things don't change, another one bites the dust

yep, we are the nation of comply or die.

Just not sure that is a thing to be proud of
there are some idiots that because they know they are going to be arrest for outstanding warrants choose to run. and if they are caught they fight with police .some end up getting shot. when I see a police cruiser turn on the lights on my car. I stop. when the officer comes over to my car ,the officers always speak to me in civil manner and I answer in a civil manner too. he asks for my driver's license and I provide it. I make sure I don't make any sudden movements. in a matter of minutes I am on my way. It is that simple for a person that works and lives within the law. if you want to live without problems you comply. if you have a job you comply with the rules of your job if not you get fired. if you own a house you comply with the laws governing property ownership. you pay your property taxes or you loose your house. anything you do you have to comply whether is driving a vehicle ,going fishing or hunting.

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