They're eating each other alive on the Democratic Underground's Facebook page

To be fair, they have every damn right to be pissed at the DNC - they cheated Sanders out to instate Queen Clinton to rule over them. I'd probably be pretty pissed too.

That kind of shit is why I'll never be part of either group. independent is the way to go.
Yes, liberal scumbags, I'm back...

See how truly deranged these mother Fuckers are!

Democratic Underground is still down... but their Facebook page isn't.

Mash down here for much blame, bitterness, finger-pointing, and general wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The Deportables are unhinged loons even in the best of times. The 'personal discussion' threads are full of 'personal sharings' of what meds they're on and their assorted mental illnesses and neurotic simpering over there. They're just disgusting self-absorbed sickos, not a remotely sane adult poster on the entire board there, just like every single HillaryCrat astro-turfer who comes here to bleed and wimper after checking in there for the latest 'talking points' to run around parroting.
To be fair, they have every damn right to be pissed at the DNC - they cheated Sanders out to instate Queen Clinton to rule over them. I'd probably be pretty pissed too.

That kind of shit is why I'll never be part of either group. independent is the way to go.

Sanders was never a serious candidate, and he knew that going in; he's just as much a phoney as she is. He's just another Dennis Kucinch, a fraud who is just a clown act and organ grinder's monkey thrown out there to deceive idiots into believing the Democratic Party is some sort 'diverse' big tent Party, when they're just the same old hacks and gangsters they've always been. Like Kucinich, they just trot out the Reds in election years to give a short speech and they're never heard from again for another four years at the next Presidential Convention.
To be fair, they have every damn right to be pissed at the DNC - they cheated Sanders out to instate Queen Clinton to rule over them. I'd probably be pretty pissed too.

That kind of shit is why I'll never be part of either group. independent is the way to go.

Sanders was never a serious candidate, and he knew that going in; he's just as much a phoney as she is. He's just another Dennis Kucinch, a fraud who is just a clown act and organ grinder's monkey thrown out there to deceive idiots into believing the Democratic Party is some sort 'diverse' big tent Party, when they're just the same old hacks and gangsters they've always been.
Ah, but the DNC bought him a lakeside house for $600K as a reward for making her look good!
Ah, but the DNC bought him a lakeside house for $600K as a reward for making her look good!

Not only that. but Hillary has to go over there every couple of months and spank him while wearing one of her Maoist pantsuits. All of these Hillary muppets are neurotic sexual deviants of one stripe or another.

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