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Senior Member
Dec 5, 2011
Real or not?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9NAxqichmY]Mufa'khathat / "Mufa" - ("Thighing") - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSq0BAZzHKg&feature=related]THIGHING OF FEMALE CHILDREN In Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Americans if you defend Islam with your PC Idealism you defend this and all of the above and yet one man speaks out against gay marriage and there is Nation wide outrage. Where is your outrage against Islam? are you going to go to the UN or various embassy's and express your outrage? Are you going to go to the local Mosque and express your outrage? Children are being raped! Mohammad was a pedophile. He was engaged to a 6 year old and married and had sex with her at age nine. This is not in dispute. Muslim men point to Mohammad and use it as a way to have sex with a child. If it was good enough for the prophet it is good enough for them and Allah must allow it. Americans who defend Islam this is what you defend, child marriage and rape?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t3vfDhPTIk&feature=related]Child sex normal in Islam and Quran - YouTube[/ame]
Americans if you defend Islam with your PC Idealism you defend this and all of the above and yet one man speaks out against gay marriage and there is Nation wide outrage. Where is your outrage against Islam? are you going to go to the UN or various embassy's and express your outrage? Are you going to go to the local Mosque and express your outrage? Children are being raped! Mohammad was a pedophile. He was engaged to a 6 year old and married and had sex with her at age nine. This is not in dispute. Muslim men point to Mohammad and use it as a way to have sex with a child. If it was good enough for the prophet it is good enough for them and Allah must allow it. Americans who defend Islam this is what you defend, child marriage and rape?
Child sex normal in Islam and Quran - YouTube

you've got it !!

i think the general level of knowledge people have about islamic ideology & history is fairly low in western society, especially compared to what everybody "knows" about the evils of xnity. yes DUH xnity has a problematic past & plenty of people don't like religion being forced upon them...

but the point i want to make is too many people are relying on an attitude something like "it's their religion, let them alone, all religions should be tolerated" etc etc instead of relying on facts & knowlege

try posting pro-freedom/anti-islam stuff & usually the 1st reply is something like "well look what xnity does" followed by several more replies mentioning problem after problem after problem after problem (and rightly so) caused by the less conscientious followers of xnity.

but where are the similar replies showing these similar & WORSE problems with islam ?

answer they do not appear and when people do post facts about islamic ideology & history, what happens ?? instantly & continual repetitive bleating about "hate speech" and "racism"...

what a total crock of caca !!!

here is a great blogger pushing the EDUCATION MANTRA for all it's worth...

Citizen Warrior: Tools For Our Educational Mission
THE ONE most important task we have to accomplish is to educate our fellow citizens about Islam's prime directive.

Citizen Warrior: What Non-Muslims Can Do About Islam
Demanding and gaining concessions from non-Muslims, and slowly encroaching on democratic freedoms with the end-goal of establishing Sharia law in Western democracies

Citizen Warrior: Educate the Public With Leaflets
Thanks for the great work you’re doing. Please have a look at the attached leaflet. I print copies of this leaflet regularly and leave them on the train when I commute to work.

Citizen Warrior: The Key to Your Listener's Inability to Confront the Disturbing Truth About Islam
We try to simply share new information we've learned, and we find ourselves unable to share it — not because we are incapable of articulating it, but because our listeners do backflips trying to invalidate the information...

Citizen Warrior: What Possible Good Does It Do To Say Anything Negative About Islam, Even If It's True?
ONE OF THE MOST important things I recommend a citizen do about terrorism is learn about Islam and share that information with their fellow westerners. But if you've ever tried to tell your friends about jihad, you've probably discovered most people don't want to hear it.

Citizen Warrior: How a Tolerant Country Can Avoid Being a Doormat for Intolerant Countries
TOLERANCE AND mutual respect for different cultures and religions is great — as long as it is mutual. When it's not mutual, then tolerance becomes a self-destructive doctrine. When it is not mutual, one side gives and the other side takes. In normal parlance, it is called being a doormat.

Citizen Warrior: The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam
Islamic supremacists are doing this all over the world, attacking Westerners and their own fellow Muslims alike. Why? Because of a doctrine.

Citizen Warrior: Concessions to Islam are the Establishment of Sharia Law
Every accomodation non-Muslims make for Muslims moves our culture, our beliefs, and our legal systems one step closer to Sharia law. The concession itself is the establishment of Sharia law. Let's look at an example. Around the world, Muslims react strongly when anyone criticizes Islam. Why? In Sharia law, it is forbidden to criticize either Islam or Mohammad. This is a precept of Sharia law

Citizen Warrior: What Educated Non-Muslims Don't Like About Islam in a Nutshell
In contrast, there are 527 verses of intolerance toward non-Muslims, and 109 verses specifically advocating violence towards non-Muslims. Not one of these verses has been abrogated. My conclusion: Non-Muslims who like Islam don't know much about it.

Citizen Warrior: What Muslim Leaders Say About Islam Dispels the Myth that Jihadists are a "Fringe" Element
WHEN WE discover some basic facts about Islam, our first impulse is to think, "But surely it's only a small minority of extremists!" If you've looked into it, and especially if you've read the Quran, you realize the "extremists" are following standard, mainstream Islamic doctrine. That's a real shock when this first dawns on you.

Citizen Warrior: The Achilles' Heel of the West
And yet what is white guilt? For a "white" person, it says "because some people in the past had a similar genetic background as yours, and because they did some terrible things to people of dissimilar genetic background (Native Americans or Africans, for example), then you should feel guilty about it, and feel responsible for it, and people of your genetic background should do something to make amends for it."

Citizen Warrior: Is it Racist to Criticize Islam?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Ibn Warra, Tapan Ghosh, Seyran Ates, Francis Bok, Nonie Darwish, Brigitte Gabriel, Mark Gabriel, Walid Shoebat, Simon Deng, Babu Suseelan, Walid Phares, Zeyno Baran, M. Zuhdi Jasser, Magdi Allam, Farshad Kholghi, Bassam Tibi, Khaled Abu Toameh, Tawfik Hamid

Citizen Warrior: Wanting An Excuse Not To Become Alarmed
I thought Shirk really nailed it when he said, "They wanted excuses not to become alarmed, and they wished above all to sound like the voices of reason against the 'alarmism' spread by 'jingoists' and 'militarists' like Winston Churchill." That's it! That's exactly what we're up against in one sentence! I think it really helps to understand what underlies the incomprehensible refusal to listen to simple facts when talking to some people.
And the mormons used to do pretty much the same thing
You go and start a thread on a practice that mainstream mormons no longer practice.

This thread is about Islam and the continued practice of accepting child molestation as according to their religion.
And the mormons used to do pretty much the same thing
You go and start a thread on a practice that mainstream mormons no longer practice.

This thread is about Islam and the continued practice of accepting child molestation as according to their religion.

That does not matter to the intolerant. They cannot accept that other cultures are not superior to the American culture, therefore, they must be portrayed as equal.
Americans if you defend Islam with your PC Idealism you defend this and all of the above and yet one man speaks out against gay marriage and there is Nation wide outrage. Where is your outrage against Islam? are you going to go to the UN or various embassy's and express your outrage? Are you going to go to the local Mosque and express your outrage? Children are being raped! Mohammad was a pedophile. He was engaged to a 6 year old and married and had sex with her at age nine. This is not in dispute. Muslim men point to Mohammad and use it as a way to have sex with a child. If it was good enough for the prophet it is good enough for them and Allah must allow it. Americans who defend Islam this is what you defend, child marriage and rape?
Child sex normal in Islam and Quran - YouTube

you've got it !!

i think the general level of knowledge people have about islamic ideology & history is fairly low in western society, especially compared to what everybody "knows" about the evils of xnity. yes DUH xnity has a problematic past & plenty of people don't like religion being forced upon them...

but the point i want to make is too many people are relying on an attitude something like "it's their religion, let them alone, all religions should be tolerated" etc etc instead of relying on facts & knowlege

try posting pro-freedom/anti-islam stuff & usually the 1st reply is something like "well look what xnity does" followed by several more replies mentioning problem after problem after problem after problem (and rightly so) caused by the less conscientious followers of xnity.

but where are the similar replies showing these similar & WORSE problems with islam ?

answer they do not appear and when people do post facts about islamic ideology & history, what happens ?? instantly & continual repetitive bleating about "hate speech" and "racism"...

what a total crock of caca !!! QUOTE]

I tend to agree which is why I posted this. Americans do have a live and let live attitude but don't take the time to find out about the group/person they are supporting. I live on the east coast and it's taking off here like nobodys business. In time the membership of the local mosques will grow and they will become more noticable. By then it will be too late. People need to know about Islam now. It's not just another relgion, it's not a religion of peace, it doesn't come in peace. It doesn't have the same values or worship the same God as JudeoChristians.

Most people don't realize they can practice taqqiya (This means a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are at risk of significant persecution.) Using this tactic in America not only protects them by promotes the survival of Islam. JudeoChristian faith doesn't allow lying and in the case of Christian persecution you are expected to not deny your fatih. Because Islam claims to be of the same God and have simular values Americans just assume it's a Judeo Christian off shoot and let it go at that. This IS NOT the case.

The best thing I can do is expose the Trojan horse before they get to big in the USA. We need to make sure America keeps a close eye on Islam because it will untimately over throw the Constitution in favor of Sharia Law if allowed to do so. It's just the nature of Islam as they believe that a law established by thier god Allah is better than any man made law. Basically folks they think they are doing us a favor and for our own good. There is nothing greater than Allah, free will is out the window and all must submit. It's their doctrine and they take it very seriously. Islam is fundies on steroids. You think Hitler was a persistant tyrant, wait until you deal with a full on cultural assult from Islam. Hitler was just the warm up folks.
And the mormons used to do pretty much the same thing

Since a couple of other people in this thread have acted like there might be truth in this statement, I have to ask for a link. Are you speaking of the LDS church or some other branch?

I've addressed this question to TM only since she brought it up. Since I don't expect her to have an answer, if someone else does then I'll appreciate your help on this subject.
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Thanks for the CW blog it looks like it will be very useful especially on my Facebook pages.
That's disgusting. However, I have thighed with Syrenn and Aquathena just yesterday. Those girls are amazing. I had to dismiss Del who just wanted to watch!
And the mormons used to do pretty much the same thing

Since a couple of other people in this thread have acted like there might be truth in this statement, I have to ask for a link.

I took it that TM was referring to Warren Jeffs bunch. Of course TM will have to answer for herself. I have problems with him and his followers for child moseltation of course. Pologamy; any man that needs that many wives need to have his dick cut off. Welfare abuse; when you have 50 + wives (conservative estimate) and 60 children,you can't possibly support them all. His answer was to marry one legally and spiritually marry the rest. He send his and his followers surplus wives and kids to collect welfare thus abusing the system.

Warren Jeffs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Americans if you defend Islam with your PC Idealism you defend this and all of the above and yet one man speaks out against gay marriage and there is Nation wide outrage. Where is your outrage against Islam? are you going to go to the UN or various embassy's and express your outrage? Are you going to go to the local Mosque and express your outrage? Children are being raped! Mohammad was a pedophile. He was engaged to a 6 year old and married and had sex with her at age nine. This is not in dispute. Muslim men point to Mohammad and use it as a way to have sex with a child. If it was good enough for the prophet it is good enough for them and Allah must allow it. Americans who defend Islam this is what you defend, child marriage and rape?
Child sex normal in Islam and Quran - YouTube

you've got it !!

i think the general level of knowledge people have about islamic ideology & history is fairly low in western society, especially compared to what everybody "knows" about the evils of xnity. yes DUH xnity has a problematic past & plenty of people don't like religion being forced upon them...

but the point i want to make is too many people are relying on an attitude something like "it's their religion, let them alone, all religions should be tolerated" etc etc instead of relying on facts & knowlege

try posting pro-freedom/anti-islam stuff & usually the 1st reply is something like "well look what xnity does" followed by several more replies mentioning problem after problem after problem after problem (and rightly so) caused by the less conscientious followers of xnity.

but where are the similar replies showing these similar & WORSE problems with islam ?

answer they do not appear and when people do post facts about islamic ideology & history, what happens ?? instantly & continual repetitive bleating about "hate speech" and "racism"...

what a total crock of caca !!! QUOTE]

I tend to agree which is why I posted this. Americans do have a live and let live attitude but don't take the time to find out about the group/person they are supporting. I live on the east coast and it's taking off here like nobodys business. In time the membership of the local mosques will grow and they will become more noticable. By then it will be too late. People need to know about Islam now. It's not just another relgion, it's not a religion of peace, it doesn't come in peace. It doesn't have the same values or worship the same God as JudeoChristians.

Most people don't realize they can practice taqqiya (This means a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are at risk of significant persecution.) Using this tactic in America not only protects them by promotes the survival of Islam. JudeoChristian faith doesn't allow lying and in the case of Christian persecution you are expected to not deny your fatih. Because Islam claims to be of the same God and have simular values Americans just assume it's a Judeo Christian off shoot and let it go at that. This IS NOT the case.

The best thing I can do is expose the Trojan horse before they get to big in the USA. We need to make sure America keeps a close eye on Islam because it will untimately over throw the Constitution in favor of Sharia Law if allowed to do so. It's just the nature of Islam as they believe that a law established by thier god Allah is better than any man made law. Basically folks they think they are doing us a favor and for our own good. There is nothing greater than Allah, free will is out the window and all must submit. It's their doctrine and they take it very seriously. Islam is fundies on steroids. You think Hitler was a persistant tyrant, wait until you deal with a full on cultural assult from Islam. Hitler was just the warm up folks.

The muslim brotherhood is now performing "crucifixions" on non-mulsims in Egypt for those that disagree with the new president. I guess they will get lots of support from the lefties that say that is part of their religion, it is okay.....
The standard leftist replies when Islam is criticized:

1. "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, but CHRISTIANITY is MUCH worse!!"

2. "It's their culture. We mustn't judge. White conservative Christian culture, however -- we'll judge the dogshit outta that!"

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