Things about atheism that should be self-evident.

Not religious people. Religion, and the harm it does. I am obsessed with exposing a practice that does harm.

And you ignore the good it does. You are an extremist. Extremists of any ilk are dangerous, and usually vile people.
Sure. I raped your sister, shot your father, and beat your brother senseless. But, hey, I also built homes for vets, and ran a soup kitchen for the poor, so that makes it all okay, right?

Ahh typical 12 year old tantrum there. You might want to try again, junior.
LOL! yeah, mock the exposure of your silly justification.

Justification? PEOPLE do evil things in the name of religion, their drug habit, their atheism and pretty much any other reason they can think of. The one single common denominator is PEOPLE are the ones doing the evil.
Bullshit. Atheists don't need to "justify" what they do. Atheists do what we do. And if shit goes sideways, guess who we hold responsible. I'll give you a hint: it wasn't "part of God's plan", and "The Devil" didn't "make me do it,".
And you ignore the good it does. You are an extremist. Extremists of any ilk are dangerous, and usually vile people.
Sure. I raped your sister, shot your father, and beat your brother senseless. But, hey, I also built homes for vets, and ran a soup kitchen for the poor, so that makes it all okay, right?

Ahh typical 12 year old tantrum there. You might want to try again, junior.

I don't see a tantrum there, hon. I think he was making fun of you.

Then you're not as bright as I thought you were.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
And you ignore the good it does. You are an extremist. Extremists of any ilk are dangerous, and usually vile people.
Sure. I raped your sister, shot your father, and beat your brother senseless. But, hey, I also built homes for vets, and ran a soup kitchen for the poor, so that makes it all okay, right?

Ahh typical 12 year old tantrum there. You might want to try again, junior.
LOL! yeah, mock the exposure of your silly justification.

Justification? PEOPLE do evil things in the name of religion, their drug habit, their atheism and pretty much any other reason they can think of. The one single common denominator is PEOPLE are the ones doing the evil.
Bullshit. Atheists don't need to "justify" what they do. Atheists do what we do. And if shit goes sideways, guess who we hold responsible. I'll give you a hint: it wasn't "part of God's plan", and "The Devil" didn't "make me do it,".

No? And yet you don't vilify them as you would if it were a religious nut doing it. Why is that? Why did you not come out and decry the evil that one of your kind perpetrated on those religious people in Texas? is it because you secretly wish it were you that did it? See how putting words in others mouths can lead you? No?

I truly don't think you're smart enough to figure that out.
Sure. I raped your sister, shot your father, and beat your brother senseless. But, hey, I also built homes for vets, and ran a soup kitchen for the poor, so that makes it all okay, right?

Ahh typical 12 year old tantrum there. You might want to try again, junior.

I don't see a tantrum there, hon. I think he was making fun of you.

Then you're not as bright as I thought you were.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?
Being an Atheist is no big deal

We just go about our lives without believing all that crap

And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?
[/QUOTE][/QUOTE] co-exist, I mean that you can't pretend to be both a scientist, and religious. It is a foregone conclusion that, sooner or later, the two will contradict one another. Then you're going to have to choose which one you are - a scientist, or a theist.

I really have to disagree with you on that one. Someone I know well is a staunch Southern Baptist, a believer in Jesus Christ as his savior, and has a PhD in physics. He has had no difficulty being both a scientist and a theist.
And how does he explain, with physics, and science...oh, I dunno...alchemy (turning water to wine), or walking on water, or feeding thousands with five fish, or, here's a big one...getting up after being dead for three days. How does your friend explain a zombie with physics, and science.

See. Either he just "shuts off" his rational brain, and ignores all of those things that science dictates simply can. not. happen, or he is lying to himself when he says he 'believes".

Correct. He ignores those things. He is intelligent and rational enough to discount a lot of things.
But "those things" are central to Christianity, in general, and to the Southern Baptist denomination, in particular. Especially the, "Jesus got up, after being dead for three days" thing. So he proves my very point. In order to be a scientist, he is being a poor Christian. He ignores/denies the very foundation of the religion.
If you're saying what I think you are - that science does not provide moral direction - you're a point.

that has yet to be determined, moral direction could very well describe the evolutionary process involved with the creation template of life all beings have evolved from and would distinguish science in a theistic lite where forces of Good vs Evil do become part of the equation and like gravity may someday be calibrated to determine an outcome - leading eventually to the true religion that is responsible for physiological existence.

theism can be a belief in a finite morality necessary to generate an organic existence, the religion of life and as such would require a theoretical "Almighty" whether one existed or not as a functioning being. allowing for a spontaneous universe bound by that religion as the origin of our existence.
If you're saying what I think you are - that science does not provide moral direction - you're a point.

that has yet to be determined, moral direction could very well describe the evolutionary process involved with the creation template of life all beings have evolved from and would distinguish science in a theistic lite where forces of Good vs Evil do become part of the equation and like gravity may someday be calibrated to determine an outcome - leading eventually to the true religion that is responsible for physiological existence.

theism can be a belief in a finite morality necessary to generate an organic existence, the religion of life and as such would require a theoretical "Almighty" whether one existed or not as a functioning being. allowing for a spontaneous universe bound by that religion as the origin of our existence.
Okay. Now you're backing up, and changing direction. I'm still waiting for an answer to my question :
Ahh typical 12 year old tantrum there. You might want to try again, junior.

I don't see a tantrum there, hon. I think he was making fun of you.

Then you're not as bright as I thought you were.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

You accused me of claiming that you said something you never said. I posted exactly what you said, and asked for you to clarify. Before we move on to some new point you want to make, why don't we finish with your first point. I'll wait...
Ahh typical 12 year old tantrum there. You might want to try again, junior.

I don't see a tantrum there, hon. I think he was making fun of you.

Then you're not as bright as I thought you were.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

There are more people who do good because of their religion than do bad. That is very well known. However extremists, such as yourself will ignore all of the good to focus on the bad. That is because you are an extremist. Like I have said, and which historical fact bears out, atheist leaders, and those who follow them, have murdered far more people over the last 100 years than all of the religious murders recorded throughout time.

And you ignore that simple fact because it negates your entire meme.
Being an Atheist is no big deal

We just go about our lives without believing all that crap

And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.
I don't see a tantrum there, hon. I think he was making fun of you.

Then you're not as bright as I thought you were.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

There are more people who do good because of their religion than do bad. That is very well known.

Really? You have, I assume, access to a study that bears that out? Or is that just your presumption?
...says the imbecile who doesn't know that Judaism is a religion.

Yo shithead, every rabbi in the world agrees with me that being a Jew doesn't require belief in God.
I believe you are talking about culture vs religion. Just like one can be culturally Catholic without ever setting foot in a church. But this discussion was not about culture; it was about religion.
Then you're not as bright as I thought you were.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

There are more people who do good because of their religion than do bad. That is very well known.

Really? You have, I assume, access to a study that bears that out? Or is that just your presumption?

"Study"? No, but there is ample written history that shows all of the good that religious people have done. You just choose to ignore it.
Actually, she's right on. Your the one who ignornatly proposed, "Hey. Ignore all the evil shit they do, because they do nice things, too, " I just simplified it, to demonstrate what a stupid proposal that is.

Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

There are more people who do good because of their religion than do bad. That is very well known.

Really? You have, I assume, access to a study that bears that out? Or is that just your presumption?

"Study"? No, but there is ample written history that shows all of the good that religious people have done. You just choose to ignore it.
There is also written history showing all of the vengeful, violent, and cruel things that religious people have done. So we're back to I raped your sister, shot your dad, and beat your brother to a pulp, but, since I also built homes for vets, ran soup kitchens for the poor, and opened hospices for the elderly, that balances it all out. It's absurd.

But, I'll tell you what. Since I did ask for data about the morality of theists over atheists, I did find this little nugget:


Hmmm...seems that being Christian is not a deterrent from committing crimes...
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Being an Atheist is no big deal

We just go about our lives without believing all that crap

And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....
Being an Atheist is no big deal

We just go about our lives without believing all that crap

And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....

Yes, militant atheists get the courts to place injunctions on people doing that sort of thing.


"Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

The small town of Collins, Mississippi has an annual tradition they’ve been celebrating for every holiday season for fifteen years – Christmas in the Park.

Now, a group of atheist lawyers from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are demanding the town tear down six displays that include a set of Latin Crosses and light displays of Christ walking across the water.

According to the atheist group, the small town shouldn’t be allowed to leave up these decorations year round, because it makes Collins City Park ‘un-welcoming’ to atheists and other religions.

They’re demanding this town of just over 2,500 residents spend money and effort tearing down the small decorations, despite having stood for years without local complaints."

Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas
Where did I state that bit of drivel? Hmm. Point to it.
"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

There are more people who do good because of their religion than do bad. That is very well known.

Really? You have, I assume, access to a study that bears that out? Or is that just your presumption?

"Study"? No, but there is ample written history that shows all of the good that religious people have done. You just choose to ignore it.
There is also written history showing all of the vengeful, violent, and cruel things that religious people have done. So we're back to I raped your sister, shot your dad, and beat your brother to a pulp, but, since I also built homes for vets, ran soup kitchens for the poor, and opened hospices for the elderly, that balances it all out. It's absurd.

But, I'll tell you what. Since I did ask for data about the morality of theists over atheists, I did find this little nugget:


Hmmm...seems that being Christian is not a deterrent from committing crimes...

No, what is funny is it is a well known process where criminals "find God" while in prison in the hope it will lessen the time they have to spend behind bars. Wow. You truly are ignorant.

Here's the deal dude, and maybe you'll understand.... Repeat after me CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION.
Being an Atheist is no big deal

We just go about our lives without believing all that crap

And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....

Yes, militant atheists get the courts to place injunctions on people doing that sort of thing.


"Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

The small town of Collins, Mississippi has an annual tradition they’ve been celebrating for every holiday season for fifteen years – Christmas in the Park.

Now, a group of atheist lawyers from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are demanding the town tear down six displays that include a set of Latin Crosses and light displays of Christ walking across the water.

According to the atheist group, the small town shouldn’t be allowed to leave up these decorations year round, because it makes Collins City Park ‘un-welcoming’ to atheists and other religions.

They’re demanding this town of just over 2,500 residents spend money and effort tearing down the small decorations, despite having stood for years without local complaints."

Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas
Sooo...once again, don't use municipal funds (government) to erect overtly Christian displays on municipal grounds (government). You are familiar with the First Amendment, and what the Supreme Court has ruled about the "wall of separation" between Church and State (government), right?
Being an Atheist is no big deal

We just go about our lives without believing all that crap

And so long as you don't try and impose your belief system on others I agree. Just like I don't care what a theist believes so long as he doesn't try and force it on me. The problem is with the militant theists, and atheists.

Haha....what? "Force " it on, exactly?

Militant atheists are trying to force their opinions on everyone. I have no problem with a religious person observing their religion at holiday time. In fact i will sometimes join in with the eggnog drinking and carol singing. Leave it to a militant atheist to try and prevent people from gathering on a public street to do that.

You already said that. I asked you HOW, exactly, this is or could be forced on you. Or anyone.

Stop people from gatherinf on a public street? Wha? Surely you have more....

Yes, militant atheists get the courts to place injunctions on people doing that sort of thing.


"Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

The small town of Collins, Mississippi has an annual tradition they’ve been celebrating for every holiday season for fifteen years – Christmas in the Park.

Now, a group of atheist lawyers from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are demanding the town tear down six displays that include a set of Latin Crosses and light displays of Christ walking across the water.

According to the atheist group, the small town shouldn’t be allowed to leave up these decorations year round, because it makes Collins City Park ‘un-welcoming’ to atheists and other religions.

They’re demanding this town of just over 2,500 residents spend money and effort tearing down the small decorations, despite having stood for years without local complaints."

Atheists DEMAND town stop celebrating Christmas

You say you have a problem with that, but clearly you are on the wrong side of the laws already on the books. So you should be complaining about the laws, not the people suing to enforce them.

Furthermore, that does not represent an example of stopping peolle from gathering on a public street. You have yet to support that idea. Your bait-and-switch did not go unnoticed.

Also, what you clearly presented was an example of religious people forcing their "opinions" on everyone.

Lastly: you REALLY need to reconsider your use of the word, "militant". A person using due process to have laws enforced is not being a militant.
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"And you ignore the good it does."

Unless your point was that "the good it does" makes up for all of the evil, cruel, and harmful that it engenders, and has engendered, then what was your point of that statement? And if your answer is, "just that it does good, " then my response is so what?

There are more people who do good because of their religion than do bad. That is very well known.

Really? You have, I assume, access to a study that bears that out? Or is that just your presumption?

"Study"? No, but there is ample written history that shows all of the good that religious people have done. You just choose to ignore it.
There is also written history showing all of the vengeful, violent, and cruel things that religious people have done. So we're back to I raped your sister, shot your dad, and beat your brother to a pulp, but, since I also built homes for vets, ran soup kitchens for the poor, and opened hospices for the elderly, that balances it all out. It's absurd.

But, I'll tell you what. Since I did ask for data about the morality of theists over atheists, I did find this little nugget:


Hmmm...seems that being Christian is not a deterrent from committing crimes...

No, what is funny is it is a well known process where criminals "find God" while in prison in the hope it will lessen the time they have to spend behind bars. Wow. You truly are ignorant.

Here's the deal dude, and maybe you'll understand.... Repeat after me CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION.
On the other hand, "JUST BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT IS SO" is not equivalent to EVIDENCE, either. I'm still waiting for that statistical data that demonstrates that the vast majority of religious people lead "moral lives".

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