They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner,

The OP is stating the obvious truth. It's funny how liberals won't concede it as true though.

It's funny how "small" government conservatives fall over themselves to defend a big government, brutal police state. No wonder you folks love Putin so much.
So in one thread we got rightwingers trying to defend Tim McVeigh, and in this thread we got rightwingers trying to defend the summary execution of unarmed black men.

Whoa. What's next!

I predict a reprise of the old "Hitler was a lefftist" canard. Because Doublethink rules.
Show us in the law where the administering of the death penalty, without trial, and not in self-defense, is a policeman's prerogative.
You come at a cop and he tells you to stop and you don't you FUCKING DEAD NEGRO.
You're a negro so I'm giving you a pass on being able to comprehend what all non-negroes do.
Like a banana?
Show us in the law where the administering of the death penalty, without trial, and not in self-defense, is a policeman's prerogative.
You come at a cop and he tells you to stop and you don't you FUCKING DEAD NEGRO.
You're a negro so I'm giving you a pass on being able to comprehend what all non-negroes do.
Like a banana?

This one ^^ apparently has a poster of a cop on his ceiling that he uses to jerk off.

Strange mentality, masochism. I don't get it.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Oh my god no no publius.

Look I am pro cop as you can get but I have been freaking out like I should lately at the crap I've been seeing.
Show us in the law where the administering of the death penalty, without trial, and not in self-defense, is a policeman's prerogative.
You come at a cop and he tells you to stop and you don't you FUCKING DEAD NEGRO.
You're a negro so I'm giving you a pass on being able to comprehend what all non-negroes do.
Like a banana?

Fuck on that shit that its only black you fool.

Maybe don't resist arrest.

Crazy thought, I know.


No no Mac.

I rocked the world way back with the original panthers ok? There was a reason for the original panthers.

Not these guys. Have to bring that up. These new panthers are out of Karenga and hand nothing to do with the old.
So in one thread we got rightwingers trying to defend Tim McVeigh, and in this thread we got rightwingers trying to defend the summary execution of unarmed black men.

Whoa. What's next!

I predict a reprise of the old "Hitler was a lefftist" canard. Because Doublethink rules.

Yes, Hitler was a socialist, which is left
Compliance is key!!

Guess you missed Rock's latest:

Chris Rock Claims He Was Stopped By Police Three Times in Two Months, Posts Selfies

4/1/2015 11:06am PDT

Chris Rock has posted his third selfie in seven weeks, apparently showing himself being pulled over by police.
Rock captioned the latest photo, which was posted Monday: "Stopped by the cops again wish me luck." Rock is at the wheel in the photo, and blue lights can be seen flashing in the background.
Chris Rock Police Photos Comedian Claims He Was Stopped By Cops Three Times in Two Months Posts Selfies - Hollywood Reporter
What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

That's fine. Just realize that makes you far more likely to end up on the bad end of things dealing with a cop.

Indeed cops are, in the moment, omnipotent.
What's your point?

Most cops I know are good, but there are some dicks out there.

I was turning right on a green arrow and a car made a u-turn and cut me off. I flashed my lights at them. Turned out to be a cop in an unmarked car. He pulled me over and said I failed to stop at the intersection. I said I know, I had a green light. I don't have to stop. He started ranting about being in control of the car and idiotic nonsense. I said, I had a green light, I was turning right, you cut me off, I just flashed my lights to let you know.

He finally shut up and I drove on. He was clearly in the wrong. I had a green arrow, he was making a u-turn, I clearly had the right of way. I think at one point that occurred to him, but he wasn't man enough to admit it. But at that point he know citing me would go bad for him. So he finally let it go.

I didn't threaten him, wow, I was clever. Some people, not so much
What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

That's fine. Just realize that makes you far more likely to end up on the bad end of things dealing with a cop.

Indeed cops are, in the moment, omnipotent.
What's your point?

Most cops I know are good, but there are some dicks out there.

I was turning right on a green arrow and a car made a u-turn and cut me off. I flashed my lights at them. Turned out to be a cop in an unmarked car. He pulled me over and said I failed to stop at the intersection. I said I know, I had a green light. I don't have to stop. He started ranting about being in control of the car and idiotic nonsense. I said, I had a green light, I was turning right, you cut me off, I just flashed my lights to let you know.

He finally shut up and I drove on. He was clearly in the wrong. I had a green arrow, he was making a u-turn, I clearly had the right of way. I think at one point that occurred to him, but he wasn't man enough to admit it. But at that point he know citing me would go bad for him. So he finally let it go.

I didn't threaten him, wow, I was clever. Some people, not so much

Oh my GOD you must have been terrified. :ack-1:
What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

That's fine. Just realize that makes you far more likely to end up on the bad end of things dealing with a cop.

Indeed cops are, in the moment, omnipotent.
What's your point?

Most cops I know are good, but there are some dicks out there.

I was turning right on a green arrow and a car made a u-turn and cut me off. I flashed my lights at them. Turned out to be a cop in an unmarked car. He pulled me over and said I failed to stop at the intersection. I said I know, I had a green light. I don't have to stop. He started ranting about being in control of the car and idiotic nonsense. I said, I had a green light, I was turning right, you cut me off, I just flashed my lights to let you know.

He finally shut up and I drove on. He was clearly in the wrong. I had a green arrow, he was making a u-turn, I clearly had the right of way. I think at one point that occurred to him, but he wasn't man enough to admit it. But at that point he know citing me would go bad for him. So he finally let it go.

I didn't threaten him, wow, I was clever. Some people, not so much

Oh my GOD you must have been terrified. :ack-1:

What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

That's fine. Just realize that makes you far more likely to end up on the bad end of things dealing with a cop.

Indeed cops are, in the moment, omnipotent.
What's your point?

Most cops I know are good, but there are some dicks out there.

I was turning right on a green arrow and a car made a u-turn and cut me off. I flashed my lights at them. Turned out to be a cop in an unmarked car. He pulled me over and said I failed to stop at the intersection. I said I know, I had a green light. I don't have to stop. He started ranting about being in control of the car and idiotic nonsense. I said, I had a green light, I was turning right, you cut me off, I just flashed my lights to let you know.

He finally shut up and I drove on. He was clearly in the wrong. I had a green arrow, he was making a u-turn, I clearly had the right of way. I think at one point that occurred to him, but he wasn't man enough to admit it. But at that point he know citing me would go bad for him. So he finally let it go.

I didn't threaten him, wow, I was clever. Some people, not so much

Oh my GOD you must have been terrified. :ack-1:


From the first moment I saw the stills. there was no doubt that Scott was a target to die. Slager was going to kill him. I hunt. Yes I'm a girl fuck off. I know the posture.

Man was in a kill position. Anyone want to argue me on this. It's a body position you take.
The OP is stating the obvious truth. It's funny how liberals won't concede it as true though.

What the author is stating is a blind sycophancy to the idea of Authoritarianism. A trait that gives me the urge to regurge.

There is a stark difference between capitulating and simple prudence.

Cops are in a position of authority as well as having the means to kill you when you likely do not have the means to protect yourself. Don’t act like an idiot when they pull you over or engage with you. I am not an advocate for the police by any means but at least I understand that you do not fight the current trend of police brutality in the street against the cops – it only allows them to JUSTIFY that brutality.

Some of the recent cases are clear to me that the perpetrator was at fault and some I think it is pretty clear that the cops are not being held to the fire when they wrongfully shoot someone (or handle them roughly) but most of these cases would have gone a lot better for the victims if they did not act like idiots with the cops.
The OP is stating the obvious truth. It's funny how liberals won't concede it as true though.

It's funny how "small" government conservatives fall over themselves to defend a big government, brutal police state. No wonder you folks love Putin so much.
I don’t really find that very funny but rather very pathetic.

If the government ever does take our freedoms it will not be the military doing it - it will be the police. It is hard to tell the difference though lately when they are pulling people over in APC's and MRAP's.
Not dead

Maybe he had a good excuse?

And the same happens to people of all races every day without someone dying. Plenty of white people are killed by police as well. The fact that you posted 2 YouTube videos of white people being put down but not killed is evidence of nothing at all. The real evidence does not even exist because the sheple have not demanded that police report every single killing they make and the details around it. That is one of the areas that this movement against brutality nee4ds to start with - get the hard facts so that the problem is out there and cannot be refuted.

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