Things about atheism that should be self-evident.

I believe you are talking about culture vs religion. Just like one can be culturally Catholic without ever setting foot in a church. But this discussion was not about culture; it was about religion.

You understand nothing about the Jews. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a bastard. Belief in God is not part of the definition of a Jew, but rejecting God, Christ, is the root of the definition of a Jew.
I believe you are talking about culture vs religion. Just like one can be culturally Catholic without ever setting foot in a church. But this discussion was not about culture; it was about religion.

You understand nothing about the Jews. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a bastard. Belief in God is not part of the definition of a Jew, but rejecting God, Christ, is the root of the definition of a Jew.

You freak...people dont understand or believe your evil bullshit because they would never want to do so....
You freak...people dont understand or believe your evil bullshit because they would never want to do so....

Every Jewish rabbi on the planet agrees with me, except the bastard part, shithead. There's nothing in all of Christianity that Christians are so unified on as are the Jews in agreement with me. People like you are proud of being stupid and ignorant.
You freak...people dont understand or believe your evil bullshit because they would never want to do so....

Every Jewish rabbi on the planet agrees with me, except the bastard part, shithead. There's nothing in all of Christianity that Christians are so unified on as are the Jews in agreement with me. People like you are proud of being stupid and ignorant.

Yes, I get that, everyone agrees, except for your evil stupid bullshit. That's not news you freak.
You freak...people dont understand or believe your evil bullshit because they would never want to do so....

Every Jewish rabbi on the planet agrees with me, except the bastard part, shithead. There's nothing in all of Christianity that Christians are so unified on as are the Jews in agreement with me. People like you are proud of being stupid and ignorant.
You've spoken to every single Jewish rabbi on the planet?!?! I'm impressed. How long did that take?
You've spoken to every single Jewish rabbi on the planet?!?! I'm impressed. How long did that take?

Not as long as you think, because again you understand nothing.
I understand you're full of shit. Here's, at least, one Jewish teacher who thinks "God Exists" is a fundamental of Judaism.

G-d Exists
The fact of G-d's existence is accepted almost without question. Proof is not needed, and is rarely offered. The Torah begins by stating "In the beginning, G-d created..." It does not tell who G-d is or how He was created.

In general, Judaism views the existence of G-d as a necessary prerequisite for the existence of the universe. The existence of the universe is sufficient proof of the existence of G-d​

Now, I suppose you are right that a Jew doesn't believe God exists. However, that's not because they are atheist, rather it is not a matter of belief, but an affirmation of a proposition. A Jew does not believe God exists. The reality that God exists is a simple statement of reality, in the mind of a Jew, not entirely unlike "Water is wet".
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Stop tap dancing. There ahould be no religion in science class, period. And there should be no state-sponsored religion in any school, ever. A class on religions across the world? Okay, because that is teaching the tenets of various religions. It is not teaching that any of them are true. In fact, such a class would help people realize that the bullshit they have been hearing since theyvwere little is just one of many similar treasure troves of bullshit.

Don't be silly. Why would a science teacher want religion (a philosophy) taught in science? We have enough to cover in science without adding philosophy to the mix. Nor is anyone talking about a state sponsored religion class! When the hysteria is over, perhaps then we might discuss this another time.
Stop tap dancing. There ahould be no religion in science class, period. And there should be no state-sponsored religion in any school, ever. A class on religions across the world? Okay, because that is teaching the tenets of various religions. It is not teaching that any of them are true. In fact, such a class would help people realize that the bullshit they have been hearing since theyvwere little is just one of many similar treasure troves of bullshit.

Don't be silly. Why would a science teacher want religion (a philosophy) taught in science? We have enough to cover in science without adding philosophy to the mix. Nor is anyone talking about a state sponsored religion class! When the hysteria is over, perhaps then we might discuss this another time.

What an odd, inappropriate response. At no point did i state or even imply that a science teacher wpuld want religion in his class. As I have to think was obvious, I was referring to the many ongoing lawsuits involving people trying to force religion into science class. I'm not sure from what dimension you hail...but, in this one, the state decides the curricula.

And people absolutely ARE not just talking about state sponsored religious classes, they are actually doing it via charter schools and vouchers.

I gotta say, that entire post by you was a complete, poorly thought out mess. You really need a reality check, my man.
What an odd, inappropriate response. At no point did i state or even imply that a science teacher wpuld want religion in his class. As I have to think was obvious, I was referring to the many ongoing lawsuits involving people trying to force religion into science class. I'm not sure from what dimension you hail...but, in this one, the state decides the curricula.

And people absolutely ARE not just talking about state sponsored religious classes, they are actually doing it via charter schools and vouchers.

I gotta say, that entire post by you was a complete, poorly thought out mess. You really need a reality check, my man.

Go back and read your own post. I stand by my statement that it was silly. If people want to include religious classes as electives in addition to (not instead of) the required courses, what business is it of others?
What an odd, inappropriate response. At no point did i state or even imply that a science teacher wpuld want religion in his class. As I have to think was obvious, I was referring to the many ongoing lawsuits involving people trying to force religion into science class. I'm not sure from what dimension you hail...but, in this one, the state decides the curricula.

And people absolutely ARE not just talking about state sponsored religious classes, they are actually doing it via charter schools and vouchers.

I gotta say, that entire post by you was a complete, poorly thought out mess. You really need a reality check, my man.

Go back and read your own post. I stand by my statement that it was silly. If people want to include religious classes as electives in addition to (not instead of) the required courses, what business is it of others?

Your response was not appropriate, and was really just a sidestep. At no point did i imply that a teacher wanted religion in science class, and it's not their choice anyway. That was irrelevant pap from you, posted as a way to dodge my points.

Then you topped it off by saying something absolutely false that you literally just pulled out of your ass.

Yes, people are talking about -- and actually IMPLEMENTING - state-sponsored religious teaching. That's a fact. Yes, people are in courtrooms and State legislatures across the country trying to wedge religion into science class. Are you for real? In what universe do you live, where you don't have possession of these simple facts?
  1. Atheists Do not:
    1. Hate God - There is no God.
    2. Worship Satan - There is no Satan.
    3. Hate Christians - Christians were all born atheists, and then had religion forced upon them.
    4. Eat Babies - There are no words for for the kind of deranged and deplorable imagination that thought this up.
    5. Lack morals - Every person has a sense of right and wrong regardless of whether they have a book of fairy tales to tell them what right and wrong is.
  2. Creationists like to ask, "How do you know the Big Bang happened? Were you there?" Yeah....right. Because I'm sure you were right there picking up shells while toddling along the bottom of the Red Sea, as the water was standing as two walls, waiting for you to cross, right?

  3. “Evolution is just a theory” demonstrates an almost misunderstanding of what a scientific theory actually is. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation. The non-scientific word theory refers to a guess or conjecture, a contemplation or speculation. In science, this latter definition is actually called a hypothesis. The two terms are not interchangeable.

  4. As is the case with justice, it is the burden of the party making an assertive claim to offer proof of said claim. As in a criminal trial by jury, the prosecution needs to offer objective evidence that events took place a certain way. The job of the defence is to show why the arguments of the prosecution are not valid. In such a court situation, the prosecution could never say “Well, this book says that such and such happened on the night of July 15th, therefore it is true.” The referenced book would immediately be questioned along the lines of who the author was, what their intentions and motivations were, when it was written, whether the writers were credible and in their right minds, etc. Since this horse shit doesn’t work in a trial, why do we suffer it to work for explanations of the entire universe? When science makes a claim, it is substantiated with plenty of objective evidence, yet when a religion claims something, the only justification is “well, there must be a God because we have sunsets.” Ah, of course, why didn’t we silly scientists think of that? And “You can’t prove God doesn’t exist” is the coward’s shifting of the burden of proof.

  5. Science and theism cannot co-exist. At all. They are opposite, nemeses, antonyms, call it whatever you wish. Anyone who claims to live by both is fooling themselves and not truly following either.
These are just a few things that most atheists can agree on. And I, personally, don' think a single one of them is unreasonable.

I agree with you on all but the last point. Too many scientists have done too much good science while still believing in some religious faith.
And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....

Yes, militant atheists get the courts to place injunctions on people doing that sort of thing.


"Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

The small town of Collins, Mississippi has an annual tradition they’ve been celebrating for every holiday season for fifteen years – Christmas in the Park.

Now, a group of atheist lawyers from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are demanding the town tear down six displays that include a set of Latin Crosses and light displays of Christ walking across the water.

According to the atheist group, the small town shouldn’t be allowed to leave up these decorations year round, because it makes Collins City Park ‘un-welcoming’ to atheists and other religions.

They’re demanding this town of just over 2,500 residents spend money and effort tearing down the small decorations, despite having stood for years without local complaints."

Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas
Sooo...once again, don't use municipal funds (government) to erect overtly Christian displays on municipal grounds (government). You are familiar with the First Amendment, and what the Supreme Court has ruled about the "wall of separation" between Church and State (government), right?

One of the most bizarre creations of the left wrong is the perversion of the First Amendment, into an excuse for suppressing and censoring religious expression, twisting it into the exact opposite of its clear intent.
Here is what I know of Athiests - they spend a huge amount of time talking about religion.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....

Yes, militant atheists get the courts to place injunctions on people doing that sort of thing.


"Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

The small town of Collins, Mississippi has an annual tradition they’ve been celebrating for every holiday season for fifteen years – Christmas in the Park.

Now, a group of atheist lawyers from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are demanding the town tear down six displays that include a set of Latin Crosses and light displays of Christ walking across the water.

According to the atheist group, the small town shouldn’t be allowed to leave up these decorations year round, because it makes Collins City Park ‘un-welcoming’ to atheists and other religions.

They’re demanding this town of just over 2,500 residents spend money and effort tearing down the small decorations, despite having stood for years without local complaints."

Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas
Sooo...once again, don't use municipal funds (government) to erect overtly Christian displays on municipal grounds (government). You are familiar with the First Amendment, and what the Supreme Court has ruled about the "wall of separation" between Church and State (government), right?

Oneof the most bizarre creations of the left wrong is the perversion of the First Amendment, into an excuse for suppressing and censoring religious expression, twisting it into the exact opposite of its clear intent.

The problem isn't so much the religious expression (notice they aren't suing department stores for Christmas displays, or neighborhoods). The issue there is that it is state property, and the state de facto sponsored the display.

So, I say to you, like I did the other guy whining about this: Go complain about the laws on the books. Go ahead, get on your horse and go to battle for people to change these laws. Or ignore them.
Yes, people are talking about -- and actually IMPLEMENTING - state-sponsored religious teaching. That's a fact. Yes, people are in courtrooms and State legislatures across the country trying to wedge religion into science class. Are you for real? In what universe do you live, where you don't have possession of these simple facts?

No, they are not trying to wedge religion into science class. Try again. The universe I live in? A good deal of the time it is lived in actual science classes. Religion is not an issue. Religion is a philosophy, not a science. I have no problem with any type of philosophy class being offered as an elective as long as I am not required to squash it into a science class--most of which are required. I'm telling you, you don't have to get hysterical over religion being taught in science unless you actually do live in a different universe than I.
Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....

Yes, militant atheists get the courts to place injunctions on people doing that sort of thing.


"Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

The small town of Collins, Mississippi has an annual tradition they’ve been celebrating for every holiday season for fifteen years – Christmas in the Park.

Now, a group of atheist lawyers from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are demanding the town tear down six displays that include a set of Latin Crosses and light displays of Christ walking across the water.

According to the atheist group, the small town shouldn’t be allowed to leave up these decorations year round, because it makes Collins City Park ‘un-welcoming’ to atheists and other religions.

They’re demanding this town of just over 2,500 residents spend money and effort tearing down the small decorations, despite having stood for years without local complaints."

Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas
Sooo...once again, don't use municipal funds (government) to erect overtly Christian displays on municipal grounds (government). You are familiar with the First Amendment, and what the Supreme Court has ruled about the "wall of separation" between Church and State (government), right?

One of the most bizarre creations of the left wrong is the perversion of the First Amendment, into an excuse for suppressing and censoring religious expression, twisting it into the exact opposite of its clear intent.
Well, since the "wall of separation" was an interpretation of the First Amendment proposed by Thomas Jefferson, and was officially recognised under the Supreme Court that was a unanimous decision, with the opinion being written by Chief Justice Morrison Waite, who was, by all accounts a conservative justice, I think your opinion is somewhat less important than theirs.

See, you dominionists keep trying to make the separation of Church and State a "left Wing" perversion of the First Amendment, but the history simply does not bear your revisionist conspiracy theories out.
Yes, people are talking about -- and actually IMPLEMENTING - state-sponsored religious teaching. That's a fact. Yes, people are in courtrooms and State legislatures across the country trying to wedge religion into science class. Are you for real? In what universe do you live, where you don't have possession of these simple facts?

No, they are not trying to wedge religion into science class. Try again. The universe I live in? A good deal of the time it is lived in actual science classes. Religion is not an issue. Religion is a philosophy, not a science. I have no problem with any type of philosophy class being offered as an elective as long as I am not required to squash it into a science class--most of which are required. I'm telling you, you don't have to get hysterical over religion being taught in science unless you actually do live in a different universe than I.

"No, they are not trying to wedge religion into science class."

Shameless lie. There are scores of ongoing court battles on this very thing. How can you lie so easily and freely? I don't get it.

As for your seemingly innocuous argument to your own authority (Dale Smith makes the same argument with his magical contrails: "I spend a lot of time watching contrails!"), you are doing that thing again. you know, that thing where you use the fruits of the very pushback that seemingly annoys you as a cudgel against the very same effort that gave us that benefit in the first place.

So, in response, I say: The next time you ARE in a science classroom and don't have to listen to ID or creationism being presented , thank people like me! You're welcome!

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