Things Democrats Don't Beive In

Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.

More right wing lies:

1. No left winger says the caravan doesn't exist. But it isn't an "invasion" or even a real problem other than in Trump's mind. These caravans have been arriving for years, without incident. Trump is using the caravans to gin up anti-immigrant fervor and to create an imaginary crisis.

2. No one said that the government is a pure as the driven snow or that there isn't corruption. But that doesn't mean there is a "Deep State" except in spy novels and Trump's mind.

3. Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

4. Just bullshit. Utter bullshit.
Be honest, if these imigrants supported Trump. Would you want them here?

First off, you stupid Russian troll, I’m a Canadian - the country that is taking in the people Trump doesn’t want. Taking them in gladly.

Secondly these people won’t even be citizens, assuming they get it, until long after Trump is gone.

This idea that Democrats want immigrant because they’ll vote Democrat is idiotic in the extreme.

Immigrants don’t come to America to vote. They come to America for economic reasons for reasons of safety and security. Never have I ever heard an immigrant say I came to this country so I could vote. Only a total fool believes immigrants have any interest in voting when they get here. Furthermore they know they don’t qualify.

Only a right winger would believe that immigrants primary function in coming to America is so they can vote for Democrats
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No left winger says the caravan doesn't exist. But it isn't an "invasion"...
It’s the textbook definition of an invasion, sweetie. Even Mexico’s own government (federal and local such as Tijuana’s) have now stated that this is an unsustainable, catastrophic situation and they are pissed.

Do us a favor and stick with issues up there in Canada. Nobody here in the greatest nation in the world is interested in your bullshit. Ok? Thanks.

Gee, you went right for the insults. You think people are interested in your lies and bullshit.

The Mexicans are pissed because Trump isn’t letting people in to file asylum claims and he’s closed entries to a trickle.

There were 2000 people waiting to claim asylum when the caravan arrived. Trump is trying to provoke a humanitarian crisis on your border. He’s hoping for riots, arrests - trouble of any kind.

This is a classic strongman tactic. Create a phone crisis and then say “See. I told you they were dangerous”. It won’t work. We see what he’s doing.

The greatest nation on earth? Not by a long shot. Any nation who would let others lie to them on a daily basis like Trump has, had a long, long way to go to get back to the greatness it once had. This is one of the lowest points your nation has ever had.
The sad thing is, an entire party stands for hating their own country and wanting to turn it in to Cuba, or have it run by France or Germany. That is nuts.

And your last one wasn't very sound.
Opinions are like assholes
And Dusty is an asshole
Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.

More right wing lies:

1. No left winger says the caravan doesn't exist. But it isn't an "invasion" or even a real problem other than in Trump's mind. These caravans have been arriving for years, without incident. Trump is using the caravans to gin up anti-immigrant fervor and to create an imaginary crisis.

2. No one said that the government is a pure as the driven snow or that there isn't corruption. But that doesn't mean there is a "Deep State" except in spy novels and Trump's mind.

3. Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

4. Just bullshit. Utter bullshit.
Be honest, if these imigrants supported Trump. Would you want them here?

First off, you stupid Russian troll, I’m a Canadian - the country that is taking in the people Trump doesn’t want. Taking them in gladly.

Secondly these people won’t even be citizens, assuming they get it, until long after Trump is gone.

This idea that Democrats want immigrant because they’ll vote Democrat is idiotic in the extreme.

Immigrants don’t come to America to vote. They come to America for economic reasons for reasons of safety and security. Don’t want to ever have I heard her name and couldn’t say I came to this country so I could vote. Only a total fool believes immigrants have any interest in voting when they get here. Furthermore they know they don’t qualify.

Only a right winger would believe that immigrants primary function in coming to America is so they can vote for Democrats
Illegal aliens have no right to be here...

Things Democrat’s don’t believe in

The constitution
Self reliance
Live babies

To that list I would add objective truth. Since you know, we can make up our own truth as we go. I can be a purple pony if I want to and you have to accept it! Or else you’re an intolerant bigot!
Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.

More right wing lies:

1. No left winger says the caravan doesn't exist. But it isn't an "invasion" or even a real problem other than in Trump's mind. These caravans have been arriving for years, without incident. Trump is using the caravans to gin up anti-immigrant fervor and to create an imaginary crisis.

2. No one said that the government is a pure as the driven snow or that there isn't corruption. But that doesn't mean there is a "Deep State" except in spy novels and Trump's mind.

3. Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

4. Just bullshit. Utter bullshit.
Be honest, if these imigrants supported Trump. Would you want them here?

First off, you stupid Russian troll, I’m a Canadian - the country that is taking in the people Trump doesn’t want. Taking them in gladly.

Secondly these people won’t even be citizens, assuming they get it, until long after Trump is gone.

This idea that Democrats want immigrant because they’ll vote Democrat is idiotic in the extreme.

Immigrants don’t come to America to vote. They come to America for economic reasons for reasons of safety and security. Never have I ever heard an immigrant say I came to this country so I could vote. Only a total fool believes immigrants have any interest in voting when they get here. Furthermore they know they don’t qualify.

Only a right winger would believe that immigrants primary function in coming to America is so they can vote for Democrats

This is absurd. It is beyond obvious that if the illegal aliens were conservative, the dems would have land mines at the border. Why shouldn't a conservative frown on the idea of political enemies being waved in by the millions? You don't think the dems have a huge crop of new voters after the latest waves of amnesty or birthright citizenship? You know, but you don't care. I also think it is funny that you claim Canada is welcoming everybody. Your immigration laws are much tougher than in the US.
Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.
We don’t believe in racism.
We don’t believe in magical creation.
We don’t believe that all money should be turned over to the super wealthy.
We don’t believe in arming school shooters.
We believe that everybody should have healthcare.
Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.
We don’t believe in racism.
We don’t believe in magical creation.
We don’t believe that all money should be turned over to the super wealthy.
We don’t believe in arming school shooters.
We believe that everybody should have healthcare.

We don’t believe in magical creation

That's what I thought all democrats are sub human Satan worshipers ...glad you finally spilled the beans Rderp.

Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.

The truth.
Most of us have a healthy sense of what to believe. Unicorns and the Easter Bunny, not real. Many democrats however have a baffling sense of what is real or not.

1. The Caravan - they claim it does not exist.
2. Government Corruption - The huge, ever expanding government is pure as the driven snow. No deep state.
3. Voter Fraud - Not even possible, right?
4. Personal Responsibility - People should never fail, because government provides all.

Some of the things they do believe in are equally odd. They are sure that everyone is racist and hates them. They think political ideas are racial, religious, gender oriented, ect.

Please help me fill in some of things democrats are sure do not exist.

More right wing lies:

1. No left winger says the caravan doesn't exist. But it isn't an "invasion" or even a real problem other than in Trump's mind. These caravans have been arriving for years, without incident. Trump is using the caravans to gin up anti-immigrant fervor and to create an imaginary crisis.

2. No one said that the government is a pure as the driven snow or that there isn't corruption. But that doesn't mean there is a "Deep State" except in spy novels and Trump's mind.

3. Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

4. Just bullshit. Utter bullshit.
Be honest, if these imigrants supported Trump. Would you want them here?

First off, you stupid Russian troll, I’m a Canadian - the country that is taking in the people Trump doesn’t want. Taking them in gladly.

Secondly these people won’t even be citizens, assuming they get it, until long after Trump is gone.

This idea that Democrats want immigrant because they’ll vote Democrat is idiotic in the extreme.

Immigrants don’t come to America to vote. They come to America for economic reasons for reasons of safety and security. Never have I ever heard an immigrant say I came to this country so I could vote. Only a total fool believes immigrants have any interest in voting when they get here. Furthermore they know they don’t qualify.

Only a right winger would believe that immigrants primary function in coming to America is so they can vote for Democrats

We don’t claim their reason to come to America is to vote Democrat. Democrats want as many brown skinned immigrants as possible to get more votes, because they will pander to them based on their minority status and promise them everything.
Things Democrat’s don’t believe in

The constitution
Self reliance
Live babies
Shove it up your ass

What Republicans don't believe in?

Many have claimed the Caravan is not a threat, and that is reasonable, but a large amount actually claimed the caravan did not even exist. The media helped them reach this stunning conclusion.

WHO claimed the caravan doesn't exist? The voices in your head?

I find it interesting that dems laugh at the idea of corruption. Democrats never get convicted because they ARE pure as the driven snow, right? There are entire books about corruption in the FBI, DOJ, and let's not forget the weaponized IRS.

NO one is saying corruption doesn't exist. In fact this Administration is full of it from top to bottom. Those books yu mention however are written by the likes of Jerome Corsi. And trashing LE is just par for the course for insane Trumpers. "Weaponized IRS is pure bullshit. They "went after" progressive groups MORE than they did Tea Baggers...because they were overwhelmed by the effects of Citizen's United

On voter fraud, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

On just about everything. Unfortunately for you...the things you believe (like your hero Trump) are not based in fact but rather "gut feelings".

The democrats destroyed families with welfare, killing marriage rates and generating systemic poverty. That is far from bullshit. The intentions may be good, but people are being driven to dependency.

Pure bullshit designed to crete division and dehumanize the "enemy"
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You deny democrat policies tanked marriage rates? Not even democrats deny this happened. You have to own that one.

So corruption does exist, but not by democrats? Since everyone who criticizes them are insane, how would you ever know if they are corrupt? Do you believe Obama used the government to attack people who disagreed politically?
You deny democrat policies tanked marriage rates? Not even democrats deny this happened. You have to own that one.

So corruption does exist, but not by democrats? Since everyone who criticizes them are insane, how would you ever know if they are corrupt? Do you believe Obama used the government to attack people who disagreed politically?

I have relatives in Colorado and Minnesota. All Republicans. All with broken marriages and children born out of wedlock.

How is that a Dem problem?

So corruption does exist, but not by democrats? I specifically did NOT say that. However corruption is a FEATURE in the Trump an aberration.

Do you believe Obama used the government to attack people who disagreed politically?

I do not. Trump absolutely does. In fact he does so blatantly (Lock her up)

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