They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner,

They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Resisting arrest is generally, at worst, a misdemeanor. You are sick if you think misdemeanors deserve summary execution as the penalty.

Is that what the op stated?

Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police do you believe they would be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?
Resisting arrest is generally, at worst, a misdemeanor. You are sick if you think misdemeanors deserve summary execution as the penalty.

Is that what the op stated?

Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?
Show us in the law where the administering of the death penalty, without trial, and not in self-defense, is a policeman's prerogative.

I was unaware the op stated that. Anyone else have another strawman?

You would not have started the thread if that was not your point, unless of course you were intent on starting a pointless thread.

The point was simple. The chances of getting killed or injured, justly or unjustly, are dramatically reduced if you simply comply with the officers. Indeed, none of those victims/criminals would have been killed/injured if they had complied with the officer. Will you simply not admit this fact? That's all the op stated. Nothing more nothing less. In the mean time you're making assumptions and placing words in my mouth. Either you have reading comprehension problems or you're trying to get me to chase after a strawman argument.

Why bring it up? If the police weren't issued firearms then the chances of these victims being killed would be dramatically reduced.

Would like to take turns creating 'if this then that' scenarios?

And the chances of a police officer getting shot would have been dramatically increased. So that isn't an option. The victims/criminals do in fact have an option to comply or not comply with the police. My question is do you believe they would be alive today if they had only complied?
Is that what the op stated?

Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Who would have been shot? The police?
Is that what the op stated?

Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Disarming the police isn't an option. It would give any criminal with a gun the advantage over law and order. Compliance with the police is in fact an option. Would these people be alive today if they had not resisted arrest?
Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Who would have been shot? The police?

Evidently he is perfectly fine with the injustice of murder so as long as it's the police being murdered. A very odd line of argument.
Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Disarming the police isn't an option. It would give any criminal with a gun the advantage over law and order. Compliance with the police is in fact an option. Would these people be alive today if they had not resisted arrest?

You didn't answer the question. Would the victims have been shot if the police didn't have guns?

The second question is, do citizens have a reasonable expectation that professional law enforcement officers will not kill them when the circumstances do not warrant the use of lethal force?
Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Who would have been shot? The police?

It's a yes or no question.
Resisting arrest is generally, at worst, a misdemeanor. You are sick if you think misdemeanors deserve summary execution as the penalty.

Is that what the op stated?

Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police do you believe they would be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

Only certain groups need to comply. Such as Branch Davidians should have when the ATF launched a military style raid and started killing people. The ATF shot dead a man behind a closed door, maybe he had his hands up. They also killed a man who was unarmed returning back from work and they let him lie dead for days. Don't hear the liberals whining about that atrocities.

Vicki Weaver, if only she had not stood in the way of that sniper bullet. Or Weaver's dog had not sniffed out the Marshall hiding in the bushes, to which the dog was killed then Weaver's son for returning fire.
I conclude that the point of this thread is that black Americans should not be confident that the police can be trusted around them.
Watch how Tamir Rice failed to comply. Hell, watch how much a chance the cops gave him to comply!

How long would you give someone to comply with a gun pointed at you?

Perhaps longer than 2.4 seconds.

And how long does it take to squeeze a trigger?

How long does it take to say "Police! Get on the ground!"

Or is that too much for those who are supposed to serve and protect?

It surely didn't take those same cops to subdue and beat the 14 year old sister of their victim!
Is that what the op stated?

Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police do you believe they would be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

Only certain groups need to comply. Such as Branch Davidians should have when the ATF launched a military style raid and started killing people. The ATF shot dead a man behind a closed door, maybe he had his hands up. They also killed a man who was unarmed returning back from work and they let him lie dead for days. Don't hear the liberals whining about that atrocities.

Vicki Weaver, if only she had not stood in the way of that sniper bullet. Or Weaver's dog had not sniffed out the Marshall hiding in the bushes, to which the dog was killed then Weaver's son for returning fire.

Lol, simultaneously you defend the police for killing black guys and attack them for killing white guys.

Perfect. You reveal yourself so well. And never realize you're doing it.
Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Who would have been shot? The police?

It's a yes or no question.

Yes or no, if the police were not armed is there a chance they would have been shot?

Would you go into that neighborhood unarmed and be expected to enforce any law?
Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police would they be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

If the police weren't armed with guns would they have been shot?

Disarming the police isn't an option. It would give any criminal with a gun the advantage over law and order. Compliance with the police is in fact an option. Would these people be alive today if they had not resisted arrest?

You didn't answer the question. Would the victims have been shot if the police didn't have guns?

The second question is, do citizens have a reasonable expectation that professional law enforcement officers will not kill them when the circumstances do not warrant the use of lethal force?

1. No, they would not have been shot with bullet/s had the police not had a firearm. But that isn't an option in law enforcement.
2. Citizens do have a reasonable expectation that professional law enforcement officers will not kill them when the circumstances do not warrant deadly force. However, the chances of a reasonable police officer to make a mistake is dramatically increased when you resist arrest. That's just a fact.

Now answer my question. Would they be alive today had they not resisted arrest?
Yes. Any attempt to excuse police brutality is an attempt to blame the victims.

Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police do you believe they would be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

Only certain groups need to comply. Such as Branch Davidians should have when the ATF launched a military style raid and started killing people. The ATF shot dead a man behind a closed door, maybe he had his hands up. They also killed a man who was unarmed returning back from work and they let him lie dead for days. Don't hear the liberals whining about that atrocities.

Vicki Weaver, if only she had not stood in the way of that sniper bullet. Or Weaver's dog had not sniffed out the Marshall hiding in the bushes, to which the dog was killed then Weaver's son for returning fire.

Lol, simultaneously you defend the police for killing black guys and attack them for killing white guys.

Perfect. You reveal yourself so well. And never realize you're doing it.

Where in the hell did I defend them for killing a black man?
Is that what the op did? Where did the op excuse police brutality?

You can't read your own post now? Have you suffered an affliction since you posted it?

Yeah, whatever. I will ask you this question only once. If they had complied with the police do you believe they would be alive today? Not going to answer that are you?

Only certain groups need to comply. Such as Branch Davidians should have when the ATF launched a military style raid and started killing people. The ATF shot dead a man behind a closed door, maybe he had his hands up. They also killed a man who was unarmed returning back from work and they let him lie dead for days. Don't hear the liberals whining about that atrocities.

Vicki Weaver, if only she had not stood in the way of that sniper bullet. Or Weaver's dog had not sniffed out the Marshall hiding in the bushes, to which the dog was killed then Weaver's son for returning fire.

Lol, simultaneously you defend the police for killing black guys and attack them for killing white guys.

Perfect. You reveal yourself so well. And never realize you're doing it.

Where in the hell did I defend them for killing a black man?

Yeah, he's got comprehension problems and assumes facts not in evidence. This is why a reasonable conversation can never be sought with the left. They refuse to look at the facts as they stand, add their own nonexistent "facts" and make up their minds before all the facts are in. When a pivotal question is asked like "Would they be alive today if they had not resisted arrest" they flee for the hills, ignore you, and counter with a strawman.
So in one thread we got rightwingers trying to defend Tim McVeigh, and in this thread we got rightwingers trying to defend the summary execution of unarmed black men.

Whoa. What's next!
Defending the Confederacy.
Yeah, he's got comprehension problems and assumes facts not in evidence. This is why a reasonable conversation can never be sought with the left. They refuse to look at the facts as they stand, add their own nonexistent "facts" and make up their minds before all the facts are in. When a pivotal question is asked like "Would they be alive today if they had not resisted arrest" they flee for the hills, ignore you, and counter with a strawman.

Show me the use of deadly force rules that say it is permissible to shoot an unarmed man in the back who is running away on foot after a traffic stop.

Your "resisting arrest" nonsense is ignorant bullshit.

Here's a question for you. Would Walter Scott be alive today if the cop had observed the rules for use of deadly force?

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