump being honest well that is just funny as hell.

Even Bill Clinton shook Melania's hand.

Of course Billy shook Melania's hand, who wouldn't want to take the hand of a goddess? As far as the rest, criminals generally hate good honest people like the Trumps.

I think she looked better before. I don't appreciate the "Catwoman" thing going on.


But cutting off part of her nose and getting a chin definitely helped Ivanka.


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