They're not interested in children!....Really!

you think straight people never do that very thing?

It so happens that blue in Russia corresponds to gay nowadays. Don't know how it happened but everything that was just blue and innocent before now got that filthy flavour to it, same as with the word gay in English it seems.

They aren't after your children...................

Weird how these types of stories only get threads made when the people doing it are gay.

I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:
Sodomites and married ones should have never been allowed to adopt. Nature does not allow them children, so why should this unnatural parenthood be allowed them anyways through unnatural means? Everyone knows homosexuality is a mental disorder and the children are at an extremely high risk of being harmed by then, such as this case.

This story got ZERO coverage in the corporate, groomer media. And we all know why.
I dont accept homosexuality as normal
Of course it is not normal . That would be an absurd position to hold unless the figures have shot up over night from ca

3% to something over 30% for example .

The question is whether it is natural or not ,imho .

Now , how are you going to demonstrate that one way or the other , apart from giving me your personal belief .which scientifically is as valuable as telling me your estimate of what the price of apples should be ?

Just interested
Thank you for admitting it. That was refreshing to see.

And the point of the OP is bullshit. Gays are not doing that any more than straight people are.

It was not gay people grooming kids at the Southern Baptist Churches. But you all would never start a thread about that because they are straight church going people.

If you actually gave a fuck about the kids you would focus on all the people doing these acts and not just the gay ones
Nothing but deflection and whataboutism. Anything else in your bag of tricks?
I am not defending anything. I think all child molesters should be shot at dawn the day after they are found guilty.

You people only care about the gay child molesters, you could not give a fuck about the straight people that do it.
What a load of crap. This story is about a gay couple molesting children. How about you save your whining BS for a thread about Heterosexual child molesters ( like the Biden’s for example).
I am not defending anything. I think all child molesters should be shot at dawn the day after they are found guilty.

You people only care about the gay child molesters, you could not give a fuck about the straight people that do it.
Hey shitmaggot. Give yourself a cactus enema.
Golfing Gator don't be so obsessed in hackery.

ALL groups have bad eggs sneaking in. For the future call out a pedo and don't preface to say but but religion does it, republicans do it, people in power have done it,......,. In this case, GAY men did it and they are fucking horrible.

They raped 9yr old and 11 yr old boys and filmed it. They adopted children who were already in foster care so already abandoned once. They took photos right in front of the Human Rights building and big BLM activists perfect family pictures for progressives. They are pedophiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the nightmare of Catholics. Just because a priest is evil doesn't make all Catholics evil. Just because an authority covers it up does not make Catholics evil it makes the people who helped cover it up evil.

So now we got Gay parents raping adopted kids. If you don't want ALL gay parents smeared quit doing it to ALL religions or all sports coaches or all republicans, etc. Stop doing that otherwise, it will come back 10 fold to whatever group you support when they get busted with a pedo in their group. Just expose ALL pedos. If you persist in distinguishing then you will see how it goes.

I expose them ALL

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