They've Been Saying This For Months About Ukraine

I replayed this video three times and I still don't have a clue what they're talking about though. Can anybody here translate please? :confused-84:

What she’s saying is, “Stop asking me all of these fucking questions! I’m only here to fill the minority quota and it ain’t an easy job representing blacks, homosexuals and the few literate people of this country. Isn’t that enough?!”
View attachment 708837

If he did? It would be against the law.

Not necessarily. It could be a series of questions. Murderous scumbag Putin may have even answered! What the Logan Act doesn’t accept is citizens who aren’t part of the Executive branch authorized to do so negotiating with foreign leaders.
Not necessarily. It could be a series of questions. Murderous scumbag Putin may have even answered! What the Logan Act doesn’t accept is citizens who aren’t part of the Executive branch authorized to do so negotiating with foreign leaders.
Funny Karine didn't know any of that...
What she is saying is that the U.S. position is that no discussions can be held with Russia unilaterally. Any discussions on this conflict, regardless of who from the U.S. is engaged, must include a representative of Ukraine. So any conclusions that come out of a Musk-Putin conversation are meaningless. Don't waste our time. We are not interested.
And this ^^^ might be the case.
DGS49 the problem is we have way too many "Wanna be in the news" politicians, and they claim to support America (both parties) but they really serve themselves.
Honest people STILL EXIST. I Believe that.
But HONEST politicians don't anymore (with a few exceptions)
Ukraine only does what the U.S. government tells them to do.
Well? Who the hell is paying all the bills over there? Shit, with the amount of debt the American tax-payer has taken on, and the amount of inflation we are experiencing?

Instead of discussing NATO membership, I am halfway surprised, all those idiots in congress aren't just discussing making it the 51st state.

Yeah right, we all know that the US hasn't got its nose, its weapons, its money or its political chicanery anywhere near Ukraine.
I know that what the US did in 2014 has no bearing on Zelensky's election in 2019. The Ukraine desk at the State Dept. still had the same people as under Obama, and they backed Poroshenko. But Zelensky won anyway. Those same people were perfectly willing to throw Zelensky under the bus when they tried to impeach Trump for the phone call, and portrayed Zelensky as some kind of helpless chump who was being blackmailed by Trump.

I also know the aid we have provided to Ukraine is wildly exaggerated by people on this board, and that nothing of any substance was even offered until after the Ukrainians had defeated the Russian invasion at Kiev.
Ukraine is Congress's last great money laundering operation.

During WWII, we sent the USSR fuel, ammo, weapons and the German plans; but we sent Ukraine $100B?? To do what exactly are they paying for the weapons we send them?

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