They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner,

The OP is stating the obvious truth. It's funny how liberals won't concede it as true though.

What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

The common denominator in all of these cases where blacks were killed by the police is that they (the blacks) did not comply and resisted arrest.

Actually the common denominator is that they (and many others) were killed by authoritarian figures with guns. What the circumstances were, especially where the survivor IS the authoritarian figure who did the shooting, we don't know. Both this genuflecting before authority just because it's authority, and the idea that we get accurate descriptions from the very entities that would incriminate themselves if the description goes a certain way, are both profoundly naïve and really makes me wonder if some people on this board have literally never been out of the house.
That is why phonies like Mac make me laugh. All about bowing to authority except when they aren't.
Not hard to "comply" when you're getting shot in the back.

What part of "stop immediately" did you miss in that video? Everyone knows if the cops have to come get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them. Duh.
The OP is stating the obvious truth. It's funny how liberals won't concede it as true though.

What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

No, dumbass, what he's stating is common sense. Compliance with the law is not a lot to expect of people in a civil society, and anyone with teaspoon of brains knows that the place to dispute a ticket, arrest, etc. is NOT on the street, nor should it be done violently. We have a legal system for that purpose.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Resisting arrest is generally, at worst, a misdemeanor. You are sick if you think misdemeanors deserve summary execution as the penalty.
The OP is stating the obvious truth. It's funny how liberals won't concede it as true though.

It's funny how "small" government conservatives fall over themselves to defend a big government, brutal police state. No wonder you folks love Putin so much.

It's funny how leftists of all stripes are either stupid enough, childish enough, or both to think life is a generalized, one-size-fits-all scenario.

"Conservatives are suspicious of big government, so how come they don't advocate attacking police officers?!"

I will be happy to contribute to your condom supply in order to prevent you from ever breeding, fool.
Compliance is key!!

Guess you missed Rock's latest:

Chris Rock Claims He Was Stopped By Police Three Times in Two Months, Posts Selfies

4/1/2015 11:06am PDT

Chris Rock has posted his third selfie in seven weeks, apparently showing himself being pulled over by police.
Rock captioned the latest photo, which was posted Monday: "Stopped by the cops again wish me luck." Rock is at the wheel in the photo, and blue lights can be seen flashing in the background.
Chris Rock Police Photos Comedian Claims He Was Stopped By Cops Three Times in Two Months Posts Selfies - Hollywood Reporter

And how many of those time did he get beaten up or shot? That would be . . . none.
I wonder what these RWnuts would be saying if the feds had opened up on Clive Bundy and his gang and killed every one of them?
I kind of figured that eventually the RWnuts wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to attack Walter Scott,

even though no sane person on the planet can justify in their own mind his murder.
I wonder what these RWnuts would be saying if the feds had opened up on Clive Bundy and his gang and killed every one of them?
They should have submitted and cooperated...did I just lie???

They resisted, with deadly weapons, a legally justified law enforcement action. Applying nothing other than RWnut logic,

they should have all been shot...

...multiple times.
Not hard to "comply" when you're getting shot in the back.

What part of "stop immediately" did you miss in that video? Everyone knows if the cops have to come get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them. Duh.

Which is all the more reason to get away from them. Double duh.

Bottom line is still this: when police have your scent.... ANYTHING can happen. Especially if they need a perp and you happen to be available.
Whenever someone physically resists arrest and then ends up getting shot, I don't give a fuck. In fact it makes me feel more safe. Should the cop be held accountable for shooting an unarmed running man in the back? Yes, he should be charged with murder but at the same time it's just another scumbag off the street getting killed. I don't care what race he is but whenever you start fighting a police officer you are just asking for trouble. You clearly have more to hide than what he was stopping you for.
Not hard to "comply" when you're getting shot in the back.

What part of "stop immediately" did you miss in that video? Everyone knows if the cops have to come get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them. Duh.

Which is all the more reason to get away from them. Double duh.

Bottom line is still this: when police have your scent.... ANYTHING can happen. Especially if they need a perp and you happen to be available.

So you think running from the police is a good idea?
Whenever someone physically resists arrest and then ends up getting shot, I don't give a fuck. In fact it makes me feel more safe. Should the cop be held accountable for shooting an unarmed running man in the back? Yes, he should be charged with murder but at the same time it's just another scumbag off the street getting killed. I don't care what race he is but whenever you start fighting a police officer you are just asking for trouble. You clearly have more to hide than what he was stopping you for.
Boo boo?

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