Thin-Skinned Little Jackass Of A President Gets Help From His Friends In The Media

I think Obama should run again. Given the birthers' record on proving ANYTHING, I think they'd have trouble convincing anyone he's actually been elected twice. I'm sure there are plenty of quotes out there stating a second term was impossible. :cool-45:
I think he should run again too, that would kick off revolutionary war II for sure, then we could clean house on the anti American trash in Washington, and throw that kenyan fraud in prison.
His wife, his mother, his kids, his grandmother, his relatives, everyone he has ever known has been attacked by asswipe Republicans. And those creeps call him "thin skinned"? Such dirty people.

Some, and I repeat, only some on the Left assailed Former Pres. George W. Bush (43), his lovely wife, former FLOTUS Laura Bush and even his two very lovely and intelligent daughters, Jenna (Hager) and Barbara in ways I found disgusting, but none of that even comes close, not even remotely close, to the shitstorm that has been hurled at President Obama, his lovely wife, FLOTUS Michelle Obama and their two sweet daughters, Sasha and Malia. Hell, RWNJ freaks even attacked the family dog, Bo. I mean, that's weird.

It's been just one ugly, vicious, untrue meme after another and our Pres. has taken it with the grace and courtesy of Abraham Lincoln.
Bullshit. Show me any picture of an Obama protestor that matches this crap:
Top 10 Most vile anti-Bush signs SLIDESHOW The Daily Caller

They are all over the net. And it's not just pictures, it's words.

Did anyone accuse Bush of being a secret homosexual?
Did anyone accuse Laura of actually having a penis instead of a vagina?

That's just for starters.
Please post pictures of protestors holding signs about Obama that are as bad as those of Bush. Go ahead. You cant because they dont exist.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with being homosexual, right?
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.
So you're saying you're basically a brainless robot with nothing to contribute but recycled talking points? I agree!
Obama is the thinnest skinned president in history. Virtually everyuthing in this country is about him: Harvard professors getting profiled, a self defense killing in FL, gang violence. You name it.
His wife, his mother, his kids, his grandmother, his relatives, everyone he has ever known has been attacked by asswipe Republicans. And those creeps call him "thin skinned"? Such dirty people.

Some, and I repeat, only some on the Left assailed Former Pres. George W. Bush (43), his lovely wife, former FLOTUS Laura Bush and even his two very lovely and intelligent daughters, Jenna (Hager) and Barbara in ways I found disgusting, but none of that even comes close, not even remotely close, to the shitstorm that has been hurled at President Obama, his lovely wife, FLOTUS Michelle Obama and their two sweet daughters, Sasha and Malia. Hell, RWNJ freaks even attacked the family dog, Bo. I mean, that's weird.

It's been just one ugly, vicious, untrue meme after another and our Pres. has taken it with the grace and courtesy of Abraham Lincoln.
Bullshit. Show me any picture of an Obama protestor that matches this crap:
Top 10 Most vile anti-Bush signs SLIDESHOW The Daily Caller

They are all over the net. And it's not just pictures, it's words.

Did anyone accuse Bush of being a secret homosexual?
Did anyone accuse Laura of actually having a penis instead of a vagina?

That's just for starters.
Please post pictures of protestors holding signs about Obama that are as bad as those of Bush. Go ahead. You cant because they dont exist.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with being homosexual, right?

How about you saying that blacks as a race aren't fix for leadership positions?
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.
So you're saying you're basically a brainless robot with nothing to contribute but recycled talking points? I agree!
Obama is the thinnest skinned president in history. Virtually everyuthing in this country is about him: Harvard professors getting profiled, a self defense killing in FL, gang violence. You name it.

He's just one of that black race not fit to be leaders because of their race, eh?
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
And note the roots kunta kinte allusion. Sweeeeeeet.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

Obama, by disposition or the respect for his position, is damn polite when he mildly calls out his critics, but few if any of them can be characterized as an honorable opposition.

Mudwhistle is an asshole, that is a given, and a coward. His contributions to this forum are as worthy and as welcome as a wedding guest who puts a turd in the punch bowl, as are the parrots who echo him.
Seems to me you must like a turd or two because you're constantly tossing Obama's salad. Do you prefer jelly or syrup?
Why fuckers have lied about every thing else. Why not lie about this being his second and last term?
Sure mud, let's lie and post an OP defending a statement by a politician that accuses a potus of leading the jews to the ovens and even ands a racial slur. Sweeeet.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent
It's quite evident who's really clutching their pearls and crying in their Con-federate flag towels over this. :lol:
I think Obama should run again. Given the birthers' record on proving ANYTHING, I think they'd have trouble convincing anyone he's actually been elected twice. I'm sure there are plenty of quotes out there stating a second term was impossible. :cool-45:

Funny and clever - no doubt you're correct - the only thing birthers' prove is they can echo each other.
I hope that the RW has all their Con-federate Flag crying towels ready to go.
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.

No That's me calling you a partisan hack sheep
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.

No That's me calling you a partisan hack sheep

Who decided that a President should not respond to attacks on him or his policies?
i am 100% certain obama is 100% American-born half-Irish Kansas trailer trash

i hope the Left finds comfort in this
He's over in Kenya rediscovering his roots and the prissy little narcissistic president has to comment on everything bad someone says about him here at home.

You have to have a really thin skin to feel you have to comment on everything your critics say about you. Anyone with any sense would know that you give strength to their arguments when you respond to them. He's president.....he doesn't have to comment on it. He's not running for office anymore. Why does he care that a Republican says that his Iranian deal marches Israel to the oven's door. Commenting on it only gives it the feel that there's some truth to it. Lucky for him the Big Three carry his water for him:

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same three networks chided then-President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans for a “two-pronged Republican attack” on Obama.

Returning to the present for the moment, ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased correspondent Tom Llamas’ story by hailing Obama’s “war of words” with Huckabee and “a rare move” by the President “with scathing words on the Republican race.” Muir introduced Llamas by explaining that Huckabee was “the latest Republican contender under fire for controversial comments” as the former Arkansas Governor was “digging down” over having said the following on Saturday: “He's so naive he would trust the Iranians and would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven.” In his report, Llamas touted Obama as offering “a rare scolding” and “accusing Republican candidates of using overheated language to try and steal attention from Donald Trump.”

Continuing on the theme of roping the GOP candidates together, Llamas noted that “[o]ther candidates [are] looking to create their own viral moments” with videos featuring Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.). The theme of bashing Republicans and praising Obama continued on NBC Nightly News. Anchor Lester Holt determined that “the war of words is escalating” as national correspondent Peter Alexander credited Jeb Bush for having “winced at the latest Republican attack line.” Hailing the President as “among those offended” by Huckabee’s comments regarding the Holocaust, Alexander described candidates not named Trump are “competing for attention” and “trying to out-trump Trump.” Following the lead from Llamas, Alexander hit Paul and Graham for having “resorted to political stunts” before declaring: “The horse race is on, but the track is muddy.”

See more at: Networks Praise Obama s Scolding of Huckabee GOP Field Bashed Bush for Hitting Obama in 08


For only 10 years though......

Huckabee Obama marching Israel to door of the oven -
Articles Iran Deal and the Hudaybiyyah Precedent

I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.

No That's me calling you a partisan hack sheep

Who decided that a President should not respond to attacks on him or his policies?

Obama is the snarkiest president I have ever seen.

IMO he seems more interested in Twitter bites than anything really important
I love you how the RWnuts piss themselves when the President slaps down their nitwit heroes.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.

No That's me calling you a partisan hack sheep

Who decided that a President should not respond to attacks on him or his policies?

Obama is the snarkiest president I have ever seen.

IMO he seems more interested in Twitter bites than anything really important

No President's in my lifetime have been hounded as much as Obama, though Clinton comes in a distant second. Racism is clearly part of why Obama has been scorned, that and the constant propaganda coming from AM Radio and other media seeking profit, not truth. His every policy and every speech is parsed, criticized and framed as anti American - by self proclaimed experts, and parroted by the ignorant and mendacious. This thread is one of too many lacking substance, and filled with pathological hate.

Conservatism is not a mental disease, nor is is liberalism - but mental disease permeates every fiber of the haters, those obsessed with attacking the man and not the polices.
If it was a republican president responding to every little thing said about him like a teen age girl on Twitter you'd be singing a different tune

That's your weird way of admitting this thread is just more Obama Derangement Syndrome.

No That's me calling you a partisan hack sheep

Who decided that a President should not respond to attacks on him or his policies?

Obama is the snarkiest president I have ever seen.

IMO he seems more interested in Twitter bites than anything really important

No President's in my lifetime have been hounded as much as Obama, though Clinton comes in a distant second. Racism is clearly part of why Obama has been scorned, that and the constant propaganda coming from AM Radio and other media seeking profit, not truth. His every policy and every speech is parsed, criticized and framed as anti American - by self proclaimed experts, and parroted by the ignorant and mendacious. This thread is one of too many lacking substance, and filled with pathological hate.

Conservatism is not a mental disease, nor is is liberalism - but mental disease permeates every fiber of the haters, those obsessed with attacking the man and not the polices.

And one of the haters finds my post funny.
Of course the media backs him. After all they helped get him elected.

Didn't see any of the LSM sending 200 reporters to dig up dirt on him like they did on Palin.

Or forging documents and reporting fabricated stories with them like they did for GWB.

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