They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:

"Storming" the Capitol? It BELONGS to the PEOPLE, that means US, you treasonous fuck. We can protest a bullshit election because the buildings belong to US, not the assholes who work in them.

Strong Arm robber is still robbery. Not only a violent and deadly assault on the seat of Democracy but also a direct assault on our Constitution and the once valued "peaceful transfer of power". That House belongs to law biding citizens not an incited mob of lawless malcontents.
You did nothing to Obama when he threw the peaceful transfer of power out the window with made up Russian collusion. Why? He abused his power. You do not spy on an incoming administration. Where was your outrage then? Stop the fucking hyperbole and phony outrage.

Hillary conceded in the early morning hours the next day. Women were wailing with grief, howling at the sky because they knew they had lost. Obama had a peaceful transfer of power to Trump. There was no mob that strong armed their way into the Capitol to try and shut down the EC vote count. Most importantly, no one was killed because Hillary could not accept defeat.
No he didn't. You do not spy on an incoming administration. Period.

Yeah that Durham investigation sure put all those players in the Obamagate scandal behind they didn't prove nothing of the sort. Just another set of lies to enrage the mob with.
They are Deep State part of the criminals now running this country. It is a show and will prosecute no one. The dual justice system is well known. How could you even use that as any sort of argument?

Ah, it's the spooky but oddly Orwellian "Duh Heap" State (formerly known by the less spooky name, The Federal Bureaucracy).

Never mind.

Pot meet kettle. You clowns are the very epitome of what Orwell was talking about.
How ironic.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:

"Storming" the Capitol? It BELONGS to the PEOPLE, that means US, you treasonous fuck. We can protest a bullshit election because the buildings belong to US, not the assholes who work in them.

Strong Arm robber is still robbery. Not only a violent and deadly assault on the seat of Democracy but also a direct assault on our Constitution and the once valued "peaceful transfer of power". That House belongs to law biding citizens not an incited mob of lawless malcontents.
You did nothing to Obama when he threw the peaceful transfer of power out the window with made up Russian collusion. Why? He abused his power. You do not spy on an incoming administration. Where was your outrage then? Stop the fucking hyperbole and phony outrage.

Hillary conceded in the early morning hours the next day. Women were wailing with grief, howling at the sky because they knew they had lost. Obama had a peaceful transfer of power to Trump. There was no mob that strong armed their way into the Capitol to try and shut down the EC vote count. Most importantly, no one was killed because Hillary could not accept defeat.
No he didn't. You do not spy on an incoming administration. Period.

Yeah that Durham investigation sure put all those players in the Obamagate scandal behind they didn't prove nothing of the sort. Just another set of lies to enrage the mob with.
They are Deep State part of the criminals now running this country. It is a show and will prosecute no one. The dual justice system is well known. How could you even use that as any sort of argument?

Ah, it's the spooky but oddly Orwellian "Duh Heap" State (formerly known by the less spooky name, The Federal Bureaucracy).

Never mind.

Pot meet kettle. You clowns are the very epitome of what Orwell was talking about.

The best wordsmith you have had has been ElRushbo. He has weaponize the GOP vernacular with Lame Stream Media, Femi-nazi Enviro-Nazi, Demo-Nazi and a whole host of denigration tactics that would make Karl Rove Blush.. Okay maybe not Karl........

I don't listen to him so I will have to take your word for it. However, burn loot murder being nominated for the Nobel peace Prize after causing multiple murders, and billions of dollars in damage is I think more to the point. leave it to a drone such as yourself to try and gloss over that sort of Orwellian thinking. All coming from YOU.
Deja Vu on how the Segregationist Right lost their minds when MLK Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize.
How can I get mad at a guy who came up with and spread brilliant lies like "John McCain fathered a black love Child" or Ann Richards was a secret lesbian? They weaponize freedom of the press in new avenues. It's not like rumor mongering and vicious lies haven't been a part of our history.
The spreading of election fraud, and Trump winning the election lead to 5 dead on Capitol Hill, and 140 police officers injured.
The trump cultists don't care.........their so-called support for the police is as fake as their so-called support for veterans and the military.
The trump cultists don't care.........their so-called support for the police is as fake as their so-called support for veterans and the military.

Trumps "bring them home" isn't about helping the troops. It was about removing barriers to Vladimir Putin's territorial ambitions.

MOSCOW — Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday welcomed President Donald Trump’s reported plan to withdraw more than a quarter of U.S. troops from Germany, saying it would help bolster security in Europe.

Trump has reportedly signed off on a plan to cut the number of troops stationed in Germany from 34,500 to no more than 25,000.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:

"Storming" the Capitol? It BELONGS to the PEOPLE, that means US, you treasonous fuck. We can protest a bullshit election because the buildings belong to US, not the assholes who work in them.
You're fucked in the head, con. The White House also belongs to the people. Let's see you force your way into the Oval Office to take a selfie with President Biden. Let me know if you get shot or not.

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:
They really blame Biden for the unusual inauguration security.

These people are an absolutely fascinating study. They just shut out reality instantly, as instructed. I've never seen anything like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if some day in the future, scientists dissect this website to find the root cause of dementia based on the posts made by the loony rightwingers here.

Yes, and determine that you should have been aborted at birth.
Poor, baby. :itsok:

Have you figured out yet that Trump lost the election?

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.
The party of traitors and insurrectionists is now in power. Illegitimately.

If that were true, you'd be able to prove the election was stolen from Trump.

"Trump, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 7,000,000 votes that are missing. I think Lastamender will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138

You must really like being wrong and letting all of cyberspace know how down right stupid you are.

You and people like you make such stupid posts then you probably run away from it when every word you post turns out to be wrong and not true.

Biden was elected and he was sworn in on the 20th.

There was massive fraud followed by a massive cover up and repeated lies by arrogant people in power down to the useful idiots like you.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:
They really blame Biden for the unusual inauguration security.

These people are an absolutely fascinating study. They just shut out reality instantly, as instructed. I've never seen anything like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if some day in the future, scientists dissect this website to find the root cause of dementia based on the posts made by the loony rightwingers here.

Yes, and determine that you should have been aborted at birth.
Poor, baby. :itsok:

Have you figured out yet that Trump lost the election?

They're just getting more and more emotional.

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:

"Storming" the Capitol? It BELONGS to the PEOPLE, that means US, you treasonous fuck. We can protest a bullshit election because the buildings belong to US, not the assholes who work in them.

Strong Arm robber is still robbery. Not only a violent and deadly assault on the seat of Democracy but also a direct assault on our Constitution and the once valued "peaceful transfer of power". That House belongs to law biding citizens not an incited mob of lawless malcontents.
You did nothing to Obama when he threw the peaceful transfer of power out the window with made up Russian collusion. Why? He abused his power. You do not spy on an incoming administration. Where was your outrage then? Stop the fucking hyperbole and phony outrage.
You clearly don't know what the peaceful transfer of power is. :cuckoo:
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:
They really blame Biden for the unusual inauguration security.

These people are an absolutely fascinating study. They just shut out reality instantly, as instructed. I've never seen anything like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if some day in the future, scientists dissect this website to find the root cause of dementia based on the posts made by the loony rightwingers here.

Yes, and determine that you should have been aborted at birth.
Poor, baby. :itsok:

Have you figured out yet that Trump lost the election?

They're just getting more and more emotional.

In direct correlation with their increased unhingedness.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

View attachment 413132 View attachment 413133 View attachment 413135 View attachment 413136

View attachment 413137 View attachment 413138
Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


The third world shitholeesque inauguration. Legit governments in the USA have open inauguration with hundreds of thousands of celebrants. Even Lincolns inauguration DURING the Civil War was open.

Your people, on the other hand....well, just like dictators all over the world, had two thousand picked guests...and they were surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Just like what you see in any dictatorship wherever you happen to be in the world.
It's true, we can't admit anyone and everyone to an inauguration at the Capitol not long after the opposing party of traitors and insurrectionists storm the Capitol to hunt for politicians to murder.

Of course not. Dictatorships aren't legit you fucking clown. The third world inauguration PROVES that's what this admin is.


You're truly fucked in the head, con. And you clearly have no idea what the word, "dictator," means.

Biden was elected president under the rules established by our Constitution, by Congress and by states to one 4 year term just as other U.S. presidents before him.

That is not the definition of a dictator. Get back on your mess, give them some time to kick in, and then try again.

Says the looney tune who supports third world dictator like inaugurations as if they are normal. xiden is a puppet. The political class STOLE this election from the PEOPLE, you moron. You are a fucking clown. Boi.

Exactly how deranged are you, fruitcake? No, this inauguration wasn't normal. But it was an appropriate precaution given rightwing freak stormed the Capitol just 2 weeks earlier, in search of politicians to murder; and where our intel services picked up an increase of chatter to attack again on inauguration day.

You're truly fucked in the head to not understand the reason why the inauguration was held the way it was. :cuckoo:
They really blame Biden for the unusual inauguration security.

These people are an absolutely fascinating study. They just shut out reality instantly, as instructed. I've never seen anything like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if some day in the future, scientists dissect this website to find the root cause of dementia based on the posts made by the loony rightwingers here.

Yes, and determine that you should have been aborted at birth.
Poor, baby. :itsok:

Have you figured out yet that Trump lost the election?

They're just getting more and more emotional.

In direct correlation with their increased unhingedness.
Yeah, it's funny, and it's a dangerous situation at the same time. Unhinged, paranoid, gun-toting cultists are not a good thing.
If that were true, you'd be able to prove the election was stolen from Trump.

"Trump, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 7,000,000 votes that are missing. I think Lastamender will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."

It was proven when the first Republican poll watcher was denied entrance to the vote counting room. Then, poll watchers were required to stand too far away to watch the counts. Then, more of them were kicked out and escorted out of vote counting rooms. Then, standing outside the room, cardboard shields were erected covering up windows, to keep the poll watchers from looking in, in Michigan. All this video viral on the internet, and Democrat screwballs still ludicrously lie about the fraud being unproven.

Then there were the early morning vote dumps, in Wisconsin, Michigan, & Pennsylvania, categorized as impossible by statisicians (although any 5th grader could explain it just as easily). Then there was the Biden non-campaign, like his big Arizona rally where NOBODY showed up (but this is a guy who is supposed to have gotten more votes than Obama in 2012). He laid back and laughed in the debate, because he knew the whole thing was rigged for him, and he didn't have to campaign, or win a debate.

Then there was the infamous Georgia under the tables tubs of ballots, brought out after the Republicans were sent home (internet viral) All these videos have been posted in this forum 100 times, yet Democrat fools still pretend everything was ok.

I've been off the internet for some weeks now, and this is my first day back here, and it's mind boggling to see goofball Democrats still lying bout this. No pride. No self-respect. No integrity. Nothing but unequivocal, unadulterated, unmitigated POWER GRAB, any way they can do it. One of the most shameful disgraces in US history.
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Yeah, it's funny, and it's a dangerous situation at the same time. Unhinged, paranoid, gun-toting cultists are not a good thing.
Leftist rioters have done the criminal damage in America. Conservatives carry guns just for self-defense (as I do every day). It is BLM, Antifa, et al leftist loons who are the danger, as they prove constantly.
Yeah, it's funny, and it's a dangerous situation at the same time. Unhinged, paranoid, gun-toting cultists are not a good thing.
Leftist rioters have done the criminal damage in America. Conservatives carry guns just for self-defense (as I do every day). It is BLM, Antifa, et al leftist loons who are the danger, as they prove constantly.
Why did you choose to completely change the subject of my post?

Ok, I'm just kidding. I know why.
So Democrats and their lying leftist media are still >>>
Acting As If Biden Was Elected

Of course he wasn't.
He was installed by a nationwide, organized fraud conspiracy network, and is certainly NOT the President of the United States. He is nothing but a lowlife, rackateering highjacker of the office of the presidency.
If that were true, you'd be able to prove the election was stolen from Trump.

"Trump, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 7,000,000 votes that are missing. I think Lastamender will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens."

It was proven when the first Republican poll watcher was denied entrance to the vote counting room. Then, poll watchers were required to stand too far away to watch the counts. Then, more of them were kicked out and escorted out of vote counting rooms. Then, standing outside the room, cardboard shields were erected covering up windows, to keep the poll watchers from looking in, in Michigan. All this video viral on the internet, and Democrat screwballs still ludicrously lie about the fraud being unproven.

Then there were the early morning vote dumps, in Wisconsin, Michigan, & Pennsylvania, categorized as impossible by statisicians (although any 5th grader could explain it just as easily). Then there was the Biden non-campaign, like his big Arizona rally where NOBODY showed up (but this is a guy who is supposed to have gotten more votes than Obama in 2012). He laid back and laughed in the debate, because he knew the whole thing was rigged for him, and he didn't have to campaign, or win a debate.

Then there was the infamous Georgia under the tables tubs of ballots, brought out after the Republicans were sent home (internet viral) All these videos have been posted in this forum 100 times, yet Democrat fools still pretend everything was ok.

I've been off the internet for some weeks now, and this is my first day back here, and it's mind boggling to see goofball Democrats still lying bout this. No pride. No self-respect. No integrity. Nothing but unequivocal, unadulterated, unmitigated POWER GRAB, any way they can do it. One of the most shameful disgraces in US history.

All 50 states and DC certified their ballots. That includes Republicans as well as Democrats.

The electoral college casted their votes. That includes Republicans as well as Democrats.

The Congress certified the electoral votes. That includes Republicans as well as Democrats.

Biden is president because Trump failed miserably to prove widespread fraud even occurred. It failed in courts with judges appointed by Republicans as well as Democrats.

Like it or not, either Biden is your president -- or you're not an American.

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