things I don't understand

Hi Tom:

I have yet to hear where those folks on the plane went..

I mean if it was hit by a Missile where did the plane go?

Cabo? Cancun?

Shit, I'd be down.

Read through my answer to the Opening Post Questions, quote something, and ask your question in that context. AA77 WAS CANCELED (see #1 + do the CAPS help?) which means there was no 100-Ton Jetliner involved with the Pentagon Attack.

[ame=]These Experts Know That "NO" Jetliner Hit The Pentagon ...[/ame]



LOL Where are the people from the flight dumb ass? If the flight was canceled they would be alive and walking around telling people that they were not dead. That, "hey dude I never died at the pentagon, Naw the flight never took off." But this isn't happening. The people who were on flight AA77 that morning died at the pentagon. We have the DNA evidence to prove it. Where is your physical evidence again?

Fucking Dumb ass.
No shit, Sarge!

Where did those people go?

One thing you missed is that explosives brought the towers down.this video here has never been debunked despite what agent Fizzle and others come on here and try to say.
Regardless of whether or not it has been debunked, the question remains WHY bring it down with explosives? WHY was that done? It doesn't make any sense. Since you're claiming it was brought down with explosives, it obviously makes sense to you, so please share.

Like Terral said,many americans are too stupid to realise their government would do such a thing so they'll believe anything their told without question.posters such as Fizzle and Gomer Pyle Ollie are DOD agents that have penetrated this site and many posters that are in denial have been taken in and swallowed their propaganda hook,line,and sinker.

If you want to learn the truth,I highly recommend you looking at those links Terral provided.also take the time out in your weekends to watch maybe at least two of these videos each weekend and get educated on the truth about 9/11.

If you do that,you will eventually catch up and have seen all 65 of those videos and will have been educated how it was an inside job.NOBODY here at this site or any site has ever debunked these videos.just like they have never debunked the video I just posted.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library

anytime I ask people to address what just ONE of these videos talks about,they always run off with their tail between their legs because they know they cant refute them.thats HARDLY the way to debate.anytime someone asks ME to look at a video,i always do and always comment on it. Like Terral said,Fizzle has lied about everything he said and has been debunked too many times here to remember so it gets old seeing him repeat the same nonsense over abd over again thats already been debunked by Terral and others many times here.
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One thing you missed is that explosives brought the towers down.this video here has never been debunked despite what agent Fizzle and others come on here and try to say.
Regardless of whether or not it has been debunked, the question remains WHY bring it down with explosives? WHY was that done? It doesn't make any sense. Since you're claiming it was brought down with explosives, it obviously makes sense to you, so please share.

Like Terral said,many americans are too stupid to realise their government would do such a thing so they'll believe anything their told without question.posters such as Fizzle and Gomer Pyle Ollie are DOD agents that have penetrated this site and many posters that are in denial have been taken in and swallowed their propaganda hook,line,and sinker.

If you want to learn the truth,I highly recommend you looking at those links Terral provided.also take the time out in your weekends to watch maybe at least two of these videos each weekend and get educated on the truth about 9/11.

If you do that,you will eventually catch up and have seen all 65 of those videos and will have been educated how it was an inside job.NOBODY here at this site or any site has ever debunked these videos.just like they have never debunked the video I just posted.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library

anytime I ask people to address what just ONE of these videos talks about,they always run off with their tail between their legs because they know they cant refute them.thats HARDLY the way to debate.anytime someone asks ME to look at a video,i always do and always comment on it. Like Terral said,Fizzle has lied about everything he said and has been debunked too many times here to remember so it gets old seeing him repeat the same nonsense over abd over again thats already been debunked by Terral and others many times here.

Where are the people who never got on the plane that never took off and yet their DNA was found at the pentagon? Come on and lets see some physical evidence to support your stupid accusations. We have DNA what have you got?
One thing you missed is that explosives brought the towers down.this video here has never been debunked despite what agent Fizzle and others come on here and try to say.
Regardless of whether or not it has been debunked, the question remains WHY bring it down with explosives? WHY was that done? It doesn't make any sense. Since you're claiming it was brought down with explosives, it obviously makes sense to you, so please share.

Like Terral said,many americans are too stupid to realise their government would do such a thing so they'll believe anything their told without question.posters such as Fizzle and Gomer Pyle Ollie are DOD agents that have penetrated this site and many posters that are in denial have been taken in and swallowed their propaganda hook,line,and sinker.

If you want to learn the truth,I highly recommend you looking at those links Terral provided.also take the time out in your weekends to watch maybe at least two of these videos each weekend and get educated on the truth about 9/11.

If you do that,you will eventually catch up and have seen all 65 of those videos and will have been educated how it was an inside job.NOBODY here at this site or any site has ever debunked these videos.just like they have never debunked the video I just posted.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library

anytime I ask people to address what just ONE of these videos talks about,they always run off with their tail between their legs because they know they cant refute them.thats HARDLY the way to debate.anytime someone asks ME to look at a video,i always do and always comment on it. Like Terral said,Fizzle has lied about everything he said and has been debunked too many times here to remember so it gets old seeing him repeat the same nonsense over abd over again thats already been debunked by Terral and others many times here.

You didn't answer the question. You told him to "watch youtube videos." That's all you ever do.
One thing you missed is that explosives brought the towers down.this video here has never been debunked despite what agent Fizzle and others come on here and try to say.
Regardless of whether or not it has been debunked, the question remains WHY bring it down with explosives? WHY was that done? It doesn't make any sense. Since you're claiming it was brought down with explosives, it obviously makes sense to you, so please share.

Like Terral said,many americans are too stupid to realise their government would do such a thing so they'll believe anything their told without question.posters such as Fizzle and Gomer Pyle Ollie are DOD agents that have penetrated this site and many posters that are in denial have been taken in and swallowed their propaganda hook,line,and sinker.

If you want to learn the truth,I highly recommend you looking at those links Terral provided.also take the time out in your weekends to watch maybe at least two of these videos each weekend and get educated on the truth about 9/11.

If you do that,you will eventually catch up and have seen all 65 of those videos and will have been educated how it was an inside job.NOBODY here at this site or any site has ever debunked these videos.just like they have never debunked the video I just posted.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library

anytime I ask people to address what just ONE of these videos talks about,they always run off with their tail between their legs because they know they cant refute them.thats HARDLY the way to debate.anytime someone asks ME to look at a video,i always do and always comment on it. Like Terral said,Fizzle has lied about everything he said and has been debunked too many times here to remember so it gets old seeing him repeat the same nonsense over abd over again thats already been debunked by Terral and others many times here.
What the hell is there to refute, ya' friggin' whackjob?

Terrorist hijacked 4 planes. Rammed them into 3 buildings and an empty field. Nothing to refute whatsoever in your whackjob videos.

Btw, do you "see dead people"?:cuckoo:
WTC-7 was NOT hit by any Jetliner, but collapsed CD Style into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds
Nobody claims WTC-7 was hit by a plane. So that's not relevant. But planes DID hit the Twin Towers. Some claim that that was not enough to bring them down but it was actually demolitions. Regardless of which planes hit the towers (whether or not it was the specific flights claimsed), what was the point of using planes and explosives. Adding in WTC-7, what was the point of collapsing it at all? That would all be overkill and would simply make things more complicated and require more people to pull off. Why would using planes on the twin towers AND explosives in the twin towers and WTC-7 be preferable to either just using planes or just using explosives?

No plane hit the Pentagon, but really a missle.

The Pentagon was struck by a Raytheon Hypersonic Missile at exactly 9:31:39 AM (my 911Truth Blog Entry) 'and' was struck by a retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior, painted up to look like a real Boeing AA Jetliner at exactly 9:36:27 AM (my USMB Topic). Go through the evidence and try to 'debunk' something ...
I'm not trying to debunk anything, I'm asking WHY fake a plane crash instead of actually using a plane or using a missle the terrorists would have access to and calling it a missle? Again, using a missle and faking it as a plane is overly complicated. So why did they do it that way?

[qutoe]We have pictures of the 'hole' taken from the U.S. Geological Survey Satellite on April 20, 1994 (pic), which you should already know from my USMB Topic (here). [/quote] I do...but WHY pretend a plane crashed there? What purpose did that serve?

People (especially Americans) are idiots and will believe just about anything.
Sure, but that doesn't mean that if attempting to deceive there should be any reason to make things as complicated as faking flights, crashes, etc instead of going simple. Just the opposite in fact: Since people will believe ridiculous things, it makes more sense to use a simple to pull off action and people will believe. There's just no reason to come up with something complex.

What planes? AA11 was 'canceled' just like AA77 (see #1). Flight 93 and Flight 175 landed in Cleveland on 9/11 (story). You :)confused:) have been DUPED by Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and now Obama ...
I'm sorry, are you claiming that no planes hit the twin towers? That the video footage showing the planes crashing was faked? I have not heard this claim before.

Flights 11, 77, 93 and 175 had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 Inside Job, which is the reason the Govt cannot produce any 'time-change parts' (Colonel George Nelson).
Please clarify...are you saying no planes at all (regardless of flight numbers) were used at all? Then why claim planes? Why not just claim explosives and/or missles?

The "Jetliner Hoax" was created to give Bush-controlled FBI jurisdiction over the Inside Job Investigation that the same corrupt Agency helped to carry out!
Unnecessary...a missle attack on a Federal installation is FBI jurisdiction anyway. Many felony civilian criminal activities on an Army installation is FBI anyway because Army criminal investigators are Army and constrained by posse comitatus. Criminal investigators for attacks or crimes at/on the Pentagon could be covered by FBI, OSI, or NCIS. It would be Federal jurisdiction regardless.

The supposed 'terrorists' do not have access to the sophisticated hypersonic missiles used on 9/11!!!!
So why would it make sense to use a sophisticated hypersonic missle disguised as a plane instead of simply using a missle within terrorist capabilities?

The military shot down a Jetliner attached to the Global Guardian Wargames that ran as a cover for these 9/11 attacks (What Really Happened). The FBI and the CIA and the NSA worked together to murder innocent Americans to then assign them seats on two canceled flights (AA11 and AA77) and two flights that landed in Cleveland (93 and 175). Why? Again, Americans are fools that will believe anything ...
Fine, though still overly complicated, but why use planes at all instead of just explosives or missles?
Hi Pingy:

Nobody claims WTC-7 was hit by a plane. So that's not relevant.

Like I said above, Americans are not that bright ... WTC-7 imploded into its own footprint after being hit BY NOTHING 'and' WTC-1 and WTC-2 imploded into their own footprints the very same way!!!!! That tells you that Jetliners had NOTHING to do with the WTC Attacks. NOTHING ...

But planes DID hit the Twin Towers.

What planes? Show us your evidence!!!!

Some claim that that was not enough to bring them down but it was actually demolitions.

Both of these videos show Controlled Demolition Implosions (

[ame=""]Two Controlled Demolition Implosions[/ame]

Regardless of which planes hit the towers (whether or not it was the specific flights claimsed), what was the point of using planes and explosives.

What planes??? This is what I get for trying to explain What Really Happened On 9/11 to a Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE ...

Adding in WTC-7, what was the point of collapsing it at all?

Pingy has obviously NOT gone through anything I have posted on these related 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks. Your best course is to remain willfully ignorant :)confused:) ...

That would all be overkill and would simply make things more complicated and require more people to pull off.

Bush, Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld fooled Pingy. Right? They have you asking the same STUPID questions over and over and over again without ever even looking in the direction of 'the' 911Truth ...

Why would using planes on the twin towers AND explosives in the twin towers and WTC-7 be preferable to either just using planes or just using explosives?

You can crash Jetliners into the Twin Towers all day long and NEVER cause a symmetrical implosion where the entire structure collapses into its own footprint!!!! That requires experienced demolition personnel (see #3) and a lot of time ...

I'm not trying to debunk anything, I'm asking WHY fake a plane crash instead of actually using a plane or using a missle the terrorists would have access to and calling it a missle? Again, using a missle and faking it as a plane is overly complicated. So why did they do it that way?

To fool Pingy :)confused:) ...

I do...but WHY pretend a plane crashed there? What purpose did that serve?

I have already answered this question too many times. Fake Jetliner crashes were used to give FBI 'jurisdiction' over these Inside-Job Attacks!

Sure, but that doesn't mean that if attempting to deceive there should be any reason to make things as complicated as faking flights, crashes, etc instead of going simple.

Complicated was required to fool We The Sheeple and the rest of the whole wide world, so that almost ten years later you are still asking the same silly questions. The Shanksville Case is nothing but an EMPTY HOLE (my Topic). You are the one making things complicated by placing a 100-Ton Jetliner in an EMPTY HOLE ...

Just the opposite in fact: Since people will believe ridiculous things, it makes more sense to use a simple to pull off action and people will believe. There's just no reason to come up with something complex.

If you say so ...


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Terral has returned from the dead. I knew that I hadn't heard the last of him. Let the conspiracy theories begin...:lol:
This is what a controlled Demolition sounds like. There were none of these sounds recorded on 9-11-01.

[ame=]YouTube - Landmark Implosion[/ame]
Regardless of whether or not it has been debunked, the question remains WHY bring it down with explosives? WHY was that done? It doesn't make any sense. Since you're claiming it was brought down with explosives, it obviously makes sense to you, so please share.

Like Terral said,many americans are too stupid to realise their government would do such a thing so they'll believe anything their told without question.posters such as Fizzle and Gomer Pyle Ollie are DOD agents that have penetrated this site and many posters that are in denial have been taken in and swallowed their propaganda hook,line,and sinker.

If you want to learn the truth,I highly recommend you looking at those links Terral provided.also take the time out in your weekends to watch maybe at least two of these videos each weekend and get educated on the truth about 9/11.

If you do that,you will eventually catch up and have seen all 65 of those videos and will have been educated how it was an inside job.NOBODY here at this site or any site has ever debunked these videos.just like they have never debunked the video I just posted.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library

anytime I ask people to address what just ONE of these videos talks about,they always run off with their tail between their legs because they know they cant refute them.thats HARDLY the way to debate.anytime someone asks ME to look at a video,i always do and always comment on it. Like Terral said,Fizzle has lied about everything he said and has been debunked too many times here to remember so it gets old seeing him repeat the same nonsense over abd over again thats already been debunked by Terral and others many times here.
What the hell is there to refute, ya' friggin' whackjob?

Terrorist hijacked 4 planes. Rammed them into 3 buildings and an empty field. Nothing to refute whatsoever in your whackjob videos.

Btw, do you "see dead people"?:cuckoo:

Nice rebuttal there to those videos.hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaa

You now join the likes of agent Gomer Pyle Ollie,Agent Fizzle,Tommy Boy Clancy,Toto,and Ditzcon and the several hundreds of others who i have challenged to elaborate about those videos and refute them but instead,choose to be like them and run off with your tail between your legs since you know you cant refute them.:lol: Great debating skills there,where did you learn them? :lol: oh and thanks for proving your afraid of the truth like so many other Bush dupes here are by not looking at any of those videos.:lol:

Never fails,you Bush dupes are that monkey who sees what they want to see,hear what they want to hear and speak only what you want to speak.Never fails.:lol:
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Fuckin' lunatics!


Translation-"Just like the other Bush dupes here,I cant refute these videos,I wont watch them because I am living in denial and the only thing I can do is resort to insults because i cant refute the evidence."

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